The 59. Disastrous Day


The next morning, Saiki and Bakugou got ready and came to the office.

Best Jeanist was already waiting for them.

"You can not use you superpowers."

Before leaving, he warned Saiki again, who nodded solemnly.

[Rest assured, you won't find out about it.]

After they left, a man came in with a suitcase.

"You must be Saiki-kun!"

Saiki nodded.

The man in front of him should not be from the agency since was wearing casual clothes without denim.

"I am the owner of this cafe." The man introduced himself and smiled softly.

[I already know this.]

Saiki followed him out of the agency.

[By the way, I also know that your coffee shop isn't real, but specifically made to train me.]

The coffee shop was just in the corner of the street, in a pretty good location.

There are many passers-by coming and going, but therewere a few who stopped and went inside.

"As you can see, this is a shop that was bought for a large price, but the business ..." The owner gave Saiki a cup of tea with a sad face.

[No, it was obviously borrowed from the real shop owner the day before yesterday.]

Saiki revealed the truth in his heart mercilessly.

[Even an emergency renovation was carried out.]

The original coffee shop had a retro and warm vibe, which coulf be seen from the layout of the shop and the style of the tables and chairs.

But now these decorations were covered by strange black curtains, on which abstract skeletons and roses were painted on.

[Well, it's not hard to see why your coffee shop has no guests.]

Whe someone is tired and wanted to rest, who would want to face these coffins that are, even the menu was bloody.

The owner didn't know that his secret had already been revealed and he was still trying to act, with tears in his eyes, "... I have no other wishes, as long as someone can come in to sit down and take a break."

[Then don't make the store look so strange!]

The owner wiped the tears in the corners of his eyes, and took out the suitcase.

"Best Jeanist wanted me to give this to you, saying that it will be of great help today."

Saiki opened the box.

[A speaker and a microphone?]

He took out the equipment inside.

[Hey, am I meant to stand at the door and promote the cafe or something?]

Saiki then took a piece of paper in the box.

[Please make full use of these props and record the whole process. ]

Saiki: ...

Saiki slammed the paper on the table.

The owner flinched.

[How naive, thinking that this would stop me.]

There seemed to be some dark mist emerging from behind this curly-haired boy, with no expression on his face.

[I shall teach you the strength of my superpowers.]

The owner: Ah, um, if the table breaks, you will have to compensate ...

-Oh god, he feels a little scary.


[My name is Ayame Keiko.]

A chestnut-haired girl sat at a table alone.

[I was originally having a great day until I realized I made a big mistake.]

The girl looked good with her long soft hair, she looked very cute.

[To say what exactly happened ... that's a long story.]

'Then let's cut the long story short, what mistake did you do? '

[Ah ... well, I borrowed my mother's favourite ring and lost it!]

Seemingly thinking of the consequences, she shivered.

'Okay, I choose you. '

[There are almost no people in this coffee shop, so I can take a good rest here ... Wait, who have I been talking to?!]

Suddenly realizing this, she quickly turned her head.

She saw an expressionless teenager sitting on the sofa behind her, his hair pink and a little curly, with a pair of green glasses on his face.

[Pairing pink with green, how... unusual?]

Ayame Keiko silently judged the strange aesthetic of this person.

She didn't know if it was an illusion, but after thinking that, the teenager's face instantly turned dark.

"Who are you?"

Still trying to be polite Ayame Keiko smiled sweetly.

'It doesn't matter who I am. '

The teenager was drinking tea, but him talking was not affected at all.

He looked at the girl and said this with a serious tone.

'What's important is ...'

'Do you want to find your mother's ring? '

Ayame: ...?


[How does he know ...]

'I know about your problem. "The pink-haired boy, said calmly," As long as you promise me one thing, for one day . '

She looked up and in shock: "You mean you can find the ring?!!!"

Saiki nodded.

"... Why should I believe your words?" Ayame was suspicious. "Finding something from a stranger is generally impossible ..."

[Don't tell me he is a kidnapper that is lying to me to get me somewhere secluded and then do XXOO and OOXX and finally XOXO?!]

[Of course not!]

Saiki's face was full of black lines.

[And what exactly did you think about with the words being automatically cencored?!]

Feeling that they could no longer communicate properly, Saiki held out his hand and showed her a ring.

'I can show you the goods first. '

The girl was stunned and then quickly went over to take a closer look.


"Wait a second! How did you get your hands on my ring?!"



After talking with the 'owner' of the shop Saiki walked to the reastroom. When turning around the corner he bumped into somebody.

"Hey! Watch where you're going!"

'... Sorry.'

[Ugh, what's up with this guy? Does he think he's a celebrity or something? Who does his hair like that?]

"Fucking kids these days...", he mumbled as he walked off.

