The 11. Disastrous Day

[I have been having a bad feeling since this morning.]

Saiki was alone while on his way to school.

[To say why, my 'precognition' has reappeared.]


One of Saiki's super powers, when it's used, he will have headaches. It cannot be controlled by Saiki, he can only see what will happen around him in the future. Sometimes he can also see the cause of the events, but more often he can only see what will happen.

[This time the prediction is the death of a girl.]

After turning a corner, Saiki saw his destination.

"So, mom, I'm going out!"

Aomine Naohiro stood in front of the door and waved, holding a sandwich and planning on going to school while eating it.

'Sorry, excuse me.'

Seeing that the girl was leaving, Saiki stepped forward to talk to her.

'I'm a new transfer student. Could you tell me how to get to Aldera Junior High?'

Aomine stopped and looked at Saiki who was talking to her with a little surprise. "Ah, yes... Go straight here and turn right after passing the bus station."

[But isn't it the end of the semester soon... What a weird guy.]

[What's the matter, do you have a problem with me transferring at the end of the semester?]

Saiki refuted in his head and asked one more thing.

'Is it the first bus stop?'

"No, it's the second one, there is a crossroad at that bus stop." she told Saiki patiently.

'Okay, thank you.'

Although Saiki did not listen to what Aomine said at all, he thanked her politely and said goodbye.

What a joke, after all he walked to that school for three years, Saiki could find his school with his eyes closed.

[But this way, the girl won't die.]

That's right, it's that simple.

Her and Saiki talking delayed tens of seconds and would make her run into a red light when passing the traffic light. When she then feels thirsty and wants to drink water, she will enter the convenience store just after the villain left. The time will be staggered, the enemy escapes smoothly and Aomine Naohiro survives.

Without these tens of seconds, she would just catch up with the green light before the change and then face the villain who came out of the door when robbing the convenience store, she would then be caught by the villain as a hostage and used to confront the heroes. In the end she will end up getting killed by the villain.

[Sometimes a change in a small factor can change the results dramatically.]

Saiki continued along the road to school and when passing the robbed convenience store, he saw Aomine Naohiro walking out with a bottle of mineral water.


This afternoon, there will only be one lesson of physical education, but physical education was the most troublesome class for Saiki.

If you want to know why, as someone with superpowers, Saiki's physical quality can be said to exceed the limits of the human body. If he didn't pay attention, terrible things will happen. In particular, Saiki can't control his strength well, it's like letting an elephant put his feet on an ant without hurting it, it is quite difficult.

Therefore, there are many activities, Saiki will not participate in if allowed, such as basketball, tennis or something, he always feels that if he was not careful, something as surreal as killing someone with a ball might happen.

However, ordinary junior high school boys can't be absent from physical education all the time. Even if they have been using excuses under the pretense of poor health, if one is absent for more than one-third of the year,they will not pass in physical education. Therefore, except for the few days when his superpowers were extremely unstable every month, Saiki has made good efforts in the physical education class without causing a murder case.

[So it's long jump today? I'm not good at these kind of explosive sports.]

Saiki looked at the teacher demonstrating in front of the sand pit and had a slight headache.

[It might as well be said that I'm very bad at it.]

If you make a long jump, the main point is to accumulate your legs before the take-off and kick back to the ground with full force during the take-off, so that your body can glide low in the air. Generally speaking, the judging criteria for establishing a long jump is the distance between the landing point and the take-off point, but for Saiki, the real difficulty is not to let the ground break at the moment he lands.

[There are 10 more people before me... Let's find a place where no one is around to practice first.]

Saiki escaped the teacher's sight and quietly came to the open space behind the sports storage room.

[First is to relax your body slightly.]

After taking the standard take-off posture, Saiki put himself in a state of complete weakness.

[Then with just just little effort...]


[What is this, this unknown sound.]

Saiki looked at the cracked ground beneath his feet with a dark face.

[Hey, I didn't even use any force!]

"Wait! Who are you?! What are you doing... Aahh!"

Suddenly there seemed to be some strange noises from not too far away.


After the soil under his feet was restored, Saiki used clairvoyance and looked at the source.

[This girl, I remember her being a classmate... Not good!]

The moment Saiki exchanged positions with the girl, he felt the sharp nails placed on his neck and the hot breath coming from the back of his head.

[Yare yare, looks like I made it in time.]

