The 74. Disastrous Day

Saiki was in the corridor when the incident happened, he was just about to go back to the classroom from the restroom.

An exploding punch went past the tip of his nose and hit the wall hard, leaving a black mark.

Saiki: "..."

[Calm down, Bakugou.]

The teenager who was half a head taller than him showed a terrifying smile: "I don't remember having an old problem?"

He threatened with a lowered voice.

Saiki stopped: 'It's no good to destroy public property, Bakugou.'

Like seeing through his guilt, Bakugou sneered: "Don't fucking think about changing the subject!"

The teenager gritted his teeth: "It's all your fault, now the teachers think that I... I have a problem!!"

[Too bad, Bakugou.]

[But Mr. Aizawa's would never take the initiative to say something like that out loud, so if other teachers knew, it must've been you who asked him yourself.]

Saiki guessed and was determined that the situation was definitely not as serious as Bakugou was making it out to be.

[But this indeed is my fault. It shouldn't have 'accidentally' revealed my concerns about you.]

Knowing that he was caught today, Saiki was still very calm: '...What do you want? '


He glanced at him suspiciously, Bauhao didn't quite believe that he would actually listen to him.

[Before I regret it, you still have three seconds.]

Withdrawing his fist that was still on the wall, Bakugou moved his wrist slowly.

"...Go out for lunch with me?"

Saiki: ...

That's it?

Saiki was the one who doubted the other this time.

According to his previous understanding of Bakugou, with this kind of occasion where he would voluntarily admit his mistakes, Bakugou would request something more troublesome, such as half a month of training with him.

But now he just wanted to have lunch together?

[Could this be my last meal?]

Saiki: ...

[How terrifying, Bakugou.]

With his intuition telling him he couldn't agree to this, Saiki refused: 'I already brought lunch. '

[I actually didn't. When mother asked about it last night, I told her I didn't need it.]

[But Bakugou certainly cannot do such a troublesome thing as bringing lunch.]

——In other words, cafeteria + bento = no way to have lunch together = perfect way to avoid trouble.

Bakugou: "Perfect, I also brought a lunchbox I made today."

Saiki: "..."

Is it too late to ask my mother to make one?

Sadly, Kurumi Saiki went out with her little friends early in the morning today, even if she returned home now, she couldn't make a lunchbox in time.

So at noon, he appeared in the cafeteria together with Bakugou carrying cafeteria lunch.

Saiki looked around and foundno seats.

Due to the lunch having affordable prices, the UA Cafeteria is always full. The whole school is basically gathered here. There were actually only a few people who bring their own lunch.


Midoriya saw Saiki, who was looking around and beckoned him over to the empty seats over there.

[You're my savior, Midoriya.]

Saiki's eyes brightened, he instantly moved his legs and walked to the trio.

[If it's with you, maybe it will make Bakugou leave me alone.]

Two minutes later, Bakugou carried his plate and slammed it next to Iida.

Midoriya: "..."


Bakugou asked: "Why did you sit down here?"

Saiki's expression remained the same: 'There were no other seats.'

Although Bakugou was in a bad mood, he did not say anything.

[This is surprising. I thought you would definitely not want to sit here.]

Saiki slowly took his chopsticks and in the low and depressed atmosphere he took a bite of his rice.

Midoriya felt that he had a stomachache, even the delicious pork cutlet bowl could not appease his frightened young soul.

Why would Kacchan sit here today ...

With teary eyes Midoriya raised his head, making eye contact with the eyes from Iida across the table.

Iida: When did Saiki-san have such a good relationship with Bakugou?

Midoriya: I don't know...

Iida: Is it because they were training together in their internship?

Midoriya: I don't know...

Iida: ...Then, shouldn't the relationship between you and Bakugou be more relaxed?

Midoriya: ...I don't know.

Iida: ...

Midoriya: _: з "∠_

While Midoriya and Iida were communicating through their gaze, Bakugou was squeezing spicy sauce on his rice bowl with his face down.

The red chili peppers and the white glutinous rice formed a strong contrast, which made people unconsciously start sweating just by looking at it.

[So are you actually eating the rice or the chili, Bakugou.]

Saiki looked at his movements with a strange gaze.

As if knowing what Saiki was thinking in his heart, Bakugou put down the chili sauce and glared at him fiercely: "Shut up and eat!!"

"Yes! I'm sorry!"

Midoriya flinched, thinking that he and Iida's small movements were found out, he reflexively apologized.

Bakugou: "..."

Bakugou: "I didn't mean you."

Midoriya: "...Yes, I'm sorry..."

[Yare yare, I didn't even say anything and how are you supposed to eat with a closed my mouth.]

Saiki poked his vegetables and received a grunt from Bakugou.

"Oh my! Look who it is?"

Just then, a familiar and exaggerated voice came from the side.

[What's going on, this sense of familiarity.]