[Oh well, at least I got something good today, this ring looks quite expensive, so it'll probably get me some money. That girl is so naive, going on a date with me after meeting me just once.]

After he turned around the corner and left, Saiki lifted his hand. Opening his palm, it revealed a pretty expensive looking ring.



Saiki didn't think of the possibility of her asking that.

'I found it.'

"You think I would believe that?!"

Saiki got a bit annoyed: 'Do you want it or not?'

The girl sat down in front of Saiki.

"Fine! Tell me what you want me to do!"

'It's nothing big.' Saiki took a sip of his tea again, 'You just have to do what you're best at. '

Ayame: ?

He said this bluntly: 'I want you to help this shop. '

Ayame was stunned: "... just that?"

Saiki calmed down: 'That's it. '

With tears in her eyes, Ayame slammed her hands on the table: "If it's just such a trivial matter, then leave it to me!"

Saiki sat on the sofa and watched Ayame's back.

"Miss, your coffee jelly is ready."

The owner put the tray on the table and turned his head to see the back of Ayame who was walking away.

[Do your best, Ayame-san.]

Saiki took a spoonful of coffee jelly and ate it.

[Next, I shall take a break first.]


Bakugou was extremely upset right now.

He leaned against ae tree on the side, waiting for Best Jeanist to finish signing his autograph.

This is not what he was told at all, he thought.

--Why does someone going on patrol give off the feeling of a meet and greet.

His arms impatiently crossed above his chest, Bakugou ignored the few of the young girls who had been glancing over at him, his face indifferent.

In his imagination, a patrol should be tense and serious.

Being careful of villains who could attack from any time to protect the safety of the citizens.

--Instead of being surrounded by people like this all the time.

[Fuck, why hasn't this dude finished yet?!]

Bakugou changed his center of gravity to his right foot and found that Best Jeanist had started taking photos with fans.

Just as Bakugou began to think of Saiki, wondering how he is doing right now, a call for help interrupted him.

"Help! ... my bag !!!"

It was a girl who looked very shy, her ck'heeks flushed with anxiety, not even able to raise her voice.

The robber held several bags in his arms and was currently running towards the Bakugou.

Bakuhao straightened his back and no longer leaned on the tree.

He glanced at Best Jeanist who was still interacting with his fans, not noticing what was happening, then looked back at the direction of the robber escaping and chased after him without any hesitation.

--He will pass there next anyway, I'm just walking forward in advance to wait for him.

This is not the first time he was facing a villain, but this is the first time that he has taken the initiative to attack the villain alone.

Bakugou's heart pounded, he followed the robber closely, shortening the distance a little bit.

-Soon, just turn another corner.

The wind blew pass his ears and he seemed to hear the voice of Best Jeanist.

But now he didn't care anymore, the villain is within reach, there is no reason to give up.

"-You-go die!!!"

A powerful explosion exploded behind the villain's head.

The blasting wind pressure and loud noise caused pedestrians on both sides of the street to hug their heads in search of shelter.

Bakugou stopped breathing.

Approaching the villain on the ground after the explosion, he evoked a smile of excitement, his bloody eyes filled with pride.

Hmph, what a weakling.

Suddenly the familiar silk threads were wrapped around Bakugou's arms.


Bakugou struggled, unable to break free.

"Katsuki Bakugou!"

There was repressed anger in his voice, Best Jeanist approached him came with his men, some of them went to get the unconcious criminal.

"What did I say yesterday?!"

Knowing that he was wrong, Bakugou looked away, not answering.

--He looks really angry.

The man wrapped in a denim suit looked down at the young man.

"If your attitude as a hero to directly rush out when you encounter something, then you can go straight back!"

He shouted in anger, no one dared to refute him.

"--Hey, that's too much!"

... No, there was someone who did.

Everyone looked at the source curiously.

"... four eyes?"

Bakugou muttered with a uncertain voice.

Although he looks the same, it is impossible for the person in his memories to say something like that.

The familiar pink-haired boy was staring at Best Jeanist with an angry expression.

"In any case, this person has successfully completed the task, so he should be rewarded and not punished!"

--This person...

Bakugou's expression got twisted for a moment, already guessing what had happened.

Best Jeanist raised an eyebrow.

"Really, could I ask if you are working at the coffee shop over there?"

The pink-haired boy was stunned for a moment.

"Ah ... um, I guess?"

"Is that so ..."

Best Jeanist looked at the coffee shop that was now full of customers meaningfully.

"Then let's go in for a drink."

Ayame: ...?

You were just about to teach someone a harsh lesson and now you want to drink coffee?

Could it be ...

She shivered. Is this person a fan?!

With a smirk on his face, Bakugou didn't care that he had just been scolded and went in after Best Jeanisz.

"Um... this is our menu, please check it out."

Ayame has just been named to serve this group of weirdos and was now frowning.


