The 78. Disastrous Day

My name is Izuku Midoriya, a first-year student in the hero course of UA High School. I have just experienced my internship and I am currently studying for my final exam.

But I'm having a problem recently, I don't know if I'm just thinking too much, but something between my two childhood friends did not feel quite right.

As soon as Midoriya came back from All Might's office, he saw his two childhood friends approaching.

"Saiki-san, Kacchan!"

He greeted the two of them, mainly Saiki, because when the other person just sees him he would start shouting at him or worse...


——Although there are some other responses now.

Midoriya out down his hand, suddenly feeling a bit awkward that Bakugou was so peaceful.

'Midoriya, where are you going?'

Saiki saw him, his eyes faintly glowing and even his tone seemed a bit happy.

"Oh um... back to the classroom..."

Midoriya pointed to the end of the corridor, wondering why he was asking since only there classroom was down that corridor.

'I'll go with you.'

Saiki said quickly, moving next to him as if afraid he would run away.

Midoriya: ???

He's just going back to the classroom, not to the cafeteria to eat, did he need to be so cautious?


Bakugou's expression instantly got bad, he stretched out his hand and dragged Saiki back.

"Did you just fucking say you wanted to get fresh air?!"


Saiki was dragged back with no expression on his face, but there seemed to be a trace of hopelessness.

Midoriya felt that this was not right, it looked like Saiki's soul was about to leave his body.

"Cough... um, Kacchan?... Saiki-san looks like..."

——he doesn't really want to go with you.

The remaining half of his sentence was swallowed back under the horrifying gaze of Bakugou, Midoriya smiled stiffly.

Kacchan is so scary...

He watched the back of the two, somewhat sad.

In the past, Saiki always walked with him... But now he was stolen by Kacchan.

"Midoriya... What are you looking at?"

A familiar voice sounded, with some confusion.

Midoriya turned his head, seeing Iida and Todoroki.

"No, it's nothing."

He shook his head and walked towards them.

"I was just thinking about when Saiki-san and Kacchan started to have such a good relationship..."

Iida looked past Midoriya also seeing the two.

"Speaking of which, I have recently also seen the two of them together quite frequently..."

Todoroki bluntly said: "Midoriya, do you feel lonely?"

Midoriya immediately blushed: "No no no no!!! What do you mean with I feel lonely?!!!"

"Obviously the three of you grew up together, but suddenly two of them have a very good relationship... the one left out would indeed feel left behind!"

Iida analyzed the feeling Midoriya would have at this time.

Midoriya felt that he was about to suffocate, although there were indeed such indescribable careful thoughts, it was only something small in the depth of his heart and was a completely different matter than Iida directly exposing him like that!

He weakly said: "I didn't feel like I was left behind..."

But no one believed his explanation.

Iida was very serious: "It's okay Midoriya, we will always be by your side!"

Todoroki did not speak but nodded in agreement.

"......Thank you."

What else could he say, Midoriya just smiled at them.

At noon, Midoriya carried his tray and accidentally sat with the girls of his class.

Fortunately, his relationship with others has always been good, even if he was sitting with the girls, it wouldn't get awkward.

"Hey... Have you realized something recently?"

As the saying goes, the longer the girl's mealtime, the faster the flow and the higher the amount of information will be spreading.

With someone starting it, things started to get out of controö.

"Ah, I did, it's too obvious."

Jiro fiercely stabbed a piece of meat and put it into her mouth, as if chewing away her depressed mood.

"Huh, what is it?"

Hagakure was confused, what were they talking about.

"How about you Ochaco-chan?"

Tsuyu turned her head and looked at Ochaco who was eating seriously.

"Although I don't quite understand it..." she said vaguely, as she swallowed the food in her mouth, "but I can still feel it!"

"That's true." Yaoyorozu put down her chopsticks while speaking.

Midoriya: ...

He felt like they were talking about something shocking, but he couldn't understand them at all.

"...Wait, are you guys talking about that?"

Hagakure suddenly seemed to see something, secretly pointing at a direction...

---Sorry, but we can't see your finger, but it should be in the direction of the sleeve.

Midoriya's ears moved, but only a burst of breath was heard.

He pretended to be eating seriously, but his eyes inadvertently glanced at the place Hagakure just pointed at.

Nothing's there...

Even if you knew the specific direction, you can only see a crowd of people.

"It really is obvious recently, isn't it?" He could barely hear Yaoyorozu's voice, "We just don't know if Saiki..."


Midoriya blinked, hearing the name of his childhood friend.

[Is it related to Saiki-san?... Now I'm even more concerned about it.]


Midoriya also whispered like the girls, quietly tapping Uraraka next to him.

"What's wrong, Deku-kun?"

Uraraka responded cautiously----since she also thought that it was a little fun.

"It seems that Yaoyorozu-san just mentioned Saiki-san..."

