The 64. Disastrous Day

After taking a few more photos in different poses the two of them changed their clothes.

"For this set we need to record a short video."

Bakugou thought he had heard him wrong.

"What a video?"

Saiki also looked up at him, with a little puzzlement.

Mr. Shot explained: "Because the client has a collaboration with an RPG game that will be released soon, we need a short video to promote it."

Bakugou felt puzzled: "Do you even remember that we are hero interns and not some celebrity?"

Saiki also agreed.

[It's already troublesome to take photos, filming video is a bit too much.]

Mr. Shot tried to comfort them: "It's fine, you only have to say two lines, it's very simple!"

Saiki: 'No, I refuse. '

He and Bakugou stood behind their opinion and were very firm.

Mr. Shot shrugged: "... If you insist, then there is no other way. I actually planned that after shooting the video, we would be done today, but since you refuse it seems that the third set of clothes will have to be shot today..."

Saiki: 'I think it's an interesting experience to film a video, let's get started.'

Bakugou: ????

He turned to Saiki in shock, unable to believe that he was persuaded by the enemy so easily.

[I'm sorry, Bakugou, but long pain is worse than short pain. Rather than spending even longer time here, it's better to finish this shooting early.]

Saiki's facial expression didn't even change.

[If we finish work ahead of time, maybe we can get some coffee jelly or something before going back.]

With Saiki's sudden betrayal, suddenly the situation drastically changed, the weak and lonely resistance of Bakugou was now suppressed relentlessly.

"This game is an otome game."

As the younger makeup artist helped to adjust the clothing and add small accessories, Mr. Shot explained the scenario.

"Saiki is the main character and Bakugou is one of the capture targets, a god worshipped by the villagers."

The plot was very old-fashioned, it was the story between the human sacrifice and the god who was regarded as a monster.

It is a short video, so it is only expected to be about 5 minutes long.

There were very few lines, Saiki looked at the simple script given by Mr. Shot, he only needed to say three sentences.

"Let me go!"

"Who are you?"


[It's really easy to understand the direction of the plot.]

Saiki silently turned to the other page, without looking at the whole script, he could guess the final outcome with just these three sentences.

[Basically the sacrifice and the monster developed feelings for each other after living together and in the end, she chose to stay with the monster...]

["Okay." The sacrifice finally took the heart of the monster and ate it bit by bit. ]

[The blood-stained monster lied down weakly, watching the sacrifice completely swallow his heart and closed his eyes contentedly. ]

Saiki: ???

[Wait, what's with this twist of events?]

He had just turned a page, but he seemed to miss a year of content.

He quickly re-read the script and found a short sentence at the bottom.

[The monster's setting is that when he falls in love with someone, he will take out his heart and let the person eat it~ :)]

[Why is there such a disturbing setting in a simple otome game!]

Saiki vigorously closed the script, walked in front of Mr. Shot and threw the small script to him.

'What is with this ending? '

The protagonist and the monster obviously fell in love with each other, but they had to forced into a bad ending by this strange setting--and the sacrifice actually ate his heart just like that?!

[I am really unable to understand, what the current game developers are thinking about?]

Saiki felt that either the two protagonists have problems with their way of thinking or he had problems with his way of thinking--of course, the latter case is impossible, so it can only be that the two protagonists have magical mindsets that normal people cannot understand.

"Oh, that." Mr. SHot took the script off his face, "It was actually the company with the kimonos who said that we had to show the superiority of their fabric, they said that even if it was soiled by a hard-to-wash viscous liquid, it only needed to be put in water and the stain will automatically get off. "

Saiki: ?

A bad feeling rose in his heart, he took the script back and read the whole ending.

[... The sacrifice calmly walked into the lake, the bloodstains scattered in the water, as she let the cold lake water rise above her cheeks, she then closed her eyes peacefully.]

[The lake surface rippled for a long time and finally returned to its original calm state again.]

[That girl never returned.]

[The end~]

Saiki: ...

[I'm sorry, I misunderstood you, game developers.]

Saiki closed the script calmly.

[It's not you who is sick, it's the company with the kimonos that is.]

From the beginning, when the company asked themto shoot the advertisement, he should have already expected it... Who would force the protagonist to die in order to advertise their kimono's fabric!

'Does the gaming company really have no problem with this script? '

Both of their protagonists are dying after all.

Mr. Shot: "Who knows, they seem to think that the tragedy would earn a little sympathy from the audience."

