The 61. Disastrous Day

Not long after he changed positions, Best Jeanist who was on patrol had appeared.

Saiki happened to be standing at the door, as if he had worked hard for the day.

Best Jeanist walked into the coffee shop and sat down: "How are you feeling today?"

Saiki brought him a cup of coffee: 'Very ordinary. '

Today, there is only Best Jeanist, no one knows wether his men went back first or went to patrol elsewhere.

Best Jeanist motioned for Saiki to sit down.

"That's right." Best Jeanist put down his cup. "Is there anything you want to tell me?"

Saiki: ...

[His intentions are very clear, is this really what a hero is supposed to do?]

Saiki: 'No. '

——They agreed to stay silent after all.

Best Jeanist didn't care much: "Ah, I haven't said what the reward is, maybe it's something like I won't come to this coffee shop anymore ..."

'... I suddenly remembered, there actually is something I haven't told you. '

Saiki instantly changed his attitude without even batting an eye.

[Sorry, Bakugou.]

He summed it up in one sentence: 'I saw Bakugou who should be in confinement outside.'

Best Jeanist took another sip of his coffee and seemed to be very satisfied with Saiki's frankness.

"Come to my office later this evening and the reward will be announced."

As if he had gotten the information he wanted, he left after he finished his sentence.

[Oh well, there should be no punishment for Bakugou.]

Saiki drank his tea, ignoring the little guilt that he felt in his heart.


When Saiki went to the office that evening, he unexpectedly also saw Bakugou, who was also here.

Saiki only glanced at him and walked in, presumably because he felt a bit guilty.

Seeing that everyone is here, Best Jeanist said: "Since were all here, let's talk about your performance today."

Bakugou: "I have only been in the dormitory and went to the training room, there is a registration record."

Saiki: 'I've been in the coffee shop and I haven't gone anywhere else. '

After the two had finished speaking, they looked at each other quickly and then looked away.

Saiki vaguely heard the thoughts of Bakugou at that moment, but he couldn't guess the exact meaning.

Best Jeanist was silent for a while and then sneered.


Saiki: ...

Bakugou: ...

Feeling that things were not going right, the two stood more straight.

"Staying in the dormitory the whole day and staying in the coffee shop the whole day." Best Jeanist spoke slowly, "Then how did you meet at the bookstore?"

The two: !!!

Unexpectedly, both of them were exposed.

Saiki: 'I've been in the coffee shop the whole time, I don't know anything about a bookstore. '

Bakugou followed up closely: "I have been in the dormitory the whole time and I don't know anything about a bookstore either."

Best Jeanist raised an eyebrow: "Don't pretend, both of you have been reported."

Saiki: ...

Bakugou: ...

The two looked at each other again, this time seeing the sorrow of being betrayed in each other's eyes.

Saiki used telepathy to directly talk to Bakugou: 'Didn't you say that we were even? '

Bakugou lowered his voice, asking, "Didn't you say you wouldn't be on his side?

Saiki's face was cold and indifferent: 'You gotta protect me, boss. '

Bakugou tried to hide his grin: "... It's already too late, boss can't even save himself  right now."

Saiki: "..."

Best Jeanist cleared his throat, so that the two people returned their attention to him.

"Two days of your internship have passed and you two have basically not changed."

Bakugou and Saiki stood straight obediently without saying a word.

"I thought about it. it was a bad idea of me try to change your habits."

"So you don't have to train separately from tomorrow on. You will follow me on patrol in the morning and a specialized teacher will teach you in the afternoon."

[Specialized teacher?]

Saiki was a little puzzled and looked up directly Best Jeanist's eyes. Two seconds later, he still could not hear his voice.

[... Wait, is it because one of his eyes is covered?!]

He was speechless and felt that Bakugou said was at least a bit right.

How useless is his telepathy?

But it doesn't matter if you don't hear it, because Bakugou had already asked what he wanted to know.

Bakugou: "A teacher in the afternoon? What are we going to learn?"

Best Jeanist leaned back in his chair: "The basic rules of behavior as a hero."

Bakugou: "..."

Bakugou frowned: "I'm not here to learn some shitty etiquette!"

The teenager's dissatisfaction was practically written on his face.

Best Jeanist: "With your performance from these two days, me and UA'S other teachersall feel that this is a very necessary supplementary lesson."

Bakugou: ...

——The warning eyes of Aizawa were still lingering in his mind.

[That's a lot easier than running around outside.]

Saiki was actually rather happy to be able to stop dealing with those strange tasks.

"One more thing, about your rewards." 

"Although the both of you were reported, you did report the other at the same time, so the reward will still count."

"After two days I will give you a vacation, before that you need to help with something."

Bakugou wondered: "Help? Is it also a professional hero?"

