The 99. Disastrous Day

As early as on the way to here, Kaminari looked forward to sharing with the whole class that he would definitely show everyone how to surf handsomely—although nobody paid attention to him at that time.

Now, Saiki had kindly fulfilled his wish.

'So, how does it feel?'

Stepping on the surface of the sea, Saiki, who in the end did go in the water, looked at Kaminari, who was lying on a surfboard.

'Have you experienced what you were talking about before? What was it again... Fly with the wind?'

With stomach was tumbling, Kaminari covered his mouth feeling dizzy: "I did and I don't want to ever experience it again..."

His voice was weak.

Looking at his sad back with satisfaction, Saiki stretched out his hand and pushed forward, the stream pushed Kaminari back to the shore and he was greeted with Bakugou's kind smile.

"I'm so sorry, I will never do it again--!!!"

After getting off the waves that were comparable to a roller coaster, Kaminari was tearfully dragged away by the grinning tyrant before he could rest.

"--Are you guys devils?!"

[What are you talking about, I clearly just fulfilled your greatest wish.]

Saiki pushed his glasses and walked back to the shore, turning a blind eye to Kaminari's accusation.

Dinner was made by a dedicated chef in the villa, everyone in Class 1-A finally bid farewell to the curry and rice made by themselves when they were together in the training cam—although the taste wasn't that bad, having the same dish every day, does make people feel tired.

Because they are important classmates of their young miss, the villa manager also specially sent people to buy fresh seafood and made them a seafood feast that looked quite expensive.

'Aren't you going to eat?'

Saiki picked a crab leg for himself, maybe it was because of the high price, but he always felt that the crabs here were all quite big, completely different from the ones he would usually eat.

Bakugou poked the rice in his bowl. Although he ate a lot, he only ate the more ordinary dishes and didn't even glance at the fresh seafood.

"...No, it's too troublesome."

He skipped the tempting prawn and picked a piece of tofu.

[...Apologize to the delicious food you refuse to eat.]

Saiki felt that the seafood at a table was not respected.

Bakugou was unimpressed. Although he was not allergic or hated their taste, he has rarely eaten this kind of food that takes a lot of effort since he was a child.


Suddenly there was a piece of tender and fragrant meat in his bowl, Bakugou froze and raised his head.

Saiki's expression remained the same: 'When you come out and play, it's too rude to only eat specific dishes.'

With chopsticks in his hand, he picked dishes for himself. On the empty plate in front of him, a pile of crab shells started to pile up and the crab meat was put into Bakugou's bowl.

"...I didn't ask you to help me."

As he said these words, he was already eating the meat obediently.

[......Sure, sure.]

Rolling his eyes in secret, Saiki decided not to worry about such trivial matters.

"Saiki-san's quirk sure is convenient!" Ojiro enviously glanced at the increasing crab meat in Bakugou Bowl and looked at his own red fingers, he even seriously began to think about the possibility of using his tail to help myself peel the shell.

[...No, I don't think the tail would have this function please don't try that.]

The butler also prepared after-meal desserts for everyone, not just big chunky cakes, but some small puddings and ice cream as well.

Originally, a dessert was prepared for everyone, but most boys did not like this kind of sweet things, so in the end, there were still a few left. Seeing that these delicious puddings were about to go to waste, Saiki stood up and rescued them.

"You really can eat..." Bakugou looked at Saiki who was surrounded by pudding and was a bit speechless, not even the girls ate as much as him.

[People who don't eat dessert do not understand this satisfaction.]

Saiki ignored the ridicule of Bakugou and solemnly picked the first one in a circle of puddings.

[This quality pudding can be eaten by me no matter how many you give me.]

The pudding was very small, it just took about two bites.

So don't look at the large number of puddings in front of Saiki. In fact, it was not enough at all, he almost finished all of them in a flash.

But before eating the last one, Saiki stopped.

'You've been staring at me this entire time, did you actually want to eat one too and felt too embarrassed to ask or something?'

Turning his head, his originally mocking gaze had turned into a little surprise after seeing Bakugou nod.