[But no one will play an otome game because they sympathize with the protagonists' deaths!]

Bakugou who finally finished his styling, came over.

Because his identity is a monster this time, they needed to add some small details to the original look.

His neat hairstyle had long disappeared (Best Jeanist will be annoyed again after they return), the explosion like hair was just as disobedient as its owner, his yukata was in black and a large part of it were red mysteriously painted patterns, combined with the beast on Bakugou's chest, it made him look a bit enchanting and wild.

Although he had no pierced ears, he wore two clip-on earings. His crimson eyes that resembled blood looked even more dangerous and with the strange demon pattern on his face, his look was completed.

"... Hey, what are you looking at?"

Bakugou frowned and stood still with a bad expression.

'... Bakugou, you should really try to look nicer. '

Bakugou: ?

Saiki looked away.

[I don't really want to see the news that you were caught by a passing hero on TV one day.]

Normally wearing a uniform or something made him look more normal, but now with the beast and the demon patterns painted on and his usual twisted expression...... Nothing about him looked like a good person.

Mr. Shot was very satisfied with the appearance of Bakugou.

He called the makeup artist over to talk and then to complete his styling.

Because the setting of the story is the ancient times, Saiki's glasses were removed and a silk ribbon was used to cover his eyes.

"Can you still see?"

The makeup artist asked him with some worry.

Saiki nodded, his sight was not obstructed, but he was not used to the feeling that something was sticking to his face, it felt itchy.

Walking back to Mr. Shot, Saiki told him that he was ready.

Mr. Shot explained where he should stand and then put iron chains on his hands and feet.

"Because the prop chain can't be found, I borrowed some real ones from the guy next door. If you get injured, you must tell me in time!"

He said, feeling uneasy.

Saiki touched the shackles with some curiosity, it was indeed real iron.

He didn't worry about getting injured, but wondered what the guy next door was doing with them.

While Saiki looked down at his new toy, Bakugou looked at the ribbon that naturally hung down behind his head and suddenly felt his hands becoming itchy.

How should he say it?

It was just like a student seeing the high ponytail tied by a ribbon from the girl sitting on the seat in front of him or the child seeing the exquisite bow on the outer packaging of the gift received on Christmas...

In short, it was a sudden urge, that couldn't be ignored, otherwise, the itchiness will scratch you like a cat's claw, reminding you to care.

Gulping, Bakugou stretched out his hand.

——Just once, he just has to be careful not to get caught.

His fingertips touched the silky ribbon and he gripped it lightly.

Saiki: !?

Feeling something approaching behind him, Saiki leaned forward.

Bakugou finally grabbed the soft silk he had been staring at for a long time, but suddenly felt it leaving his grip. His grip reflexively tightened to keep it from slipping away.

In an instant, the ribbon got loose and slipped off Saiki's face.

Saiki closed his eyes as soon as his eyes were exposed. But even so, he still saw something green.

'Katsuki Bakugou! '

With a dangerous tone, Saiki re-tied the ribbon.

Bakugou flinched and quickly retracted his hand, trying to hide his hand behind him.


He nervously looked at Saiki who was turning his head.

Saiki didn't speak and just pointed at the green plant that had turned to stone beside Mr. Shot.

Bakugou: ...

Although Bakugou did feel guilty, he still pretended to be fierce.

"It's not my fault, you did that first!"

Saiki: ???

Even though he was the one attacked by a sneak attack, the culprit said that it was his fault?

'But I didn't do anything. '

He retorted calmly.

Bakugou: "If you didn't keep moving around, I wouldn't want to pull it!"

Saiki: ...

Bakugou guiltily averted his gaze.

"Okay, boys!"

Mr. Shot called them, trying to attract the attention of the quarreling two.

"We are ready to start!"

He raised his hand and waved, not paying attention to his elbow hitting the table next to him.

The green plant, which did not have the correct color, was suddenly at the edge of the table, still shaking.

Bakugou held his breath at once, pulling the two ends of the silk behind Saiki's head, lowering his voice.

"Quick! It's going to fall, it's going to fall ..."

Saiki: Excuse me, stop pulling first.

While his head was repeatedly pulled by Bkugou, Sauju quietly extended a finger to move the plant back to the center of the table.

[Hopefully, no one will touch this poor plant until tomorrow.]

Bakugou burst into a sigh of relief and finally let go of the ribbon.

