The 37. Disastrous Day

Soon, time passed by and the highly anticipated UA Sports Festival finally came.

"Sure enough, wearing my own hero costume would be way better..."

In the backstage lounge, the students of Class 1-A changed into the dark blue sportswear uniformly prepared by the school and are waiting for admission.

"There is no way to ribbit, it's very unfair to the students in the general department!" Tsuyu Asui comforted the somewhat depressed Mina Ashido.

"But ... it's rare to be able to be on TV ..." Mina Ashido ruffled the fabric on with a bitter face.

[Relax, Ashido-san, your skin color is already conspicuous enough.]

Saiki put his hands on his chin with his hands crossed, his expression serious.

Originally, he was thinking that after the principal returned, he would ask him to "discuss" about his participation in the sports festival again.

But he never imagined that the bastard mouse went straight to the third grade venue and was sitting in front of hundreds of cameras drinking tea leisurely.

[I miscalculated ... now I can only participate first.]

When the class was about go up and you suddenly withdraw from the game, it will only cause unnecessary attention. In that case, it is not as good as normal competition and then naturally losing.

As for how to make yourself eliminated without doubting others ... this is probably the most familiar thing for Saiki.

[Preliminarily estimating that everyone in the class will not be eliminated at the first round, then when it's the second round ...]

"... Hey, we're about to go up, don't quarrel ..."

When Saiki thought about things, there seemed to be a dispute on the other side of the room.

"... I don't want to get to the bottom of it," Surprisingly, what caused the incident turned out to be the usually quiet Todoroki, "But there is one thing I have wondered about for a long time ..."

Midoriya clenched his fists, feeling nervous.

"... Why does someone like you who seems so weak, receive the attention of someone like All Might and Saiki?"

Todoroki calmly asked, like he was just describing something, but this only made Midoriy feel even more nervous.

And beside them, Bakugou who wasn't really interested moved, showing half of his face, his eyes stayed on Todoroki with no expression.

"Maybe you do have some potential ... but this time, I will definitely win."

Noticing the movement on the other side, Saiki was now numb to matters being able to include him whithout him ever doing anything, now he always feels that he has another superpower called ubiquitous presence.

"... Although I may be very weak now and can't compare with Saiki-san or All Might ..." Taking a deep breath, Midoriya said this.

"--But, for this sports festival, I will go all out!" His voice was so firm that one couldn't hear any hesitation.

"... okay." Todoroki said lightly and turned to leave.

[Wait, shouldn't there be more than just a single 'okay' here? ]

Saiki thought this calmly, he really couldn't understand what they are thinking.

"--Everyone, get ready we're leaving soon!"

The teacher's notice finally came and the tense atmosphere in the room was also broken. Everyone tacitly forgot what had just happened, walked out of the room one after another and queued at the entrance.

"... Two are missing ..." Iida said after counting the number of people.

"Saiki-san, did you see Bakugou and Todoroki?" He asked Saiki who was standing at the end of the line.

[I don't know, don't ask me. ]

That's what he thought, but Saiki still found them with his clairvoyance.

'They're still in the lounge. '

[And the atmosphere looks a little bad.]

"What ?! These two, really !!"

Somewhat annoyed, Iida was ready to bring the two men over.

[... Don't tell me these three guys will start a fight right before the opening. ]

Saiki thought without certainty, with Bakugou there, he wouldn't even be suprised if the whole room was blown up.

"... Saiki-san will of course be the goal of everyone, including me."

These words by Todoroki were heard outside the door, Iida who was thinking about teaching the two of them a lesson heard it and stopped unconsciously.

"... no matter how dissatisfied you are, you can't change this fact."

The person in front of him had a calm expression, but easily ignited the anger in Bakugou's chest. Bakugou's throat turned dry, he had more then thousand retorts ready in his heart, but his mouth remained shut.

"Hah? So ...  is this the nonsense you are going to say?" Finally he spoke up.

"Don't make me laugh ..." Bakugou's face was cold, "If you want to dream, go on ..."

As he said this he walked pass Todoroki to leave.

"--The one who will be winning in the end is me anyway!"

Pushing the door open, he came face to face with Iida who was hiding against the wall.

"No, no! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to ..." With guilt, Iida began to explain, but when he saw Todoroki coming from behind Bakugou, he suddenly remembered that he was coming to nag.

"Cough ... what are you two doing ?! We should be ready to go by now, but you two are still chatting here--" He changed his attitude instantly, but he had lost the advantage he had at the beginning.

Bakugou didn't speak, glanced at him and then went away.

"... what ...?!" Iida's waving hands stiffened in front of him, "... I was ignored ..."

"We just talked about some small matters." Todoroki barely explained, feeling a little pity for Iida.

"... Ah, is that so ..." 


When the three people came back together, Saiki could already hear Present Mic's loud voice.

[He said he was looking for them, but then he was almost late with them together. ]

Saiki glanced at the three of them.

[And the problem is not solved at all. ]

Of course, he knew what Todoroki and Bakugou said in the end and knew that things could not be separated from him, but if he appeared at times like this, the development might be worse in the end.

[Yare yare, they really are troublesome students. ]

Feeling sympathetic to Aizawa who has to deal with them for about for a second, Saiki decided avoid Bakugou until the problem was solved.

Seeing a certain person with pink hair, Bakugou habitually wanted to go over, but he was avoided at the moment of contact between the two's eyes and Saiki even directly hid behind Mezo Shoji.

