The 29. Disastrous Day

"--I repeat!" Aizawa tapped the table impatiently, explaining to the students who were in a dazed state.

"Saiki has psychic superpowers, it's almost like a person with many different quirks." Giving Saiki a glance, he continued to explain, "The specific abilities are teleportation, seeing through things, telepathy, etc. basically hr can do anything you can think of! "

After cooperating to complete the demonstration of his superpowers, Saiki accepted the shocked and distorted gazes from his classmates.

[It kind of feels like I'm in a circus.]

Listening to Aizawa's instructions, one giving a command and the other performing, made Saiki feel a little weird.

"... That's all, any questions?" Finally, after finishing the explanation, Aizawa's pressuring eyes swept over the students and the students he made eye contact with shivered.

"Yes! I have one ~"

Raising her hand high, Mina Ashido looked at Saiki with bright eyes.

"Say it!" 

"You can use telepathy right! Does that mean you can read my mind ?!" Her excited emotions overflowed as she asked.

Aizawa glanced at his student. It turned out that Saiki's previous quirk was ignored because his current strengthening quirk was too conspicuous. So these students didn't understand ...

'Yes, I can indeed.' The calm voice replied, causing Aizawa to turn his head suddenly and look at the students next to him in surprise.

"Hey, I didn't know this!" He carefully recalled Saiki's demonstration of his superpowers that day, but he did not have the impression of "mind-reading".

'I have too many abilities, so it's impossible to show you, everyone.' Saiki stated the facts.

Class 1-A: ...

[It's better to say that I don't even know how many abilities there are.]

He knew it when he was young since he wrote down superpowers, but then he discovered that superpowers will appear on their own and the types are getting more and more. Sometimes he just sleeps normally and wakes up to find that he has even more, which caused him a lot of trouble.

Saiki, who was extremely annoyed with his superpowers, did not know how jealous it made others.

Aizawa was completely speechless. Looking at Saiki's natural appearance it does not seem like he was deliberately showing off, but it is this indifferent attitude that is the most deadly and the most enraging.

"So, can Saiki-san hear the thoughts of us all?" Mina's eyes were more intense since this ability was very interesting to her.

'I can hear the majority.' Saiki hesitated and told the truth.

"... If the ability has weaknesses, you don't need to say it all." Aizawa glanced at Saiki.

'No, it's not a weakness ...' Saiki said, 'It's just that some people's voices can simply not be heard. '

He pointed to the broccoli in the classroom that seemed to have something on his mind.

'Teachers--- No, the voices of professional heroes can hardly be heard. As for the students, only Midoriya's can't be heard. '

In an instant, everyone's eyes followed Saiki's finger to look at Midoriya who had a sullen expression.

"—Hah?!!!" It was the sound of a fist smashing hard on the table, Bakugou glared at Saiki fiercely, "You four-eyed bastards! Are you saying that I'm worse than Deku?!!!"

[This is what you care about.]

Saiki has been mentally prepared for Bakugou's fault-finding. After all, this person's voice has been in a state of eating explosives since he came back-- making him have a headache, but he never expected that the cause of his freak out was not the fact that he was hiding his superpowers, but this one.

"No, no, Kacchan calm down, Saiki-san didn't say that if he can't hear someone, they're automatically stronger ..." Midoriya was flattered, but he stood up and explained in a panic, trying to appease the exploding Bakugou.

'No, I think the initial criteria of whether I can hear someone's voice is their spiritual strength.' However, Saiki easily destroyed Midoriya's plan.

"Huh? What do you mean with this shitty spiritual strength!!!" Bakugou's eyes were blood red and he seemed to be going crazy, "I am the strongest in any aspect!!!"

"Okay, Bakugou, sit down."

As the homeroom teacher of Class 1-A, Aizawa, in order to allow this meeting to proceed smoothly, he tied the disturbing tyrant to his seat in a posture that seemed uncomfortable without having mercy. He didn't even leave out his head, which was also wrapped tightly, only leaving out his nose and two eyes that seemed to be burning.

[...Aren't you doing this because of personal grudges.]

Saiki glanced at Aizawa, who was suddenly in a good mood next to him.

"Are there any other questions?" Aizawa looked too comfortable and even lowered her voice a little.

"I have, I have one!" A school uniform sleeve wafted in the air. "Can Saiki-san listen to what I'm thinking?"

[Ahhhhhh, Saiki-san is looking at me! He's so handsome ~~ Not only is he handsome, but he also has such a cool quirk. He is also very gentle to girls. Of course, he looks very indifferent, but he is actually very shy. The contrast is super cute!! ......]

'... Thank you for your compliment.'

[You're overexaggerating.]

"You're welcome!!" Hagakure put two sleeves on her chest as if her wish has been fulfilled and answered with a happy tone.

Others in Class 1-A: ...?

"... Sir, I also have a question." Another shorthand raised, the purple, grape-like hair on his head moved and Mineta's face was serious.

"Say it."

"Saiki-san, you just said that you have the ability to see through things." With the permission of Aizawa, he looked at Saiki seriously and said slowly said this with a firm tone.

'......Yes.' Saiki already had black lines on his face when he saw who asked the question.

