The 32. Disastrous Day

'--You want to declare war on me? '

Saiki looked at the explosive tyrant who spoke such arrogant words in front of him. He was a bit taken aback since no one ever challenged him, after finding out about his abilities.

"Yeah, four-eyes! What's wrong, are you scared ?!" Bakugou shouted with a fierce look.

'......No. '

There was a hint of interest in his voice and the corner of his mouth evoked an imperceptible arc.

'It's better to say, that I look forward to it very much. '

-He's looking forward to someone that is able to beat him.

Hearing Saiki's reply, Bakugou slowly grinned, his face full of madness.

The bloody red pupils deeply reflected Saiki, even though they were the same color, it was different from the cold feeling when Shigaraki looks at people---being looked at by Bakugou was like bathing in a fire, warm but also dry.

"--Then wait for me!"

Throwing this last sentence, Bakugou left without looking back.

When Saiki teleported back home, his father and mother had fallen asleep. He simply tidied up and went to bed, but after a while, he discovered something unbelievable ...

He, Kusuo Saiki, is facing his first 'too excited to fall asleep' phase in his life.

With his eyes open, he witnessed that the night faded away and the sky was getting brighter. Saiki felt really uncomfortable.

[Is it my menopause ... how is that possible?!]

Even with the age of the previous world, Saiki is only about 30 years old ... wait counting him also repeating sophomore ...

[... It must have been the cool breeze last night.]

Reasonably avoiding the topic of age, Saiki blamed that sleepless night on the weather at the top of the mountain and refused to acknowledge the fact that it is now summer.

In the end, Saiki didn't even close his eyes overnight, he got up to take a shower.

As someone with superpowers, he will not have any problems even if he does not sleep for three days, but the good habits he has developed for many years will make him feel a little tired after being awake all night.

[Yesterday it was said that we will meet at the mall near here.]

Going downstairs for breakfast, Saiki took out his mobile phone and began to read yesterday's chats.

Because of Aizawa standing in front of the students to protect them in the USJ incident, everyone expressed gratitude to the teacher. In addition to the students at the scene who described the incident in detail the people who were not present. Who were saying how terrible the teacher was hurt at that time-" Mr. Aizawa was not breathing at that time!"-Under the organization of the class rep, everyone decided to use this day off to choose gifts for the teacher.

[Who said the exaggerated story.]

Today the weather is very good, the sun is not very dazzling, nor does it feel hot, Saiki walked to the meeting place leisurely.

[Even though I already reverted time to heal him.]

"Saiki-san!" Unexpectedly, instead of the whole class waiting there, it was only Midoriya.

'Are the others not here yet?' Saiki approached him with some doubts, he thought he was already late.

"... No, we can walk around freely, so they already went ahead ..."

Midoriya scratched his head with a smile. He wore a refreshing short-sleeved shirt and trousers today, also wearing a baseball cap on his head and a headset on his neck.

Saiki: '... So there's no rollcall? ' Saiki asked in anticipation.

"You can't! Even if there is no rollcall, Saiki-san should take part in the group activities too!" Midoriya instantly realized Saiki's idea and dragged him to the mall.

'...' Somewhat helpless. Saiki could only be forced into the crowded shopping mall by Midoriya.

[With this many people here, even I can't easily find the scattered classmates.]

Saiki's brain began to hear the voices of the people around him when he came in. Various voices mixed together, as well as buzzing voices, so it basically made his telepathy useless.

[Forget it, I should just buy something quickly and head back.]

He came because of Iida said that all students had to participate, but when he arrived, they already walked off themselves, which made Saiki kind of annoyed.

Since Saiki didn't sleep at all last night, Saiki walked quite slowly.

"Saiki-san, do you think Mr. Aizawa would like Something from All Might?" Midoriya stopped in front of a store with a large All Might sign at the door, looking eager to go in.

'Probably. 'Thinking about that teacher who was very concerned about All Might's injury, Saiki was not very sure.

"Then, let's go and check it out ...?" Although it was said in a questioning tone, Midoriya's legs had already moved uncontrollably.


