The 22. Disastrous Day

The door of the room was opened and Bakugou leaned against the door frame. "What do you want?"

[How rude.]

'It's about to end, aren't you coming. '

Saiki tried to communicate calmly with him.

"......There is no need for me to be there."

As if he didn't care at all, Bakugou didn't even bother to look at Saiki.


"Go back if there's nothing else." Then he closed the door again.

Not liking his attitude, Saiki raised his hand to stop the door and looked into his eyes.

'Your mother is worried about you. '

Bakugou used his right hand to force the door to close, but the door remained motionless. Suddenly, he chuckled.

"Is this your new quirk? You have quite a lot of strength."

As he was speaking he let go of the door, walked back to his room directly, and sat down on the bed.

Frowning slightly, Saiki followed him inside.

Saiki has been in his room before, it has not changed much. The decoration is very simple and there is nothing extra, but it looks very comfortable.

'... Weren't you yelling at All Might before saying that you would become the No. 1 Hero, are you giving up already? ' Wanting to provoke him, Saiki said this.

But Bakugou didn't react at all, not giving him a response.

[... I feel like wanting to hit someone.]

Saiki looked at Bakugou who regarded him as air.

He who can hear the voices of others of course knew what Bakugou was thinking, but it is useless to try to talk to the party if they themselves do not want to listen.

'... Midoriya is working really hard. ' Thinking for a while, Saiki decided to try again.' Although he is not as talented as you are, he is trying hard to catch up with you. '

Bakugou's fingers curled a little.

'And his quirk ... he has a reason for not telling you earlier. ' Saiki felt that he has done his best and it's really not his job to help people reconcile relationships.

"... So you already knew." Bakugou finally spoke, his voice hoarse.

"That has nothing to do ..." Saiki tried to explain in a calm tone.

"--So you already knew too, hah ?!"

Suddenly raising his voice, the room fell into a moment of silence.

"... I'm the only one, like a fool?" Bakugou said with gritted teeth. "Aren't you guys happy making me look like an idiot !?"

"It's funny, right? Me saying big words ... and losing at the end ... just like a self-righteous clown." His tone gradually got lighter.


Although he had already heard these words in his heart, Saiki was still a little surprised that he would say them out loud.

'Your strength doesn't need to be proved by such a training match. '

In Saiki's opinion, Bakugou's power is obvious to everyone. A failure will not change anything, so he never understands why Bakugou is so bothered by this.

"... That stupid Deku ..." Bakugou put his hands on his knees and lowered his head. "He saw through all my attacks ... so, even if we fought again ..."

'Again?' Saiki repeated.

"If we fought again ..." Bakugou gritted his teeth and hit the ground with his fist. "I ..." [would still lose.]

"--But you!" He glared at Saiki fiercely.

"Don't think that it means anything if Deku beat me! It's just a loss, nothing else! I have won countless fights and won't care about this ridiculous training match..."

Even though his voice clearly trembled, he still spoke his words in a harsh tone.

"After this ... after this, that stupid bastard won't win against me again !!!"

[Is he ... crying?]

Saiki's brain was blank.

[Has losing to Midoriya hit him so hard ...]

Although he has always set himself up with indifference, this is the first time Saiki, made someone actually cry, so now he is feeling a strange panic.

[... Did I say something wrong? But wait ... this is Bakugou we're speaking of ... Any- anyways ...]

'I'm sorry. ' First, apologize sincerely.

"... Why are you fucking apologizing!!!" Bakugou looked like he was about to explode.

'Because I made you cry. '

"Hah !? Who is crying ?!"

[... The one with red eyes is.]

No longer arguing with him about this boring question, after Saiki calmed down, he looked at Bakugou who was angry and embarrassed.

After being quiet for a while, neither of them spoke.

When Bakugou spoke up again, his voice had returned to normal. "... At that time, if I was against that half and half guy, it might've not been so easy for me." He changed the subject.

'...? Are you admitting that you are not as good as others, Bakugou? '

"I am not !!!" Bakugou turned his head and shouted at Saiki. "I am going to be the strongest hero beyond All Might !!"

'......Yeah yeah. '

"... It's just that that ice dude is really a bit powerful." He was uncomfortable. "If I have a fight against him, it will be difficult."

'Is that so.' Saiki recalled the fight that felt okay to him and he thought that he prefers to go against the long-range Todoroki than Bakugou who fights in close combat.

"Tch ..."

"You really are arrogant."

[...? ]

Saiki's face was covered with question marks.

[Who gave you the courage to call me arrogant? ]

But Bakugou didn't say more, got up, and went downstairs.

[... So who really is arrogant in the end? ]

Saiki, who was ruthlessly abandoned by him, was speechless.

"Ka- Ka- Kacchan ...!" Midoriya just came in to pour a glass of water to drink and bumped into Bakugou.


Glancing at his startled look, Bakugou asked impatiently.

"Ah, um ... I didn't say it yet ... so, so happy birthday !!"

Midoriya grabbed the cup in his hand squeezed those words out.


After a moment of silence, Bakugou returned a short sound of acknowledgment and then walked around him to go out.


Midoriya who received a response froze in place from shock until Saiki walked down.

'Hey, wake up.' Saiki reached out and waved his hand in front of Midoriya's face.

"... Saiki-san." Midoriya grabbed Saiki's hand and said in a dreamlike tone, "Just now, for a moment, I seemed to get along with Kacchan."


[It must have been hard on you for all these years.]

Feeling complicated, he patted Midoriya's head and also returned to his parents.

"Kusuo ~ You are here!" Kuniharu Saiki saw Saiki and his eyes lit up, "Let's play games together!"

'No. ' Saiki simply refused.

