The 7. Disastrous Day

"So, which one are you going to choose?"

Although it was Saiki's choice, Bakugou's excited look looked like he wanted to attack him directly.

[Well, for these questions where you don't want to answer but are forced to there is only one solution.]


Saiki looked at Bakugou with a look of a two-month-old baby.

"Hey... What's with your expression... So disgusting..."

'What are you talking about, what do you mean with explain or fight?'

Maintaining an idiot-like expression, Saiki deliberately approached Bakugou.

"Hey... Stop! Right there! Don't come any closer!"

Bakugou's face turned dark instantly and he took a few steps back to stay away from Saiki due to panic.

'Huh, did you say here?'

After deliberately taking a few more steps forward, the expression on Saiki's face looked even more stupid.

"Shit, don't think you can change the subject like that!"

Bakugou clenched his fists and stared at Saiki fiercely.

"Do you think I know nothing?!"

"The power of that Yanagi suddenly became way stronger, the game disc that suddenly appeared in my bag before, the painting technique that was not human at the exhibition and the goldfish that suddenly hit the host and stayed intact when fishing for goldfish and even last semester when I secretly followed you and then it turned out that I had lost a day of my memories... "

"You show so many flaws, do you think I'm blind!"

[No, it's better to say that normal things everyone is accustomed to got noticed by you, Bakugou. Why is that?]

[And secretly following me is called stalking, you pervert.]

[Losing your memory of a day is what you deserve for suddenly taking off my glasses.]

But even if there were those thoughts in his heart, Saiki would not show it. He gave up the idea of ​​fooling with his ultimate silly expression and reverted to his ordinary expressionless self.

[Well, this is not the first time anyway.]

"Is that so, Bakugou..."

Saiki slowly approached Bakugou, who seemed a little surprised that he was going to confess so soon, but he did not stop him from approaching.

'There's no helping it then... let me tell you——'

With his right hand behind his back, a banana-like stick appeared in his hand.

'The truth!'

Saiki moved behind him immediately before Baugou could react, then raised the 'banana' in his hand and hit him hard.


Rest assured, this was not the sound of Saiki hitting, otherwise Bakugou's head may not be able to stay in tact, he just lost his consciousness and fell to the ground.

[Of course, there may be a bump or something on his head tomorrow, but, it is not a big problem.]

Looking down at the "corpse" that fainted on the ground, Saiki showed a gentle expression.

'It's already so late you should've just headed home, Bakugou.'

Saiki carefully lifted Bakugou up and moved to the bedroom of Bakugou with teleportation, threw the person on the bed and then began to undress.

Of course, it's the clothes of Bakugou, what are you thinking?

After someone's memory gets eliminated, the brain needs time to automatically fill in the missing memory. This completion is random and uncontrollable. Everyone's memory will not be the same after completion. Although it is not very clear, it is generally connected with the things that left a deep impression.

Taking off Bakugou's coat and undershirt, Saiki put his pajamas on him.

[Looking at it now Bakugou's body is very good. Sure enough, he probably does a lot of exercise in private.]

Saiki put the person into his bed, squeezed Bakugou's somewhat hard arm muscles and poked the abdomen that clearly showed his abs.

[Of course, muscles are nothing to be envious about for someone with superpowers.]

[If I wanted to, I could even have a body like All Might.]

[But if I did, it would be disgusting to have this face with a well-developed muscular body.]

Although he said he was not envious of Bakugou's muscles, Saiki still poked at his chest muscles.

[How extreme, how did he get them to be like that.]

Looking at Bakugou's sleeping face subtly it lookef different from the various twisted faces when awake. Indeed, sleeping Bakugou can be said to be handsome, although no one usually realizes it.

[Ah, not good...]

Saiki was staring at Bakugou for so long it led to the passive activation of X-Ray. Now lying on the bed in Saiki's eyes was a human musculoskeletal model.

[Well, compared to the previous two-second limit, it is very good to be able to stick to one minute now.]

Saiki took his eyes off, took a post-it note from the desk, and impersonated Bakugou's handwriting with the intention to write "Today I'm so tired, let's go to sleep" then sticked it outside the door and locked the bedroom from the inside.

[I should head back now.]

Putting the blanket over Bakugou, only his head was exposed to ensure that he would die and then Saiki teleported to his bedroom instantly without reluctance.

[I hope this auto-completion of his memory can be slightly more reliable this time.]


Soon the summer vacation were completely over, schools opened one after another and the students returned to the campus with sighs and yawns, while cursing the short summer vacation with their classmates and sharing the fun times of their vacation.

"How hateful, who made the rule of one being required to return to school after the holidays! If I know who it was, I'll let all his hair fall out!" A student whose quirk is to control the growth of human hair shouted in sorrow.

[Isn't it natural to return to school after the holiday, if you don't return to school, it is not called a holiday, it is called graduation.]

[And your threat scared me to some extent.]

Since changing into his indoor shoes till now, Saiki could  constantly hear such stupid declarations along the way.

[But I don't blame them. Even I don't want to start school.]

Finally arriving outside the classroom door, Saiki hesitated, but the voices inside were too many at a time, he couldn't tell if one of them was Bakugou's.

[I really don't want to face him.]

Saiki opened the door emotionlessly and went in.

"Saiki-san! You are finally here!"

Unexpectedly, he heard Midoriya's happy voice.

'Yes, looks like Midoriya came very early.'

Sitting down at the table in front of Midoriya, Saiki said politely.

"Speaking of which, at the kindergarten Saiki only left until the end of the day. How was the situation? Did the child apologize? Although I also wanted to stay and see it, I promised mother to go home early to help clean up the kitchen. Ah right, when I came here this morning I met Kamui Woods... "

[In high spirits as always huh, Midoriya.]

