The 80. Disastrous Day

Saiki felt that something was a bit wrong when he arrived in the classroom today.

[Why are everyone's thoughts about thanking me?]

But it was just a flash of thoughts when they saw him, so it couldn't let Saiki know the reason.

"Saiki-san, I have already heard about it, thank you so much!!"

Iida in the front row turned around, his tone grateful.

[So don't just thank me, let me know why...]

"But we can't just let you sacrifice your time after class to train with everyone,"

Iida was very sincere and full of enthusiasm.

"As the class rep of Class A, I am ashamed that I didn't think about this idea first, so after hearing about it, I immediately asked Mr. Aizawa for permission to train here after class!"

Saiki: '...???'

[When did I want to sacrifice my time after class to train with everyone?]

Why did it seem like the whole class knew about it, but he was the only one who didn't... and now it seemed like it had already been decided that they would study after class?

Saiki: ...After only one night, what happened?

"...Um, Saiki-san?"

A trembling voice sounded behind Saiki, he turned his head.

Midoriya looked at him nervously, his eyes full of guilt.

[...Should I tell Saiki-san the truth? Or should I just find a random reason, but then I will feel bad...]

Saiki felt that he might have captured the source of this incident.

'Midoriya, did something happen last night?'

He went straight to the point while keeping his eyes on Midoriya.

Midoriya visibly flinched, seemingly trying to escape, but he held back.

"No... nothing happened..."

He rather unconvincingly said.

[No, I can't say it... Me accidentally exposing Saiki-san because of two or three sentences from Kacchan, that sounds way too embarrassing...]

Although he didn't say it, Midoriya's thoughts had sold him out.

Saiki's face instantly turned dark.

[I knew that there was definitely someone who was doing something behind my back!]

[I really underestimated you, Bakugou...]

He looked to the front of the classroom, the teenager with the blonde hair leaned back against his chair leisurely.

'Midoriya, did you tell Bakugou that I'm training with you?'

After thinking about it, Saiki asked him directly.


Midoriya's face turned pale in a flash.

"I'm sorry, Saiki-san..."

[Although I didn't tell him directly... Kacchan was way too sly! With just two sentences... "

Sighing, Saiki could almost imagine the scene at that time.

[He must have tricked Midoriya into admitting it without even realizing...]

He should have known.

How could a person like Midoriya who can't even lie be able to win against Bakugou?

[But is everybody serious about training every day after school...]

He looked back at Iida.

[...I can't do it.]

Although it was a misunderstanding, Saiki couldn't tell the truth to his classmates who were looking forward to it and thanking him.

[Yare yare, I've been outwitted.]

Expressionlessly receiving the guilty gaze from Midoriya, Saiki felt a bit helpless.

[Forget it, I can take this opportunity to dispel the self-destructive training of Midoriya.]

With all their classmates, Midoriya can't use that extreme training method anymore.

[Speaking of which, there's also my final exam...]

He froze, remembering what All Might said yesterday.

[I should go find that mouse after school.]


After class in the afternoon, Bakugou blocked Saiki at his seat as usual.


Saiki asked.

'Now we will all train together.'

[And it's all your doing.]

Bakugou didn't show any shame: "I'm waiting for you to go to the training ground together."

Because of Iida's application, Mr. Aizawa approved them to use the school's unused training ground to familiarize themselves with their quirk, but they didn't force students in the class to go, so some students like Todoroki went home to train themselves.

Rolling his eyes in secret, Saiki didn't expect Bakugou to approach himself so straightforwardly after knowingly tricking him.

'I have something to do, so I won't go.'

Saiki calmly walked out of the classroom under Bakugou's bitter gaze.

Although his attitude seemed firm, his rejection was not entirely due to the private actions of Bakugou, but also because he really had something to do.

[Although I do feel way better after looking at that guy's bitter expression.]

Saiki knocked on the door and waited for the "please come in".

Entering the principal's office, he saw the familiar decorations, the familiar mouse and the familiar...

'Why are you here?'

Saiki's expression instantly got worse.

"Yo, Kusuo~"

Kusuke greeted him with a smile.