"Oh my, aren't you students from Class 1-A? How strange, why did the almighty students of Class 1-A come to eat in this small cafeteria~~"

Monoma showed a confused face, but the words spoken revealed his bad intentions.

Ochaco: "...Who are you?"

The cute girl with short hair was too immersed in the deliciousness of her rice just now, so she only now raised her head only to see Monoma.

Monoma: "..."

Monoma: "Sure enough, the students of the A class are just like nobles. they wouldn't remember little peasants like us, who are not famous at all, everyone in Class A must have already forgotten us?"

Ochaco: "..."

No, I didn't mean that.

[Don't bother, Ochaco-san, someone will stop him soon.]

Saiki continued to eat without even looking at him and heard the thoughts of Kendo who was looking for them everywhere.

"Um... You are Neito Monoma from Class 1-B, right?"

Midoriya actually had some impressions of this student because of his habit of collecting information.

"Oh my? The Class 1-A students who participated in the fight of the hero killer actually remembered my name, what an honor~!"

Monoma spoke very fast and his voice was deliberately high, making people want to take something to cover his mouth.

——Obviously there is no problem with his words, but when it is said by this person there is an illusion that he is ridiculing them.

Midoriya: "..."

No, maybe it was not an illusion.

Iida frowned: "This classmate, we didn't do anything to you, so why would you be so mean?"

Saiki didn't say a word, he buried himself in the meal, trying to reduce his sense of existence.

You have to know that he was throwing stones at this classmate during the sports festival. If he was seen, he will be in trouble.

"...Didn't do anything?"

Monoma's smiling face remained unchanged, but it was several times more cold.

"You Class 1-A received all the attention from the beginning. It is clear that our class is not even worse than you, but you who just experienced villain attacks suddenly seem way better in the eyes of other people. Ah, yes, I also heard that you got a new teacher recently. Not surprising for you guys, to even have your own teacher... "

These emotion-filled blunt words that were said, instantly stunned the trio.

[...It sounds like he has been suffering for a while.]

Hearing his thoughts at the same time as the double torture, Saiki deeply felt the other's grievances.

Listening to him speaking so long without stopping, even Saiki himself got a little thirsty.

Unconsciously reaching out for a drink, Saiki suddenly found that his orange juice pack's straw had been inserted and placed next to his plate.

Saiki: "..."

Just by looking at it, he already knew who's masterpiece this was.

The teenager on the opposite side slightly lowered his eyes and continued to pick up the food on his plate, except that the knuckles holding the chopsticks were a little whitish.

[Please, let go of the poor rice with chili.]

Saiki just paused for a second and picked up orange juice naturally.

It's just a drink, he was already mentally prepared.

The chopsticks on the opposite side unconsciously stopped. As if finally satisfied, Bakugou slowly picked up a bite of his rice.

"——Oh my, I was just wondering why I was hearing a buzzing sound, it turned out that a large fly entered the cafeteria~"

A light voice came from behind the Monoma, Kusuke walked up to them with a tray.

[Oh, all the troublesome guys are here now.]

Saiki was silent.

He was at his internship too long, so he almost forgot that his two childhood friends attracted more than others.

Using Midoriya to restrict Bakugou not only does not allow him to live in peace but also has an increase in attracting troublesome people × 2.

"That, um, Mr. Saiki..."

Midoriya didn't know what to do now that his new teachers appeared here.

And although this teacher claims to be the brother of Saiki, he has never seen him when he was young...

'Why are you here.'

Saiki put down his chopsticks and sighed in his heart that this meal could not be enjoyed quietly.

Opposite to him, Bakugou also stopped his hand movements.

"Hahaha originally I wanted to go search for something in the kitchen, but I heard a terrible noise~"

Kusuke smiled naturally, seemingly innocent.

"Maybe the sourness in the air is too heavy, it seems that even the flies have been brought in!"

Iida wondered: "What sourness?"

Kusuke smiled: "Who knows, I just came over... Why not ask the little guy next to me?"

He turned his head and looked at Monoma.

Iida: "..."

He would be a fool if he didn't still understand his message. It is obvious that the new teacher was insinuating that Monoma was just acting jealous.

But is it really okay to do that to his students as a teacher?

The upright student Iida pondered.

"Ah, so you are the new teacher? What do you teach... gardening, art, or maybe your Class 1-A's nanny?"

Monoma smiled.

"What a pity, your answers are all wrong."

Kusuke was not angry at all, but still smiling broadly.

"And this student did not give me a proper answer, maybe because you feel guilty?"

"Who? Me?"

The corners of Monoma's eyes twitched wildly and a crack appeared on his smiling face.

"Why should I—"


A huge fist knocked him down.

Monoma just fell to the ground without a word.

Kusuke: "..."

Kusuke: "...Who might this young lady be?"

[Itsuka Kendo, the head of Class 1-B, who is holding this evil dog under her leash.]

Saiki was expressionless and watched Kendo dragging away the seemingly dead Monoma with an apologetic smile.

