The 71. Disastrous Day

'What are you plotting this time? '

around a corner with no one around, the young boy with pink curly hair stood in front of Kusuke and asked him this with an unkind tone.


Kusuke feigned surprise and then innocently said: "Plotting... You're so mean, I'm obviously just here to do a little favor for the principal of UA~"

Saiki was expressionless: 'I don't remember you being close to that mouse.'

Kusuke smiled and said, "We were not before, but now we could be now!"

Saiki: "..."

[What is with this misleading answer?]


The principal who was just mentioned appeared in front of the two.

[So you're finally willing to appear, you little bastard.]

Saiki looked at the principal who he had not seen since the sports festival.

"Oh my, Kusuke-san is also here~"

[So you're already calling him by his first name?]

Kusuke looked very happy: "Good afternoon, Mr. Principal!"

Principal Nezu, who was wearing a small suit, came over with his hands behind his back and smiled softly: "Would you two like to go to my office for afternoon tea?"

'I have class in the afternoon.'

Saiki refused without hesitation.

"It's okay, I already asked Mr. Aizawa on the way."

The white rat was already prepared.

[Yare yare, it seems like I can't reject his invitation.]

Saiki didn't speak anymore.

Kusuke agreed to this "happy afternoon tea party", so the three walked to the principal's office.

"Speaking of which, the tea I brought back when I was on a business trip, seemed to be missing ...Can Saiki-kun help me find it?"

Principal Nezu sat in his tall office chair to make tea for the two and seemed to be distressed.

'That's a pity, but sadly I don't know where it is either.'

Saiki sat on the sofa with a blank face.

"Even Saiki-kun can't find it huh..."

Principal Nezu sighed.

Saiki drank his tea calmly.

Generally speaking, Saiki plays the role of listening and answering in these kinds of situations, but today was not the same, he took the initiative to speak.

'So, how did you two get to know each other?'

-You obviously live on the different sides of the earth.

Principal Nezu sighed: "It's a long story."

[Then please make the long story short.]

Kusuke took out his phone from his pocket and waved it: "Because we are both members of the same forum."


Saiki looked puzzled.

"That's right~" Principal Nezu explained with a smile, "We had a disagreement because of a topic at that time!"

Kusuke also recalled it with a smile: "I remember it was about the unified theory of physics."

The principal instantly got excited: "Yes!... What is the end result again?"

"The end result..." Kusuke put down the teacup in his hand and pondered.

Then the two spoke out at the same time.

"General relativity!"

"Quantum mechanics!"

Saiki: "..."

The atmosphere instantly got cold.

[This really a touching friendship.]

"Sorry, did I hear you right?"

Kusuke was the first to speak.

"If you could use your brain that is smaller than the size of my fingernail and think about it, you will know how ridiculous the general relativity is."

[Wait, wasn't that a bit too much?]

The principal calmly refuted: "Sure enough, humans are so stupid and arrogant that they can't even see the reality. You only need to agree with the truth and don't need to give other objections."

[He-hey, this private conflict has risen from a personal disagreement to a fight between animals and humans now?!]

"Don't make me laugh, you're just a little white lab rat that should be obediently lying on the operating table. How dare you claim that to be the truth?"

"It's better for you low-level livestock to eat more grass. Since it might also possible to clean up your brain full of stupid  thoughts while cleaning your digestive tracts."


After half an hour.

Saiki drank another sip of tea without any expression on his face, which was already his third cup.

In the middle of it, he also went to the toilet twice, went back to the classroom once and grabbed the third edition of a game he enjoyed, on the way he also brought a small villain to the police station.

[Is it still not over yet? School's almost over.]

After taking one of the hot takoyaki he bought, Saiki's cheeks bulged and he chewed slowly.

The conversation in front of him had expanded from the theory of physics to something beyond a normal person's comprehension and now they have started to just insult each other's IQ as a human/animal.

'Principal Nezu. '

Seeing that the two did not intend to stop, Saiki had to interrupt them.

'School's almost over.'

[In the end I really did come just to enjoy afternoon tea.]

[Although it was a bit noisy.]

Principal Nezu glanced at the clock: "It's already this late!"

He then looked at Kusuke and sighed, "I haven't communicated with a normal human in such a pleasant way for a long time."

[Does your species have some problems with the definition of a normal human?]

Kusuke was still the same with a smile on his face.

'...So what are you plotting?'

Saiki was too lazy to talk more and went straight to the point.

"Don't say it like that~" Kusuke took something out of his pocket again, "It's because of this!"

It was a very small transparent container, which was only half the size of a palm.

It was filled with a clear red liquid.

'What is this?'

[It looks really suspicious.]

Saiki took the small bottle and didn't find anything special about it.

Principal Nezu jumped down the chair from behind his desk and walked to Saiki.