"I heard you would come to me today, so I let him wait together with me."

Principal Nezu didn't even notice Saiki's unwillingness, or rather, he realized it and pretended not to notice.

'No, I'll come again next time.'

Saiki said and immediately took his first step to leave without any delay.

"Wait, Saiki-kun!" Principal Nezu raised his voice and stopped him, "Since you already came, come sit down first."

[If I knew that this would happen, I should have just gone to the training ground with Bakugou.]

A minute later, Saiki finally sat down on the soft sofa in the principal's room.

'So, about the final exam?'

"Ah, so this was indeed the problem~"

The principal sat down next to Kusuke.

"But before starting this topic, there are a few things that I want to confirm with Saiki-kun!"

[That's fine with me, just hurry and let me go home!]

"First of all, it's about the little test that day."

Kusuke was the first to speak.

"Kusuo's abilities have always had various restrictions, but it seems that there was none for your teleportation."

Saiki calmly explained: 'There is a cooldown for about 1 minute.'

[Actually, it originally was three minutes, but the cooldown has changed a little since coming to this world.]

"But in the previous test you could teleport more than once a minute."

The principal reminded gently.

[This is obviously one of those common bugs just like in the anime. Since it is impossible to teleport over a thousand times in a 20-minute time limit with a cooldown like that!]

Saiki was unaffected: 'I think this topic should have anything to do with my final exam.'

Principal Nezu: "Oh but, it has a lot to do with it~"

His slender tail shook as he suddenly changed the topic: "You should know why UA is so famous right?"

[What are you talking about now?]

Despite his confusion, Saiki still cooperated: 'Since you bring a lot of heroes?'

"This is one of the reasons." The principal smiled. "The bigger reason is that UA treats each student with sincerity, to ensure that the students live a full and meaningful life on UA's campus.


Saiki was silent.

[I might have believed that if it was said to me before.]

[But do I need to remind you that I am already a student of UA and that my one and only brother has also been pulled over here.]

Principal Nezu did not care about his silence and continued: "Guiding and educating students has always been the highest pursuit of UA."

[I think this is what every school pursues.]

"So, even in the case of Saiki-kun, we pursue the same."

[Please don't talk to me like a misguided teenager who went down the wrong path.]

"Through exchanges with Kusuke-san these past few days, I finally found the help UA can provide you."

[So it turns out that in the chapters that you didn't show up you were doing this.]

"Saiki-kun, you are very talented. You have more powerful strength than anyone else but you didn't lose yourself. You always maintain a humble attitude, live life with kindness and take care of the students around you."

[Are you sure you are talking about me and not All Might?]

"But as everyone has been worried about, if your powers get out of control, the number of disasters will be inestimable."

[...If it's not me hallucinating, then you are indeed wasting your time by talking about things like these.]

"So, in your final exam, the control of your powers will be tested."

Saiki: '?'

He finally couldn't stay silent anymore.

'Wait, if I could control my powers at will, I wouldn't need the suppressor made by this guy next to you.'

He pointed to one of the pink lollipops on his head.

Principal Nezu seems to be waiting for this sentence: "This question is the most critical!"

Saiki raised his eyebrows and waited for his statement.

"I had a bold idea, Saiki-kun, your abilities' powers are not impossible to grow."

[...That's way too bold.]

Saiki was speechless.

[In fact, it is growing every day.]

——So this is just nonsense.

"I mean," the white mouse knew what Saiki was thinking at a glance and explained slowly, "Your abilities are not set. The reason why this is the case is because you want that."


Saiki felt that he might not be able to keep up with their unhuman thinking.

"Actually, this idea was originally proposed by me."

Kusuke, who had not spoken for a long time, suddenly spoke up, he smiled, but his eyes were abnormally calm.

Saiki turned his head.

"Kusuo, you have shown extraordinary strength since you were a child. This is something I can't catch up to no matter what. I can't surpass it." His voice was very calm, "Because of this failure, I started to study your powers until the first suppressor was made. "

This happened a long time ago, but Saiki still remembered everything clearly.

