The 40. Disastrous Day

With the start of the game, almost all teams rushed towards Midoriya's team with his 10 million points.

But not every group could reach them smoothly. While rushing towards the 10 million points, other teams also showed their strengths by hindering their competitors.

The attack of Todoroki's group was the most powerful and effective.

Under the high-voltage electrification of Kaminari, pretty much all of the groups close to them were frozen by Todoroki while they were unable to move from the shock.

So before even meeting their initial target, there were already a lot of groups that lost their headbands due to their carelessness.

[He clearly looks like a ruthless character when it is about winning. ]

Saiki and and the others carefully stayed at the sidelines of the battle, using Todoroki's attack to snatch a lot of points.

[But he actually is quite soft hearted? ]

Saiki had noticed that Todoroki didn't take all the scores of the teams he pashesed. For those with only a few scores, only one headband was taken away.

"Saiki-san, are we going to come up with a plan?"

Ojiro who was the front leg of their team asked, as they circled outside the battlefield and carefully looked around.

Ever since the battle in the All Might's class, Ojiro has had a mysterious trust in Saiki. He always felt that the other party would be well prepared and already have a detailed plan.

[Your misunderstanding of me is quite big, Ojiro-san. ]

In fact, Saiki not only didn't have any plans, he didn't even have any ideas.

But if he said that, his two classmates might get shocked and lose their confidence, so Saiki just  softly mumbled of course, with a somewhat unsure tone.

Sure enough, after Ojiro listened to Saiki's answer he relaxed a lot, his tail flicked with excitement, waiting for his next instruction.

Aoyama also turned his head elegantly, his mouth turned into an triangle and his big eyes looked at Saiki brightly.

Saiki: ...

[Don't look at me like, I will feel guilty. ]

As someone with excellent superpowers he must be able to feign innocence to hide himself when he is able to do something secretely and hide himself as a wise person when he has no idea, so ...

'Shinso, what do you think? '

Shinso who originally thought that this game he would be the claw in the doll machine, was suddenly called looked at Saiki blankly.

'You must have planned to control your teammates by yourself, so you should have thought about a plan.' Saiki explained.

Shinso blinked. "I was the one who was declaring war on Class 1-A before. Do you really want to listen to me?" There was some doubt in his tone.

'Of course not.' Saiki looked at him like he was looking at a fool, 'I just wanted to know what it was. '

He was refuted with such an attitude that did not conceal his mistrust, Shinso somehow felt a bit relieved.

He roughly looked at the situation on the field, because just losing all the scores will not be considered that one is eliminated, the number of teams on the field has not decreased, it is better to say that because many teams have been robbed of their scores, they now seem to be off to generally attacking the other groups without hesitation, since there is no need to be catious.

Seemingly having an idea, Shinso spoke up still havun a careless look.

"We now have three headbands in our hands." He pointed to the one that belonged to their group itself on his head and the other two on his neck.

"Although the score is already high enough, but it is still easy to be targeted by others."

"So my proposal is to take the initiative to attack."

After that, he looked at the other three and waited for them to answer.

The other three: ...

"Cough ... um, Shinso-san correct ..." Ojiro said awkwardly, "We know that we have to attack ... but how exactly should we attack ..."

Shinso: ...

[I am so convinced that you are a smart person, but you actually said a bunch of nonsense. ]

There was some dissapointment in Saiki's eyes.

"... Wait, haven't you guys ever thought about just keeping our current score?"

Shinso's eyes widened in surprise.

"If we keep the current score, it should be enough to advance!"

Aoyama elegantly used his free hand to brush back his hair. "Hmm ~ Only these amount of points can not be worthy of the gorgeous me ~~"

Ojiro's tail slapped the ground, he didn't quite understand the idea of him. "If you can get more points, of course you should attack."

[It's a gap in thoughts, Shinso. ]

Saiki, who has been silent for the whole time, understands their contradiction. As students of the hero course, they have experienced villains attacks, combat training and other things. So they naturally developed their pursuit of going further and reaching first place.

It can be said that if Shinso just said that they are going to attack Midoriya's team to win the 10 million points, these two people would be nervous and eager to discuss countermeasures without doubting the possibility of their success.

On the other hand, although Shinso wanted to win, his real goal was only limited to advancing.

Everything is fine long as you advance and strive to get the first placd.

The gap between these two ideas puts them in two very different states.