Having not heard the familiar talking of Midoriya, Saiki felt like he was finally back.

[Ah, I wonder what happened to the memory of Bakugou.]

Saiki looked at Bakugou who was sitting in the front row and putting his legs on the table arrogantly.

[He didn't think about it, it should have been covered up perfectly.]

Thinking this, Saiki suddenly felt that the start of school was not that bad anymore.

Soon the teacher came to the classroom to calm the students down.

"You are now in your third grade, it is time to think about your future."

The teacher supported the podium with both hands and said with a serious expression.

"Now I'll give you the graduation ambition form—"

Suddenly the teacher grabbed the edge the podium and said excitedly.

"But you guys probably all want to become heroes!"

As soon as the words fell, the students in the class were cheering.


Excited classmates each showed off their own quirks.

[Don't be like this, already full of energy as soon as school starts?]

Saiki, sitting in his seat, watched everyone get excited.

[And the one at the back, don't pull your eyes anymore, it is horrifying, your quirk is probably more suitable to go to a haunted house instead of being a hero.]


In the scene of a group of students cheering, Bakugou suddenly spoke up.

"Don't confuse me with these extra."

He leaned his hands behind the chair and laughed disdainfully, looking arrogant and allmighty.

"I don't want to be put in the same category with these weaklings!"

[Your words will cause public outrage, Bakugou.]

Sure enough, the surrounding classmates heard Bakugou's speech and glared at him one after another, refuting disdainfully.

"Hey! Don't talk like that, Katsuki!"

"Extras should just act like extras, go away!"

Bakugou's cocky expression, caused the hatred of the others to grow steadily.

[You have no shame, Bakugou, you suddenly awakened some strange attributes.]

Saiki watched inexplicably as Bakugou stood on the table confidently after the teacher talked about their aspired high schools, making his strongest hero speech.

[Don't do this, all of a sudden it's really hard to look at you.]

Silently looking away, Saiki judged him in his heart.

"Speaking of which, Midoriya's ambition was also UA High School right?"

The teacher looked at the stack of sheets and changed the focus of the entire class instantly.


There was a moment of silence, followed by laughing from the whole class.

"Midoriya!? How is that possible!"

"That's an elite high school with a deviation of 79!"

"Only having knowledge and a weak quirk won't do, you know!"

The attention and ridicule from the whole class made Midoriya tremble in fear. He weakly argued for himself, "There is no such rule anymore! Although there is no precedent..."


Bakugou jumped off the table and smashed it with his fist.

"You, don't even mention a 'weak quirk', you no quirk at all! "

"How can we even be compared?!"

Grinding his teeth, Bakugou's fierce gaze looked over.


Saiki, who was sitting at the table in front of Midoriya, was caught off guard and looked up.

Like hitting a stop button, Bakugou suddenly calmed down, he still looked fierce, but without the momentum, that may kill at any time.

"What are you looking at four-eyed freak? Don't think I forgot about what happened before..."

[What happened before, did I do anything?]

"Tsk, forget it..."

[What did you want to say, finish the sentence.]

"Hey! Deku, if you dare to apply to UA, I'll kill you!"


Saiki was a little confused by the attitude of Bakugou. He wanted to find some information through his thoughts but only heard  "Stupid Deku!" and "I will kill him!" a bunch of times.

[That's quite worrying.]

Because of this matter, Saiki basically focused on listening to Bakugou's thoughts the whole day, but only knew that it should be related to that day's memories.

[If it's someone else, as long as you start thinking about it, you can't control yourself to stop thinking about it in your heart.]

[But when it comes Bakuogou, it's a completely different story.]

After listening to the aspirations of Bakugou for a day, Saiki, who had a bit of a headache now, was only able to go home now because he was called to help his teacher.

"That's not food, dummy..."

When passing by the fish pond, a familiar voice came from the front, with unspeakable sadness.

[Is that Midoriya?]

Saiki watched Midoriya who was just standing there for a long time and picked up his notebook from the fish's mouth, he already guessed what had probably happened.

[Bakugou was especially aggressive today, Midoriya's notebook is really precious to him.]

"It's my notebook, idiot..."

A low, almost inaudible "idiot" was heard, Saiki didn't know whether he was talking about the fish eating the notebook or talking about himself who wanted to be a hero.

[This look does not suit you, Midoriya.]

Saiki stood behind Midoriya and watched him holding his notebook, his soft hair curled up on his head, shaking slightly, like a fluffy little animal.


Hearing the voice behind him, Midoriya didn't look back.

"...Sorry Saiki-san... can you let me..."

'I have a discount coupon for a dessert shop near here. Would you like to go eat together?'

It was Saiki's first time interrupting Midoriya, it was also the first time Saiki offered to do something together.

"No... right now I..."

'There are also coupons for pork cutlet bowls.'



In Saiki's somewhat surprised eyes, Midoriya turned around and hugged him, burying his head in his chest.

"Saiki-san... do you... think that someone quirkless can also become a hero?"

[Sure enough, this question is quite problematic.]

Saiki did not answer directly, but raised his hand and patted him on the head, the texture of his hair was as good as he imagined.

'Heroes not only need strong strength, but also a strong heart. In this regard, you are already a hero.'

[Like when you bravely stood up for Hirose and Yanagi.]

The arms wrapped around Saiki slightly tightened, Midoriya actually wasn't a weak-hearted person, his dream of becoming a hero had never wavered, but it has been too long, this person had persisted alone for too long, making him feel like crying because of the awkward consolation by Saiki.


"Saiki-san... being able to meet you is so great..."
