The 6. Disastrous Day

[The 1206th time.]

Saiki blankly stared at him.

[This is the 1206th time I heard this sentence, you really are a troublesome guy, Katsuki Bakugou.]

'I refuse.'

"Hah? Did I give you the right to refuse?!" Bakugou moved closer to Saiki's face, raising the corner of his mouth to a smirk, "Anyway, you will stay here and wait for me after this."

'No, and you're way too close.'

Saiki looked at Bakugous's face expressionlessly and pushed him away.

"You jerk...!" Bakugou covered his face for a moment and grunted strangely.

"Hey, hey! Everyone come and see! The stupid fish is here again!"

Suddenly an exaggerated laugh came from behind Saiki and then a small body squeezed Saiki away and crawled out of the window sill.

"Stupid fish~ With no legs~ that can't even walk~" Itsuki grimaced while walking around Hirose and Yanagi, singing and jumping.

"Hahaha it's the stupid fish! The fish ashore, so can we eat it?"

"That's right, aren't fish ashore just food?"

"I want to eat sashimi!"

"And me! I want fish soup!"

One after another the children laughed and started to gather around, laughing with innocent smiles to discuss what dish to make out of Hirose.

"...You guys are too much!" Yanagi held Hirose in her arms, her face became anxious, "Hirose is also a human! He is not a real fish!"

"Oh oh oh, isn't this Miss Aoi with her trashy quirk?" Itsuki pretended to be very scared. "What are you planning?! Do you want to strangle me with your soft silk? Ah~ I'm so scared Hahaha!!! "

"Hahaha, with that useless quirk, it can be cut apart by Itsuki in just one second!" The children around him pointed at Yanagi and laughed.

She glared at Itsuki, gritted her teeth, turned her head and smiled at Hirose, "It's all right, Hirose, I'll take you to another place."

"Bakugou, do you have nothing to say?"

Saiki pushed his glasses and looked at Bakugou.


Bakugou tilted his head in confusion.

'Your students is being bullied.'

"It is he who is too weak, so it's no wonder, the others are still better than him."

Glancing at Hirose and Yanagi, Bakugou was unmoved.

'But, Bakugou.'

Saiki rarely looked at Baohao seriously.

'Heroes don't just need great strength.'

"What are you doing?!"

A figure ran past Bakugou with the wind blowing slightly across his cheek, Bakugou shivered slightly.

"Ah? We didn't do anything~" The children in a circle answered Midoriya with a smile, "We just came to see a fish that had come ashore~"

After running all the way over here, Midoriya who was panting to catch his breath glanced at the smiling child and looked at Yanagi in the middle trying to protect Hirose, his clenched hands were shaking.

"You guys..."

"Since you're in this kindergarten, you are propaply aspiring to become heroes..."

"A true hero, like All Might, would never point his fist at his companion!"

"What you guys are doing now... What of it is a heroic act?!!!"

With his head lowered, Midoriya almost shouted with a hoarse voice.


[Heroes should always protect those who are in need.]

Bakugou was standing in place and for a moment, he seemed to see the shadow of All Might from the thin figure in front of him.

An extremely firm and powerful one.

"Don't play with me... A quirkless bug like him..."

His expression gradually turned ferocious, his bloody red eyes stared at Midoriya and his palms produced explosions with crackling sounds.


Later, the incident got out of hand and Itsuki was called to the office together with a few leading children, Midoriya went with them.

Yanagi brought Hirose back to the pool and carefully helped him return to the water.

"I'm sorry, Hirose..." Yanagi sat down by the pool, "If I were to come to you today, this would not have happened."

"It's okay, Yanagi~" Hirose was silent before, but now he smiled softly. "Even if I didn't go to look for you, they would still act like this, I'm already used to it..." His last sentence was very light.

"Hey, idiot, why do you have this disgusting look?"

The familiar unpleasant voice sounded from his side.

Hirose turned his head in surprise, "Big Brother..."

"Don't just cry here like a baby!", Bakugou slowly walked over, his expression ugly and terrible. "If you get bullied, then fight back!"

"...That's what you're saying, but their quirks are too strong..."

Hirose said hesitantly, "We just can't beat them."

'Don't worry about that.'

Saiki stepped out from behind the tree and met Yanagi's gaze.

'As long as you have the courage to fight them, everything will work out.'

"Big brother Saiki..."

Yanagi looked at Saiki and pursed her lips, "I understand, I will use my strength to tell them that they are wrong!"


"Tsk, what is it, it was just a joke, that stinky old woman scolded me for so long!" Itsuki held his head with both hands and kicked the stone on the ground with disdain, "She actually asked me to go to that stupid fish and apologize... Are you kidding me... "


Suddenly a ball of water poured down from the sky and Itsuki who was standing right under it was now soaked in water.

"Who's there ?!" Itsuki was startled, wiped the water on his face and looked around alertly.

"......It's me!"

Hirose got out of the bushes while being held by Yanagi. Although he usually appeared cheerful and goofy, this wad the first time facing Itsuki who bullied himself, so he was still a little scared.

"I was wondering who it was, turns out it was the stupid fish." Itsuki immediately relaxed and jokingly approached the two of them while smirking. "That old lady asked me to apologize, so—sorry~" He was still full of pride and his apology was completely in genuine


Another water ball hit the face of Itsuki.

"I don't accept it! You don't think you did anything wrong at all!"

Hirose clutched Yanagi's clothes and said wile grinding his teeth.

"...You stupid fish really know no shame, huh?!"

After the second time he was hit by the water ball, Itsuki also put away his smirk, "You're clearly just a useless fish. Do you still want to resist?"