[Because I heard too much jealousy and disgust from him at that time, I unconsciously started hating this guy.]

"But then, I found a problem."

"These abilities that you could control very well as a child. Seemed to slowly go out of control as you grew older."

[Isn't that normal, it's something just like puberty and the strength also started to increase.]

"Probably around that time, for the first time, you put forward the idea of ​​wanting to be an ordinary person and it made me quite angry~"

Kusuke chuckled as though remembering something funny.

Saiki inexplicably felt some discomfort.

[...What is this guy trying to say?]

"Although it's a little complicated to explain, does Saiki-kun understand what we mean?"

Principal Nezu took over the conversation in time to avoid drifting away from the original topic.

Saiki immediately shook his head.

"Well..." Having a slight headache Principal Nezu tried to sum up, "In short, we think that Saiki-kun, your ability, has never been limited!"

"The so-called cooldowns, uncontrollability, shortcomings and restrictions are all the safety limits you set yourself."

Saiki froze.

"Because your subconscious mind does not want such powerful abilities, the abilities follows your thoughts and 'create' the so-called 'constraint'."

"These abilities are not born with specific forms, they just change with your will."

[...Yare yare, it really is a bold idea.]

His eyes flashed with interest, this was the first time for him to hear such an interpretation of his ability.

He objected: 'But I do have situations where I can't hear some people's thoughts and it's not a result of my own negligence.'

For example, the two people in front of them, one because of his "Telepathy Canceler" and the other because of unknown reasons.

Kusuke shook his head: "You didn't understand what we mean."

His voice was a bit excited, like he was introducing people to his most proud invention.

"In other words, your superpower is not controlled by a simple "on-off switch". It is more complicated, like a program, you can freely modify its code to set specific content."

[Modify its code...]

Saiki now seemed to understand what they meant.

"I made a reasonable guess." Principal Nezu went on to say, "When you were a baby, there was no limit to your powers and it was used freely based on your thoughts and ideas."

"But as you grew older, your superpowers became stronger and stronger. You understood that you were different from ordinary people, so you started to unconsciously suppress your abilities... Which meant that the reason your superpowers got out of control was not because their strength grew too fast. It was because deep inside you didn't want to use them."

"And also in order to make your existence too eye-catching," you "modified" your own "code" so that your superpowers had a specific form and set various restrictions on them, pretending to be a ordinary person with defects. "

Principal Nezu's voice stopped,  the room fell silent for a while and the atmosphere turned a bit cold.

[Pretending to be an ordinary person with defects.]

——Then after stopping this pretense, what is left... would it still be human?

'I don't think I have such a great ability.'

After a long silence, Saiki spoke up.

'A code or something, it sounds reasonable, but if that was the case, why do I have to add some weird settings to myself without deleting or hiding them directly? This would be more in line with my ideas, wouldn't it.'

It was rare to hear him say so much.

With his words being dismissed, Principal Nezu didn't really care: "Of course, this was just a conjecture. No one knows what the specific situation really is."

"But," he went on, "Shall Saiki-kun try to verify it?"

Saiki's face was expressionless: 'How should I verify it?'

"As Saiki-kun said before, you can't hear my thoughts, so why not try it again while really wanting to and see if there are any changes?

[If it's just that then there is no problem, but I have tried it many times and it had no effect.]

When he found out that he could not hear the thoughts of some people he had tried, but he could not hear them, even if he wanted to hear it.

"It's not just wanting to hear it in your mind, but generating that desire in your heart."

The little white mouse shook his head.

"It's not easy to control your own heart, because the heart is always the most honest to oneself, even if the mouth talks or the brain thinks, as long as the heart does not admit it, it is useless."

[Then how do I control my "heart" as you said?]

Saiki was expressionless and felt that the little white mouse was trying to trick him.

"Then, let's try it first~"

Principal Nezu jumped onto the coffee table, sitting down in front of Saiki.

"Remember to want it from your heart~"

He winked playfully, his tone cheerful.

saiki: "..."

Suddenly there was a very subtle feeling.

Kusuke was smiling while watching this scene.

