The 90. Disastrous Day

The Pussy Cats announced an important decision at dinner, that is, that tomorrow evening, there will be a test of courage.

"That sounds pretty exciting, right Saiki?"

After dinner, Ojiro said this to Saiki on the way back to their room. Although he was generally not interested in this kind of activity, it was a different matter now.

——After an exhausting training, he felt that anything would be interesting.

"And it seems that both classes will..."

His unfinished words drifted in the air, he turned around, the silent pink-haired boy behind him was nowhere to be seen.


Suprise and confusion flashed across his face, Ojiro looked around. There were no other people besides Jiro and Yaoyorozu who were talking with each other not too far away.

A cool breeze blew through the night, some goosebumps appeared on his body.

Ojirp: "..."

Did he just see a ghost?

Once he had this idea, he began to overthink. The gentle young man's face stiffened, as his gaze on his two classmates who were not far away became more and more terrified. He slowly felt that they didn't look like how they usually did...


Yaoyorozu's eyes met Ojiro's, but found that there seemed to be a trace of... panic, in his eyes?

Taking a step a step back. Ojiro bowed his head and left without a word. 


She and Jiro looked at each other with faces of puzzlement.

"...Did we scare him?"

"...Maybe he is just more sensitive?"

Jiro nodded slowly, still a bit unsure.


In the dark night, the shining lights of the stars and moons illuminated the forest.

On the silent mountainside, behind the steep stone walls, the sound of soles rubbing against the gravel on the ground was particularly noticeable.

"Man~ I do not like this, it's not cute at all!"

A girl's soft complaint suddenly burst out from the darkness.

"It was said that this was engineered by an underground designer for the black market and the performance was supposed to be very good."

Another young male voice sounded.

"What?~ It could still be a bit more stylish you know!"

The girl was wearing a school uniform and her cute face was a bit flushed.

"That's enough."

Behind the stone wall, a tall figure came out slowly, his pure black hair seemed to blend into the dark night sky.

The cute girl in a uniform and short skirt and the boy with a face mask that covered his whole face stopped their movements and turned their heads to look over.

It was a young man, his half-squinted eyes and weird patterned sewn together skin made him look dangerous.

He had a low voice.

"We have a task to fulfill..."

A few other people came out from the darkness. One was put in restraints, their mouth pulled wide open, with their teeth were exposed and one had green scales like that of lizards.

"That makes seven."

The young man glanced at the people with different expressions, his gaze lingering a bit longer on the girl who could not hide her excitement and the man was wearing a white mask and in a robe.

"We'll move when all ten of us are here... So wait."

It seemed like a warning that was pointed towards specific people.

He turned back and stood on the cliff looking over the entire forest.

In the darkness, the only building glowing a warm light was particularly eye-catching.

The youth's jade-colored eyes reflected the lights and the breeze blew over his bangs.

——We will pull these heroes into the abyss.

"Chirp, it's so cold, hey, have you heard of frozen egg—"

"Who's there?"

Turning his head instantly, the young man's eyes were sharp.

When no one responded, an enchanting blue flame engulfed the area where the sound was coming from and even extended a few meters towards the surroundings.

But this rapid attack did not stop the somewhat robotic female voice. 'She' remained unaffected and continued to say strange things.

"I'm burning to death, this way I can't be hatched. The temperature of a hen's body is different from a pot, please adjust it in time, otherwise, the protection mode will be turned on-"

Frowning slightly, the young man increased his burning flames expressionlessly.

The mechanical female voice with only one tone and repeated this warning again.

"——You big dummy, I'm really turning into a boiled egg. My protection mode is about to be activated——"

Dabi: "..."

After one of them giggled, the young man's cool eyes glanced over.

"It doesn't sound like a living thing."

A person with green lizard-like skin discovered the problem.

"Huh? What is it? Maybe it's something fun~"

The girl seemed to feel no tension at all, her little hand stretched out of her sleeve and her big eyes blinked excitedly.

"...Whatever it is, we just have to crush it!"

It was the man was wearing a robe. He finally spoke and behind the mask came a rough, unclear voice.

The unknown blue flame was still burning, but the fire has gradually decreased.

It was unknown if 'she' felt the temperature change or not. But the annoying female voice finally disappeared and was no longer shouting about the protection mode.

After the flame was completely extinguished, the blonde-haired girl seemed to finally be unable to hold in her inner curiosity and could not wait to walk towards it.

Silently looking at the 'cute' bouncing of the girl, the young man stopped his footsteps, a trace of annoyance flashed on his face.

"Tsk, crazy girl."

After a while, the girl bounced back again.

"Hey, look, look!"

She held a round and white egg high in her hand.

Dabi: "...So you're not even sparing eggs anymore?"

Toga glanced at him sullenly: "Isn't it cute?"

"--Thank you, you are cute too."

Suddenly, the female voice rang again, it was indeed from the white egg in her hand.


