The 1. Disastrous Day

[It all started in Qingqing City, China. When a "glowing baby" was born. Since then, the "supernatural" has been discovered successively in various places, but the reason for it has not been identified. We don't know since when the "super abnormal" has become the "supernormal".]

[About 80% of the world's total population has a certain "special constitution" and now the world has become a "superhuman world."]

"Hahahaha! You trash! Do you really think you can stop me?"

A burst of arrogant laughter came from the bustling commercial street, followed by an explosion, smoke pouring out from the unfortunate jewelry shop and spreading.

"It's a villain!"

The tourists were caught in uncontrollable panic, swarming and shoving to stay away from the incident and the chaos caused a timid girl to be almost overthrown.

The villain laughed arrogantly, carrying his bag of stolen goods, shuttling around the crowd and wherever he went, the crowd gave way automatically just like how Moses divided the sea.

[Not everyone can remain calm and rational after possessing such "super abnormal" ability. With the emergence of the "super abnormal", there is also an explosive increase in the number of crimes].

"Come out! Idiotic heroes! Come and catch me if you can!"

The villain yelled provocatively while running, laughing like they are having fun and making exaggerated grimaces. "If you don't come out now, you won't ever find Yours Truly aga-aaaaaahhh!"

[Just as the country hesitated about whether to completely change the law, courageous people began to act like heroes in comic stories.]

It is unknown when the tree branches, that suddenly appeared, were wrapped around the villain's feet. The villain stumbled over these thick branches for a moment and then the branches climbed up along the villain's body, tightly bound to keep him from moving.

"It's a hero! A hero is here!"

"Ah! I know him! It's Kamui Woods!!"

"Huh, isn't that the young hero who's is really popular recently? He's so cool!"

The panicked tourists a moment ago calmed down at an alarming rate and began talking excitedly about the heroes who came to the rescue.

"Hey, don't you dare look down on me!" The villain who was forced to lie down was very angry. He looked at Kamui Woods who had come to him, his eyes were full of madness and he laughed like a maniac, "Since Yours Truly—is invincible!"

"How disgusting, looking like this," the young hero stared down at the enemy, "you have been devoured by your own power and lost your mind..."

"Hah? What are you talking about?" The villain shouted, constantly moving and trying to break the shackles of the hero. "Yours Truly is the chosen one!"

[What are you, an 8-year-old?]

Kusuo Saiki sat in the dessert shop with a cross-eyed look and took a bite of the cake in front of him.

[Yare yare, I didn't expect to come across this kind of thing after leaving the house. It really was better to stay at home during summer vacation.]

Seeing that other heroes also arrived one after another and the enemy having no chance to turn the tables, Saiki canceled his state of "Clairvoyance" and swallowed the last bit of cake.

[It's almost time to go back, I should try the coffee jelly next door next time.]

After Saiki took out the coupon to pay with it, that he won the day before yesterday, he decided to walk home.

[My name is Kusuo Saiki and I have psychic superpowers.]

[With these so-called superpowers, I can generally do anything I can think of, but my ability is not limitless, most of them have shortcomings or limitations.]

[For specific situations, please refer to "Saiki Kusuo no Ψ-nan Season 1", "Saiki Kusuo no Ψ-nan Season 2", "Saiki Kusuo no Ψ-nan Season 3" and "Saiki Kusuo no Ψ-nan Reawakened", which is complete and very good.]

[So, how did I come to this world?]

[The specifics are too complicated. In short, the day before I started high school, I suddenly found that I had become a primary school student again and the world had changed a lot.]

[Weirdly, my mother and father are also younger and there seems to be nothing wrong to them.]

[At first I thought it was a "superpower leak" when I fell asleep, but I couldn't restore the world after removing the suppressors and even gave up the idea of ​​going back after almost destroying the entire earth.]

[Well, all in all, this world is actually much more convenient than the original world. If the "super abnormal" becomes the "every day", I can also use my superpowers a little, so going through the life of elementary and junior high school again, was not so unbearable.]

The commercial street was not far from Saiki's home, so soon, Saiki saw the familiar door and... a pinch of green hair?

[Aren't you persistent, Midoriya.]

Saiki hid around the corner of the wall and pushed his glasses upwards.

[Yare yare, I already predicted that Midoriya would come to me to go to All Might's exhibition today, since it was rare for me to be outside all day. But I didn't think he would still be here now.]

[So what do I do now, maybe teleport to the bedroom.]

"Hello! Is Saiki-san back home?" Midoriya was a little shy but still looked at Saiki's mother with anticipation, his eyes seemed to be shining.