[Sure enough, the first criterion of buying a gift for others is to like them yourself first.]

Saiki also followed him inside. Only then did he find that there was something wrong in it--

"This, this is -? !!!" Midoriya's shocked voice sounded from the corner.

Saiki looked at the layout inside, it was very traditional, with tatami, paper doors, some yukata dolls, and delicate flower arrangements.

Moving on, he saw a scene that shocked Midoriya.

Sitting on the counter was the popular Mt. Lady. She dropped her usual tights and wore a sexy kimono.

Standing right next to her was the hero No. 2 Hero Endeavor, casually wearing a cardigan, exposing his chest muscles.

"Welcome!" Seeing Saiki approaching, the two heroes showed a warm smile that didn't fit their character at all.

'...? '

Saiki turned his head to look at Midoriya and asked, 'Is this the shop about All Might? '

"No, no, no, I, I..." Midoriya stuttered also shocked and confused about why these two heroes were here.

'... Calm down, they're fake. " Looking at the embarrassing appearance of Midoriya, Saiki spoke up.

"That's right, kid ~!" Endeavor said with a smile, completely like a kind uncle. "Professional heroes in this store are all workers disguised through a quirk, please don't worry ~"

"--" Midoriya lost his voice for a moment.

"Oh, you just mentioned All Might right!" The pretending to be a Mt. Lady was a lively girl. "The two of you are very lucky. Today, the person standing in front of you will be- "

"Hahahaha! Hahahaha!" A burst of hearty laughter came from behind the curtain and the familiar voice brightened Midoriya's eyes.

"--I am here!!"

A wind blew up the curtains and two strong strands of hair on the person's head gradually appeared in front of everyone.

"It's All Might!! It's a samurai version !!!" Midoriya's eyes were about to fall out, he excitedly looked at the All Might wearing a samurai costume and holding a sword.

"That's right! This is our newly listed All Might samurai cosplay service !!!" Mt. Lady excitedly took out a leaflet, "It's only 4,000 yen an hour! It's a special service only available today !!"

"Newly listed ... Samurai ... One hour ... Special service ..." Midoriya looked like he was hypnotised as murmured to himself with a dreamy smile, "Okay, I want it ..."

"Young Midoriya!!" It was also the voice of All Might, which made Midoriya's brain sober for a moment.

"A-All-All Might? Two of them!" He looked at the other All Might who suddenly appeared before his eyes in shock. He kept looking left and right shaking his head repeatedly.

"Young Midoriya! Have you forgotten, what you're fighting for today ?!" All Might appeared in his golden age combat suit and stood in front of Midoriya with a serious face. "Remember your original intention, young man!!"

"All ... Might ..." Midoriya stared at the All Might who suddenly appeared blankly, remembering suddenly, today I came to pick a thank you gift for Mr. Aizawa, if I spent all my money here ...

"I'm sorry! AllMight !!" He didn't have that samurai costume in his eyes anymore. Midoriya now only say his teacher in front of him who has always been teaching himself. "Because of my selfish desire I almost made a big mistake ..."

"It's okay, Young Midoriya! Everyone makes mistakes, at times like this you should always smile, hahahahaha-"

"Yes, All Might! Hahahahahaha-" Midoriya laughed together with him and left the abyss of evil.

The three shop assistants: ...

"... This kid, is he crazy?" The fake Endeavor was dumbfounded.


The other two shop assistants who witnessed the whole process of Midoriya talking to himself and laughing were also confused.

"... He's still so young, poor boy."

Saiki, who always keeps a low profile, has long left, standing at the door and waiting patiently for Midoriya who has been deceived by his superpowers.

"... Saiki-san, I feel that I have grown again." Midoriya said goodbye to All Might and walked in front of Saiki with his fist in the air, his eyes firm.

'...' Saiki didn't know what to say.

"Let's go, this time we must choose a gift that Aizawa likes !!!" Back on the right track again, Midoriya strode forward with great enthusiasm.

[Oh well, it has achieved its purpose in a certain sense.]

