The 52. Disastrous Day

When Midoriya arrived at the dessert shop that he and Saiki agreed on to meet at, he was a little uneasy, not only because the Sports Festival just ended and he was recognized everywhere, but also because of the news he saw this morning ... ...

Could Saiki-san and Kacchan really be ...

His brain was a little dizzy, thinking of the intimate relationship that he his two childhood friends might have, beyond the ordinary friendship.

Although it is somewhat unimaginable, Midoriya had made up his mind, if this was the choice of Saiki, he will bless them for sure!

Even if his partner was Kacchan ... um, wait, maybe he should persuade Saiki about this, a relationship with Kacchan does seem to be a little too intense ...

He found a seat and sat down, asking for a glass of lemonade.

[I can't believe it. When did Saiki and Kacchan get together?]

Midoriya thought about it carefully and found that he could not find any signs of romance between the two ... The three of them grew up together and their way of getting along has not changed much, so when did his two childhood friends suddenly get so close behind his back...

Midoriya: complex_feelings.GIF

Biting his straw, someone sat down in front of him.

He raised his head and apologized politely: "I'm sorry, I already came with someone."

An expressionless pink-haired girl sat in front of him: 'It 's me. '

Midoriya: "..."

Midoriya: "Um, do I know you?" His tone was careful.

The girl: '... your heartbroken old father. '

Midoriya's eyes widened: "Saiki-san?!"

Kusuo, no, Kuriko nodded calmly and asked for a glass of orange juice.

Midoriya was still in shock: "That, that, that, is that one of Saiki-san's abilities ...?"

He was stuttering strangely and at the end of his sentence his voice cracked.

Saiki: '......'

Saiki: 'I already said it's me, what are you all shy about? '

——It's making Saiki feel weird.

Midoriya: "No, no, no! It's not like I want to! It's just a natural reaction ..."

——My friends who I have been playing together with since I was a kid has suddenly become a girl or something. Isn't this like a story in the comics?!

The innocent Midoriya, who almost never had contact with girls, thought that even if he knew that she was his chilhood friend, seeing Saiki, who is actually very cute as a girl, he could not control his nervousness.

Midoriya: "A-about the news came out this morning ..."

Saiki: '......'

Saiki's mood was not very goof. He put the orange juice in his hand on the table. Using a little too much force, the juice inside almost spilled out.

The news feed he saw in the morning made him spend almost all the patience in his life to barely convince his mother that he had nothing to do with the violent durian head. Everything was due to an accident.

Now looking at Midoriya like this, he painfully discovered that he may have to go through the process of torture again.

Saiki's tone was cold: 'I will only say it once. '

'I have nothing to do with Bakugou, it's all a misunderstanding. '

Midoriya blinked and said this uncertainly: "But all those photos ... and the videos ..."

'The photos were edited and the videos were filmed from bad angles. '

Midoriya: ... Are you serious, Saiki-san?

Saiki: Very serious.

Midoriya's fingers wrapped around the cup in fron of him, he a little nervous: "Well, if that's what Saiki-san is saying, I believe you!"

——It would be quite scary if his two childhood friends got together. Sure enough, it's just a big misunderstanding.

Saiki: ... I'm so touched, Midoriya.

Unexpectedly, before starting the long explanation, Midoriya already firmly believed him—Saiki was relieved that he didn't have to go through the trouble of explaining.

Saiki's coffee jelly was served, it was a transparent brown color, just looking at it made him feel a little better, he took a spoon and took a bite.


A trace of enjoyment appeared on his face, the girl with short light pink hair seemed to have stars flashing in her eyes.

Midoriya took a sip of his lemonade and looked away, repeatedly thinking that this is was his childhood friend, a male, his father ...

——But she's so cute.

Saiki was disturbed by the noise and raised his head, only to find that Midoriya was unconsciously sucking on the straw of the empty lemonade.

[... Midoriya, let it go, the poor straw. ]

Seeing Saiki's strange eyes, Midoriya discovered his stupid behavior and laughed nervously, letting go of the straw stiffly, pretending that nothing happened.

