The 60. Disastrous Day

"Everything... what?"

Bakugou's was confused.

[Nothing, stop thinking about it, stop it!]

Saiki's face was paralyzed as he was dragged by Ayame.

"Did you really forget?!!!"

Ayame hugged Saiki's thigh shamelessly, ignoring everyone's eyes.

'Release me, I didn't forget. '

Saiki said through gritted teeth in a calm tone.

'But if you continue to cause a scene, then you can forget it. '

Ayame: "!!!"

She let go of him in an instant.

Saiki discretely gave her the ring hoping that no body would see it and misunderstand.

"Thank you so much! I will wait for you here tomorrow!"

[No, don't come again, I don't want to see you again.]

With a sullen face, Saiki grabbed the dazed Bakugou and walked out of the coffee shop, escaping from the onlookers.

After walking for a while, Bakugou finally reacted: "... Who is that woman ?!"

His tone was full of anger: "What did she mean with... she did everything?!"

After a pause, he suddenly raised the voice again.

"Why the hell would you have something to do with a girl like that?!!!"

[Enough is enough, please spare me.]

Saiki didn't want to talk.

However, Bakugou did not accept Saiki's wish to end this topic and his thoughts got even more divergent.

"So you're already hooking up with a woman after I am away for one day ?!"

Bakugou sounded like he was wronged.

Saiki: ???

[What are you thinking about, Bakugou.]

[And don't put your words like that, it's really misleading!]

In fact, many people have misunderstood.

After Bakugou shouted that, the few pedestrians on the street looked at them with strange eyes.

——As if they were a couple and he was the one who messed up their relationship.

[God, spare me.]

Rolling his eyes secretly, Saiki pushed Bakugou into an alley.


In the next second, the two appeared in the office of Best Jeanist.

Because Saiki greeted him with his telepathy in advance, he was the only one in the office.

"So you're finally back." Best Jeanist's tone was cold.

Suddenly remembering that two had been making mistaked. The two of them immediately got.

Best Jeanist: "Have the both of you forgotten what I had said yesterday?"

Anyone who had gotten into trouble before knows that if they admitted their mistake now, it would be impossible for anyone to save them.

So the two shook their heads tacitly, even in the exact same rythm.

——It is the same as if you actively admit your mistakes, but don't change a thing.

Best Jeanist's head was about burst: "You two should reflect!"

"Bakugou will be staying in his dorm tomorrow, Saiki will continue to train as usual, but he must do it by himself!"

As soon as these words came out, Bakugou immediately felt like he was treated unfairly.

He was dissatisfied and said: "Why did I get punished, but he gets to get away with it?"

[Obviously your behavior is way more dangerous.]

-Actually daring to do something like that under the eyes of the Best Jeanist.

Saiki already knew the direct cause of his exposure.

Not only was there no sympathy for Bakugou, there was even a little gloating.

Best Jeanist didn't even look at him: "Think about it yourself."

Bakugou: ...

He seriously thought that he had been targeted.

"In addition, the two of you can supervise each other, if you report the other's bad behavior to me, there will be a reward."


Saiki and Bakugou glanced at each other and then immediately looked away.

[Yare yare, so he is already trying to make us betray each other?]

[What a cunning adult.]

After receiving their punishment, the two planned to return to the dormitory, but were stopped by Best Jeanist.

"Oh, there is one more thing."

He organized the documents on the table.

"Your clothes are not qualified for someone under my agency, you will get some new clothes tomorrow."

The two of them: ?

They looked at their own clothes and then at each other's.

Very normal, no problem.

"In my agency, you must wear jeans." Best Jeanist looked at the casual pants of the two with a flash of disgust in his eyes.

"Tight-fitting attire is conducive to watching your words and deeds, so that you can mind your posture!"

Saiki: ...

[What kind of excuse is that, it's purely that you like jeans yourself.]

But he didn't really care wether his pants were tight or loose.

"... Tsk." Bakugou  wrinkled his nose. "I don't want to wear that kind of damn thing."


The air got quiet for a moment.

[Rest in peace, Bakugou.]

Saiki looked at the poor child who had not known the mistake he did with pity.

[Actually saying something like that in front of the jeans madman.]

——Therefore, there is a reason for Bakugou getting targeted.

Best Jeanust slightly lowered his head, making them unable to see his expression.

"... Is that so, Bakugou, you seem to have a big misunderstanding of jeans."

Bakugou: ...

Bakugou suddenly felt a shiver down his spine.

But Best Jeanist did not say any more and only waved his hand signaling them to leave quickly.

Quite cautiously, the door silently was closed and Bakgou only realized his mistake afterwards.

"... Was I too direct?"

[It was not just direct, it almost made me think you didn't want stay here anymore.]

Saiki gave him a glance, with pity in his eyes as if looking at an idiot.

Bakugou: ...


-Trying to pretend to be indifferent, but still feeling uneasy in my heart.

"... That's right, what he said about reporting,"

After being silent for a while, Bakugou spoke.

"Don't tell me you will be on his side and really do that?"

Saiki answered quickly: 'Of course not. '

Bakugou speeded up his pace and walked side by side with him.

There was no one talking for a while.

"... say, what will his reward be?"

'I don't know, it probably wouldn't be a holiday or getting away with a punishment or something. '

"... Yeah, definitely not."

"Aren't you able to read minds? Why don't you know?"

'I already said that I can't the ones of most professional heroes. '

"Huh, how useless."

'? '

'I don't want something like that to be said by someone who can't even win me against rock paper scissors. '

"Fuck, you obviously cheated ..."

The arguing between the two teenagers could still be heard from a long distance.


The next day Saikki pushed the door open and ran into a tyrant who was also planning to go out.

