The 14. Disastrous Day

[Class 1-A... Here.]

Saiki stood in front of the class door marked with the red paint.

[Wow... It's so big.]

Maybe it is for the convenience of some students with different quirks. The class door is unusually tall and it is estimated that it is as high as four Midoriyas.

[I heard that there are only two classes in the hero course. Is class 1-B here too?]

[But I didn't see any other classes along the way.]

Opening the door, Saiki walked into the classroom, many students have already selected their seats.

Looking around, Saiki decisively moved to the last row and sat down.

"Ribbit, you were the one from the entrance exam ..."

The girl who was sitting next to Saiki blinked and looked at him.

[Is it the frog girl at the entrance exam? Looks like we are in the same class.]

'Hello there. '

"My name is Tsuyu Asui. Just call me Tsu."

Tsuyu Asui looked really happy.

'I'm Kusuo Saiki. '

Politely, Saiki also introduced himself.

[He seems a bit different from the time of the exam. Maybe he's shy ...]

Tsuyu tilted her head and looked at Saiki.

[No, this is an obvious 'don't bother me' attitude.]

Saiki pulled out a book from his bag expressionlessly and started to read, looking like he was not interested to socialize.

[No, if you are so shy at the beginning of school, you won't make any friends.]

Tsuyu looked at Saiki with worry.

[No, please just leave me alone.]

While Tsuyu was trying hard to find a topic and Saiki was trying to be ignored, Bakugou walked into the classroom.

"Hah? You four-eyed bastard, are you also in this class?"

Marching to Saiki's table, Bakugou slammed his leg onto his desk arrogantly.

[That's what I wanted to say, why are you in this class?]

Sitting still in his seat, Saiki didn't look at Bakugou but felt that his peaceful high school life has already left.

"Hmph, just you wait, you weakling!" A burst of sparks exploded in the palm of Bakugou's hand and his face was full of madness.

[Sure, I'll wait.]

Saiki looked at the inexplicably proud back of Bakugou.

[So you just came to say hello?]

After a while, Midoriya walked in carefully through the door, followed by a cute short-haired girl.

When he saw Saiki his eyes lit up, he wanted to come over but was interrupted by a serious-looking boy with glasses.

"You guys are so ... noisy."

A faint voice came from the door behind Midoriya.

"If you want to make friends, go elsewhere. This is the hero course."

The lazy voice got more clear and everyone saw the source of the voice, a middle-aged man with bloodshot eyes and stubble, looking sluggish.

[Yare yare, it's actually someone I know.]

Looking at the familiar man, Saiki was a little surprised.

[Speaking of which, General seems to have said that this man is a teacher ... Didn't expect him to be a teacher of the heroic department.]

Aizawa reluctantly got out of the sleeping bag.

"I'm your homeroom teacher, Aizawa Shouta, nice to meet you." Then, he pulled out a piece of sportswear. "Now, no time should be wasted, everyone wear this and head to the field. "

[Wait, that sleeping bag looks terrible. Is it really okay to put something on that was inside it?]

Since the homeroom teacher didn't seem to be a very kind person, the students in class A changed to their sportswear at their fastest speed and came to the field, where Aizawa was waiting for them.

"Now, we'll have a quirk assessment test."

"Quirk Assessment test ?!"

The class repeated in surprise.

"Wait, teacher, what about the opening ceremony? The orientation?" The girl who had been with Midoriya before seemed to be still looking forward to it and asked bravely.

"If you want to be a hero, you don't have time to do such leisurely things."

Breaking the girl's fantasy of high school life relentlessly, Aizawa squinted his eyes and glanced at the whole class. "Bakugou, you finished at the top of the practical exam, right? How many meters did you throw at junior high with a softball?"

Bakugou who was suddenly named by the teacher was a bit surprised, then honestly answered, "67 meters."

"Now throw it again with your quirk." Aizawa then demanded.

Although he hasn't tried it before, Bakugou still obediently used the flames of the explosion to throw the softball. The end result ...

"705 meters ?!"

"Seriously ?......"

"What is this? It looks fun !"

The remarkable achievement of Bakugou sparked a discussion among everyone, everyone was gearing up and eager to try.

[Indeed, the result will be very different.]

Saiki listened thoughtfully to the comments of the students around him.

[But if you continue to say that, someone will be unhappy.]

