The 48. Disastrous Day

The next battle ended quite quickly Saiki didn't sit in the waiting room for long before he heard Present Mic's voice excitedly announcing the victory of Bakugou.

He glanced at his cell phone, when the door of the room was suddenly kicked open.

Saiki: ?

Saiki: 'What are you doing. '

Bakugou had just returned from his previous battle and also looked dumbfounded. He looked at the doorplate: "Isn't this ... Oh, is this room two? Damn it!"

Saiki: ...

Faced with a slightly disgusted gaze, the teenager didn't feel embarrassed at all and said straightforwardly: "What's with your expression, huh?"

Saiki: It's the expression of looking at a fool.

Bakugou walked in with and sat down, without any intention of leaving him alone.

Looking down, Saiki looked at his phone and Bakugou sat across from him, looking at Saiki without speak.

"Hey, four eyes!" Pissed that he is being ignored, Bakugou slammedd his feet against the edge of the table, "You won't lose on purpose or something, right?"

Saiki raised his gaze and glanced at him: 'Probably. '

Bakugou's expression got worse: "What do you mean with probably ?!"

He slammed the table with his hands, pushing it towards Saiki in the progress, "I want an indisputable first place! I don't want to take advantage of others !!"

Saiki pushed the table back easily and made even more space for himself: '... Yeah, yeah. '

Bakugou was pushed up against the wall, in a narrow gap: "What's with your attitude?"

Saiki pretended not to hear him and continued to look at his phone, helplessly reading Taketa's encouraging words.

"What have you been watching since the beginning ?!" An impatient voice rang in his ears.

Saiki jolted up, thinking that it was fascinating that he didn't notice that Bakugou has come up behind him.

[... Is my vigilance against Bakugou already so low? ]

But it's not surprising to think about it. I seem to stay with him a lot recently.

'None of your business.' Withstanding the urge to hit him, Saiki put away his phone.

Bakugou's face was instantly dark: "You still fucking have time to watch other things before ou battle?!"

Saiki: ?

Saiki: Why not?

Saiki's expression clearly revealed his question, Bakugou's face became even darker.

Saiki: Sure enough, I really can't understand the logic of these guys.

"Now, this battle will decide who the first-year sports festival's champion will be! Also known as the finals!!"

Present Mic's voice came through the door, telling them it was time to go up.

Saiki stood up and planned to leave, Bakugou gritted his teeth and finally did not speak. His crimson eyes gave him a look and turned to leave.

[First is absolutely mine! ]

[... Please just take it. ]

Saiki was extremely sincere.

Standing on the arena, Saiki looked at the opponent in front of him, his blond hair showed a beautiful luster in the sunlight.

"What the hell are you doing ?!"

Unlike Todoroki, Bakugou's attacks weren't calculated or careful at all. As soon as the battle started, it seemed that he had fast-forwarded to the climax. He directly used his explosioms to charge towards Saiki.

Fortunately, Saiki was also the person who trained with him for two weeks before the sports festival. So he was still familiar with his attacking method. He easily escaped the punch from the right and grabbed him by his arm throwing him over his shoulder.

Bakugou's reaction was also very fast. After being thrown, he used his explosion to adjust his position in the air, preparing for the next attack.

"Oh oh! It seems that both sides are familiar with each other's moves! Could it be that our two opponents in the finals have a good relationship in private ?!" Present Mic did not forget to gossip while explaining.

[So noisy. ]

Saiki grabbed a handful of stones and shot them at Bakugou from different angles, but he easily solved it by raising his hand and blasting an explosion.

"What's wrong, four eyes?" Bakugou looked excited already. "It's not painful at all!"

[Yare yare, you're quite enjoying this, Bakugou. ]

Abandoning the advantage of being in the air, he landed on the ground, attacked purely with his combat skills and his explosive fist passed right next to Saiki's hair with a punch, the hot temperature made his sensitive ear turn red.

'...! '

Saiki retreated and saw Bakugou's familiar move, but just when he was about to move he stopped.

[Hey, don't tell me ...]

"Howitzer Impact-!!!"

And at the moment when he was distracted, Bakugou jumped up, his hands released a powerful blasts, the heat of the rotating bursts showed a dangerous bright yellow and the high temperature made the air look wavy.

[This could be it! ]

Bakugou ushered in such a violent explosion, Saiki dared not to move casually, he stood still and took the blow.

After the blast, there was black smoke that filled the stadium.

"What a shocking force of Katsuki Bakugou!!" Present Mic's voice sounded through the microphone. "Can Kusuo Saiki escape this powerful attack ?!"

[Still as noisy as always, Teacher Mic. ]

The black fog on the field had not yet dissipated, but Saiki could clearly see Bakugou standing in the spot after a blow, he was slightly gasping with his head down.

Saiki decided to pretend to faint from his blast, so that he can lose the battle.

As he moved to lay down on the ground, Bakugou saw his movement and staggered towards him.

"Don't you dare... Do this to me..."

He seemed to have overused his quirk since he was pretty weak. As he arrived right in front of Saiki, he finally collapsed. The boy's angered face enlarged in front of Saiki eyes, as gravity was pulling him forward.

The breeze brought by the action blew across his cheeks, Saiki's eyes widened, the warm temperature of the other person could be felt from his lips ... 

In his blank brain, an unrelated thought flashed by.

——He looks so fierce, but his lips are very soft.

As their breaths entangled, their lips parted.

'! '

Realizing what was happening, Saiki kicked Bakugou away with one foot. He didn't forget to control his strength, which only made him fall to the side.

[What the hell... just happened...]