Saiki's face was relaxed as if it wasn't him who was being strangled at the moment.

"Hm? Little boy, where did you come from?"

The villain behind him said with a creepy voice.

'That's not what you should care about.'

With that said, Saiki stretched out a hand and gripped the villain's hand that was holding his waist.

[Now, I'll use 2 seconds to solve this and then continue practicing.]

Saiki was about to throw the villain out with his telekinesis, but stopped suddenly.

[No, things are going to become troublesome.]

"...Is it here?!"

Suddenly the door was pulled open and his classmates crowded at the door.

[...Are you kidding me.]

Saiki looked at the girl who had just changed positions with himself, it seemed that the other party had suddenly rushed to find a teacher after being safed and brought her classmates on the waz.


Midoriya originally stood in the back row and saw Saiki who was held by the enemy, his eyes widened and he anxiously squeezed to the front.

"Are you all right, Saiki-san?"

[I feel like you have been asking this sentence a lot recently.]

Saiki looked at Midoriya and nodded his head to signal that he was not injured.

The students who came suddenly made the enemy tighten their sharp nails that were just lying on the throat of Saiki.

"Oh, don't get too excited, kids."

The villain behind him slowly took Saiki back towards the window.

"Otherwise, there might be injuries on your lovely classmate."

[You can try.]

Listening to the threat of the enemy, Saiki wanted to laugh.

"Shit... The teacher still isn't here..."

"The class president is already looking for him and should be here soon..."

"Before that, we must be careful not to let him hurt Saiki-san!"

The classmates began to discuss and finally decided to stay still, after all, Saiki was still in the hands of the villain.

[Thank you so much for thinking about me, but if you were not here, I would've already solved this.]

Saiki sighed in his heart, then suddenly heard something, his eyes widened.

[Wait, what do you want to do, Bakugou, calm down!]

"How did you useless four-eyed freak get caught by a villain? Hah!?"

Bakugou rushed in from the window of the storage room with an explosion and kicked the villain in the back of his neck.

Although Saiki judged Bakugou's simple and brutal attack, he seized the opportunity to exert a force on the enemy's elbow and escaped his control.

"Huh? Not bad!"

Bakugou grinned and watched the enemy losing his balance.

"Then how about this!?"

His right hand sent an astonishing explosion towards the villain as Bakugou shouted excitedly.

"...Hmph, you really are still a kid!"

At a glance, the villain saw through the attack of Bakugou. While reaching out to grab Bakugou's wrist, he extended his sharp nails from his left hand towards his chest.

"Where are you looking, idiot!!!"

Seeing that his attack was about to be blocked, Bakugou smiled arrogantly. He turned his right hand toward the face of the enemy with a close-up explosion. Then his left hand released a small range of blasts backwards, tightened the waist and abdominal muscles by the force and rolled a 360-degree flip in the air behind the enemy.

"You should just--die!!!"

Bakugou sent an amazing explosion against the back of the enemy. The wind pressure brought by him could be visibly seen.

After the smoke had dispersed, there was only one person standing in the storage room.

Bakugou gasped slightly, turned his head and approached Saiki.

[Bakugou, you look more like a villain than your enemy.]

Feeling that his collar was being pulled up, Saiki looked up a little uncomfortably at the person who was a few centimeters taller than himself.

"Hey, four eyes, don't mess around when you're so weak!"

[Can't you just stay in a safe place, you bastard!!!]

'Bakugou, this is not something I can control.'

Saiki looked at Bakugou emotionlessly and could smell the faint smell of nitroglycerin on Bakugou's body, which was acrid but also  sweet.

"Tch!" Bakugou loosened his grip and gave him a mocking look. "Weaklings should act like weaklings. When it's time to escape, move faster."

[...Don't go around dying outside without realizing one day.]

Saiki fixed his collar messed up by Bakugou. He didn't want to care about the explosion head. He obviously came to save him, but in the end it he acted more like he was avenging.

[Bakugou, I wouldn't be surprised if you were being beat up by someone one day while having a bag wrapped around your head.]

[I might as well say that the person beating you may be me.]


When such a thing happened, the physical education class would definitely not be able to continue. It was a terrible thing to think of villains breaking into the school.

Both Saiki as a hostage and Bakugou who used his quirk to knock down the enemy were invited by the school director to talk. The former experienced some lecturing, while the latter was criticized and in the end, the incident became a smaller trivial matter.