"...So noisy."

Bakugou finally spoke.

[Indeed, today's Bakugou is exceptionally quiet.]

Saiki looked back at him.

During the whole process, there was no sound from him. He quietly ate the rice and helped Saiki with his juice, completely like a different person.

Bakugou got a bit agitated by Saiki's gaze: "What's the matter?! It's not like I said you were noisy!"

Saiki: "..."

[Why would you think I was thinking that.]

Pausing for a moment, Bakugou turned alert: "I didn't yell at you either! ... That just now doesn't count!"

Saiki: "..."

[Forget it, whatever.]


Ochaco watched the whole process of Kusuke and Monoma's quarrel.

"Mr. Saiki is a bit strange ... but maybe he's a pretty good person!"

[No, it's just a misunderstanding.]

[This is because you have not recognized the real him yet.]

But soon, you will since his first lesson will be in this afternoon.

What was the subject's name ...

"Study on the compatibility of technology and divinity"

-It sounds troublesome and full of his personal tendencies.

"Oh, right......"

Kusuke held up his plate and asked: "Do you guys mind if one more person joins?"

Saiki: ...

[Yes, extremely.]

But these little angels could not refuse the teacher who had just spoken to them, especially since the teacher was Saiki's brother.

"No, w-we don't mind!"

Midoriya hurriedly moved his own plate and wanted to give Kusuke more space.

Because they were five people, they sat at a long table.

Saiki sat on the far right, at the opposite of him was Bakugou and next to him was Midoriya.

Midoriya sat in the middle, Iida was at the opposite of him and there was Ochaco nest to him.

The seat in front of her and next to Midoriya was empty.

But Kusuke walked pass Midoriya with his plate and under the eyes of everyone, he walked straight towards Bakugou and stopped.

Kusuke smiled: "I'm sorry, but because I'm afraid of strangers, I want to eat while facing my brother~"

Bakugou: "..."

What a fucking lie.

Saiki: "..."

What did he mean with eat while facing his brother, is he a psycho?

Bakugou faked a smile: "...If you're that afraid then don't leave the house, if you get scared to death outside you would only pollute the air."

Kusuke's smile didn't change: "Oh, but I have to go out more to clean the environment."

The other three were confused: ...What happened?

Saiki: I don't know and I don't want to know either.

Seeing that a war was about to start, Midoriya sacrificed himself for temporary peace.

"Um... Mr. Saiki can sit in my seat!"

Kusuke: "You heard him, go sit down."

Bakugou: "You are the one who's supposed to go."

Midoriya: "..."

Can anyone respect my seat?

The two sides did not compromise and the atmosphere was very tense.


It's a soft noise of someone putting down chopsticks.

Saiki got up calmly: 'I'm done.'

It looked slow, but he actually turned around very quickly. He almost disappeared into the crowd in less than 5 seconds.

Everyone: ...


Bakugou's voice showed infinite anger, ringing in the ears of the rest.

"It's been noisy for the whole lunch... Is it difficult so to let us have a quiet meal?!"


The loud noise of an explosion came from the cafeteria making the whole building shake.

Midoriya: "Kacchan! Calm down, you can't..."

Iida: "Yeah, Bakugou! Please don't affect the reputation of our class any further!"

Bakugou's expression was twisted, he finally could vent his anger.

"You're so noisy, shut up!"

He grabbed Kusuke's collar and almost lifted his whole person up.

Kusuke: OvO...?

"... and you, don't fucking meddle with our business."

Bakugou's mouth twitched, his scarlet eyes were cold and his wicked aura was revealed.

"--Otherwise I will kill you."

Kusuke: ...Kill?

"Oh... oh my? Did Mr. wild dog forget to take his medicine?..."

There was another loud noise.

From the original long dining table only four-fifths of it remained, there was an endless crack near the Bakugou, with a pungent burning scent.

Throwing away the wreckage of the dining table in his hand, Bakugou turned his head, his eyes sharp, but his smile kind.

"Wanna try me?"

Kusuke: ...

Is this person really a student that is aspiring to become a hero?


In the distance, in another building.

A pink-haired boy sat outside the railing of the rooftop, his eyes cross-eyed as he was looking the chaos inside the cafeteria.

[Yare yare, fortunately, it's not me who was over there right now.]

Saiki watched Midoriya and Iida rushing to the angry Lunch Rush and apologizing repeatedly.

Kusuke had already used his alarm and was escorted away by his own security robot when he was released by Bakugou, leaving the remaining Class 1-A students and the wreckage.

Seeing that Aizawa also hurried over, Saiki felt even better.

Standing up, he finally glanced at the explosive tyrant who was entangled by the weapon of Aizawa, trying to escape from Aizawa's control.

His face was all twisted and the blonde-haired teenager showed a gruesome appearance as he bared his teeth at the dark-haired man with a roar.

[Yep, this is pretty good.]