Saiki knew that he couldn't avoid this and sighed in his heart, but he still carried out according to what Principal Nezu said just now.

[I wholeheartedly want to hear his thoughts...]

Saiki concentrated on not looking at the mouse's eyes and tried his best to wish it himself.

A minute later, he saw the ribs and organs of the principal.

Saiki: "..."

His face became blank in seconds.

'I still can't hear it.'

Saiki suddenly wanted to study the bone structure of the mouse.

"...Really, what a pity."

Principal Nezu sighed.

"But I still think that you didn't really want to hear my thoughts!"

Saiki: "..."

[I already tried very hard.]

"Pfft hahahaha!"

Kusuke laughed as he looked at the Principal Nezu.

"Ther was no way, I already said that this method will definitely not work!"

"Kusuo wanted to become a normal high school student from the bottom of his heart... Such obsession can never be dispelled with one sentence."

Saiki looked at him.

The white mouse sighed again: "I still stick to my own thoughts, Saiki-kun, I hope you will think about it after you go back."

[Is this kind of thing really possible to think about?]

When Saiki closed the door, he could still hear the ridiculous laughter of Kusuke, he seemingly was very happy that the Principal was wrong.

[Well, after hearing a great conjecture from the principal, I still didn't find out about the content of the final exam.]

Saiki walked back to the classroom, thinking that he might be exempted from the exam in the end.

"...four, three, two, one!"

A strange voice came from the classroom, with gasping.

[Yare yare, why didn't you go home yet Bakugou?]

The teenager took off his jacket, his black shirt was soaked in sweat and clung to his body, revealing the shape of his abdominal muscles.

Bakugou propped himself up from the ground, grabbed the towel on the side and rubbed it around his neck.

"Who's there?"

Sensing the presence of someone, he turned back alertly and after recognizing the person, he raised an eyebrow.

"So you're finally willing to return."

Saiki slowly walked into the classroom: 'Why are you training here? '

Although the classroom is very large, the space is limited and it is easy to hit a table if you don't be careful.

"You didn't take your bag when you left."

Bakugou had some uneven breathing just after exercise and walked past Saiki emitting a burst of heat.


He expressed his doubts with his eyes.

Impatient, Bakugou turned his back to Saiki and put on his coat: "...So you will definitely come back!"

Saiki was speechless.

[So you were here specifically waiting for me?]

'Have you forgotten that I can get my backpack even if I don't come back?'

He returned to his seat and pulled out his schoolbag.

"...But you're here now aren't you?"

His voice mumbled in a vague tone, Bakugou didn't look back at him.


Saiki felt powerless.

[So, if I didn't come back, you would've waited for nothing... what exactly are you thinking in your head, Bakugou?]

Because there were a lot of things, Saiki took a while and when Saiki walked out of the classroom, Bakugou was leaning against the door waiting.

The soft light divided the corridor into light and dark parts. The teenager leaned against the wall and counted the little black spots on the tiles.

His golden hair covered the eyes, his nose bridge cast a shadow on the face and his lips curled a slightly impatient curve.

[...So slow, what's taking him all day...]

[...What should I bring tomorrow, cake? jelly?... Fuck, there's no gelatin at home anymore, I have to go to the supermarket later...]

Suddenly, the teenager saw something and the expression on his face instantly turned brighter.

"You're so low!! Can't you be a little faster?!!!"

He was learly speaking irritable words, but the corner of the young man's mouth unconsciously turned upwards as his eyes and stared at the other party.

Saiki stood at the door of the classroom without moving, as if stunned.


Bakugou frowned and felt something was wrong.

"Hey, are you okay?"

He reached out and shook his hand in front of Saiki's eyes.

'... I'm okay. '

Saiki turned to his head and brushed away the violently shaking hand in from of him.

'Let's go.'


Bakugou was a little surprised and didn't know what was wrong with him, but he walked up next to him.

"...So where did you go?"

'The principal's office... Randomly listening to some weird conjecture.'

"Weird conjecture... was it verified in the end?"

'...Probably, though it was a bit unexpected.'


'...If there is no gelatin, a cake will do too.'

"Oh, okay."