"Really, do you find this fun ..."

Aizawa's voice gradually lowered.

"Then, whoever is last place in all eight tests will be deemed for having no potential and will be punished with expulsion."

[I knew it.]

Because of Aizawa's words, the atmosphere in the class went down a little and some people started to panic, some people thought that this was normal for UA as a top-level university.

[You were just annoyed for your task being looked down upon, really a stingy man.]

Saiki lined up with the others to prepare for the 50-meter run.

[Well, but if you think that this level of testing can make things difficult for me, then you're wrong.]

Saiki pushed his glasses and evoked a little smug smile.

[To say why, after the entrance exam, I practiced very hard.]

The big trouble caused by the lack of control of the entrance examination is what Saiki has been unable to get through his heart until now. Since then, he has spent three hours a day training on a secret island that the satellite cannot capture. Finally, the proficiency of advanced skills such as "stand-up jumps" or "long jump", which are needed in daily life, have already been mastered, just super S-class skills like "jokingly pushing people" still needs to be honed.

[However, as long as it is a movement related to the human body, I can be careful to avoid it before it actually happens, so now I am, in a sense-]


Saiki confidently ran the 50 meters.

[And I have fully observed.]

Confidently control the grip strength to be in ordinary to high range.

[Not everyone's quirk in this class can help in the test.]

He completed the repeated side steps with confidence.

[So I only need to get better than one part of my classmates and then I am under the talented classmates like Bakugou.]

Taking off with confidence and then landing normally.

[I am the most ordinary!]

Perfectly completing the first four tests, Saiki had the long-lost urge to cry.

[It's going so smooth. Today's test is so smooth that it makes me feel kind of scared.]

[At the 50-meter run I didn't move in an instant so that the timer couldn't catch up, I didn't grip beyond the range and make the hand of the indicator go another round when sidestepping I didn't go so fast that it looked like I froze in place and the ground didn't collapse after jumping !!!]

[So perfect that it's unreal, did God not wake up yet?]

Saiki thought deeply and actually thought his conjecture was very likely.


[Midoriya, it is very dangerous for you right now.]

Unlike Saiki, who is hovering in the midstream and focusing on controlling his own performance, Midoriya really depends entirely on his physical fitness and does not use his quirk ... so the results now are that he's at the bottom of the ranking.

Saiki walked to Midoriya and found that his serious face was full of worry and anxiousness.

'Are you okay, Midoriya. '

Midoriya heard his voice and raised his head, the serious expression on his face collapsed instantly, and tears burst out like a fountain.

"Saiki-san ..."

[No need to say it, Midoriya, because I know your quirk is endless crying, so I know it won't come in handy for this test.]

"What to do, Saiki-san ... I will be expelled ..."

Midoriya's sound of despair in his voice was so miserable that Saiki couldn't bear to look straight at him.


'But didn't you pass the entrance exam well? "In the end, Saiki could only reluctantly comfort him,' it's better to use that ability now. '

"No ... I can't control it yet ..."

Midoriya sighed and said glumly.


Although Saiki didn't quite understand what he meant by he can't control it, soon he found out.

During the softball test, it was probably stimulated by the infinity thrown by the girl named 'Ochaco Uraraka. Midoriya seemed to be even more desperate to use his quirk."

"I'm sure I used it just now ... "

Midoriya looked at his right hand and muttered in shock.

"I erased your quirk."

Aizawa, who had been standing beside him, had his long hair flying in the air and the white cloth that was piled around his neck like a scarf was scattered.


[Is that so, he suddenly awakened a quirk, but was not very proficient yet, so he said that he couldn't control it.]

Saiki watched Midoriya being allowed a second chance to throw and the final result was unexpected 705.3 meters.

He covered a finger that had been broken, holding back the tears in his eyes, grinning reluctantly and saying firmly with a trembling voice, "Teacher, I can still move!"

[Although his sentence was cool, it is too messy to use his quirk at the cost of the body being injured.]

[Am I supposed to praise All Might's teaching abilities.]

Saiki looked at Midoriya's finger, remembering the No.1 hero who had a big hole in his body, his organs were half gone and he was running around.

[But you worked very hard, Midoriya.]

Looking at him trying so desperately, he always felt a little affected too before he knew it.

