Office Life

@/SkeppyStanhehe: "Aa ik i request a lot but i rly like this idea: Darryl is the boss of a big company and Zak is a new intern and they fall in love though they have to keep it a secretary as it breaks the rules and eventually they get caught by a co-worker."

No One's POV

"Have you finished setting up?" A woman dressed in a nice black suit and black shades asks, no emotions showing as Zak places the final picture frame on his new desk.

Zak nods, "Yes."

"Good, I will show you to your new boss. Remember, your job is to help him around and do what he says. He has tight schedules and shouldn't have distractions." Zak nods, watching as the woman motions Zak to follow.

He holds a folder and clipboard in his hand as he follows the woman down the hall and to the elevator. They go inside and allow other employees inside. Once the elevator stops at the top floor, the two walk out, and Zak follows her to two large doors down the hall. She knocks, hearing a "Come in", then steps inside.

"Good evening Mr. Noveschosch. Zak Ahmed is here to begin his task. I went through all the procedures with him and he passed them through easily." The woman says.

Zak looks up and stops beside her. His eyes travel around the room. It was large. A small number of paintings filling up the walls, different video game merchandise/figurines standing on different shelves, some more doors leading to different areas, and the large glass wall behind the boss's chair shows a grand view of the busy city.

In the middle of the room, a large desk table sits. It's filled with paperwork and monitors. Sat in the chair, a handsome brown-haired male, maybe late 20s, sits fiddling with different paperwork and muttering to himself.

"Good evening," Zak says, bowing slightly and taking a step forward. "I-"

"Yes, yes, please bring those stacks of papers over here." The older man sighs, waving and pointing to a table by the wall behind Zak. There a couple of stacks of paper sits. "You can go now, Alyssa."

The woman nods and leaves, allowing the doors to close behind her. Zak looks back up at Mr. Noveschosch and his eyes trail to his face. He frowns slightly, noticing large bags under his eyes and his glasses hanging loosely on his nose.

Zak then turns and makes his way to the table. He grabs a stack of papers and makes his way to Mr. Noveschosch's table. He places the papers down by the edge. "Can you please organize these. I need them ordered by last name, alphabetically." Busy as a bee, Mr. Noveschosch sighs and rubs the sleep from his eyes. He points to a stack of papers on his desk and Zak obliges.

Zak proceeds with his work and he takes the papers to a free desk not far from the boss's. He begins his work and shuffles the stack.

Darryl sighs, hearing the paper shuffling and he looks up. He spots his new intern and his eyes widen and his cheeks heat up. Stupid Darryl... he's just your new intern... Darryl mentally scowls himself and goes back to his work.


It's been a couple of weeks. Zak and Darryl slowly had conversations, mostly about work. Darryl had many appointments and business meetings and Zak always followed, marking down different ideas and helping him with work in general.

It took a while, but Darryl finally got the guts to have a proper, friendly conversation with Zak.

Zak was fiddling with the new iPad the job gave him. He was checking different ideas in the company. Darryl was signing paperwork and looking through his emails.

Darryl looks up and takes a peek at Zak. He wasn't going to lie, he started to slowly fall head over heels. The boy was cute and Darryl cursed at himself for being attracted to him.

Darryl sighs, shaking his head before pushing his glasses up. "So, how are you?"

Zak's eyes widen, shocked at the new conversation starter. "Oh- uh..." Zak mutters, "I'm doing good, sir... what ab-"

"Please, don't call me sir. I find it weird." Darryl mentally gags and rolls his eyes, looking up and finding Zak's cheeks flushed.

"Oh- um... Mr. Noveschosch-"

"Just call me Darryl." Zak looks up and his eyes catch Darryl. He smiles and nods, looking deep into the green forest finding it slowly sprout flowers of happiness.


After more weeks turning into months, it's confirmed the two males had fallen for each other. Whenever they were alone and working, one would always compliment the other and tease each other. The most the flirting would go, is when Zak would tease about asking Darryl for a kiss on the cheek.

Obviously, Darryl finds it shocking and inappropriate, due to them being co-workers, and he always scowls the younger boy.

"Are you sure? Not even a kiss on the cheek?" Zak giggles, sliding some papers into a folder.