Midoriya glanced at the other girls, no one noticed him, which made him feel relieved.

"...What is it about?"

"Ah, that..."

Uraraka put down her chopsticks in her hand and quietly approached the ear of Midoriya.

"Actually, I also noticed that recently, could it be that Bakugou has been asking for help from Saiki-san?"


Midoriya froze.


So he was seeing them together... because Kacchan was asking Saiki to help him?

"So this was why..."

Midoriya suddenly realized.

No wonder Bakugou's attitude was so bad when he saw him alone, but he would be nice when he was with Saiki...


So that meant, Saiki wanted to get away from Bakugou because he felt troubled?


"Midoriya, what's wrong?"

Uraraka asked Midoriya, who suddenly slammed his hands against the table, lowering her voice.

"...Ah, no, nothing."

Realizing that he was overreacting, Midoriya nervously laughed and sat down again.

He should go ask Saiki this afternoon...


My name is Kusuo Saiki and I have psychic superpowers.

I am an ordinary student of UA, who has just undergone a professional internship, I was confessed to by my childhood friend and I am currently studying for my final exam.

But I'm having a problem recently, my childhood friend who is not very normal seems to be serious about his confession.

Obviously, as a student, he should be looking forward to the end of class, but Saiki actually wanted to change the system to 24/7 classes without rest and only go home after continuous classes.

As for why...

"Hey four eyes, hurry up after school today!"

Bakugou raised his chin, talking like it was an order.

Saiki: 'I'm already trying my best.'

[——I'm trying very hard to delay the time and go there later and hope you two decide to leave when I finally arrive.]

Rolling his eyes, Bakugou didn't believe any of his words: "I'll wait for you today after school, we'll go together."

With no room for Saiki to refuse, he just decided that on his own.

Saiki: "..."

"Also, eat lunch with me today!"

[That is impossible.]

Saiki shook his head quickly: 'I already agreed to eat with Midoriya at noon today. '

Bakugou was expressionless: "It doesn't matter."

[Even using Midoriya won't work anymore?]

Saiki felt a bit of pressure.

[But it's too much trouble to have lunch together. I will definitely not go today.]

He changed his excuse: 'Me being alone...'

Bakugou raised an eyebrow: "What a pity, I even brought desserts I made today."

Saiki: '...may not be good, let's eat together. '

Bakugou: "Then let's go to the cafeteria at noon."

Saiki looked at the back of Bakugou who left with satisfaction.

[...I don't know why I always agree before even realizing it, I couldn't refuse him at all.]

He thought deeply.

[This may be the scary part for Bakugou.]

After school in the evening.

Bakugou did not leave and waited outside the classroom door.

Saiki slowly packed up his things and slowly walked out while being stared at the whole time, which suddenly made him feel like he was a prisoner in custody.

By the time they arrived at the coffee shop, Kirishima was already sitting there, with several books spread out on the table, which were all messed up by black handwriting.

"Oh, Bakugou, Saiki!"

He saw the two of them and smiled.

"Come! Tell me how to solve this one?"

[Looks like today you are drowned in the ocean of mathematics, Kirishima-kun.]

"Hah, this one again?!"

Bakugou's impatience was not only reflected in his face, but also perfectly implemented in his actions.

"Didn't I explain this to you yesterday?! Think about it, you dumb hair!"

The sheets were rolled up and used to hit Kirishima's head, causing "-1" damage to his HP.

"I didn't understand it... Bakugou, every time you help, you just say the answer..."

Kirishima didn't care about the aggressive attack on his head but said this said very distressedly.

"The process was simply ignored!"


Bakugou glared at him fiercely, as if dissatisfied that his teaching was questioned.

"What is there to talk about that kind of thing you know at a glance?!!!"

"But I can't tell at a glance!!"

Kirishima who was under strong pressure decided to complain.

"Bakugou, you should be more detailed!!!"

"Obviously you are just too stupid, don't blame me for that!!"

"But you skipped the ten-step process to the solution and just used three steps!"

"If it wasn't for me having to take care of you, I would just directly write the answer down!"

Although there were some small discussions in the coffee shop, the arguing of the two teenagers became particularly prominent at this time.

One of them had a big nerve and the other didn't care what others thought, so they didn't feel like there was anything wrong when they quarreled.

[So why do I have to receiver these strange gazes?]

Drinking his tea, Saiki wanted to put a sign on his head to tell the crowd that he didn't know them.

"Enough, I won't ask you anymore!!".

"Didn't you beg me to help, hah?!"

Bakugou didn't quiet down after that and even started to mock him.

"Saiki, please, help me with this one!"

Kirishima turned to find his next tutor.

Saiki: "..."

[Didn't you say that I only need to sit there?]

But if he let the two of them continue to quarrel like that. The young waitress who is staring at them will probably come to politely kick them out.