Except for Bakugou's strong anger and dissatisfaction with Midoriya's sudden quirk, the remaining three tests were completed safely.

[Although I feel a little sorry for Midoriya, I still want to say that this is the happiest test I've taken.]

Saiki, very satisfied with his ordinary performance today, apologized to Midoriya in his heart.

In the end, Aizawa announced the results. Midoriya was well-prepared in his heart, but when he really saw that he was in the last place, he was still unable to restrain his emotions.

"..." Biting his lower lip, Midoriya gripped the finger that was in pain, trying to endure it and not to cry.

[It's okay, Midoriya, because ...]

Saiki was standing beside Midoriya with a relaxed face and there was no sadness that his classmate would be expelled.

"By the way, the last place getting expelled was a lie."

[This man is a sadist.]


"It's a reasonable threat to maximize your potential."

Laughing, Aizawa enjoyed watching the students looking shocked.

[It's clear that everyone is very happy.]

"... Ah ... Ah ... Ah ..."

Midoriya was so shocked he couldn't find any words to say. He pointed at Aizawa and turned his head to look at Saiki, his eyes full of complaints.

Looking at him in a funny way, Saiki raised his hand and patted his head, as if to comfort a dog who had deliberately hidden his bones.

"Really, this kind of thing is generally not true when any normal person thinks about it!"

A girl with a tall ponytail to the side and a good figure looked helplessly at the people who were hit hard.

[No, these people are stupid, not normal.]

Saiki slightly glanced at the group of people on the left, all of them were calm, as if everyone knew that this was the teacher's radical method, but in fact, in their heart, it was full of roaring screams.

"So, the test is over. There is information about the timetable in the classroom. Take a good look at it when you go back."

Aizawa is too ignorant of whether everyone is still immersed in deceived indignation and is about to leave.

"Ah, right, you, come with me."

Walking halfway he seemed to think of something, Aizawa shouted in the direction of Midoriya.

[Here it comes.]

'Midoriya, the teacher is calling you. '

Saiki expressionlessly threw that sentence towards Midoriya and turned to leave.

"I mean you, Saiki Kusuo, don't even think of running away!"

Something somehow soft and hard wrapped around Saiki's waist, pulling him back fiercely.

[This is the worst.]

Saiki sighed secretly, seeing that he couldn't escape, he walked beside Aizawa in cooperation.

[what? When did four eyes become so familiar with the teacher?!!]

[No, Bakugou, I have only seen him twice.]

[Huh, huh? Saiki-san was taken away by Mr. Aizawa ...]

[God probably just woke up.]

[Hehehe ~ Mr. Aizawa's weapon is pretty kinky ~~]

[This unknown student, please stop the dangerous thoughts in your mind!]

"Oh, Midoriya, you go to the nurse's office to find recovery girl for treatment, that's it for today's lesson."

Aizawa handed over the note for the infirmary to Midoriya and dragged Saiki wrapped in his scarf to leave.

'Please let me go first. '

Saiki was dragged expressionlessly behind Aizawa.

"No, I can't catch you if you run away."

Aizawa rejected.

'I won't run! '

Saiki had a distorted expression for a moment.

"Well, I can let you go. But you have to go to the park with me later."

Aizawa eliminates the slightest feeling that he is abusing his power.

'... I got it, let me go. '

[Is this person really a teacher?!!]

Saiki exudes reluctance to agree to Aizawa's request.

[Anyway, I just need to go to the park, I can just leave after arriving at the entrance.]

"Of course, if you're thinking, 'Anyway, just go to the park and leave after arriving at the entrance' or something, then I advise you to find the next teacher in advance before doing so." Aizawa released Saiki, he looked at him with bad intentions, "After all, you are still under my control for three years."


[Oh, are you threatening me? interesting.]

Having dangerous thoughts for a moment, Saiki felt that he suddenly understood Bakugou's occasional violence.

However, in the face of the "respectful" class teacher, Saiki failed to break through his inner moral bottom line and Aizawa took him to a door with the words principal's office printed on it.

"Ah, here it is."

Pushing open the door, sitting in the simple and elegant office is the principal mouse, who Saiki has only seen in the notice recently and also All Might, wearing his battle suit and maintaining the No.1 hero posture.

"Welcome to UA, Saiki-kun!"

President Nezu said with a smile sitting at his desk.

"Want some coffee jelly?"
