The 70. Disastrous Day

When Saiki returned to the bedroom with a bag of things for him, he found that his bed was messed up again and that there were several suspicious scratches on the floor, but the big dog who should be staying here was missing.

'Bakugou? '

He put down his things, used his superpowers to make the bedroom clean again and followed the sound of water to the bathroom.

Just as he thought that his bedroom was already a mess, he got to see the bathroom.

[Yare yare, did Bakugou have a fight with himself or something?]

Without even doubting the possibility of him doing this kind of thing, Saiki turned off the faucet while floating in the air and then restored the crooked bottles and the basket on the ground.

[Bakugou's not here, did he run away?]

Looking around, Saiki did not see Bakugou's golden fur anywhere, Saiki had a gut feeling.

Although it was unlikely, he still checked with his clairvoyance.

Saiki: "..."

Quickly walking to the bathtub full of water, he lowered his head.

The blurry face of a dog was seen under the water surface.

'What are you doing, Bakugou?'

Saiki's tone was calm.


A bubble burst and the big dog got his head out of the bathtub.

The water splashed out, causing Saiki to take a step back.

Bakugou crawled out of the bathtub, slipping in the process.

The fur soaked in water was no longer fluffy, but stuck to his body, especially the fur on the face, that was covering his eyes and dripping with water.

'So is this your newly developed hobby or something? '

Saiki crossed his arms and looked at Bakugou's miserable appearance

Bakugou said nothing and shook his body to shake off the water.

[I really don't understand what he was thinking.]

Saiki took the newly purchased towel from the bedroom and rubbed his head with it.

The big dog obediently sat still and as the towel was wiping his dripping head, he was very quiet.

Saiki snapped his fingers and the remaining water on Bakugou's body evaporated, making all his hair explode again.

He stretched out his paws and pressed them hard against fur that was blocking his eyes. When Bakuhao let go, the fluffy hair instantly exploded back into place, leaving no trace.

Bakugou: "..."

[Good, this time the temperature was just right.]

Saiki looked at Bakugou's new look in a good mood and was very satisfied with his work.

——Be aware that he used to be a person who accidentally burns his clothes when trying to dry them.

Bakugou walked out of the bathroom with heavy steps, when he arrived next to the bed of Saiki and he stopped and laid down.

Saiki: ?

[You seem depressed, Bakugou.]

The big dog quietly laid on the ground.

Feeling that something was wrong, Saiki thought about what could have happened while he was away.

Instead of checking on Bakugou, he turned back to the bathroom and took off his glove to touch the bathtub.

Numerous pictures flashed in his head instantly, ignoring the information of little significance, a large dog with a frightened expression came into Saiki's head.

Saiki: "..."

His eyes subtly glanced at the big sad dog.

[I vaguely remember that you were the same species as me, Bakugou.]

——But it seems like you have already been completely controlled by your animal instincts!

Looking through what he just bought, Saiki found what he was searching for.

'Bakugou, do you want to eat? '

He tore the packaging of the beef jerky in his hand and walked to the big dog lying on the side of the bed with a gloomy background.

Glancing at Saiki, Bakugou showed no desire to move.

'I bought rice balls and some snacks that you can also eat, you should still be hungry right? '

The beef jerky approached the big dog's closed mouth.

A scent of meat approached him with a hint of spiciness.

The moist nose moved unconsciously, his mouth drooling slightly, but Bakugou still did not move.

'Oh, I forgot to tell you before. '

Saiki suddenly changed the subject and the big dog's ear moved unconsciously.

'When you become an animal, you may be controlled by the animal's instincts to do some strange things, but these are normal phenomenons and you will no longer be affected if you become a human again. '

His tone was calm as if it was really just a sudden reminder.

[Of course, it might have also been because you were being a fool.]

But his speech seemed to have worked since Bakugou was finally willing to raise his head to communicate with Saiki.

[I didn't do any strange things, I was just thinking about life.]

He was trying hard to find a reason.

Saiki: '... Yes, yes. '

[I don't have anything against that.]

[But could you change the location next time, at least don't do things that are easily misunderstood in someone else's bathtub.]