'Aren't you supposed to stay at your dorm today? '

Saiki looked at Bakugou.

Bakugou rolled his eyes: "I'm going to the training room!"

Since they bumped into each other, they planned to go take the clothes that Best Jeanist had prepared.

"......What is this?"

Bakugou pulled out something completely different than Saiki.

'Obviously, it's a shirt. '

Saiki said honestly.

Bakugou: "..."

He shouted: "I'm asking why do I have to wear a shirt with a tie?!"

Saiki looked at his clothes.

Well, there is really only one pair of jeans for him.

[Looks like you have been targeted, Bakugou.]

The reason is already obvious, Bakugou did not escape from his mistake yesterday.

"Fuck even shoes?!"

A pair of bright leather shoes were found in the bag, Bakugou's face turned dark.

——In his whole life he rarely wore formal attire like this.

But even with the complaining, Bakugou still went into the locker room with a sullen face.

Saiki came out of the dressing room first.

Having changed into jeans, he pulled at the waistband: 'Is the size wrong? '

The one responsible for distributing the clothing looked up and said this with a smile: "It's not right, they're all this type of jeans. Haven't you worn low waisted jeans before?"

Saiki: ...

He was a little skeptical, would anyone really like the feeling of  the pants being stuck on the crotch and not falling off.

As he was thinking that, Bakugou was also done changing.

Compared to Saiki, who just changed his pants, he basically changed his whole outfit.

Wearing a shirt with a tie, he also wore the same low-rise jeans: "Hey, how long do I have to wear this?!"

"As long as you are in the agency, you must dress like this ~ It is the rule of Best Jeanist~"

His face turned dark for a while, he aggressively shoved his hands into his pockets.

Saiki blinked and looked at him.

People who usually don't wear clothes properly, look pretty good when they wear proper clothes.

[Sure enough, people do rely on their clothing, Bakugou.]

Noticing Saiki's gaze, Bakugou looked over, his gloomy expression slightly better.

He the corner of his mouth twitched: "What are yoz staring for, am I that handsome?"

Saiki: "..."

He had no expression on his face: 'Look into the mirror, you really are a perfect match with your new hair stlye. '

Baugou's face sank again, even worse than before.

He threw somethings at Saiki.

[What is this, a hidden weapon?]

Saiki caught it and found that it was something soft.

"It's a tie!"

The tough boy said.

"It was in the bag too."


Saiki asked with his eyes.

[Why are you giving this to me?]

A trace of hesitation flashed in Bakugou's eyes and he didn't speak.

Saiki looked at Bakugou and suddenly realized his intentions.

' can't tie it? '

"Fuck, how could I not?"

He Instantly got offended.

[If you can, then please tie it yourself.]

Rolling his eyes secretly, Saiki was also very familiar with his awkwardness.

With the cover of Bakugou's body, the tie climbed onto Bakugou's collar automatically, making a perfect knot.

"... Hmph."

Bakugou's face clearly showed a satisfied expression.

He loosened the tie and said this lazily: "I'll go back first."

Saiki nodded, he should go to the coffee shop.

The two separated ways and Saiki instantly teleported to the dark alley behind the coffee shop.

Ayame who was already sitting in the store, when she saw him her eyes lit up. It seemed that she wanted to shout but recalled yesterday's threat and shut her mouth.

Saiki sighed in relief and walked past her with a blank expression.

'So you want to keep helping me as a thank you?'

Ayame nodded with a determined face.

'Then it will be the same as yesterday, but there is another request. '

Ayame gave a thumbs-up and a serious face: "Please speak, I will make sure to complete the task."

Saiki: 'Be as serious as possible and when you see the patrolling Best Jeanist and his people then hide in the toilet. '

She was at a loss: "Be serious ... wait, how can I be serious when talking to customers? And who is Best Jeanist?"

Saiki: '... The people who came yesterday, hide when you see them. '

He doesn't have any hope as to how much she can act like himself, so as long as he no longer meets them like yesterday, he'll be fine.

As for Best Jeanist saying that he isn't allowed to use his superpower and should act on his own ... that's impossible.

After explaining the matter of Ayame, Saiki went out to relax.

But this time he paid attention and did not directly go to the Maldives like yesterday, but just wandered around.

Saiki spent his afternoon leisurely in a bookstore, the decoration inside were to his liking and... the dessert tasted good too.

It was almost time to go back, so he got up and put the book back in place, but when he turned around, he saw a familiar durian head.

[Sure enough, you didn't stay in the dormitory, Bakugou.]

Bakugou put his hands in his pockets and walked on the road.

He originally wanted to take advantage of Best Jeanist not being around to go to the training room, but it was really boring to train by himself after a while, so he decided to go out.

——Maybe he could bump into another robber or something.

As for confinement ... what is that?

Can you fight with it?

But it might be that God was punishing him for yesterday's impulsive actions, after an entire afternoon, there was not even a shadow of a villain.

Finally, with a sigh, Bakugou casually walked into a bookstore and planned to take a break.

"... four eyes?"

He looked up at the pink curly-haired teenager in front of him.

"What are you doing here."

The young man's eyes were calm, as if he was not caught doing something wrong at all.

'That's what I should ask you, Bakugou. '

'People in confinement couldn't go visiting the bookstores so leisurely, right? '

Bakugou: ...

He has forgotten that he was also doing something wrong.

Bakugou: "Cough, we're even."

Saiki: '... yeah. '

The two silently made an agreement, passing by each other as if nothing had happened.

When Saiki returned to the coffee shop, Ayame was taking a break.

'Did you bump into any of the people yesterday?'

She proudly shook her head, :"Of course not! I didn't see them around the whole time I was working!"

[They should be on patrol any minute, so I'll change with her for now.]