Saiki finally decided to never tell him the truth about today.

When passing by the pet shop, Saiki went in and bought a cat toy and brush.

[Although I don't know if general is going to like someone brushing her hair, Aizawa probably plays with cats other than a general too.]

[Ah, what a scumbag, cheating on general like that.]

"Saiki-san wants to buy these and give them to Mr. Aizawa?" Midoriya asked curiously, feeling it was a little strange to gift this ...

'Well, I saw him teasing cats before.' Saiki revealed the little hobby of his teacher without any hesitation.

"No way? That Mr. Aizawa? !!!" Midoriya seemed to have choked, after hearing this, it was impossible for him to imagine.

"... Then, I'll buy something similar too..." Thinking that Saiki wouldn't lie about something like that. Midoriya hesitated for a moment but still went to the pet shop to buy some small fish snacks or something.

'I already bought a gift so I'll be heading back now.'

"Wait, that, um, I haven't visited this place before, why don't we walk around and sxplore?" Midoriya suggested.

'No, there are too many people.' SaIki simply refused.

"Come on, just for a short while, maybe Saiki-san will find something to buy?"

Midoriya ignored Siaki's refusal, carefully pulled him to prevent him from running away and like this the two strolled around the mall aimlessly.

[Now that I think of it, the shopping mall too big, I haven't even met the others in the class yet.]

"Oh oh ~~ Hey, look at that Kaminari!!"

Just when he was thinking about it, Saiki heard a familiar voice.

[It seems like you will never change, Mineta.]

Midoriya didn't find the two classmates in the next store, he was watching an interview with All Might on a screen.

"The color of the swimsuit, this pose ..." Mineta said with his small hand stretched out, using a professional tone like he was studying modern history. "Mr. Aizawa will love this!"

[Don't, you will die.]

Unexpectedly, he was planning to give this Aizawa, Saiki was shocked by this strange idea.

[... You probably need to discover another kind of beauty.]

Thinking of something, Saiki used his telepathy to mess with Mineta's mind.

"In fact, this is not that bad, but the cup is too small-ah-aaah eyes! My eyes !!!"

Behind him came Mineta's painful cry and Kaminari's panicked voice.

"Why would it become a naked man?!!!"

Saiki and Midoriya, who didn't know anything, left Mineta's sad place. When passing a pink-decorated doll shop, they found Koda, who did not have a very strong presence in the class.

[That is ... a stuffed cat, maybe it will unexpectedly be liked by Aizawa.]

He has never heard this classmate talk, but Saiki could still hear his thoughts, so he knows that he is just too shy and occasionally appears in the group chat, but when he is face-to-face with them, he is too silent and his presence is much lower .

[Wait, if it goes like this, my attention in the class won't go down, because I talk too much?]

Suddenly feeling that he had discovered the truth, Saiki began to seriously consider changing into a silent person.

[... No, Todoroki also speaks very few words, but he is quite popular.]

That should be the personal talent of Koda, Saiki was a bit envious of him.

"What's wrong Saiki-san?" Midoriya discovered Saiki's distraction.

'Nothing, I saw some classmates.' Saiki honestly said.

"...? !!!" Midoriya looked like he saw a ghost after hearing this. "Where? How come I didn't see them?!"

'... Kaminari and Mineta were checking out magazines, Then there was Koda who just passed by, Yaoyorozu was in the bookstore next to them and Uraraka who is waving at you right now. ' Saiki listed them one by one.

"Ura-uraraka-san?!" Midoriya looked at where Saiki's finger pointed at, his face flushed instantly, his one arm waving and the other covering his face then he turnned back to Siaki, "I, we, Let's take a look upstairs ... We already checked out this floor ... "

Looking at Midoriya's shy look with interest, Saiki didn't say more.

{My classmate is a God}

The No. 1 All Might Fan: Why is everyone on the second floor?!!

The No. 1 All Might Fan: We are now walking to the third floor, everyone must be careful!!

Light as a feather: Ah! I forgot, just now I even greeted Midoriya. [Sorry.GIF]

The No. 1 All Might Fan: ... It really scared me ...