'So do you want to eat? '

He looked at him, shaking the beef jerky in his hand, he had been holding it for a long time.

[......of course!]

Taking the beef jerky and chewing it hard, the expression of Bakuhao looked like he was eating his biggest enemy's flesh.

[Don't look so evil, this is just an innocent small snack.]

After eating the whole piece of beef jerky, Bakugou looked a lot more energetic. Now, he was rummaging through the bag brought back by Saiki.

[What is this?]

He pulled out a yellow ball.

'A toy that the shop owner gave me.'

Rolling his eyes, Bakugou kicked it under the bed.

[Hey, don't just hide strange things under someone's bed!]

Saiki used his telekinesis to let the ball roll out on it's own and carefully and deliberately made it roll two rounds in front of Bakugou's eyes before letting it fly into a cabinet to put it away.

Ignoring Saiki's move, Bakugou took a rice ball from his bag and placed it in his hand, sitting down and giving him a look.

Saiki: ...

Although it was normal behavior, since you couldn't expect him to tear the plastic packaging of the rice ball on his own--- looking at Bakugou's arrogant attitude, Saiki suddenly didn't want to do it.

He didn't take the rice ball: 'Open it yourself.'

——You are already a mature dog, you have to learn to open the rice balls by yourself.

These words led to Bakugou glaring, he shoved he rice ball into Saiki's hand again.

"Woof, woof!"

[If I could open it, would still I give it to you?!]

Saiki: '...Since you're asking for help, don't use such an arrogant attitude.'

Bakugou snorted.

[Stop talking, hurry up!]

[With your current attitude you would've long be beaten up, Bakugou.]

Saiki's ripped open the bag and handed it to Bakugou.

His hand stayed in the air for two seconds and the rice ball was not picked up.

Saiki: '?'

His tone was not nice: 'Didn't you want to eat?'

Bakugou didn't move, carefully looking at Saiki.

[I will get it on the ground if I eat it myself, so do you want to feed me?]

Saiki raised his eyebrow.

'It's okay, I do n't mind cleaning it later.'

[But the rice ball will get dirty, that would be too wasteful.]

Bakugou insisted, with good reasoning.

[...Why weren't you so considerate when you were destroying other people's stores?!]

Knowing his intentions, Saiki was too lazy to keep up with his nonsense, his index finger stretched out, directing the rice ball to float in the air towards Bakugou.

Bakugou: "..."

He reluctantly ate the rice ball that was in the air, a little depressed.

He wanted to have at least a little more contact ... Now it seems that the other party was alert of him.

'Tonight you will sleep here.'

Saiki built a simple nest beside his bed, which was used as a bed for Bauhao at night.

The big dog sniffed it and his face scrunched up.

[It stinks.]

'At least you have something to sleep on.'

Saiki's face was expressionless, not believing any of his words.

This little blanket was washed by himself after his mother forgot to.

[I want to sleep in your bed.]


[...I didn't expect you to be such a cruel person.]

Bakugou's ears fell flat on his head, expressing his sadness.

But Saiki was still indifferent.

[Why can't you just sleep on the blanket, what a petite little princess are you?]

Without getting the expected result, Bakugou patted the ground impatiently and finally couldn't keep the pitiful appearance anymore.

[I used to share my bed with you when you didn't want to sleep in your bed!!!]

Saiki: ...


'There was no other solution.' He was still very cold and he added, 'And you were very happy to share.'

The big dog raised his chin and looked at him disdainfully.

[How disgusting you are, throwing me away after using me.]

These words made Saiki speechless for a moment.

Saiki: '...I got it, I'll let you sleep on my bed.'

Saiki didn't expect that one day he would receive a sentence that a cheater would normally get.

Saiki: I'm so tired.

Bakugou got the result he wanted and jumped onto the bed with his tail wagging contentedly.

Sighing, Saiki took out his mobile phone and began to compile a story for their teacher.


Today was the day to go back to school.

When Saiki got up early in the morning, Bakugou was still in bed because he didn't have to go to school.