"So ..." Mineta's eyes were fixed on Saiki and his tiny body seemed to contain a lot of faith, making him firm and persistent at this time, "Please, listen to my thoughts!"

[Saiki! God! Please tell me what color Yaoyorozu's panties are! And also the pattern of Tsuyu and Mina's underwear !!! Of course, if you also told me Hagakure's, I wouldn't mind at all. It's better to say that you can share all the things you can see with me?!! This is the request of your faithful believers!! As long as you promise me that, I will be the best dog at the feet of Master Saiki!! ......]


[Why are you still alive, garbage.]

Saiki's eyes looked at the blushing Mineta who was already excited just from imagining indecent things in disgust, he made him really want to throw this little strange creature out of his telepathic range.

"Saiki ... Master Saiki ..." Mineta had a nervous smile on his face and looked at Saiki in a trance, reaching his trembling hand put towards him.

'I'm sorry, but I do not know the color of Yaoyorozu's panties or the underwear patterns of Tsuyu and Mina. Of course, if you really want to know, I suggest you ask them directly. ' Calmly rejecting Mineta, who was full of dirty thoughts in his head. Saiki pretended not to see the girls who showed faces of horror to Mineta after hearing this.

[rest in peace.]

"... So, does anyone else have any questions?" Aizawa asked lazily, "Then that's all for today."

He waved his hand and took the lead to leave, leaving the classroom to students who still have many things to solve on their own.

"--Ah, I almost forgot." Aizawa, who had walked to the door, suddenly remembered something. He took a step back and stretched out his hand, pulling the shackles still bound to the tyrant and wrapped it around his neck.

"... I'm going to kill you !!!"

Bakugou, who was finally free, stared at the back of Aizawa with his cannibalistic eyes, gritting his teeth, but said nothing more.

[So you don't want to mess with him after all.] 

Mineta had no intention to pay attention to Bakugou's anger. Now he was full of despair, the door to heaven was already visible to him, but he was not allowed to enter, it was closed fiercely in front of his eyes. This made it impossible to make him have peace ...

Mineta didn't want to give up. For his ideals, he had to work hard again. If he didn't succeed after his first try, he would after his second. One day he would make Saiki change his mind!

The conviction in his heart became stronger, Mineta raised his head, wanting to express to Saiki that he is not going to give up.

"Wait! Saiki-sa-... n ..."

His passionate voice gradually weakened.

"What did you want to say to Saiki-san, Mineta?" Yaoyorozu asked in a gentle and polite way.

"Did you want to ask Saiki-san a question about his quirk? Ribbit?" Tsuyu's big eyes looked at Mineta.

"... or, did you want to use your imagination that is full of trash, was washed in the sewer and stuck in the toilet for more than 5 days, to dirty Saiki-san?" Hagakure asked sweetly.

"I ... I ..." Mineta's eyes teared up as looked at the girls who surrounded him with horror. The shrinking figure was full of helplessness ...

"How about you talk to us first!" Jiro and the other girls grabbed Mineta who was trying to escape and smiled kindly.

"... No ... no, wait, what do you want to do ..."

"... no !! Help !!!!"

[Enjoy it, this is your favorite activity isn't it? Having intimate contact with girls.]

Saiki turned his backs on them.

Picking up his schoolbag, Saiki planned to change his shoes and immediately teleport home. Now that his superpowers have been revealed, everything became more convenient, and Midoriya has told him that he would be leaving first and there is nothing he needs to buy today ...

"Hey! Four eyes !!!! Stop right there !!!"

... but there was still an annoying tyrant.

Quickly changing his shoes, right before Bakugou with a crazy expression grabbed himself he teleported and even waved at him in a good mood.

"Damn it!!! Just you wait!!!"

Bakugou stubbornly glared at the air in front of his eyes and gave an angry roar.

[Yare yare, that was dangerous.]

Carrying his shoes in his hand, Saiki put down his backpack and decided to take a bath.

[A lot of things have happened today.]

He took off the dusty school uniform and used restoration, which made the clothe turn clean instantly.

Saiki stepped into the bathtub with hot water, closing his eyes and relaxing.

Outside the door, in the empty room, the school uniform floated and hung himself in the closet, the backpack was opened and the books and homework were floating to the desk, one of the notebooks flipped to an empty page and a pen got out of the pen case and began to write by itself.

Saiki rested on the edge of the bathtub leisurely. The cup and toothbrush floated in the air and began to brush his teeth. 

[Thinking of it, today Midoriya seemed to have something to say.]

After washing up, Saiki, who stood up from the water, was wrapped in a soft bath towel. He suddenly remembered how Midoriya looked at him silently as if wanting to say something before leaving.

[... Did he want to ask something?]

Saiki was a little hesitant, after all, it was Saiki who hid his ability for so long. He was definitely in the wrong, he should apologize to him ...

Saiki walked out of the bathroom, the bathtub behind him began to drain automatically. He picked up his mobile phone, wrote a text message, and sent it to Midoriya. When he was about to exit, he received a notification.

[... It's Bakugou.]

Recalling how he barked at him in the USJ, Saiki's face quickly darkened and his finger swiped on his screen without looking at the content.

[Who cares about him.]