Everyone looked at Ayame strangely.

Just because the young man who usually has a cold face now had his eyebrows drooping, the corner of his mouth turned down, with a sad face as if he could start to cry at any time.

"Just give us some coffee and dessert."

Best Jeanist didn't even look at the menu, he directly ordered.

... Ayame was even more stressed.

She feels that these people were not much better, than those crazy stalker fans.

This caused her to selectively ignore this table and push their orders to the end.

After a while, the guests in the store were almost all gone and Ayame was late to carry the coffee desserts of several people.

"Sorry, I was just too busy ~ I'm so sorry ~~"

She was a professional idol, so even if she felt uncomfortable, she could still apologize with a sweet smile.

Bakugou: ...

Best Jeanist: ...

Suddenly, the atmosphere got cold.


Ayame kept the smile on her face, feeling that her facial muscles were twitching.

What's wrong with these people's strange gazes, could it be that she didn't clean her snot properly?

The more she thought about it, the more she thought it might be the reason. Ayame quickly put down the plate and turned around.

Confirming that there was nothing that should appear on her face, she was relieved.

Ayame turned around again, her nostrils were still red, showing an even more dazzling smile: "So please enjoy your food~~"


Bakugou cringed and got a layer of goose bumps all over his body.

Four eye's emotionless face can actually make such a variety of expressions...

"It's too obvious.

Best Jeanist took a sip of his coffee.

Nodding in a mixed mood, Bakugou also lifted a cup of coffee and took a sip, then almost spit it out.

--Fuck, why is it so bitter?!

It was probably pure black coffee, after a sip, Bakugou's tongue felt like it was beaten up.

Frowning, he decided to rinse his mouth in the restroom.

As he was about to open the door, it opened itself.

A teenager with the same pink curly hair came out with sunglasses on his face and a sun hat in his hand.

It was quite obvious where he actually came from.

Bakugou: ...

Saiki: ...

'Why are you here?' The other party asked without hesitation.

-Hah, the real deal had appeared.

Bakugou's eyes flashed with interest, not caring about his tongue anymore.

"It's better for me to ask why you are here?"

Saiki blinked and remembered what he was supposed to do right now.

He immediately looked at the situation with clairvoyance.

Sitting in the cafe was the group of Best Jeanisz and Ayame was still at the door greeting customers.

--Saiki could clearly see that they had already met.

Saiki: ...

He began to seriously think about how to get past Best Jeanist.

Bakugou was still in front of him, his face smug.

"Don't even think about it, you've been exposed. Obediently go back and be punished."

Saiki: '... Tsk. '

They just had to meet while he was away, huh.

Saiki was originally resting in the store, but found that was too boring and Ayame seemed to be working smoothly, so he went to the Maldives for a sun bath.

Because they must be patrolling at the time, Saiki did not observe the situation here and then teleported back.

Who knew that not only were they not patrolling, but they were even enjoying coffee.

[Yare yare, it's really bad luck.]

Going out with Bakugou, Saiki calmly accepted the sharp look of Best Jeanist.

"So you came back?" Best Jeanist had his fingers crossed on the table.

"..." Saiki nodded.

"Where did you go?"

'The Maldives. '

"Was it fun?"

'so so. '

[To be honest, there were way too many people, a little noisy, and the coconut juice was also mixed with water.]

Best Jeanist had a headache, neither of his interns were easy to deal with.

He originally thought that Saiki was a "good students" with a calm and low-key personality, who wouldn't make him worry too much. But now it seemed that there was no difference between him and the "troublesome students" like Bakugou.

The customers in the coffee shop kept coming in, it seemed that Ayame's professionalism was indeed excellent.

Best Jeanist also had no interest to be watched by a crowd. After asking a few questions, he ended today's training and was ready to return to the office to settle a few things.

Saiki and Bakugou walked behind the group leaving together.


The girl shouted, making Saiki tremble unconsciously.

[... Wait, don't come, what do you want to do?!]

Trying to avoid the tears and snot by Ayame, Saiki pulled the violent tyrant and hid behind him.

Bakugou: ...

The cream-colored teenager was forced to face the girl's twisted and obscure face, feeling like his eyes were turning blind.

"Go away! What the hell are you?!!!"

Seeing that Ayame was about to rush over, Bakugou was horrified, he stepped back unsteadily with two steps and pulled out Saiki.

Saiki: ...

[I trusted you, Bakugou!]

Ayame: "Benefactor!!! Are you going to leave?!!!"

She grabbed Saiki's clothes without letting go, her face was desperate and she shouted heartbroken.

"--What about your promise?! I already did everything you asked for!!!"

Everything you asked for...

Everything you asked......


This sentence spread to everyone's ears.

Some looked over attracted by what they heard.


With multiple gazes on himself, Saiki's froze in place.

[I regret choosing you.]