'I'll help explain things to Mr. Aizawa, but is there really no problem with your parents? '

Saiki did his buttons in front of the mirror.

Bakugou was still under the blanket and was now trying to pull himself out from his sleep.

Saiki couldn't hear his thoughts because his eyes were still half-squinted.

[Oh well, forget it.]

He finally tied his tie.

[Looking at him being so calm, it does not seem to be a problem.]

Bakugou finally stood up swayingly.

[...I have already told them.]

He stretched his body, looking up at Saiki in the mirror and waking up.

[I'll be living with the person I like.]

Saiki paused.

Calmly saying something like this, Bakugou was waiting for his reaction provocatively.

'...Really, your mother must have been surprised. '

As a result, Saiki just put on his coat calmly, as if he didn't understand his meaning at all.

Clenching his teeth, the red eyes of Bakugou's eyes became more vivid as if immersed in the rising anger.

[Just that?!]

He took a step forward, his nails sinking deep into the sheets.

'That is it.'

Saiki replied calmly and indifferently.

[Already irritable so early in the morning huh, Bakugou.]

After putting on his school uniform, he turned and walked past Bakugou, picking up the schoolbag on the table.

Bakugou was told when he became a dog that only when they made eye contact his thoughts could be heard and now Saiki turned his back to himself, which meant that he was simply refusing to communicate with his actions.

Jumping out of the bed quickly, Bakuggou got in front of Saiki, forcing him to directly look at himself.

[You are avoiding me!]

The big dog lowered his body, made a threatening growl, his eyes were sharp.

Saiki stopped his movements and sighed.

[...Yare yare, are you that angry?]

Abandoning the idea of ​​leaving directly, he decided to tell him the truth before things got worse.

Kneeling on one knee, Saiki lowered himself on the same level as Bakugou.

The big dog's originally fierce and evil expression became a little dazed due to his sudden movement.

'Bakugou, although what I'm going to say next may seem difficult to accept, but I hope you listen carefully.'

Saiki spoke straightforwardly, and the big dog seemed to feel uneasy, his ears flatly lying on his head.

'No matter what emotion you have for me now, it's all an illusion. '

Bakugou froze.

He imagined all possible reactions of Saiki, but did not expect this one.

[......What do you mean?]

He took a step back and physically refused to accept it.

Saiki's tone was calm: 'It's normal for someone who is going through puberty to be affected by small incidents.'

After a pause, he continued: '...but I didn't expect it to have such a big impact on you, sorry. '

Bakugou was silent and then suddenly looked away, not looking at Saiki's eyes again.

'You can try to pay attention to the ordinary girls around you, although I don't know when this illusion will disappear...'

In line with the idea that he was also responsible, Saiki even gave suggestions.

'...but diverting your attention may help. '


Saiki's remarks made Bakugou suspect that he had heard him wrong, he stayed stiff.

Saiki didn't see Bakugou's reaction, he could only see his two pointed ears.

[Is it because the blow was too big to accept?]

Guessing this in his heart, Saiki tried to comfort him: 'Rest assured, maybe you will realize that when you meet someone you really like.'


Bakugou finally understood what he meant. If it wasn't for him being a dog, Bakugou would have laughed in disbelief.

Still not receiving a response, Saiki was a bit distressed.

[Yare yare, did he still not figure it out?]

[But I've tried my best and the rest can only be done by himself.]

Without saying more, Saiki left Bakugou for space to think alone and went downstairs with his bag.


After a few days, UA finally greeted the students of the hero course again.

"Saiki, will Bakugou come back to school this week?"

Aizawa met Saiki alone at the school gate.

'Mr. Aizawa.' Saiki nodded towards him and said politely, 'If nothing happens, he should come back to school in two days. '

Aizawa nodded and walked beside him.

"Ah right, a new teacher will join our class."

Saiki turned around in doubt: 'It's almost the end of the semester. Who would come here at this time? '

"I'm not sure." Aizawa said, "It is a teacher invited by the principal himself."

[That cunning white mouse?]

Saiki recalled what had happened before the sports festival and his face turned dark.

[...I feel that it is not something to look forward to.]