"... Waah, Kusuo is so cold ~" the father returned to his friend sadly and Masaru Bakugou patted him on his shoulder.

"--Here, four eyes, Deku!"

Bakugou yelled arrogantly attracting Saiki's attention, he was sitting on the seat with a glass of black unknown liquid in his hand.

"Let's play a game!"

"Game?" Midoriya stepped forward and asked, "What kind?"

"The loser has to drink this special drink. The game is ..." Bakugou put the cup on the table, "Rock paper scissors !!"

'...' [He is already causing trouble just when he is emotionally stable again ?]

Although he was reluctant at heart, Bakugou is the birthday star today and deserved the privilege, so three first-year high school students began to play rock paper scissors at the birthday dinner seriously.

"Rock, paper, scissors-- shoot!"

Three people shot at the same time.

'I won again.' Saiki retracted his hand that showed scissors.

"Impossible, this is completely unscientific, Saiki has not lost even once. And this is a three-player game, except for the ties. All of them are his wins. What kind of probability is it? If it is two people, will it still be him winning? No, then the chances are completely different ... " Midoriya now was doubting everything in his whole life.

Bakugou didn't speak, but just sullenly recalled the fear of being dominated by Saiki in rock paper scissors.

'Do you want to keep going?' Saiki rested on the back of his chair leisurely.

"Come! The previous rounds don't count, this final round will determine the winner!" Bakugou slammed the table while saying this.

[How persistent, but the ending will be the same no matter how many rounds are played.]

As expected, this round was still Saiki's win.

[Besides, it is easy for three people to get a tie.]


The cup filled with the black liquid was placed in front of Saiki, the force making some of it spill onto the table.

'...? '

Bakugou and Midoriya leaned over at the same time, with black mist emitting from the back of their smiling faces.

"Drink it!" Both of them said at the same time.

'!!! '

Saiki was pressed on his seat by Bakugou, while Midoriya smiled and took the cup.

'If you go on like this, the world will be destroyed. '

Saiki did not dare to struggle hard and verbally warned them instead.

"Hahahaha, Saiki-san is so humorous ~" After turning to the dark side, Midoriya smiled and didn't believe Saiki's words at all.

[Yare yare, why are you two so united at times like this]

With his dead fish eyes open, Saiki decided not to challenge his body's health with this concoction.

"... water, where is water ..." Kuniharu Saiki staggered over, looking for water and suddenly saw the cup in Midoriya's hand, his eyes lit up.

"There it is!" Saiki's father grabbed the cup, drank it all at once, and then suddenly grabbed his neck, looking at the three people with a flushed face, "In, in the water is..." Then his mouth started foaming and he fell.

"Oh my god !!" Seeing him like this Midoriya started to panic.

[Rest in peace, dad, this is what you owe me after you throwing me under the bus previously.]

Saiki, who was let go by Bakugou, rubbed his wrists, and looked at his father who was unconscious.

"Bre- Breathing, he isn't breathing anymore !!!"

"How is that possible ?! I just added some small things ..."

"Sm-small things, like ...?"

"Vinegar, red pepper, salt, soy sauce, and mustard and some soil..." Bakugou muttered while frowning.

[Hey, what's up with that last one!]

Examining the body of his dad with X-Ray. There was nothing unusual. The fainting was purely by him being drunk.

'Just put in a place with fresh air. '

Saiki put together several chairs, put his dad up, and unbuttoned his first button.

"Saiki-san really treats his family differently ..." Midoriya sighed.

Saiki returned a puzzled look.

"Well, if it was Kacchan, Saiki would only take him to a cooler place. You probably wouldn't think of helping to undo the buttons ..." Midoriya raised a finger to point at Bakugou and was glared at fiercely.

[Really two problematic guys.]

Saiki's face was emotionless and he looked through the situation.

[As for Bakugou, I even put on his pajamas in person. ] Although I did it with my telekinesis.

"Oh my ~ Kusuo, have you seen papa?" Kurumi Saiki didn't see her husband for a while and came over worriedly.

Saiki pointed to the unconscious man on the chair.

"Papa! Are you okay, how can you drink so much ..." Kurumi Saiki rushed over in surprise and touched her husband's face.

Kuniharu Saiki looked too out of it, so Kurumi Saiki went over to Mitsuki Bakugou to tell her they will be leaving early, Inko Midoriya went with her to help and told Midoriya to stay and help clean up the mess.

In fact, Masaru Bakugou has almost fallen too and after three people have been sent away, he and his wife snuggled up on the sofa and fell asleep.

Bakugou looked at the tired two and took over all the cleaning work.

Because Inko Midoriya was accompanying his parents, Saiki, who didn't need to teleport his mom and dad, so he also stayed to help.

It took the three youngsters a while to sort out the garden, separate the garbage, and wash the dishes.

By the time Midoriya and Saiki bid farewell to the Bakugou family, the moon was already up.

"It was really terrifying today ..." Leaving Bakugou's house, Midoriya's tense nerves finally seemed to relax.

Saiki remained silent as if thinking about something.

Finally, before parting ways with Midoriya, Saiki asked a question he had been very concerned about tonight.

'Midoriya, do you think I am a very arrogant person? '

Midoriya looked at Saiki in confusion and couldn't understand why he said this suddenly, but he still thought carefully and replied, "... No, although Saiki-san looks very cold, after getting to know you in person, one will find out that Saiki-san actually is a very gentle person. "

'Is that so. '

Saiki didn't show any expression on his face, he didn't ask much more, nodded and bid farewell to Midoriya, his figure gradually integrating into the night.

Midoriya watched Saiki walk away and also turned around to leave. On the deserted street, only his murmur remained.

"... but occasionally it feels like no one can really get close to you."