He strode forward, raising his hands and a few metallic tacks floated in the air as he moved.

"How about trying to feel being pricked?"

[That is too much, Itsuki-kun.]

Saiki leaned on a tree trunk and observed the situation of the three children with clairvoyance.

"...So why do I have to hide here with you too."

Bakugou silently watched Saiki eavesdropping from the tree.

"Why don't you go out with them directly."

'No, this kind of thing wouldn't be useful if it wasn't, Hirose and Yanagi who took the initiative to resist.'

'Shouldn't Bakugou know about this kind of thing the most?'

Saiki said to the leader of another "school bullying".

"...Tsk, don't compare me to that little shrimp."

Bakugou turned his head away feeling upset.

[I alwase got everything under control so no one would be hurt.]

[When it comes to Midoriya, even if you didn't hurt him, he would still be hurt]

Saiki heard the thoughts of Bakugou and looked at him.

[I hope you can understand that soon.]

"...Itsuki!!!! You really——?"

"Yeah! I just used my quirk, so what?"

It was Yanagi's shocked voice and Itsuki's indifferent voice.

[? What happened just now?]

A moment of distraction let Saiki miss the fight that has just developed.

Hirose covered his cheeks, his eyes were widened as he looked at Itsuki with horror.

Just when Itsuki summoned the nails just now, Hirose was only angry and felt that the other party was too arrogant, but after the nail really scratched his skin, his heartbeat gradually got faster with fear.

Itsuki... really didn't see him as a human being.

Recognizing this fact was harder than expected, Itsuki's behavior in the normal days could also deceive people into thinking that he was just disgusted of himself, but now, the bloody reality allowed him to recognize the truth...

Was he really wrong, was his quirk really...

[Sure enough, even I, can't not be angry if I see such a unbearable child.]

Saiki felt the urge to teach him a lesson.

"What's wrong......"

"How dare you ask what's wrong?!"

Yanagi tightened her fist, tears were in her eyes and she put down Hirose in her arms, facing Itsuki.


Rushing towards Itsuki, Yanagi punched him with her little fist.

"Really are the worst!!!!!!"

Itsuki did not respond when Yanagi hit him. After taking the punch stiffly, he suddenly felt his body was emptied and then he fell to the ground. His left face became hot, swelled and hurt instantly.

"Yanagi... so strong ..." Hirose sat on the ground and looked at them. He never knew that his little friend still had this kind of combat power.

Yanagi was also stunned in place, wondering about the power of her punches, but then she moved again. Although she didn't know how this happened, in this situation, it would be a shame if she didn't seize the opportunity.

"How about now? Itsuki! Do you still want to fight?"

Yanagi entered her role quickly, she looked at Itsuki who was still on the ground indifferently and then showed a malicious smile, "It is rare to unravel the seal of my generation. How can I not take this chance to kill?"

[Now that it's almost over you finally remembered the settings of our plan, huh?]

Saiki murmured silently in his heart, his right hand maintained a snapping gesture in a place invisible to Bakugou.

"When did that little girl have such strong power..." Bakugou glanced at Itsuki who had been stunned and glanced at Saiki, "It's like she's possessed or something."

'Who knows, maybe it's the care of god.'

Saiki silently released his finger and inserted his palm into his pants pocket.

'It's about time to go out.'

By now the three children had basically solved their problems. At least on the surface, Itsuki was completely terrified by the outbreak of Yanagi. Now he was obedient to evety word of hers and will do whatever she said.

After that, Itsuki and Hirose went to the infirmary to apply medicine, both faced the angry inquiries of the infirmary nurse while the two of them kept silent.

Due to staying to witness the efforts of Hirose and Yanagi, Saiki and Bakugou did not leave with everyone in the class, it was already past the time to leave, the two said goodbye to the two children at the school gate.

"Comrade Saiki, I allow you to join our alliance of being best friends!"

Yanagi looked into Saiki's eyes proudly and said that like it was an honor.

[...So, will Brother Saiki come play in the future......]

Saiki looked at Yanagi blankly who was pretendibg to be indifferent.

[No, I will never come again.]

[And don't look straight at me, I can hear your thoughts that way.]

[Kaidou is more honest than you.]

"And... the previous punch... was because of Brother Saiki, right?" She lowered her head, returning to her normal self, she was a little shy but still firmly said: "I have caused a lot of trouble to big brother today, I'm sorry! Thank you very much, Brother Saiki!!! " Yanagi bowed down deeply.

'...No, it wasn't me, it's because you believed in yourself that you had such a powerful force.'

Saiki began to talk seriously say nonsense.

Yanagi's head moved up, she looked at Saiki with a smile and gave him a look that said she definitely didn't believe him.


[It really is hard to deal with kids nowadays.]


Saiki, who was finally able to return home, was slowly walking. The sun had not set yet, so the remaining sunshine hit his face making him feel warm. The shadow behind him was dragged really long. There were occasional cars past him too.

But in such a calm atmosphere, an existence was more and more impossible to ignore...

'Bakugou, if I remember correctly, you were supposed to turned the other way just now.'

Seeing that he was going to arrive at his home soon, Saiki stopped reluctantly and looked back at the durian head that had been following him since the beginning.

"You, did you forget what I said before?" Bakugou also stopped, cracking in his fingers, "explain, or fight me."

The corner of his mouth lifted into an provocative arc as Bakugou looked at Saiki with glowing eyes.

[Please, spare me.]

Saiki felt even more tired now.

[I don't want to choose either of them.]

Small extra:

Itsuki lying in bed at night: Fish... So many fish... No! Don't eat me!!!

Saiki, who was also in bed: Itsuki should have fallen asleep by now, so let me teach him a lesson.