The two walked into the building, there was still some time before the class and the students who were changing their shoes were in groups and still talking and laughing.

But when Saiki walked in, all the eyes were on him.

Saiki: "..."

[What's going on, did I accidentally write "I have superpowers" on my face today?]

Aizawa was also stunned by the sudden attention.

"...Is it because of the sports festival?"

[No, it's not that simple.]

Saiki looked serious.

He, who can hear other people's thoughts, certainly knew that this had nothing to do with the sports festival because now all the students were repeatedly mentioning another keyword in their head.


[It really is Sakura!]

[Ahhhhh, Sakura is an angel!!]

[Sakura looked over to me!!!]

Saiki walked through the corridor without any expressions and was greeted with "Sakuras" for at least hundreds of times along the way.

[What the hell happened?]

He came to the door of his classroom and opened the door in a bad mood.

In an instant, everyone inside looked over.

Saiki: "..."

[Please, don't tell me even—]


With a loud cry, Mineta suddenly popped out of some corner full of snot and tears and kneeled down in front of Saiki.

Mineta shouted: "Sakura-chan!!! You died so miserably!!!"

[Excuse me, someone please explain.]

Saiki was still indifferent and found that he could not understand the world anymore.

"Saiki-san, we saw the advertisement of you and Kacchan!" Midoriya had stars in his eyes. "It was amazing!"

"Yes! I was completely moved by the plot!" Iida waved his arms excitedly.

"Waaaaaaahh, my Sakura-chan... How could she be deceived by that man!"

"Yeah! In the end, she actually fell in love with that stinky man and committed suicide! I will never accept it!!"

Kaminari and Mineta cried while hugging each other.

'Enough with your Sakura, who is that? '

Saiki couldn't help but slam his bag on the table.

"Huh? Don't you know Saiki?"

Kirishima looked at him in surprise.

"Last night, someone sent a video of you and Bakugou to our mail."

Saiki was stunned for a moment and then his face was filled with question marks.

'I don't know, it was not from me. '

Hagakure pulled out her phone from the pocket of her skirt: "Hehehe! I really like the clothes in it!! Also to support you two I transferred the video to my family group chat!"

[Thank you, but please support it in another way next time, such as deleting it immediately.]

Saiki took her cell phone.

It was indeed the short video shot by Mr. Shot. After the editing and adding BGM, he successfully achieved the duration of 10 minutes, and he finally knew who the "Sakura" everyone was calling was.

At the end of the video were the credits in bold white large letters.

[Thanks to the hardworking actors!]

[Akaito: Katsuki Bakugou]

[Sakura: Kusuo Saiki]

[This kind of gratitude is not needed, it's better to say that it causes trouble.]

Saiki's face turned even darker.

[But this is just an ordinary game advertisement, so why would everyone be so......]

"Hey, class is starting!"

The door of the classroom was vigorously opened and Aizawawalked in, his expression also dark and comparable to Saiki.

Realizing that Aizawa was in a bad mood today, Class A immediately quieted down.

The lesson plan was thrown on the podium and Aizawa's deep voice was reluctant.

"I would like to introduce you to your new... teacher."

The classroom door was opened again, and a person with a strange antenna on his head came in, followed by a huge armored robot.

"Nice to meet you is what a teacher would normally say. But I don't really want to meet you guys. It should be said that even if you die, it has nothing to do with me. I came here just for one special person."

The straight light blonde hair reached his chin. Although the young man was smiling, the words he spoke were mean and ruthless.

"Ah, I forgot to say, my name is Kusuke Saiki, so ..."

He looked at the pink-haired teenager who emitted a distorted and dark aura.

"——Your new hairstyle really suits you"

Kusuke smiled brightly, but in Saiki's eyes it was like the smile of a demon.

"Long time no see, Sakura-chan~"


Hello~  (。'∀`)ノ

Since a lot of you wished for Kusuke to be in the story I found a way to add him to this little story~
However I'm not really sure if it will go well with the plot... :;(∩'﹏'∩);:
So we'll have to see!  (⌒_⌒;)

Hope you enjoy my story so far~