I am the class rep: @ALL everyone can gather now! Get ready first! !

Midoriya put down his phone and turned his head to see Saiki blankly staring at him.


"You scared me Saiki-san, why did you just look at me without talking !!"

'You are acting suspicious. '

"Haha ...really?..."

Midoriya didn't make eye contact.

'... Forget it, where should we go next? '

Seeing him trembling like a frightened rabbit, Saiki no longer asked.

With a long sigh of relief, Midoriya pointed with his finger, "Let's go over there!"

"-Damn it! Which bastard dared to come while I was away ?!"

Just after taking a few staps, a grumpy voice could already be heard.

'... It's Bakugou.' Saiki glanced at Midoriya who had stiffened and said this deliberately, 'Are we going to say hello? '

"No, no, no!" Midoriya frantically shook his head, "Kacchan is the most terrifying when someone broke his record ... he would never stop unless breaking the record himself ..."

He turned and pulled Saiki to march in the opposite direction.

Knowing the relationship between the the three of them and the declaration that was only issued last night, now he did not want to see the tyrant either.

"--Bakugou, Iida told us to gather!"

Not long after Saiki and Midoriya left, Kirishima appeared from some corner and took his phone to find Bakugou.

"Go get the cake you just made!"

"... fuck!"

After glancing at the game unpleasantly, the points for a new record could be reached immediately, but Bakugou simply dropped the handle, put his hands in his pockets and stood up, "Let's go."

"... wow, it's already so high, what a pity ... " Kirishima followed Bakugou and glanced at the score on the electronic screen.

Impatiently, he burst out of the game hall.

"... Just let that guy get another two days to brag."

After being pulled around by Midoriya in the shopping mall for 3 laps, Saiki finally stepped out of the shopping mall gate and walked on the side walk.

'... So exactly what did you want to do today.' Saiki suspected that Midoriya's brain might be broken today. He walked around aimlessly for the entire afternoon and bought nothing.

Is this a curse?

He was destined to accept the torture of his childhood friends.

"Hahaha, I'm sorry ... I haven't been here for a long time and I miss the scenery here ..." Midoriya said in embarrassment while touching his head.

'? '

[Sure enough, your brain is broken, you have already started talking nonsense.]

Saiki was speechless.

"Oh, let's have a meal together before we finally go back, Saiki-san!" Looking at his phone, Midoriya was suddenly excited, pointing at a restaurant not far away, "Let's go there!"

Saiki looked at the direction where Midoriya pointed at, but suddenly his sight turned black, something covered his head at once, obscuring his sight.

'Hey, Midoriya-'

Another thing was forcibly put on his ears. Instantly crazy rock music exploded in Saiki's ears. The intense drumming and bass sound disturbed his thoughts.

[what?! ]

The normally calm Saiki couldn't help but freeze for a momentl.

Forgetting that he could just use X-Ray, Saiki raised his hand and wanted to take off the thing that was on his face, but it was grabbed by Midoriya at once and then he was dragged somewhere.

His ears were still being filled with noisy music, Saiki's entire brain was messed up, there was no way to hear the Midoriya eitehr. He could only feel that the wind ran across the corner of his clothing, since he was dragged to run.

For two or three seconds, Saiki didn't seem to feel anything, but just followed his legs mechanically, he turned a corner, crossed something and finally stopped when he finally recovered.

'Hey, Izuku Midoriya-' Saiki angrily took off the cloth and headphones on his head.


Something popped and colorful confetti filled his eyes.

"--Saiki-san, thank you very much !!!"

It wasn't very in synch but it was said with a sincere tone.

Saiki was completely stunned. In front of him, were familiar and unfamiliar classmates, all with big smiles on their faces, a few of them waved some ribbons in their hands.

'This is......'

He turned to look at Midoriya, who was still panting next to him from running.

"Because ... Before Saiki-san also saved us ... so ..." Midoriya smiled a little shyly for the unreasonable behavior just now.

"--So thank you for saving them is what these extras are saying!!"