Has the explosive head who has always been devoted to mocking his love for sweets changed?

But no matter if it was true or not, Saiki expressed joy that Bakugou finally appreciated sweets and decided to give him his precious last bite.


Saiki kept his hand raised and looked at him in confusion.

'What's wrong, didn't you want to eat it?'

Bakugou stared at the pudding raised in front of him.

Saiki was a bit distressed, this was the last one. If he didn't like the flavor, there was no way...

Just when he was about to take his hand back and enjoy it alone, Saiki saw Bakugou's eyes light up and then he quickly ate the pudding.

Saiki: ..."

[Sure enough, this guy really is a dog.]


At night, everyone didn't want to go to bed too early, so they didn't go back to their rooms, but gathered in the lobby on the first floor to play games.

Because girls didn't want to play cards, Kirisjhima suggested that everyone should draw cards and play the truth or dare.

This proposal was actually very old-fashioned, but everyone once again couldn't think of a better alternative, so they played this first.

But as a result, those people who said that this game was boring and didn't want to play were the ones who got the most excited.

"Impossible!! You guys are definitely cheating!"

Bakugou threw the card in his hand to the ground.

"Bakugou, can't afford to lose~"

"I'm not playing anymore! It's a boring game anyway!"

Bakugou raised his chin arrogantly as he said that.

Bakugou got up from the ground and looked around: "Where did four-eyes go?"

Kirishima had a chocolate bar in his mouth and shuffled the cards skillfully: "I think he went outside just now."

Walking over the people sitting on the ground, Bakugou walked towards the door.

Kirishima shouted: "--Hey, Bakuhao, are you really not playing anymore?!"

Bakugou didn't even look back and said this lazily: "I'm going out for some fresh air."

Kirishima looked at his back: "...This guy really can't afford to lose?"

Kaminari laughed: "How could that be... It's just that that guy can't sit still without a certain someone in front of their eyes."

Turning back Kirishima was stunned: "Who? ...Saiki?!"

Seeing the natural and knowing expression on Kaminari's face, Kirishima was speechless for a while and the shuffled cards in his hand fell to the ground, making a mess.

"Hey, hey, hey, what's going on?"

He hooked Kaminari's neck, his expression excited.

"Wait, let go..."

Kaminari was caught off guard and patted Kirishima's almost hardened arm in pain.

Realizing that he was almost murdering a friend, Kirishima quickly let him go: "Ah, sorry I didn't pay attention..."

"Cough..." finally able to catch his breath, Kaminari rolled his eyes. "Isn't it easy to see..."

Kirishima looked surprised: "No, not at all."

Kaminari: "..."

He looked at Kirishima with a pitiful expression: "Oh well, I don't blame you."

[——You are quite the dense guy after all.]


Saiki also joined everyone's game at the beginning.

But it wasn't fun since he could read everyone's thoughts and even control the direction of the bottle's rotation.

So after he was the only one left again, the angry crowd rose up, they resolutely withdrew his playing rights and kicked this BUG-like existence out of the group.

Although it seems that being unable to join everyone's activities was like he was being excluded, Saiki didn't care, he was enjoying himself while reading a book and sitting on the sofa.

"You always run around the moment I'm not watching."

The complaining voice of the teenager came from behind him.

Saiki turned around: 'Well, I can't hide from you anyway.'

Bakugou froze for a second and then hurried over, without refuting.

Because they wanted to walk around casually, the two did not tell their classmates in the house and walked along the beach slowly.

Moonlight, waves and the soft sand of the beach.

The two people walking side by side left one line of footprints...

—Wait, one?!

Bakugou turned back violently, blinking hard and found that he was right. They were indeed only his own footprints behind them.

Bakugou: "..."

Suddenly goosebumps rose all over his body.


Seeing the strange look of the other person, Saiki stopped in confusion: 'What's wrong?'

Bakugou didn't say anything for a long time and then pointed behind them.

Saiki turned his head.

He rightfully said: 'I've already taken a bath, so I don't want to get sand in my shoes.'

Bakugou then discovered that Saiki's feet were a few centimeters off the ground.

