The 65. Disastrous Day

The thing about making a video itself was quite simple. They just had to say a few words and then they were done.

But the two top students of UA took nearly two hours for a five-minute video.

After finally finishing, Bakugou and Saiki sat on the ground leaning back to back, visibly worn out.

"So tired..."

Bakugou gave out a long, weak sigh.

'Celebrities, really work hard.'

Saiki's expressionless face showed a trace of pity.

Bakugou took the lead to get up: "We're done early ...Where do you want to go after this?"

Saiki raised his head: 'When we came, I saw a coffee shop with a 50% discount for their coffee jelly.'

His implication was quite obvious.

Bakugou rolled his eyes.

He knew that he was inseparable from coffee jelly.

Mr. Shot who was packing his equipment heard their conversation: "If you two want to go there, I have a coupon here, it's free cake for two!"

Saiki's eyes brightened a little, he turned to look at Bakugou.


Bakugou's face stiffened and he rolled his eyes again.

"...I got it! I'll go with you!"

Changing their clothes back, Saiki went straight to the coffee shop with the coupon given by Mr. Shot, followed by a dull faced durian head.

'Aren't you going to eat, Bakugou?'

Saiki asked when he put a spoonful of coffee jelly into his mouth.

Bakugou leaned back on the sofa with a bored face, without looking at the cake on the table.


He said slowly, glancing at Saiki, who was quickly devouring desserts and whispered: "It's way too sweet and greasy and has a lot of calories... I really don't understand what's so good about this thing..."

[Then you really are missing out, Bakugou.]

Saiki wiped his mouth but didn't say more.

If he is not interested, then he will have more for himself, so he is still very satisfied.

"Hurry up so we can  go back, I'm hungry!"

Bakugou lied down on the sofa.

Although he didn't do any major exercise today, he felt tired both physically and mentally.

And both of them didn't have a proper lunch, so of course, they would be hungry at this time.

Saiki swallowed the last bite: 'Let's go back. '

Bakugou immediately stood up, as if he waited for this sentence for a long time.

He went out first, waiting for Saiki at the entrance.

"Where will we go for dinner?" He put his hands in his pockets.

'I don't know, probably at the cafeteria. '

Saiki slowly walked towards him.

Bakugou pouted, seemingly down by his answer.


Saiki froze suddenly and raised his head, his expression a little weird.


Bakugou noticed his pause and turned his head, puzzled.

Saiki: 'You probably, have to go back first.'

Bakugou was puzzled: "What's wrong, do you still have a place to go to?"

The pink-haired boy pointed to the mall in front of them, his tone was calm: 'Yeah, there is something I want to buy.'

Bakugou casually said: "What? I can go with you..."

'Bakugou.', Saiki interrupted him, 'You head back first. '

Bakugou took back his unfinished words and frowned slightly.

After a while, he spoke with a little reluctance.

"...Remember our training at night."

Since Saiki taught Bakugou a lesson in the training room a few days ago, Bakugou would drag Saiki to train every night.

'I know.'

Saiki nodded.

Bakugou grunted and walked past Saiki, bumping into him hard.

Obviously declaring his dissatisfaction.

Saiki was not angry, but a bit surprised.

If it was before, he would have to at least beat him up, before he would agree to do something he told him to.

But now it was just a small bump.

[Did Bakugou finally realize his bad temper and decided to correct it?]

Saiki thought but then he shook his head.

This is obviously far more outrageous than Midoriya being the secret child of All Might.

Entering the mall in front of him, Saiki did not wander around the shops to buy something, as he said.

Instead, he directly went to the bathroom and teleported into an empty rooftop.

With the open rooftop it was very windy.

The sun's remaining light was almost invisible and the darkness gradually covered the sky.

The shops on the street turned on the lights one after another, and the colorful light made people not notice the two people that were facing each other at the top of this high building.

"You came......"

With a whisper, the young man turned around.

Tomura Shigaraki was still wearing all black and was covered in hands.

[Yare yare, are you really not going to think about changing this tasteless look?]

Saiki did not speak and stood still on the spot.

Not getting a response, Shigaraki didn't seem to care.

"I have been watching you, Kusuo Saiki..."

Saiki: ...

[You are a good person, but I think we are not suitable for each other.]

The light-haired young man tilted his head, his voice was hoarse.

"...You actually don't really want to be a hero right?"

From the crack of the hand on his face, his eyes widened abnormally.

"Stupid people can only see those stupid heroes ..."

"Talking about All Might every day..."

Shigaraki murmured, his hands scratching his neck uncontrollably, leaving deep marks.

"...Really, it's so annoying."

Saiki was still standing there, not speaking or moving.

[So, you just came here to express your own view as an All Might hater?]

He leaned down slightly dropping his head.

"What I wanted to say is, do you want to join us."


Saiki thought that there might be something wrong with him.

[If you remember correctly, the last time I met you, I fractured your three ribs. Are you a masochist?]

Still not getting a response, Shigaraki got a little irritated.

He took a step forward: "Don't pretend, you and I are similar kind people..."

[No, you're misunderstanding me. I could never appreciate the artistic beauty of those hands on you.]