Bakugou: ...

Then he must have realized what the other had just done. He gritted his teeth and fiercely glared at the person behind Shoji.

Saiki took advantage of the tall body of his classmate that expressed a sense of security.

Shoji: ...

Being stared at by Bakugou's fierce eyes, he felt a shiver down his spine and an increasing pressure.

[Why the hell are you hiding from me ?! ]

'I don't want to be involved in your messy relationship.' He directly spoke to Bakugou's brain through his telepathy.

[...?? Who the hell has a messy relationship!!! ] 

'You, Todoroki and Midoriya.' 

Todoroki declared war on Midoriya. Midoriya and Bakugou had always been in an antagonistic relationship and at the same time, Bakugou and Todoroki also have a conflict.

[It turns out to be a classic triangle relationship. ] The idea of ​​not wanting to get in the way got even more firm.

Bakugou's face became darker, his eyes gradually crazier, his hands balled into fists.

"--The next is Class 1-A, who have been highly anticipated by everyone and did an outstanding job at fighting the villains before!" 

In an instant, everyone's thoughts were interrupted and their eyes focused on the front.

As they moved forward the noise of the outside world got loud and clear, the dazzling sunshine came venting out and inexplicable enthusiasm suddenly poured out in everyone's hearts, their dreams and their future full of infinite possiblities, formally extended their hands to them at this moment.

As soon as they walked out of the dark passage, they were greeted with applause and cheering.

"Woah, there are so many people ..." Midoriya was a little stiff from all the people watching.

Despite the preparations made in his heart, he was still a bit nervous to actually experience this anticipated feeling.

"Saiki-san should already be accustomed to this feeling!" Hagakure said with some excitement. "Since it's only natural to receive so much attention since you're so powerful!"

'......No. '

[It should be said that it's the complete opposite. ]

Saiki, who has been low-key for two lifetimes, thinks that this may be the time of his most high profile in his life. He is watched by everyone with expectant eyes and is a member of the class 1-A.

"Since Saiki didn't want to be noticed by everyone ..." Midoriya said with understanding, "this is probably also his first experience?"

"Ribbit ... But Saiki-chan always looks calm ..." Tsuyu tapped her chin.

[Saiki-chan? ]

"It's better to say that he always has this expression ..." Kaminari heard them and joined in.

[Hey, I'm still there. ]

Saiki walked in the middle with a dark face, but the classmates around him didn't seem to see it. There was a heated discussion about his facial expression.

"I remember facial paralysis seems to be a disease?"

[I don't have facial paralysis, I just don't feel the need to show any expressions. ]

"Really? How sad ..."

[... No sympathy is needed from someone with an idiotic face. ]

"No, no, Saiki-san has superpowers, how can he get facially paralyzed ?!"

[Midoriya, Good Job. ]

"Ah! I have forgotten ... Can Saiki-san turn the audience into carrots? Then we won't be as nervous !!"

[What do you think ? ]

With a sigh, Saiki still couldn't understand what his idiotic classmates were thinking about all day.

After all the first-year classes have been introduced, the host of this year's event is the hero Midnight. She used a small leather whip to cast a sharp arc and showed a mischievous smile.

[Is it really okay to seduce students as a high school teacher. ]

Some with low willpower are already staring this teacher with stupid grins. For example, Mineta, ​​the slightly better ones were blushing and then there were also the ones who didn't even daretake a straight look, such as Midoriya.

And at times like this the gap became more visible.

Bakugou blankly stared at the teacher, completely unbothered and he was even distracted from the messy relationship that Saiki mentioned before, the more he thought about it the more angry he became.

[... Fuck! Sooner or later I will kill you four eyes! ]

Although Saiki also had the body of a normal adolescent, he just blankly looked at midnight, since no normal person would have any special reaction towards a model of human muscle and fat.

[... Sure enough, even a girl who is a professional hero will have a little more fat. Aizawa had much less fat than this. ]

"Everyone be quiet!"

The leather whip whipped the floor with a slap.

"Representing the students is Katsuki Bakugou from Class 1-A!"

To everyone's surpris Bakugou's name was announced. After so many days of getting along, everyone is basically familiar with the nature of their classmates. The bad temper has almost made people forget that he is still first place in the entrance exam.

With his hands in his pockets, Bakugou shockingly didn't show any smug expression. He silently walked onto the stage and stood in front of the microphone.

"I pledge--"

He spoke.

"That I'll be number one!"

Class 1-A: ...

——I knew he would do that!!!

Before even officially starting the game, just one sentence has made Class 1-A the focus of hatred of all first-graders.

[... Thanks to you, wer're even more noticeable. ]

Siaki had long guessed that he would not obediently say something like "friendship is always first".

[But such arrogant words can only be spoken by Bakugou. ]

"and also......"

After a pause, Bakugou grabbed the microphone and turned around, immediately catching the others's gaze without any emotion in the vast crowd.

[Also? ! ]

Class 1-A, who thought he had ended his speech, t nervous once again, fearing that he would say something earth-shattering again.

"—— Kusuo Saiki, only I can beat you !!"

The young man's arrogant voice resounded through the microphone.

[...? ]

The school being very professional, the camera quickly found Saiki's stiff figure and immediately got a close up of his face.

So everyone on the scene and watching TV clearly saw this handsome young man with pink hair and the trace of despair in his eyes.

[I wanna die. ]