Bakugou: "...Don't you think doing something like that at night is a bit frightening."

Saiki didn't feel like he anything wrong: 'What's wrong, are you afraid?'

The corner of Bakugou's mouth twitched as he smiled stiffly: "It's okay, even if you're a ghost, I would still like you."

Saiki glanced at him: '...You are disgusting.'

Bakugou's face instantly darkened: "Enough, shut up."

The wind hits their faces, bringing a slightly salty taste.

When none of them spoke, only the sound of the waves hitting the reef could be heard.


Bakugou put his hands in his pockets, looking at the sky that had turned completely dark in the distance.

"Your answer?"

His tone sounded relaxed, but he still felt a little nervous.

Saiki turned around and looked at him.

Turning his face away unconsciously, Bakugou only left Saiki with his fluffy hair and reddish ears.

"...Before, you were interrupted by De... Midoriya, right?"

His memory returned to the somewhat chaotic night and Saiki unconsciously looked away.

'Ah... is there a problem?'

As if irritated by his indifferent attitude, Bakugou quickly turned his head back to stare at him.

"Don't try to fool me!"

Stopping his steps, Saiki looked at him and suddenly wanted to tease him.

So he said this very seriously: 'No way, I've forgotten it.'

Bakugou's eyes became fierce instantly and his sharp teeth were exposed as if he wanted to bite him.

He roared angrily: "You're not a loach but an earthworm huh?!"

Earth, earthworm?

Saiki blinked and didn't understand how he suddenly changed the animal again.

The weird way Bakugou thinks cannot be understood by ordinary people, so Saiki didn't even bother to understand and stretched out his hand before the teenager would blow up.

'Let's have a battle'

This sentence has only been said to him by others, it was the first time that he said it.

Bakugou's expression was a bit twisted, he watched him cautiously, fearing that this was just another way to change the subject.

Saiki was a bit helpless, did he look like that kind of person in his eyes?

Bakugou: You don't look like that kind of person, you are that kind of person.

Despite his doubts, Bakugou slowly stretched out his hand: "What kind of battle?"

'A rock paper scissors battle—three two one, go!'

As soon as this sentence came out, Bakugou reflexively chose rock.


He looked at the stone he had and the scissors Saiki had: "Why are you suddenly..." playing rock papers scissors?

Before he could finish speaking, he suddenly froze.

The expression of the teenager with pink hair in front of him that had not changed for at least a thousand years, now had the corner of his mouth is slightly raised.

'I lost.'

His brain stopped working for a while and then he suddenly realized that this was the first time he had won against Saiki in rock papers scissors—even if he could not hear his thoughts, he had never won before!

——But why would he suddenly...

Withdrawing his hand, the smile in Saiki's mouth had long disappeared. Bakugou almost thought it was just his own illusion.

Deciding to leave that moment behind his head, he was dissatisfied: "So? What the hell are you plotting?"

Saiki looked at him for a while and finally said this with a helpless tone: '...Do you really want me to directly say it?'

[——Say what?]

Bakugou frowned: "Huh?"

As if defeated by him, Saiki rolled his eyes silently, thought about it and simply turned sideways.

'Look over there.'

He pointed in the direction of the sea, the sky was almost pitch black and even the moon was half-hidden behind the clouds.

Bakugou looked in that direction suspiciously and couldn't see anything—he suspected that he had been fooled.

'It takes a little while, so just wait a little longer.'

As if knowing what he was thinking, Saiki went on, looking calm.

Although he didn't know what he was playing, Bakugou still raised his chin and narrowed his eyes to meet the sea breeze while looking at the sky.

Suddenly, like an illusion, a white light dragged a long tail across the dark sky.

Bakugou widened his eyes in disbelief.


"Hey, haven't Saiki and Bakugou returned yet?"

In the villa, Kirishima was lying on the sofa and playing poker on the phone.

He had just heard the shocking news from Kaminari and he thought that he would have to thoroughly question them when they came back. But who would have known that after such a long time they were still not back?

"I dunno......"