"Hey, four-eyes, this may affect my qualification for a recommendation!"

Bakugou walked behind Saiki and complained.

'The teacher just said it would not affect our evaluation.'

Saiki said without turning his head.

"Who knows, maybe he just said that to appease us."

No worries were heard in the others voice.


Saiki directly speeded up his pace and wanted to distance himself from Bakugou.

"Hey, four-eyes!"

Bakugou stopped, his tone was cold.

"You have been avoiding me recently."

Saiki also stopped and turned to face Bakugou.

'No, not at all.'

"What's wrong? Do you finally find that what you said was funny?"

'I didn't say anything.'

"Or do you feel ashamed to have a runny nose and cry in front of others?"

'I didn't cry.'

"Or are you regretting your choice? Because it will take effort to become a hero?"

Every time Bakugou said a word, he took a step closer and Saiki stepped back until his back hit the cold wall.

"Hey, what's wrong, four-eyes?"

Bakugou lifted the corner of his mouth, approached oppressively and punched the wall above Saiki's head.

"Didn't you say that you wanted to at least try to become a hero?"

[Like I said, I didn't say that.]

Saiki was imprisoned in a small space by Bakugou and felt a little uncomfortable.

"So man up, weakling."

Finally, taking a look at Saiki, Bakugou said these words and left indifferently, not knowing his own thoughtd had betrayed him completely.

[Bastard, every time you see me you turn your head and run!]

[Am I that scary?! It's not like I will eat him!!!]

Saiki, who was left speechless by the contrast of Bakugou's appearance and thoughts, stood still.

[Bakugou, are you pouting?]


'Midoriya, you are still here?'

Back in the classroom, Saiki thought he must be alone, but found that Midoriya was still sitting in his seat and watching something.

'Aren't you going to training today? '

Midoriya shook his head and looked a little depressed, but still reluctantly smiled and said, "I'm having a day off today, Saiki-san is okay, right?"

Saiki took his schoolbag, swept his books in, carried it on his back and patted Midoriya's head. 'It's not a big deal at all.'

When Midoriya felt Saiki's hand in his head, his eyes were wet in a second.

"...I'm sorry, Saiki-san..."


[Wait, what's happening, how can you cry so easiliy? Are you a tap?!]

Saiki looked at Midoriya with tears in his eyes and finally felt a bit sympathetic for Bakugou seeing the 'Saiki' cry in his memories.

"...I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!"

'...No, uh, it's okay?'

Saiki, who felt confused for the second time today, stayed where he was and didn't know if he should stay silent or comfort him.

"...Saiki-san was threatened by the villain in front of me... but I... I couldn't do anyhing..."

Midoriya wiped the tears that came out constantly with both hands, but couldn't stop them.

"I can't even protect my friends... I... how can I say that I want to become a hero!!!"

Voice hoarse and trembling, Midoriya's tone was full of blame and guilt over Saiki.

'...Well, I am already very happy that Midoriya had the intentions to save me.'

He is not good at dealing with this kind of thing. Moreover, he can't even hear his thougts, Saiki was afraid that he will say something strange to make Midoriya more sad, so he carefully considered his words before comforting him.

[Well, in fact, I don't need your protection.]

"But... but! Obviously... Kacchan did it..." Midoriya looked at Saiki with big, tearful eyes and was unwilling, "Only in this matter...... only for the concern for Saiki-san! I don't want to lose to Kacchan... "

[What the hell are you thinking about all day, Midoriya?]

He sighed secretly and Saiki felt that he had a headache again.

'What are you talking about, even if you don't take action, aren't you still worried about me?'

'Everyone went home, didn't only you stay and wait for me?'

'Don't compare yourself with Bakugou in such a strange category.'

"But, but... sob..."

Midoriya wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Saiki.

'Okay, that's enough. It's about time to go home.'

"Waahh... hiccup..."

'...You make strange sounds.'

"No, no... it, it's my body itself..."


"! How, how mean... Saiki-san!"

'So what happened to that villain?'

"I-I heard they were taken away by the police and that the villain robbed a convenience store in the morning!"


"It was the convenience store that's on Saiki-san's way to school, near the traffic lights, the station is in front of it!"

'......No way.'

[Sure enough, sometimes a small change in the factors will make the results change dramatically.]