'Then, we will slowly move towards Midoriya's group while collecting other team's points and we will strike for the 10 million when the time is about to run out. '

Realizing that Shinso's strategy might not go well with Ojiro and Aoyama, Saiki proposed a plan.

[Well, although I just said what Ojiro thought about.]

But Ojiro did not think that anything was wrong and even agreed.

So after they circled on the edge for a long time, they finally decided to go to the center of the battlefield.

"Oh my, how strange ~!"

An extremely exaggerating voice interrupted their progress.

[I don't know why but after hearing this voice, I had the impulsive to hit something. ]

Blocked in front of the four was an unknown team. The blonde teenager sitting on top was quite handsome. Even though he was smiling whiile looking at them, it inexplicably made people feel mocked.

"What's that, aren't you from Class 1-A? ~~ Look, it's the famous Class 1-A ~" The blond teenager smiled harmlessly, but what he said was full of mocking and spite, "What's wrong with them, are they already so low that they had to match with someone from the general department?!"

[It has appeared, this familiar sense of deja vu. ]

Saiki's face turned a bit dark, he couldn't help recalling a certain blond maschochist.

[... but this one is even more unpleasant. ]

"... Did you know, that people like you who talk a lot are my favorite." Shinso stared straight at him and said lazily, "I don't even need to provoke you, since you're the talkative type. "

The blonde's smile stiffened for a moment and then he looked even more crazy. He increased the volume of his voice. "Oh my, what's that? ~ How strange ~ What's that annoying sound? Did you guys hear that buzz—" His words came to an abrupt end .

After Shinso activating his quirk, Ojiro led them straight ahead and passed the group of the blonde teenager.

Shinso easily reached out and took their headband from the top of the blond boy's head and then they passed by without being blocked.

"Hey, what are you doing Monoma?!" The blonde teenager's teammates looked at him in disbelief as he froze and his opponent snatched the scores.

However, the blond boy's eyes were out of focus and he did not answer, nor could he answer.

"... What just happened?"

Passing by the opponent so easily and also getting their scores, Ojiro a little suprised.

'Shinso manipulated that student. '

Saiki explained briefly, so that his teammates have a general understanding.

'His quirk is a strong quirk that can brainwash others after answering him. '

Ojiro suddenly realized that no wonder he lost consciousness at that time and then he was excited, "That's an advantage in this case!"

"Well ~ Although it's not as good as my navel laser ~" Aoyama lifted the belt on his stomach elegantly and arrogantly.

Ojiro: ... No, that may be the most useless quirk right now.

"... we're very close, now be careful to use a sneak attack." Shinso said.

"Hmm ~ I'm totally ok here !!" Aoyama turned his head elegantly, suddenly a beige figure with flames quickly filled his entire sight.

Ojiro responded quickly, he used his tail to jump forward violently, Saiki also jumped up with him, his right hand grabbed Aoyama's elegant clothes to pull him to the air and they avoided the blow of Bakugou.


Hanta Sero's tape was tied around his waist and dragged him back, Bakugou glared at the four unwillingly.

[Yare yare, looks like we are getting targeted by someone quite troublesome.]

After adjusting their position on the floor, Saiki's team and Bakugou's team confronted each other.

"What's wrong, four eyes? Let me see ... How powerful your chosen teammates are?!"

He showed a murderous smile and shouted with a harsh tone.

Mina Ashido: ... How come the air is so sour suddenly, was my acid too much?

Saiki: ...

Shinso glanced at the calm pink-haired boy and had already guessed what happened.

[No wonder he suddenly came over and asked ...]

Although he was considered a victim of this involvement, it was a pleasure to cooperate with him before, so he decided to help him out.

"Oh my, look who this is? Isn't that the "slime villain victim" that was famous back in junior high?"

His tone that was dragged long and was inexplicably unpleasant, not to mention that Bakugou was quite triggered.

"—You fucking shut up!!!"

Even more hatred had added together, the nitroglycerin on the palm of the hand instantly ignited and the expression of Bakugou got even worse

"... So like I already said, talkative types like you are my favorite." He murmured to himself, as he evoked a succesful smile.

Suddenly, the flashing sparks in Bakugou's hands stopped, his face froze into a strange expression and his eyes looked empty.

[It's really enviable. ]

Seeing Bakugou being controlled and silengt for a moment, for the first time in his life, Saiki had the desire for the same quirk.