Kaminari collapsed on the other side of the sofa, feeling weak.

The others have long dispersed, leaving only the two of them and Midoriya waiting for the return of the two.

"Did they just go back to their room?"

Midoriya sat next to the coffee table and suddenly thought that.

It's not that they haven't seen Saiki directly teleport home...

"No way?!!!"

Kaminari jumped up from the sofa and rushed upstairs.

"Hey, hey!!! Look!"

He widened his eyes and pointed out the window.


Kirishima lazily sat up from the sofa: "What's wrong..."

At the sight of outside the window, his next words didn't come out.

In the quiet night sky, countless dazzling lights crossed into a fleeting arc, making the night look as bright as the day.

The dazzling light broke through the dull night, leaving behind a moment more beautiful than fireworks.

"A meteor shower... It's really rare to see something like that at a time like this..."

Midoriya stared out of the window in amazement.

"And they look so large... I have never heard of something like this..."

Finally, Kirishima recovered from his shock and murmured this suspiciously.

Kaminari reluctantly looked away from the stars in the sky, and laughed indifferently: "That doesn't matter, aren't we super lucky?!!!"

Looking at each other, the three boys laughed uncontrollably.

Outside the window, this prolonged meteor shower continued.

On the beach, the figures of the two teenagers were reflected in the light.

Saiki looked at the meteor shower that was finally arrived and calmly said: 'Although I don't quite understand what's so good about these things, but...'

He paused.

' probably... is quite suitable for lovers to watch together.'

As if he was not used to something like this, he said it awkwardly, frowning slightly as if wondering if something went wrong.


The teenager next to him did not respond.

Saiki looked sideways, with a trace of tension on his face that he didn't even notice.

'...It's you who really wanted to see it, so you can't blame me for hypocrisy or something.'

He clarified quickly.

Bakugou still didn't react, his eyes were hidden under his hair, Saiki couldn't figure out what he thought and even felt a little frustrated.


Before he finished speaking, his words were blocked.

The boy's fiery breath swept in and his familiar temperature covered his lips, his rough movement making Saiki take a step back.

His body stiffened for a moment, Saiki's hand grasped Bakugou's clothes tightly. They could see the reflection of the glowing meteors in each other's eyes, as Saiki felt his cheek being touched by warm fingers.


The force of him almost biting his lips was very strong, but he closed his eyes gently without resisting, allowing the teenager to release his long-oppressed frustrations.

"...No matter what you meant, I only accept what I just understood."

After a slight gasp, Bakugou whispered this in Saiki's ear, being unwilling and unreasonable.

Feeling something wet on his earlobe, Saiki raised his head, even at this time, his voice still sounded calm.

'...Think whatever you want.'


Surprise! Another update right after~

I was working on this ending for days, to be honest. So I hope you guys are somehow satisfied with this ending and not disappointed... (I probably started working on this four days ago haha \(T∇T)/ )

So... This is the end! (I'm not crying, you are! 。゜(`Д')゜。 )

I wanted to thank my readers that supported me on this journey of writing for the first time! I know I still have a lot to improve, but I feel like I did improve a tiny bit hehe~ ( •̀ω•́ )σ

Some of you requested me to write a smut scene and I did try to write one, but I couldn't do it... I already get all shy writing these kissing scenes so writing something more would kill me~ (//・_・//)
So I'm sorry...  but I have to disappoint you! QAQ

So about my future plans:

I was thinking of writing a fanfiction with Kiyotaka Ayanokoji from Classroom of the Elite as the protagonist.
But I don't know if I should put him in the universe of My Hero Academia, Bungou Stray Dogs or K Project.
(I don't see a lot of fanfictions of the latter two, they are great animes so do check them out! ٩(●˙▿˙●)۶...⋆ฺ )
So I still need a bit of time with thinking of the plot etc.
(I found a way to have all three of them but I'm still unsure if it will work...)

I hope you guys are interested in that kind of fanfiction! If you're not you can still check it out and see if you're interested~

So goodbye and see you with my next fanfiction~ ٩(๑꒦ິȏ꒦ິ๑)۶