Saiki Kurumi held her face and felt like she is looking at a cute baby. "Oh my, it's been a long time, Kusuo hasn't returned yet. Why not go to his bedroom and wait!"

"Huh? ...Ah! No, no need!" Midoriya waved his hands in panic, "Going to his bed-bedroom or something..."

"It's okay, it's okay! Kusuo won't mind!" She ignored Midoriya's weak resistance, chuckled while taking him by his arm and moved upstairs with a smile.

Saiki didn't think about it for a long time. Teleportation was indeed the best way now, so he launched his skill and in the next second he is introduced to a familiar-



Saiki froze, maintaining the posture of landing and the two who suddenly entered the room looked at each other.

[Ku, Kusuo, why did you come back so suddenly?]

'Because it's already dinner time... So why would Midoriya come into my room...'

[Because, because Izuku is a rare friend of Kusuo... What should I do now? Did Izuku see that just now? Did you see it? Say something, Izuku...]

Saiki ignored the voice of his mother's broken thoughts and stared directly into Midoriya's eyes.

[What isn't Saiki-san at home? Didn't his mother know? Wait, if she didn't even know that her own son was at home, wouldn't that mean his mother didn't give him that much attention... So could it be that Saiki-san is so shy because he usually doesn't get love and attention from his family...]

[Hey, Midoriya, you seem to have a big misunderstanding of me.]

'Mother was in the kitchen when I came back, so I went straight to my room.'

In order to prevent himself from becoming a poor young man who lacks care in Midoriya's eyes, Saiki barely explained why he was at home.

[But it's great. I have not been seen by Midoriya just now.]

"Ah! Yeah, that's right. I have been preparing dinner in the kitchen just now, I didn't even realize my husband blowing up the toilet, hahaha..." Saiki Kurumi continued in a panic, trying to make it look natural.

"Wa-Wait! Isn't it awful that the toilet is blown up!" Midoriya's attention was immediately diverted, "Is there really no problem with your husband?"

The mother held her cheeks with her hands and smiled sweetly. "Oh my, it's okay. He was running really fast, as for the toilet we still have Kus-"

'Speaking of which, it's already this late. Is there something you need Midoriya?' Seeing that his mother was about to talk about his superpowers, Saiki was forced to interject.

[Hurry back home.]

"Ah, ah, I'm sorry, I'm still bothering you when it's so late!"

[It's okay, just go back quickly.]

"It's actually about All Might's exhibition..."

'Oh, I remember it was today, right? But it's already over, I happened to have something to do today, it's a pity I couldn't go check it out.'

[No, I'm not sorry at all, I might as well say that this was my plan.]

"Hmm~ right, right! I knew it would be sad if Saiki-san missed it!"

[? Wait...]

"Saiki-san is super lucky! Because the response was so good today, the organizer decided that-"

[You can't...]

"Tomorrow there will be an overtime!"

[It has to be a lie!]

Saiki's face was blank and even his eyes were slightly out of focus. 

[So what was everything I did today for...]

"Oh my~ Really? Kusuo wants to hang out with his friends!" Saiki Kurumi happily folded her hands and put them on her chest. "Is it tomorrow? Is it tomorrow morning?"

[Not good!]

'No, no, in fact, I suddenly remembered that I have something to do tomorrow...', Saiki made a sound of effort in an attempt to change his mother's mind.

"Kusuo~ What exactly is there to do tomorrow? Tell your mother~" His mother turned her back to Midoriya and showed a kind smile to Saiki. "Mother doesn't remember what Kusuo has to do tomorrow~"


'I'm sorry, I must've remembered wrong.'

Saiki looked at his mother who turned her head and talked to Midoriya gently.

[What a terrible woman.]

"So, it's settled, Saiki will arrive on time tomorrow~" His mother looked at Midoriya with a smile, "He's really looking forward to it, aren't you Kusuo~"

[Don't joke around, who would look forward to such a troublesome thing?]


"So, then, Saiki-san, see you tomorrow!" When hus goal was achieved, Midoriya said goodbye to Saiki with excitement, "Sorry for the disturbance tonight!"

[Please don't come over again if you know you're disturbing.]

"It's okay, Izuku, you are welcome to come play at any time!" Saiki Kurumi kindly patted Izuku's head. "Will you really not stay here for dinner? I made delicious pork cutlet bowl!" 

"Thank you very much, but my mother is still waiting at home," Midoriya was a little embarrassed by her, but did not dodge and stood there obediently. "I can't let mother eat at home alone."

"Oh my, really what a good boy!", Saiki Kurumi looked at Izuku's leaving back with tears in her eyes, "I really hope my son can stick to his mother so well!"

[No, mother, what are you thinking about.]
