The 97. Disastrous Day

Despite some reluctance in his heart, Bakugou still grabbed Kirishima's hand on the battlefield at that time and was taken away, because he knew that even if he stayed there, he wouldn't be able to help with his strength. But he might be caught again and used as a hostage, which would just be a burden for All Might.

"Now that I think about it..." After leaving the battlefield, Bakugou looked at his five classmates, "...Why were you guys here?"

——And dressed up like this.

With a slightly embarrassed expression, Midoriya shifted the topic while avoiding eye contact: "...Ah, look, here you can see the battle of All Might!"

He wasn't lying, the direction his finger pointed at showed a huge screen, which hung outside the tall building. The battle between All Might and All For One was being broadcast. Many people around them stopped and watched.

"All Might..."

With his attention was successfully diverted, Bakugou stared at the big screen, while muttering.

The No. 1 Hero who always represented victory.

The goal he had planted in his heart since childhood.

No matter how many villains there were, no matter how cunning the opponent was, as long as All Might appeared, they would always lose...

——That's, what he used to think.

Watching the tall figure on one knee and panting silently on the screen, an inexplicable impulse rose in his heart.

"Don't lose, All Might!!!"

Being submerged with louder and louder shouts around him, his roaring had complex indescribable emotions, he didn't want this person to fall, he didn't want him to show such an expression...

"Hey! Hey, hey! He stood up!"

Excited sounds came from the crowd, it was unknown who shouted that, but the people around them were all full of energy again and the shouting became even louder than before.

"...Wait, doesn't All Might seem a bit different?"

Midoriya next to him suddenly murmured in a low voice, Bakugou heard his words keenly.


He turned back subconsciously and continued to look at the big screen. Although All Might, who was walking out of the smoke, was also smiling, his eyes still gave an indifferent illusion.

Bakugou: "..."


On the screen, All Might appeared at the back of All For One with very fast speed and hit him with a powerful blow. His action was so fast that the onlookers could hardly see his movement—is what a normal person would think!!

[——This is clearly the teleportation of that guy, right?!!]

Suddenly Bakugou felt that him getting emotional just now was for nothing. Bakugou finally calmed down and his face was really dark.

Although he didn't know how that guy turned into 'All Might', but he would never not recognize that teleportation of his he used when he avoided him every day!

And it should be distinguishable by anyone who has seen him use this trick...

Bakugou turned his head to look at the classmates around him and as expected, these classmates were all watching the big screen with stunned expressions and their tears that almost spilled out were also frozen in place.

"Ka-Ka... Kacchan, that is Daiki-san, right?! It is isn't it?!"

Suddenly turning his head, Midoriya's hand trembled as he pointed at the screen where the "All Might" had started to slam a pole at All For One, feeling that something had collapsed in his heart.

"Don't say that disgusting name!" Glaring at Midoriya, who was terrified, Bakugou secretly gritted his teeth. "How am I supposed to know this kind of thing?!"

[——He never told me!]

[——He didn't even come to save me!!]

When he remembered that he was 'saved' by holding the hand of that shit head in the end, he silently rubbed his right hand against his trousers in disgust.

"Bu-But is this really okay?......"

Midoriya had lost his energetic and moved feelings. He looked around nervously like he did something wrong and asked this as he lowered his voice.

"Will Saiki-san be found out by others?"

Bakugou sneered: "How could that guy's disguise be discovered so easily?!"

Indeed, apart from the few of them around, no one felt that something was wrong.

Everyone was still in an emotional state, with tears in their eyes and cheering loudly for All Might.

"That's true..."

Midoriya breathed a sigh of relief and moved her eyes back to the big screen again.


"Wait, this should be All Might himself..."

Midoriya hurriedly pointed at All Might, who came out of the broken walls again. Although his appearance was exactly the same, the feeling he gave was completely different.


Bakugou frowned, if the real All Might came out—then where did four-eyes go?

'So I've been discovered by you. What a keen observation.'

A familiar voice sounded in the minds of the students.

Quickly turning his head, Bakugou found Saiki who was coming here through the crowd immediately but found that he looked a bit strange...

He turned back around and glanced at the costumes of his classmates, Bakugou's face became dark again.

"What are you dressing up for?"

Saiki walked over leisurely, wearing vintage overalls and a shirt, with a beret on his head, even his glasses were replaced with round black ones

'Since I'm going to be with you guys, it's only natural to integrate into your style so that I won't stand out.'

Bakugou: "..."

Bakugou looked at the more shameful outfits of Iida and Midoriya next to him. He suddenly felt that he was a normal person who accidentally stumbled into a fool assembly—and as a result, he looked more like the fool under the contrast of them.


After Saiki was satisfied ad returned All For One to All Might, who still had something to settle with him, he went to look for his classmates. But he didn't expect them to find out that All Might had changed positions with him.

[Should I say that's expected of students of UA?]

Saiki blended into the surrounding crowd and looked up at the screen hanging high above.

[...Yare yare, he still made himself get so injured.]

Even after a short break, All Might, who was still exhausted, finally defeated All For One. He could only barely maintain a calm appearance, he was already completely devastated on the inside.

Fortunately, Saiki replaced him for a while, letting him remain the tall and strong appearance of the No. 1 Hero until he left and did not expose his most vulnerable side to the eyes of the people who were crying and supporting him.

After the incident, Saiki and the crowd dispersed and he received a text message from Mr. Aizawa, saying that All Might had returned to find Recovery Girl.

Because All Might has already been restored once today, Saiki, who was temporarily useless, was now too lazy to take care of this matter after All For One was arrested and detained by the police into a special cell.