Toga smiled, reached out and pulled out a knife that looked extremely sharp from her school uniform.

The Egg: "..."

Is this how you express love?

"And I have already tried, it will not break~"

She obviously liked the egg she was holding much, but she stabbed it with a sharp knife without any hesitation. The fast movement and the force deformed the tip of the knife.

Finally having some interest, Dabi took the egg that made the knife bent from Toga.

With its round and harmless look one couldn't tell that it had just experienced two deadly attacks.

"Hmph, little girls should just stay aside, with just your strength..."

A man snatched the white egg from Dabi and sneered contemptuously.

His right hand pressed the egg hard, bulging blood-red muscle fibers covered his arm, he became thick and powerful in an instant.

The man squeezed the white egg and clenched his fingers.

The egg didn't even have a dent and not a single crack could be seen.

The man:"......"

Dabi: "..."

How should he tell this fool without common sense, that the surface of the egg can disperse the force, how can the shell that can even withstand a sharp knife be opened like that.

"Leave it alone."

It seemed that the teenagers who was wearing a mask and a school uniform finally couldn't stay indifferent and interrupted them.

"It's just a defensive egg, it's not related to our plan."

His words made everyone else realize that it was true that although this kind of thing is rare it may be some smart toy that someone who came to travel accidentally dropped.

With a cold snort, the muscular man's arm returned to its original shape, and he slammed the egg back into the young man's hand, looking like he didn't care about it.

Ignoring the man who had just embarrassed himself, Dabi looked at the big white egg in his hand again.

The egg: "..."

Not seeing anything special, maybe it was really just an ordinary egg.

Dabi raised his head and threw the egg towards the grass.

"Let's go and start preparing."

In the sparse white moonlight, the small group of people walked down the cliff to the depths of the quiet forest.


After they disappeared. On the cliff, there was only the egg lying on the ground alone.

The bright white shell became shined in the moonlight, as it quietly laid in the grass.

Suddenly, it moved.

Then a slightly weird scene appeared.

The egg began to rise upright, float in the air and then stopped at a specific height.

[Yare yare, I almost thought they were going to take this thing away.]

Under the moonlight, the light gradually twisted, and a figure appeared out of thin air on the open grass.

Saiki was relieved and held the lost white egg in his hand.

'If I lost this, Mr. Aizawa will definitely get suspicious.'

He muttered to the egg.

There was a reflection on the smooth surface of the white egg.

Carefully putting the egg in his trouser pockets, Saiki glanced at the direction that the group had just to and didn't follow after them in the end.

[It's already late. I'll be tired tomorrow.]

——It is more important to sleep now.

Thinking this way, Saiki disappeared again.

When he was eating, he heard a few strange thoughts nearby. Because it was so unique he got a little concerned, so after dinner, he found an opportunity to investigate.

[So those people should be the same as Shigaraki who attacked UA before?]

Although no one mentioned who they were waiting for, but if he had to his guess, it was a nine out of ten chance they meant Shigaraki and that black mist.

Reappearing in their dorm, Saiki walked through the corridor without any sounds of footsteps since he was walking a few centimeters from the ground.

Originally he just hid and listened to their conversations and thoughts and discovered some quiet dangerous plans.

Unexpectedly, the white egg in his pocket rolled out and then he touched the switch when he went to pick it up.

The egg that was exposed to a slightly cool night began to react to the temperature.

[This egg really is annoying at critical moments like this.]

Taking the egg out of his pocket and putting it next to his schoolbag. If Saiki hadn't reacted in time and turning invisible, he might have been found just now.

It was not impossible to take them all on after being discovered.

But listening to their previous conversations, it seems that these people still had associates that have not come. If they were resolved directly now, the secret big boss would probably act way more cautiously in the future.

[...Sure enough, I should not tell Mr. Aizawa about this.]

He took off his jacket and placed it next to his schoolbag. Saiki hesitated and made this decision.

Before, it was because he told the teachers about it, that as a result, he was prevented from taking action in the name of not allowing students to take risks.

——In the end, something that could've been solved quickly was dragged on for a long time.

[So, as long as they are settled quietly before they act, no one will know about it.]

After walking past the sleeping Kirishima, he pulled up the blanket that Midoriya kicked away and Saiki walked continued through the room quietly.

He kicked Mineta who was wrapped in a blanket that was tied by a rope and finally arrived at his bed.

[I should choose a different spot next time.]

Lifting his blanked, he got in, while surrounded by snoring sounds.

Saiki: "..."

Forget it, it is impossible for this group of classmates who slept like dead pigs to find him coming back so late.

Calming down, he turned sideways.

But at that moment it felt like his scalp was about to explode.

In the darkness, a pair of blood-red eyes that were shining brightly were motionlessly staring at him and it was unknown how long he had been.

Saiki: "..."

Bakugou: "...Oh."

[This isn't the time to just say 'oh' is it?!!]