"It's time to start! What are you doing?!"

Every time a shooting started, Mr. Shot was always very irritable. He waited for a long time, but the two did not notice him, instead they looked at other places, which made him run out of patience.

"Shut up! I got it!!"

Bakugou also shouted back and left Saiki to start preparing for the shoot.

In order to get them into their roles as soon as possible, Mr. Shot somehow made the whole background of the studio change.

It was just like the pictures of his. The original white curtain, equipment, tables and chairs were now gone. Instead, it turned to a Japanese-style wooden house, a courtyard and a small stream.

Although it was not the real physical thing, even Saiki couldn't see through this illusion if he didn't concentrate.

[In a sense, his quirk is quite like a bug.]

Saiki thought, such indistinguishable true and false images should be very effective for interrogating or catching villains.

According to the explanation of Mr. Shot, the video should start with the 'sacrificial offering' waking up in a strange place, trying to find a way to break free of the shackles. Then the 'monster' comes out and easily breaks the chain on her feet.

Hearing Mr. Shot say "Action!", Saiki lied on the ground and moved a bit, then he sat up slowly. Although no one could not see his eyes, one could also imagine the confusion in the eyes of the "sacrifice".

The thin "girl" slowly fumbled to get up, but the shackles on her feet restrained her movements.

She discovered the problem and wanted to break the shackles on her wrists before taking care of the ones on her ankles.

The chains holding her were sturdy and cold. Although she tried hard to rotate her wrist, it was impossible for her to pull off the handcuffs with her weak strength...


It broke...


Mr. Shot felt that he might die from anger today.

Saiki turned the chain's time back, pretending that it had never been broken.

'... things of this inferior quality are easily broken. '

Saiki questioned the quality of this thing.

"You obviously broke it apart with brute force!!"

Mr. Shot shouted.

'No, it was broke by itself. '

Saiki's face was serious.

Mr. Shot rolled his eyes and decided to give up.

"...Do whatever you want !!!"

As long as it's not seen in the video. He didn't care about these small details.

-This kind of thing would definitely happen again anyway.

Satisfied that this matter was solved, Saiki lied down again.

At the time of the girl's despair, a breeze blew past her face and she intuitively seemed to sense someone in front of her.

With a guess in her heart, the girl gritted her teeth.

"Let me go!"


Bearded stopped again, his tone full of hopelessnes.

"Saiki!!! You are now a stubborn girl who is tied up!! This sentence should reflect fear and anger!!!"

There was another sentence he didn't say out loud.

——At least don't use that calm and commanding tone!

Saiki: ...

[There are only three words, how do I show anger and fear.]

[I have never felt anger and fear, so how should I show it]

Saiki was tired and felt that it was really too difficult for him to be a person with superpowers who has no emotional experience.

Just for this one line, Mr. Shot made him do it nearly ten times before barely passing.

Bakugou leaned on the side leisurely, watching Saiki being tortured repeatedly, even mocking his dry lines.

After finally passing, the next scene was where the 'monster' easily broke off the shackles.

The girl didn't move while sitting on the spot and felt someone lean over.

She waited quietly for the break of her shackles. This hardness of iron was not worth mentioning to the monster ...

A minute passed.

Ten minutes passed.

"... Fuck!! Can this really be pulled apart by hand?!!!"

A vein on Bakugou's forehead was about to burst and he let go of the iron cuffs that weren't even scratched.

Mr. Shot suddenly realized: "Oh, my bad! I forgot to change the props!!!"

Right now Saiki was tied up by the real chains, that can not be pulled apart... huh?

He suddenly looked the handcuffs that Saiki had easily broken, his gaze strange.

This was real iron ...

Saiki noticed his gaze and raised his hands, emphasizing.

'The handcuffs broke themselves. The quality is really not good enough. '

Mr. Shot frowned suspiciously, doubting his words.

Is it really a quality problem?

Saiki: Sincere.GIF

Saiki finally managed to dispel the doubts of Mr. Shot. But Bakugou also couldn't break handcuffs, he refused to admit defeat.

He finally decided to use his ultimate move.

Bakugou pressed Saiki to the ground, his face exposed a fierce expression and the corners of his mouth turned upwards, revealing his sharp teeth.

Saiki: ...?

Wait a minute, calm down, Bakugou...

Bakugou: bite.

Saiki: ??????

——This is iron, you can't bite through it!!!