There was a sudden noise outside the dessert shop.

Midoriya turned to look out of the window and aw a crowd outside.

Midoriya: "Saiki-san, look, is there a hero or something?"

There was obvious excitement in his tone.

Saiki lowered his head uninterestingly, there is nothing to make him move away from his coffee jelly.

Saiki: 'Probably. '

[I can't hear their thoughts, but the crowd is very excited. ]

[It's so noisy, can people only express their emotions with 'Kyaaa' now in this world? ]

Midoriya couldn't sit still, he moved in his seat and then quickly said: "Saiki-sanu, I'll take a look and come back soon!"

Saiki nodded slightly, scooping a spoonful of coffee jelly again.

[It really tastes great. I should come here again next time. ]

Two knocks came from the window beside him.

[? ]

Saiki turned to the side to check.

What appeared in front of him was the familiar face of a wicked person. He was glaring at himself with extremely fierce eyes, as if he wanted to try to kill him.

Saiki: ...

[Wait, why did Bakugou appear here. ]

If someone would list the people he didn't want to see today, the fierce and violent Mr. Bakugouj would undoubtedly sit on the throne firmly.

The other doesn't seem to see Saiki's disdain and mouthed something.

——Just you wait.

The silent threat was sent across the glass.

Saiki paused for three seconds, then turned his head quickly as if he hadn't seen anything.

[It must be an illusion. ]

He looks like a girl now, so it's impossible for him to recognize him...


[So why do you recognize me, Bakugou! ]

Along with the roar that could be heard throughout the entire store, the grumpy boy rushed in like a hurricane, nearly knocking down several people along the way and finally stopped in front of the girl at the table by the window.

The teenager slammed his hands on the table, making the pudding jiggle three times: "Why are you able to eat so leisurely after doing something like that ?!"

[I didn't do anything, wasn't everything because of you?! ]

Being stared by a pair crimson eyes, Saiki tried to escape: 'Sir, I don't think I know you. '

Bakugou's face instantly darkened: "Do you think I can't recognize you if you change your appearance?!"

Quickly swallowing the last bit of coffee jelly, Saiki waved his hand to the waiter to pay, completely ignoring a durian that seemed to be about to explode in front of him.

Bakugou: "You asshole, talk!"

Saiki glanced at him, emphasizing: 'I don't know what you're talking about, but it's quite rude to call a girl four eyes. '

Yes, that's right, he's not giving up.

He is now in a female state. Of course, he must enjoy the privileges that only girls have, for example, when she is entangled with someone who she does not know, she can refute in a stately manner.

Bakugou almost choked and looked a little shocked: "... Who are you acting for?"

Saiki glanced around at the onlookers who were brought in by  Bakugou, as well as the customers who seemed to inadvertently raise their heads and listen.

[Everyone except you. ]

'You've got the wrong person.' He was extremely determined.

If he was photographed at this time in the dessert shop together with Bakugou who was the No. 1 of Sports Festival, he might not even be able to take care of it with his mind control.

"That is the champion of the UA Sports Festival, he looks so fierce, it makes him a bit scary ..."

"Huh? No, didn't you read the news this morning? It seems that he has a lover in the same class, so he also has a gentle side ..."

"Really? How sweet ..."

[You see, there already are rumors so quickly. ]

Originally, Saiki was still in his normal state as Kusuo when he went out this morning. But who knew that after walking through the street at the door of his house, he was immediately recognized and when he walked around he was surrounded by non-stop gossip from sixty to seventy year old grandmothers to children that were only six or seven holding hands while walking to their kindergarten.

So he could only find an opportunity to hide and then instantly teleport home to become Kuriko.

[Just to dispel the resemblance, I am even wearing regular clothes instead of the UA school uniform. ]

This disguise should've been perfect, but he was still recognized by Bakugou at first glance.

[No, for guy can only be said to be his intuition.]

Indifferently ignoring Bakugou, Saiki quickly paid and just wanted to leave here quickly: 'So, I will take my leave now, bye. '

He turned around and wanted to run, but he was still caught.

Saiki: ...