"Its name is the Mysterious Elixir, with the codename X!"

Saiki: ?

[Wow how boring, codename X?... Sure enough, the author is trying to cover up the fact that she isn't good at naming at all.]

"The research on this took me five years," Kusuke said with excitement, "It is the longest and most costly research I have ever done!"

[Wait a moment, don't tell me...]

"According to the past data records you left, this can completely suppress the superpowers in your body, turning you into an ordinary person with no quirk, for a duration of 3 minutes!"

A strange light flashed in Kusuke's eyes, his tone was full of inducement.

"--How about it, let's have a contest with me?"

[Yare yare, so it finally appeared huh?]

Hearing this familiar sentence, Saiki had a feeling that it finally came.

Saiki: 'What kind of contest? '

Kusuke shook the small bottle in his hand and the bright red liquid swayed inside.

His tone was firm: "I am confident that I can trap you for more than 5 minutes!"

Principal Nezu looked at Kusuke with some surprise: "But our original goal was only 3 minutes..."

Kusuke: "No, that was in the ordinary situation..."

He took out another a small bottle, which contained a light blue liquid.

"Actually, the color of the potion was this blue at the beginning." He turned his head to look at Saiki. "Why did it turn into such a beautiful red now?"


Saiki's eyes narrowed slightly.

'You added my blood.'


Kusuke snapped his fingers: "So no one knows how effective this one will be!"

"But I have confidence in my research, so my goal is more than five minutes!"

Saiki looked at the bottle that claimed to turn him into an ordinary person.

He said: 'It's interesting, I accepted your offer.'

[If this was just an ordinary potion, the results could be guessed without even thinking about it...]

Saiki took the red potion.

[But if my blood was added to it, maybe I can look forward to the results...]

He unscrewed the cap.

[——After all, in this world, the only person who could beat me would be myself.]

The amount of the liquid was very small, Saiki took a sip and the bottle was already empty.

Kusuke and the principal looked at him at the same time, both with a little nervousness and a little anticipation.

Saiki closed his eyes to feel it, then stood up and punched the floor under his feet.

The ground was still intact.

Kusuke's eyes turned bright and he murmured, "Sure enough, my guess was correct. Now, I just have to calculate the time ..."

He quickly took out his phone, ready to start a timer.

'No need.'

Saiki looked at his fist and felt the blood running in his body.

'It has completely restored.'

Kusuke: "..."

With his phone still in his hand, he froze in place.

"You already fully recovered?!"

Principal Nezu was a little shocked. Although he did not participate in the whole process of the making of this, for the core part he was involved and there should have been no problem.


Saiki nodded.

'It can probably last for about 30 seconds.'

It felt really obvious. Just a while ago, his superpower really disappeared... But now it turned back to its original state.

"...I lost this time."

Kusuke also recovered and frankly admitted his defeat.

"It really is amazing, your superpowers!"

Although he was disappointed with the failure of his research, Saiki inexplicably felt that his eyes became even more enthusiastic.

[Well, it can turn me into an ordinary person, so 30 seconds is already amazing.]

Saiki recalled the feeling just now, that felt quite unusual.

When he drank the elixir, it seemed as though some other force had invaded his body and competed with the superpowers that already existed in him.

After reaching a balancing point, the body had a "repairing period" of about 30 seconds, which is the period of him turning into an "ordinary person".

Then the body will be occupied again by the superpowers that won over.

[Is it because he added my own blood?]

He wondered, if the dose was increased, the power contained in the elixir might get stronger and fight the superpowers in his body for a longer period. Then maybe it is theoretically possible to achieve the goal of turning himself into an ordinary person.

Saiki told them his theory.

"It may be established in theory, Saiki-kun." Principal Nezu said softly, "but this is impossible when in practice."

Not to mention how much power is needed to win against the superpowers in Saiki's body, simply considering the social impact that this elixir may have after it is produced, it is impossible for the principal to let it exist in this world.

Not really expecting this kind of fairy potion, even though he was rejected, Saiki didn't really feel down.

"...But this is a problem," Principal Nezu seemed to have a headache. "It was originally intended to be used for your final exam, but it seems that we need to rearrange that."

Saiki realized that he was nearing the end of the semester. It is estimated that Mr. Aizawa also told everyone in class A at this afternoon's class meeting.

But he didn't worry about the content of the final exam. Anyway, no matter how difficult it was, it would still be easy for him.

Principal Nezu smiled: "So today I am very grateful to the two of you for coming, it is almost time to go home ~!"


Outside the office.

'So, when will you return to the UK? '

As soon as they left the mouse's line of sight, Saiki spoke bluntly.

Kusuke turned around in surprise: "Why should I go back?"

Saiki had a bad hunch in his heart: 'Your elixir has failed, so what are you still doing here?'