Best Jeanist nodded.

Suddenly excited, Bakugou's eyes seemed to glow: "Are we going to be involved in the hero's capture of a villain?!!!"

Best Jeanist: "Well no ... it's something different, but it will be very interesting."

The excitement on Bakugou's face disappeared in an instant.

[Yare yare, this kind of unclear "help" really makes me have a bad feeling.]

Saiki pondered as he walked out of the office.

[Is it interesting but not a professional hero business related to a villain ... what would it be.]

Saikki decided not to think about these things anymore, since he will find ou soon anyway.

After taking a shower, Saiki put on his pajamas and went to bed.

After turning off the light, the room turned dark.


[Huh ... what?]

Lying on the bed, Saiki felt something itchy on his face, reached out hand, but couldn't catch it it.

[It's hard ... and it can fly?]

With a really bad hunch in his heart, Saiki opened his eyes.

Because of his superpowers he can also see in the dark, if Saiki wanted to, he could even see the tiny dust in the room.

——But now, he would rather be blind.

The two long antennas swayed in his field of vision, so close that he could almost see the tiny hair on them.

Saiki: "..."

His heart actually stopped beating and before his brain could comprehend anything, his body moved on it's own.

His back cold, Saiki's forehead was full of sweat, his eyes out of focus, he could only see the two terrifying antennas that were wiggling in front of him.

After a two-second pause of his brain, Saiki and the shocked tyrant in front of him made eye contact.

Saiki: ...

[Why did I teleport here subconsciously ...]

Bakugou originally planned to read a book and go to bed, so he didn't turn off the lights and just like that he clearly saw the whole process of a big living person suddenly appearing in his bed.

His tone was suspicious: "... a sneak attack?"

Saiki retorted: 'No! '

The lights in the room cast a shadow, when Bakugou stood still, he could see that the extraordinarily handsome facial features even better.

He leaned on the bedside lazily, still holding a book in his hand.

"If this isn't a sneak attack then what is it?"

Saiki only now realized that he not only suddenly appeared on his bed at night, but also sat directly on top of him.

Quickly moving away from the bed, Saiki said: 'Bakugou, do me a favor. '

His tone was very serious.

Bakugou was stunned by his serious appearance as if he was on a battlefield: "... What?"

——Could it be that he finally feels that he does not match the lifestyle of earth and had decided to return to mars or wherever he came from?

Saiki's expression turned ugly: '... There is that thing on my bed. '

Bakugou was still at a loss: "... what thing?"

Saiki took a deep breath and closed his eyes: 'That thing is small and fast, appears out of nowhere and often looks at you through a gap!! '

A person who has always been calm and collected was actually gasping after talking so fast, one could already imagine how shaken he must be.

Bakugou was silent for a while: "... A ghost?"

Saikki shook his head violently, but he didn't want to say the name of that thing.

Bakugou: "..."

Frustrated, he got up and stepped into his slippers: "How annoying, let's go!"

If he kept asking, he probably still won't find out what it was. So it's better just to go over directly and see what that thing is, that can make this person be so afraid ...


Bakugou looked at that something on Saiki's bed and was speechless for a moment.

"This is it?"

Saiki, who was behind him and didn't want to step into the room, nodded quickly.

[This is it, please, get rid of it quickly!]

Bakugou turned his head around, there was a smal cockroach on the white bedsheet, its shiny body and strong limbs and antennas could be clearly seen.

—Is that guy afraid of bugs?

This contrast made him think it was a little funny. Bakugou grabbed a slipper and beat it up.


Saiki could hear the sound of that thing getting squashed by a hard object while standing at the door. The curls on his head exploded as if he had touched static electricity.

"It's solved, so you can come in!" Bakugou shouted angrily.

Saiiki walked in cautiously, but froze in place before reaching the bed.


Bakugou wondered why he didn't move.

Every slightly curled hair seemed to be showing his current emotions, Saiki felt like he was suffocating.

'Bakugou.' His tone was a bit erratic,' I think your room is quite big. '

Bakugou raised his eyebrow and couldn't understand what he meant.

"It's alright."

Saiki turned his head mechanically: 'I'll sleep with you tonight. '

Bakugou: "...?"

What's going on, it's a little exciting.

Saiki pointed to the censored dark squished object on the white bed sheet, his expression ugly.

'......That. '

Only then did Bakugou realize, he coughed : "Can't you revert the time of your bedsheet... this was an accident!"

[No, even if I revert it's state, I can't sleep on that! Impossible! ]

Just thinking about sleeping on the bed where that XX's dead body and it's squished fluids were, made Saiki shiver in disgust.

Bakugou was speechless for a while.

In all fairness, even he who is not afraid of insects and cockroaches, wouldn't want to sleep on that bed either.