"Hey, Bakugou! What are you doing ?!"

As Shinso's group approached, Kirishima was anxiously calling his motionless friend.

"It's useless, I will accept your scores."

Shinso was in a good mood as he stretched out his hand, but ...

"Oh my? What's going on? Why is there a motionless headband over here? ~~"

A hand rached out in front of him to take away the score on Bakugou's head.

[... So he came again. ]

Seeing the blond hair, Saiki got annoyed for a moment. He bent down, picked up a small section of the cement from the ground.

[You asked for it. ]

Monoma was originally angry, when his scores where snatched after provoking them. But after seeing someone standing still and having a headband, he went over and took it easily. After taking it away, atfer automatically saying provocative words words. He saw that he stole the scores that the group who robbed his group before were going to take it, this is really ...

the best feeling ever.

In a good mood, he swung the headband in his hand and wanted to mock them, but he still remembered the loss he had before. It is estimated that the purple head can control others by talking, so there were no more words from him. When he was just thinking of slipping away, suddenly...


Something came at a speed that was invisible to see with naked eye, hitting the floor just in front of the person who was the front leg. After the burst of smoke was scattered, a deep hole was left in the floor.

Monoma: ...

'It's better to return the things that you shouldn't take. '

Throwing the remaining three or four rubbles in the air and catching them, Saiki reminded him kindly.

Monoma: ...

Shinso: ...?

Shinso looked at his teammate like he was a monster and asked weirdly, "This is what you mean by physical strengthening?"

--What kind of physical strengthening can make stones go like bullets?

'... Don't care about such details. '

Helplessly glancing at the teammate who exposed him, the atmosphere of intimidation just created was instantly destroyed.

Neito Monoma looked at the deep hole in the ground that was hit by a stone, he felt goosebumps all over. Not mentioning the power, the speed was also very fast and just now not even the air presure had time to unfold ...

"......You bastard......"

There was a trembling voice.

Monoma suddenly felt a shudder behind him. He turned around, just to face a pair of gradually clearer scarlet eyes, as if burning flames were filled inside.


Monoma: ... If I said that I didn't do it. Would you believe me?

The crimson eyes narrowed dangerously, Bakugou raised the corners of his mouth.

Monoma: ... Okay, I got it.


Briefly speaking to his teammates, he copied one of their quirks at the same time, blowing an air barrier.

[No no, since you are already here, let's have a seat.]

Having replaced the blonde in his memories with the current blonde as an advanced version. The dark side of Saiki's heart expanded infinitely and there seemed to be a sneer in the corner of his mouth.

The peculiar angle of the stone hindered the footsteps of their group from different directions, and some even made a curve in the air.

Shinso: ... This is also fucking physical strengthening?

Ojiro and Aoyama: nodding.GIF

"How did these stones shoot over here!!!"

The student as the front leg was having a break down, his toes just moved a bit and immediately, a stone hit the side of his foot as a warning, half of his foot may be gone with a little carelessness.

[Relax, I'm a good person and won't hurt you. ]

Saiki thought, in a good mood while leisurely manipulating several stones flying around.

On the other side, Bakuou made a fist with an explosion and hit the air barrier in front of them cracks appearing after a few times.

"Hey, what's going on with this guy ... Do you really need to be so persistent, it's not like all your scores are gone ..." The smile on Monoma's mouth was on the verge of dissapearing.

"--Give it back!"

Glaring at Monoma with a terrifying look, the barrier in front of him finally broke and Bakugou reached out and snatched all his headbands.

[How ruthless, Bakugou. ]

In his heart, he didn't condemn such a ruthless act of Bakugou, but Saiki's face was gloating.

Ojiro: ... I somehow feel that Saiki has become really scary just now.

Sere threw out the tape again to bring Bakugou back, there were only a few seconds left until the game ended.

It is definitely too late to go to Midoriya to grab the 10 million. Although it is a pity, their points are already enough to advance.

Thinking this way, Shinso's head turned to tell Saiki his plans.

'He's coming. '

His eyes widened, in the reflection of Saiki's eyes, he could clearly see that behind him, a figure was approaching through the air like a cannonball.

It was like everything was in slow motion.

Shinso was dragged back by force  and at the same time from the corner of his eyes he was a blue beam rising into the sky, he dizzyly thought.

——How did they react to that so quickly?

"Times up !!!"

With Present Mic announcing that, the second round's cavalry battle officially ended.