Kusuke seemed to remember something suddenly, he innocently smiled and said, "Oh my, didn't I tell you?"

"The school sent me here for an internship, so I have to stay for about 1 month~"

Saiki: "..."

[No, you did not tell me at all!!]

Facing Saiki's dissatisfied gaze, Kusuke showed no guilt: "Then I probably forgot. Remembering something like that is a waste of space after all."

Saiki's face turned darl. When he thought of seeing this person every day for the next month, he felt that his future was full of darkness and felt hopeless.


A brown-haired student ran over holding a stack of files.

Saiki: 'Do you even have an assistant following you now? '

Kusuke: "This is just an ordinary male student captured by my personal charm."

[Can you not insult charm like that?]

But this student was indeed wearing UA's school uniform.

[Yare yare, I didn't expect UA's students to be so naive. He couldn't even see through the real nature of this kind of garbage.]

Saiki sighed.

"Kusuke-sama..." The brown-haired student panted a little, but couldn't hide the excitement in his tone. "There are already so many people signing for the Sakura's school Idol debut program!!"

Kusuke: "..."

Saiki: '...?'

Taking the files, Kusuke showed a stiff smile: "Well, that's great. Let's go talk over there..."

Saiki grabbed the back of the collar of the two with a blank expression: 'No, we'll solve any problems here.'

'After all, I'm also very interested... In that [school idol debut program].'

The brown-haired student: !?

Kusuke: OvO

Saiki stretched out his hand: 'That document, give it to me.'

Unconsciously overwhelmed by his aura, the brown-haired student tremblingly reached out and handed him the folder on the top.

The brown-haired student: ...Sakura is so scary, I don't want to be her fan anymore QAQ

Saiki opened the folder and looked at the keywords.

[...debut as school idol...]

[...Create high exposure, receive everyone's attention...]

[...24 hours followed by paparazzi, high amounts of uninterrupted variety show appearances throughout the year...]

——Summary: A plan to make someone who wants to be low-key become an idol living under the eyes of thousands.

Saiki: ...

"Hahahaha... Give that back, Kusuo... I seem to have accidentally taken the file of my neighbor next door who is a manager... I have to go give it back quickly..."

[If you didn't call your armed robot or wore your jetpack when you said this, you might have made it more believable by 0,001%.]

"Oh well, this was just a little prank, I believe you will not care~"

The young man with light blond hair smiled and started his jetpack, a hot flame spewed from behind.

'Oh? Let's see if I don't care. '

Saiki slowly rolled up the paper in his hand, with a sharp spike at the top.

He shivered and the smile on Kusuke's mouth was stiff.

"Stop him!"

Ordering the robot hurriedly, Kusuke took off quickly.

[Don't even think about running away.]

The high-tech armored robot which looked like it came out from a futuristic science fiction movie was easily cut by the spike rolled by the soft paper.

His two fingers then gripped the sharp paper weapon at the front end, it was aimed at the air pointing at the small black spot in the sky and was then thrown out hard.

From a distance, the black spot seemed to emit black smoke and then it opened a parachute and slowly fell.

[Well, from this height he probably won't die.]

Saiki retracted his gaze with satisfaction and looked at the dumbfounded brown-haired student next to him.

"I, I, I, I don't know anything!!"

The brown-haired student shook his head frantically.

Slightly raising his eyebrow, Saiki just looked at him.

'...Hold it.'

Returning the remaining documents to the trembling brown-haired student, Saiki didn't plan to use his banana since from listening to his thoughts he found that he wasn't the type to spread information around-----It might be even more troublesome if he knocked him out.

But a verbal warning was still necessary, so Saiki suddenly thought of an idea in his heart.


"Yes Yes Yes Yes!"

The brown-haired student took the file nervously, he didn't know what to say.

The person in front of him was indifferent as if there was a gap between him and the world, he did not look like he was within someone's reach like in the video...

The teenager slowly and calmly walked over. The brown-haired student gulped and felt a bit of breathing difficulty as the distance continued to shrink.

'...If you say a word about today, you will be killed.'

The moment he passed by, the threat of the young gentleman seemed to sound directly in his head.

The heart of the brown-haired student seemed to be gripped by invisible big hands turned into by this cold voice.

He unconsciously looked sideways, seeing the perfect jawline, light-colored thin lips that were slightly curved downwards at the corners of his mouth... and a pair of cold and distant eyes that were behind the lens.

The brown-haired student: "...!"

His brain was blank, he stepped back suddenly and every cell in his body seemed to scream because of that eye contact.


After calming down, the brown-haired student quickly turned around—

There was no one behind him.

They were in a big empty space without any obstruction, but the teenager disappeared in just one second.

The brown-haired student withdrew his hand in a loss.

Recalling the indifferent amethyst eyes, his heartbeat gradually got faster and his cheeks turned red.

——S-so cool!!!