——But if they really stayed in one room together ...

Bakugou licked his dry lips, contemplating.

He carefully thought about the feelings in his heart that he didn't even understand.

Saiki firmly stood in front of Bakugou, like he would not let him go if he did not agree.

He may not know how much his current appearance that was different from his usual indifferent state was affecting Bakugou right now.

"... fuck!"

Bakugou couldn't stand it anymore and ruffled his hair in irritation. He turned his head to look at Saiki.

"If you snore at night, I will kick you out!"

That means he agreed.

Saiki's eyes lit up.

[Relax, Bakugou, I will also try to control myself and not accidentally use my superpowers and squish you when I turn over! ]

They returned to his room and Bakugou pulled out spare pillows from the cabinet.

"There is only one blanked. So you are not allowed to pull it."

Bakugou threw the pillow to Saiki standing beside the bed, with a bad attitude.

Saiki hugged the soft pillow that flew over: 'My blanket over there is no longer useable. '

Bakugou laid down on the bed with his back facing him.

"Don't you have superpowers, find a way yourself!"

Saiki stood still on the spot, watching Bakugou's cold back.

[Well, although it is indeed possible to use apport, who knows where the exchanged item will appear ...]

So now the remaining options are obvious.

Saiki put the pillow on the bed, then grabbed Bakugou's blanket which he rolled himself in forcefully.

Bakugou: "!?"

Unprepared to be vigorously pulled apart, the blanket that had been wrapped around him slipped off his body. He rolled on the bed twice and almost fell off the bed.

Bakugou: "..."

Grinding teeth in secret, Bakugou fiercely glared at the person who was calmly spreading the blanket. He snorted reluctantly and reentered the now evenly divided blanket.

Saiki finally laid down comfortably, ignoring the Bakugou beside him, he closed his eyes quietly.

[A very perfect distribution. Good night, Bakugou.]

Bakugou, who was completely ignored, was speechless for a while, but finally shoved his face into the pillow, closing his eyes.


Darkness enveloped the quiet room again.

Moonlight sneaked in from the window, illuminating a restless young boy despite his eyes being closed.

His eyelashes quivered slightly, as if struggling to open.

A trace of frustration flashed on his face, Bakugou opened his eyes as if giving up.

The man next to him had fallen asleep peacefully, not knowing the toughts of the person less than ten centimeters away from him.

After lying quietly on the bed for a while, Bakugou suddenly seemed to have a strong interest in the texture of the ceiling. In the unobtrusive corner, the slightly damp water traces seemed a bit like something ...

After pondering for a long time, he didn't really know what it looked like. Bakugou suddenly realized that his stupid thoughts were meaningless.

Looking away, he naturally looked at the other person beside him.

He didn't take off his hairpin and glasses even when he fell asleep.

[Isn't it comfortable to fall asleep like this? ]

Bakugou couldn't help but wonder, there was an urge to help him get rid of these obtrusive things.

His fingers moved, but there was ultimately no action.

He just stayed sideways and looked at the sleeping face of the person beside him motionlessly.

[It looks better than when awake.]

He concluded.

It's not that he usually isn't good ... Wait, the word good is strange to use.

Bakugou thought about it again, it should be indifferent, just like when he was awake.

He is difficult to get close to, but he sometimes is unexpectedly ... stupid?

Suprised by the adjective he used, Bakugou rolled his eyes.

But there are no other suitable words to use.

When he eats coffee jelly, the whole person will exude a happy aura, like the kind with pink bubbles in the back.

When encountering unexpected things, there will be a crack on his always expressionless face ...

For example, the accident during the sports festival, his stunned eyes couldn't be concealed!

Sometimes there would be a little disgust in my eyes, but it is a bit cute ...

Fuck, and that!

A little smile appeared on his face and Bakugou recalled the other's scared expression just now.

Unexpectedly, someone who can go out and watch the stars without changing their expression would be afraid of a little bugs that only girls would care about.

Ah, he also like to eat sweets, that is also something that only girls would like.

Hey, you can become a girl anyway. The why don't you just be a girl, like that I could...


No way, what am I thinking ...

Confused, the tyrant asked himsef this question repeatedly.

But even in the last second before falling into a deep sleep, he still didn't understand why he was suffering from insomnia that night or why he was thinking so much about this childhood friend and his sleeping face.

The blonde teenager finally fell asleep. Under the bright white moonlight, the other teenager slowly opened his eyes, with a puzzled expression.

[Watching me for so long, were you the one planning a sneak attack, Bakugou?]

Although Saiki didn't know what happened, it was already late. After the disturbing gaze no longer appeared, Saiki fell asleep with ease.

——Today I still don't know what is on the mind of my childhood friend.