Saiki looked at the source of the voice, Bakugou pushed out a cake with a stinky face, with the words "Thanks" written on it with jam.

"Bakugou-chan, obviously you are also thankful, ribbit." Tsuyu had her head tilted and exposed him.

"Shut up !!! Go die!!!" The explosive tyrant fiercely roared at her.

"You really are dishonest ..."Kaminari grabbed Bakugou's shoulder with one hand, ignoring his glaring eyes and said, "Yo, Saiki, although at that time I was not there, that earthquake sure shocked me! "

"Keep lying, you obviously have already become an idiot at that time!" Jiro rolled her eyes and exposed him mercilessly.

"Ribbit, Saiki-chan has already saved me twice ... I really am very grateful!" Tsuyu looked up at Saikiu seriously, she is always direct and honest with her words.

"I also experienced his abilities from a close distance ... very cool!" Mineta rarely didn't mention anything perverted this time.

"... Before when we saw that 13 and Mr. Aizawa were injured like that, we were really scared!" Uraraka rubbed the ribbon in her hands, recalling it she was still a little bit afraid.

"But Saiki-san appeared out of nowhere and then the two teachers recovered and woke up !!" Mina danced excitedly to express her unbelievable mood.

"Yeah, it was simply a miracle." The always-silent Shoji also agreed.

"No, no, you're simply a God !!" Ojiro shook his head and exaggerated.

'you guys......'

"Saiki-san, as the representative of Class 1-A, I failed to spend the time with everyone. Even though it was myduty!" The first time ignoring the noisy classmates, Iida looked at Saiki seriously, "So, really Thank you very much, thank you for coming forward at a critical time to save everyone !! "

Saiki looked a little preoccupied with the crowd of students in front of him.

'... This is too chaotic. '

"Hahaha it is a bit!" Midoriya laughed, thinking Saiki was talking about how he just brought him.

"But there is no other way. Saiki's ability is too overpowered!" Yaoyorozu said with a frown. "I have thought for a long time before deciding on this plan ... Although the process is a bit rough, the result is good!"

Saiki blinked his dry eyes.

[I am someone with psychic superpowers ...]

[... Saving you guys was easy.]

"Saiki, It's a pity I couldn't witness your strength." Tokoyami handed Saiki a glass of juice. "But I am looking forward to the opportunity to fight you!"

"Me too." Todoroki also looked over, his face calm, "If I'm against you next time, I hope you can give it your all."

[But how should I say this ...]

"When I was with Saiki as a teammate, I easily won!" Ojiro smiled softly and was a bit distressed. "If I could do it again, I hope I will be his opponent!"

[This feeling of my chest ...]

"--You weaklings should all move aside for me !!!" A grumpy voice shouted.

"This guy is already reservated !!!" Bakugou confronted the three aggressively.

"It doesn't matter." Tokoyami raised his chin and said coldly.

"What did you say ?! You raven head !!!"

"How rude! It's an eagle!"

"What a shitty eagle then!!!"

"Bakugou-san, please come down from the table! This is impolite!"

"Yeah, Kacchan ..."

"Shut up!!!"


[This is the first time.]

The juice in Saiki's hands swayed slightly, it was even more tempting under the warm light.

He took a sip.

[Sweet ...]

"--Ah! What are you doing, Mineta?"

"No! No! I didn't see anything !!"

"Tsu! Grab him !!"

"Ahhhhhhhh !!"

"Hey, man, what's on your face?"

"... die."

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh !!"

"Uh hum ~~ let me show you my newly bought glasses ~ they are very shiny ~!"

"... Um, it might be too shiny."

"Hahahaha, that's just your bad taste!"

"Okay!! If you're a man you have to drink till you get drunk today!"

"What are you talking about, how can we get drunk from juice."

"Hee hee ~ I secretly brought some wine ~ Everyone come and try it!"

"Hagakure-san! How can a girl drink!"

"Huh? Does that mean boys are allowed to?!"

"No, no, no boys aren't allowed to either! ... Wait, stop Kirishima-san!!!!!"

[... but it really is noisy.]