"Last time, you obviously could fight us as soon as we appeared... But you just waited until the teacher was about to die..."

"You actually didn't want to help, right?"

Shigaraki said softly as if he was analyzing or even inducing.

[I actually did not want to interfere, but the reason may not be the same as you think.]

Saiki was already aware of his intentions and he did not plan waste any more time.

'Give up, I won't join you.'


Shigaraki froze, blood-red eyes narrowed dangerously.


"You shouldn't like someone like All Might?"

Saiki pushed his glasses.

In the afternoon, Mr. Shot directly confiscated his original pair, so now he was still wearing the gold-rimmed glasses that were used for taking pictures.

This made him look even more indifferent.

'No reason.' He spoke quietly, 'I just think there is no meaning for what you're doing right now.'

Shigaraki laughed in a low tone.


"Isn't it the most meaningful thing to eradicate All Might from this society?!"

Shigaraki shouted.

Saiki: ...

So you are also a twisted All Might fan.

'I don't have any opinion about All Might.'

He was unavoidably misunderstood as a person like him, so Saiki tried to clarify seriously.

Shigaraki stopped, his hands slowly retracted, dropping naturally.

He said this indifferently: "...I don't care what you think about All Might, as long as you join me."

'I refuse.'

Saiki was still expressionless.

[If I really decided to be a villain, then there would be nothing of you left.]

Using only three days to destroy the world and all the villains and heroes would be gone.

[So you are currently risking your career, Scratchy-kun.]

Shigaraki was silent for a while, then spoke softly.

"Really, then don't blame me for not giving you a chance."

Saiki was unmoved: 'Are you going to fight me? How many ribs do you want to get broken this time?'

His body stiffened and the movement of Shigaraki's hands slowed down, seemingly recalling the fear of being beaten.

But in just a moment, he returned to his normal state.

"You are indeed very strong." Shigaraki leaned forward slightly, "...But your lovely classmates may not have such confidence?"

Saiki was stunned.


A familiar black mist gathered behind Shigaraki as he stepped back and walked into the portal.

The light-haired young man disappeared from the rooftop, only leaving a vengeful sentence.

"Pray for them!"

Saiki stood still.

——Of course, he was not hit by this sudden threat.

[Thank you very much for your kindness, Scratchy-kun.]

His eyes became cross-eyed, Saiki looked at Hosu City according to the attack plan mentioned in the mind of Shigaraki.

[Has it already begun, they take action pretty quickly.]

Instantly disappearing from the rooftop, Saiki appeared in an alley in Hosu City.

Outside the dark alley was a mess.

Somehow, flames ignited across several streets and panic-stricken cutizens screamed to avoid the attacks of giant monsters.

[Aren't these things like that Nomu?]

Saiki was a bit distressed. If these monsters were just as strong as the last one, it would be a little difficult.

It's not that he can't beat it, but it's very troublesome.

Moreover, he didn't want too many people to notice himself...

[In this case, there is only one way.]

Saiki made a decision and walked out of the alley.


Endeavor originally brought his who finally had a rebellious period to the city of Hosu for his hero internship.

But they were faced with a villain attack and his son went to find a classmate. As a hero, he began to help evacuate the crowd, put out fires and fight these monsters.

[These things are endless]

After another right-handed blow with a fiery flame and hitting one monster, Endeavor found out that as long as it was not a one-hit kill, the attack on the monster seemed to have no effect.

There was a wound, but they didn't seem to feel any pain and they didn't stop at all.

Of course, Endeavor would not be afraid of these monsters, it was just a matter of punching two more punches, which will burn them into ashes sooner or later.

But there were more than one of these monsters. Besides him, there were many heroes and even ordinary people who were not strong enough. They couldn't wait for Endeavor to slowly to solve them one by one.

[I should speed things up.]

Endeavor once again increased the fire, preparing to get the one in sight at once.


He was stunned, he found that the monster did not move.

Taking a step cautiously, Endeavor raised his eyebrows in surprise.

The monster didn't try not to resist, but its entire body froze in place, its skin turned into a dead gray, looking like some kind of stone.

[It has petrified?]

He quickly thought through the list of heroes he knew, but had impression of this ability.

[Who is the person with such hidden strength?]

It was not impossible, many people with strong quirks did not become heroes in the end, but chose the lives of ordinary people.

No matter what had happened, it was a big help right now.

Endeavor punched it once and the stone figure was easily broken into pieces.

Immediately afterward, he turned his head and looked to the side and found that other monsters were also petrified and being broken by the surprised but quick heroes.

Soon, there were no more active monsters around, leaving only piles of rocks.


Slightly relaxed, a hero whispered and began to discuss this strange occurrence.

Endeavor hugged his chest with both hands and looked around sharply, not noticing the flash of pink in the dark alley.


[It was way too dangerous.]

Saiki was relieved.

As far as the present situation is concerned, it was the easiest way to directly petrify these Nomus.

But the risk was also great. So many people were crowded together, innocent people would be affected if he was not careful.

Saiki almost petrified a short man who was standing close.

[There should be no problems now.]

He put on his glasses again and looked around with clairvoyance.