Darryl rolls his eyes and slowly feels his face heat up. "Oh shush it, Zak. You know that isn't working behavior. High inappropriate."

"Relax Darryl. I'm just teasing." Zak rolls his eyes playfully, turning his head and moving the folder to a compartment in his desk. "I mean... I wouldn't mind though..." Zak mutters the last part to himself.

It catches Darryl's ears and he looks up at Zak, "What was that?"

"N-Nothing!" Zak jumps and shakes his head.

Darryl raises an eyebrow and slowly nods. "Uhu... whatever you say..."

The two become silent, continuing their work. Darryl was taking a call, an important customer on the phone as Zak contemplates life.

He wonders if his feelings towards Darryl would ever change. He knew he liked- scratched that, loved Darryl. He loved him with all his heart. But it wasn't appropriate. He knew that even if the two would get together, they would be fired. It's forbidden for co-workers to be involved in a relationship.

He looks up and spots Darryl, concentrated on the call, not wanting to mess up.

But then again, Zak is known to be reckless. He loved breaking a few rules here and there and he always found a way to never get caught. And he knew Darryl may like him back. He always found it adorable whenever Darryl would stutter or blush around him. Plus Darryl gives good hugs.

"Okay, thank you so much, bye." Darryl sighs, ending the call. He rubs his eyes and he hears a chair squeaking slightly. He looks up and turns to spot Zak getting up from his chair and leaving his paperwork on his desk. "What are you doing?" Darryl asks as Zak slowly turns and slowly makes his way towards Darryl.

Zak has a completely emotionless face. But, there was a slight glint of confidence in his eyes that made Darryl's heart race.

His eyes widen when he spots Zak slowly walking around his desk and becoming closer to Darryl. "W-What, Z-Zak? Is there s-something?" And before Darryl knew it, Zak was hovering over Darryl and tilting his head up and their lips were pressed together.

Oh, how his heart melted at the feeling of Zak's lips against Darryl. His eyes slowly flutter shut as he feels Zak's hands travel to his neck. Darryl sighs and tilts his head, traveling his hand up to hold Zak's cheek.


For 5 months they kept it secret. Those 5 months meant everything to the two. Outside Darryl's office, the two wouldn't hesitate to switch their personalities to stern, professional attitudes. But once they were alone in Darryl's office, they would constantly flirt with one another and share many kisses. Many short and sweet while many were long and lovable.

There were a few times they were almost caught. They would either be caught in their kiss, not listening to the knocks on the door and right when the door made a creaking noise, they would be at their own desks, looking through paperwork as if nothing happened. Zak had his strategies, and they would all work.

Zak loved being a rebel with Darryl. He loved the feeling of Darryl's arms around him and his lips against his. He loved the brown, golden locks combed on his head and his bright, green eyes lighting up his day. Darryl could day the same with Zak, except with brown eyes and black hair.

But one day, their life would change.

Zak was on Darryl's lap, arms wrapped around the older boy's neck. Darryl had one arm around Zak's waist and the other flipping through papers on his desk.

"Have I ever told you how much I love you?" Zak coos, humming and leaning his head against Darryl's shoulder.

Darryl chuckles, smiling as he places his papers down and turning his head to look at Zak. "Yes, but I wouldn't mind hearing it again," Darryl smirks, making Zak giggle.

Zak pushes his head up and places his lips together. The two smile uncontrollably and arms holding each other close as their heads were lost. They leave the outside world and go off in another fantasy land.

Alyssa walks down the hall, folder in hand. She was told to deliver this to Mr. Noveschosch immediately. She pushes her shades up and places a hand on the doorknob. She turns the handle and opens the door.

Her eyes trail up and her body freezes once she spots the shocking scene in front of her.

The two were lost. The two heavily making out, groaning slightly. Their hands tangled in one another's hair and Alyssa just stood in shock.

She didn't know what to say, how to feel. Her boss was making out with her co-worker.

"What is going on here!?" She feels anger boiling up inside her.

The two gasp and they immediately pull away. Zak falls off Darryl's lap and stands immediately, turning to face Alyssa. He shrieks and shakes her head. "I swear- it's not what-"

Oh boy, were they in trouble.

WC: 1650