Saiki pushed the tea and dessert in front of him aside and pulled Kirishima's book over.

"Here, you should..."

Ten minutes later.

"So that's how it's solved!"

Kirishima was relieved, the problem that had troubled him for days was finally solved.

"It's actually such a simple question..."

[It is indeed such a simple question.]

Saiki wrote down the key steps smoothly and circled a few key points.

"Saiki, you're teaching is way better than Bakugou!"


Bakugou's face instantly turned dark.

"Where was my teaching bad?"

Kirishima was not afraid: "You didn't teach anything well, who gave you the confidence?"

[Here we go again, can't you two just stop.]

Saiki felt that even coffee jelly could not appease his tired soul now.


There was a message.

Saiki took out his phone.

[Yare yare, it's already so late.]

He looked at the two people who were still fighting like elementary school students: 'I'll go head back for today, I still have something to do.'

"What do you have to do?"

Bakugou turned back instantly, his alarmed look startling Kirishima.

Saiki: 'My mother asked me to accompany her to the supermarket.'

Bakugou frowned: "Then I will go with you!"

Kirishima: "???

Didn't we agree to help me study together, why do you want to go to the supermarket now?

Fortunately, Saiki refused: 'No, my mother only wanted it to be the two of us. '

In order to reflect his determination, his last three words were particularly emphasized.


Bakugou looked a little reluctant, but it didn't make much sense to keep asking, so he let him go unwillingly.

Saiki walked out of the coffee shop and through the window outside the shop, he could see Bakugou pouting while using a pen to point on the book in front of Kirishima.

The phone in his hand sounded again, this time it was a phone call, Saiki picked it up.

'Hey, Midoriya...'


My name is Katsuki Bakugou, a student of UA's hero course and the future No. 1 Hero, who has just ended his internship and I am currently studying for my final exam.

But I'm having a problem recently, the person I like is always with our other childhood friend and they seem to have some sort of secrets recently.

"Hey, Deku!"

Bakugou impatiently looked at the little boy in front of him with the babyface.

"Where did Saiki go?"

"Oh... Kacchan!"

Midoriya turned around in a panic and waved his hand at his childhood friend.

"I-I don't know, I didn't see him!"


He raised his eyebrow suspiciously, Bakuhao felt something there was something off with him.

"If I find out that you are covering up for that guy..."

The other half of his unspoken words disappeared in the orange sparks that rose in the palm of his hand, his look already implying it's meaning.

Midoriya froze and then started to resist.

"Kacchan... Kacchan can't let Saiki-san do something he doesn't want to!!"


Bakugou froze and the explosion in his hand disappeared.

"Uh, um... I mean, if Kacchan asks him properly, Saiki-san would definitely be willing to help!"

Midoriya tried to persuade his irritable childhood friend.

"So, Kacchan please don't force Saiki-san anymore!"

"...You seem to know a lot, Deku!"

His voice was lowered and Bakugou's face was twisted.

-I forced him?

——I would want to fucking force him!!

"He said that to you?... Forget it, it doesn't matter." His expression was dangerous, Bakugou's red pupils were cold, "If you already know it, then stay out of it! "

Raising the corner of his mouth and smiling, his sharp canine teeth were revealed.

"Just obediently watch me."

At the end of the afternoon after school, the study team was gathered at the coffee shop again as scheduled.

Bakugou held his chin to explain the problem to Kirishima, but his eyes peeked at the person next to him.

When scooping a spoonful of jelly, the teenager's cold expression slightly changed, like his face softened a little.

What's so delicious about that kind of thing.

Sneering at that soft and sweet dessert, Bakugou felt that he would never understand the inexplicable happiness of him.

"...Bakugou, hey Bakugou!"

Kirishima shoved his friend, who was silent.

"Where are you looking at?"

"...Shut up, I was just daydreaming!"

Bakugou withdrew his gaze.

"This kind of simple question... Do you even have a brain?!"


Kirishima stared at this rather unreasonable man in shock.

——He was the one distracted just now, but now he was scolding him!



A burst of irritation rose in Bakugou's heart.

"Who is it this time?"

He asked impatiently.

Saiki: '...My father was bullied by someone in the company, he's calling me to go avenge him.'

——Do you think I'm that stupid?

Bakugou rolled his eyes inside.

"Really, then go quickly, it's not good to let your father wait for long."

With a sneer in his heart, his tone was so gentle that even he knew how obviously fake it was.


Saiki silently looked at Bakugou and then left without saying anything.

As soon as he left the coffee shop, Bakugou jumped up and started to pack his things.

Kirishima: ???

Kirishima: "What are you doing... Hey! Bakugou, where are you going?!!!"

When the schoolbag was swung on his back, he rushed out of the shop quickly, grinding his teeth.

——Today I will personally see where you are fooling around!

The innocent Kirishima who was left behind: ???