[Well, this does count as a happy end I guess.]

Recalling the All Might who stubbornly refused to accept his restoration and said that he still had an unfulfilled mission, Saiki sighed in relief.

[Just looking at a person with only half of his organs dangling in front of my eyes every day, was already mentally exhausting.]

When the battle ended it was already late. Although there are still many things that have not been dealt with, such as finding the league of villains, the destroyed buildings, All For One's questioning, etc., these were not related to the small UA students. All they needed to do was to go home and take a shower and then have a good night's rest!

Throwing himself on the bed, Saiki rubbed the soft blanket comfortably.

Saiki's parents sent him a message as soon as they heard about the kidnapping of a UA student. After they knew it was Bakugou, they turned into a state of full panic. Even Bakugou's parents were acting calmer when compared to them.

Just a moment ago, when the whole thing was finally over, they ended up waiting for Saiki to get home before tiredly getting back to their room to rest.

[They really are idiots.]

There was a small smile on his face, as Saiki turned off the light of the room, after a long day, he could finally rest...


Saiki: '...'

[This must be an illusion.]

"Knock, knock, knock!"

[Maybe it's a random cat that's stuck outside, it probably doesn't have anything to do with me.]

"Knock, knock, knock, knock, knock!"

The polite knocking instantly turned into aggressive banging, Saiki sat up helplessly, through the transparent glass was a cat outside the window baring his teeth because he couldn't enter.

With a slight flick, the locked window opened automatically and the outsider swung himself in through the window, his skillful movement caused Saiki to feel a bit suspicious.

'...Why are you here so late at night.'

Bakugou stepped in with the shoes he took off in his hands, as he walked in carefully.

Rolling his eyes, Saiki got a pair of slippers from downstairs.

'I didn't expect you to have the hobby of climbing in through other people's windows at night.'

With his sleepiness was long gone, Saiki leaned against the bedside, his tone mocking.

Bakugou threw his shoes aside, took the slippers floating in the air and said: "I only climb through your window."

Saiki: "..."

[When were you able to say such shameful word with a straight face like that?]

All Might said that Bakugou had made great progress this year. But for Saiki, it may just be his shamelessness that had made great progress.

'So... what do you need?'

Siaki's hands were wrapped around his chest, his tone was not good.

[If you just came here because you were bored, I promise I will not let you get bored for at least three days.]

Bakugou stubbornly squeezed himself into Saiki's bed, ignoring his comment if he washed himself and got into the bed.

"...I can't fall asleep."

Half of his face was under the blanket.

With a vein about to pop on his forehead, Saiki still remained expressionless: '...Do you want to listen to a lullaby, Baby Katuski?'

Getting goosebumps, Bakugou looked at him in disgust: "What the hell are you on?!"

'Oh my, I thought this would comfort you.'

Saiki's face remained the same.

Rolling his eyes, Bakugou buried his head back into the pillow.

Saiki closed the window again and laid down, but he didn't send him away—it could be seen that he wasn't in a good state.

"Hey, do you think All Might..."

After a long silence, Bakugou finally spoke up, his voice a bit hoarse.

"...All Might... is there really... something wrong with his body..."

His sentence had several pauses before he finally finished it.

Saiki didn't make a sound, he turned his head, Bakugou's entire face was buried in the pillow and his fluffy head seemed to have lost the vitality of the past.

"......Is it because of me......"

He slowly muttered.

"...Was I not supposed to be taken away at that time?"

Sighing secretly, Saiki knew that he was thinking too much again.

'How could it be because of you.'

Pulling the blanket down to his chin, his voice was calm.

'It was my idea for you to be taken away, you just followed my words... and if it wasn't for that, we wouldn't have captured All For One so quickly.'

His shoulders moved, Bakugou turned his face, he showed no expression, but it was a little red around his eyes: "...Then is there really a problem with All Might's body?"

[There is.]

Contemplating in silence, Saiki said something that was barely comforting: '...It was an injury from a long time ago, but he should be able to recover after today.'

[If that reckless hero doesn't have a second mission to fulfill that is.]

Knowing that there should be other hidden reasons, Bakugou didn't ask anymore and leaned his head into the pillow again: "...Will he continue to be a hero?"

'I don't know.'

"Will he be better tomorrow?"

'I don't know. '

"Why didn't he get treatment before?"

'I don't know. '

"...You don't know anything."


[This kind of thing is something you should ask him in person!]

Today's Bakugou was like a child who hasn't grown up and was completely acting unreasonably. Acting capricious and annoying, he hid his worries and fell into his own entanglement and even if he found out the truth, he couldn't get rid of his guilt.

'...Okay, go to sleep now.'

Saiki turned over and faced him indifferently, 'But if you keep doing that and start to suffocate to death, I won't help you.'

Like an ostrich who buried its head, Bakugou mumbled something unknown meaning, his whole atmosphere was gloomy.


Saiki silently looked at him for a while and finally sighed.

[...Forget it, today is a special case.]

Leaning in closer, he held out his hand towards Bakugou.

The low-temperature palm touched the other's fluffy, but also prickly head, striking it with soothing intentions.


The gentle hand seemed to smooth the panic and guilt in his heart, Bakugou slowly closed his eyes.

Slowly, like a cat, he curled up in search of a heat source, his head leaning against the other person's neck and his breathing gradually became soft.

Feeling the slight breath from his collarbone, Saiki's hand paused a bit unnaturally and finally, his hand gently rested on the man's back, closing his eyes as well.

[......Good night.]


There is still one... no two more chapters...

Then this book will be complete~
