The 30. Disastrous Day

After changing clothes and heading downstairs, Saiki took out the coffee jelly from the refrigerator and planned to eat it while watching TV. On the way, he met his mother after staying in the living room.

"Oh my, Kusuo is back already ~!" Saiki Kurumi was holding a vacuum cleaner to clean the room. She was a little surprised to see Saiki coming straight from his room.

'Yeah, the school was attacked by villains.' Saiki briefly summarized what happened in a day.

"What?! Really? Are you hurt?!!" Kurumi was shocked when she heard what had happened. She looked at Saiki in worry. Although she knew that her son was a super capable person and would not be injured, she still asked.

'I'm okay, they were weak.' Watching TV without sparing her a glance, Saiki kind of comforted her.

"Really ... that's good to hear!" The mother patted her chest with her hand and suddenly remembered something, "Ah yes, Kusuo! ..."

In an instant, Saiki moved his eyes to look at his mother, something told him that what she would say next, would not be what he wanted to hear.

"... Just now Katsuki-kun called to ask you to go hiking with him in the evening, I thought you hadn't come back, so I agreed without asking you, Kusuo wouldn't be angry at me right..."

[... oh, mother.]

Saiki Kurumi didn't notice Saiki's horrifying gaze and smiled happily, "... I didn't expect Kusuo to have such a good relationship with Katsuki-kun. You have always been playing with Izuku before. I was taken aback since it was a bit strange to go hiking at night. Surely your mother is too old to understand what youngsters do these days... "

Saiki felt betrayed by his own mother.

Suddenly remembering something, he turned on his phone, tapped on the chat with Bakugou, and saw the message he had just ignored.

Explosion head: See you at the park at eight tonight.

The message revealed strong malice somehow.


[As a result, I did not escape from him in the end.]

With a sigh, Saiki could only accept this fact and returned a gif.

Coffee jelly: Refuse.GIF

Explosion head: Sharpening_knife.GIF


Saiki looked at the violent sharpening gif Bakugou sent in seconds, Saiki was worried about the "hiking" tonight.

After leaving the chat, he suddenly got crazy amounts of notifications from his messages.

[What's happening?]

Clicking on it, Saiki was shocked by the messages that quickly flashed the screen.

{Year 1 Class A Hero Course}

I am the class rep: everyone stop!! @1.3 million volts @Real men should be hard

I am the class rep: @all the boobs are mine, Mineta, ​​please change your name!! Do you have any shame!!

Knowledge is power: I second that!

Ribbit: Me too!

No one can see me: +1

Rocking earphones: +2


[You really caused public outrage, Mineta.]

Saiki had finished the coffee jelly and was now looking at the screen with interest.

I am the class rep: So it has been decided that we will head out together tomorrow. Does anyone have any objections?

The Dark Lord: Will we gather together?

I am the class rep: Yes, everyone gathers at the designated place first and then three to five people walk around together!

Tapeman: Will it be okay?! We don't know what Mr. Aizawa likes ...

Twinkling Prince: Huh ~ As long as it is gorgeous, no one can refuse ~

Twinkling Prince: [picture] Like this ~~

Eating sugar makes me stronger: No, I don't think Mr. Aizawa would like this kind of thing ...

Tapeman: I also think ...

Real man should be hard: No, no, he definitely won't like it!!

1.3 Million volts: Speaking of @ real men should be hard, your name is also very problematic, why didn't Iida say anything about yours?

I have a tail: ... Maybe he didn't get it.

Light as a feather: Huh? What do you guys mean?

Real men should be hard: ...

Tapeman: ...

The Dark Lord: ...

The No. 1 All Might fan: ... No, Uraraka shouldn't find out.

Light as a feather: Huh? ... Ah! Midoriya, you are here!! [Happy.GIF]

1.3 Million Volts: Tsk!

Real men should be able to harden: Tsk!

Twinkling Prince: Tsk!

All the titties are mine: Tsk!

The Dark Lord: Tsk!

Light as a feather: ???

The No. 1 All Might fan: ...

I am the class rep: Everyone!! Don't change the topic!! And @ all the titties are mine, Mineta, you're name is even more excessive!!

Knowledge is power: [smile.GIF]

I'm just a little grape: ...! ! ! [Obediently admits mistake.GIF]

After reading the chat logs for a long time, Saiki finally figured out what everyone was discussing.

Coffee jelly: @ I am the class rep. Can I excuse myself for tomorrow? My stomach hurts.

1.3 Million volts: ... Who would believe that?!

Rocking earphones: Who would believe that?!

I'm just a little grape: Who would believe that?!

Eating sugar makes me stronger: Who would believe that?!

I am the class rep: Who would believe that?!

I am the class rep: ... No one would believe it!!

Real men should be able to harden: Hahahahahahahaha

I have a tail: Saiki-san should just go with us.

No one can see me: yeah yeah! Saiki-san, this is a rare class activity!

Coffee jelly: ...

Sighing, Saiki sadly found that this situation could not be refused at all.

I am the class rep: All students must participate!! @ King explosion murder @ soba noodles @ slimy acid @ all animals are angels @ six arms you guys please answer!

slimy: I'm here!

All animals are angels: me too...

Six arms: I understand.

I am the class rep: @ King explosion murder @ soba noodles, Bakugou, Todoroki!

King explosion Murder: ... I have a stomachache and ask to be excused!

Real men should be able to harden: Bakugou you are too late, this excuse has already been used [mocking.GIF]

King explosion Murder: ...

King explosion murder: Fuck! @ coffee jelly, come out I'll kill you!

Coffee jelly: ...

Coffee Jelly: @ I am the class rep ,class rep ,Bakugou's swearing and threatening classmates.

[King explosion murder has been banned by the administrator for 30 minutes]

I am the class rep: This is wrong Bakugou! How can you swear so casually!!

The No. 1 All Might Fan: ... [stunned.GIF]

1.3 Million volts: ... [stunned.GIF]

Light as a feather: ... [stunned.GIF]

Soba noodles: ... [stunned.GIF]

Knowledge is power: @ soba noodles, Todoroki-san, you came!

Soba noodles: Yeah, I was in the other group just now.

Soba noodles: Will it be at the same time?

The No. 1 All Might Fan: !!!

[Soba noodles has been banned by the administrator for 15 minutes]

Coffee jelly: ...?

The No. 1 All Might Fan: [obedient.GIF]

Saiki was a little puzzled, seeing that Todoroki seemed like he wanted to say something but didn't get to finish it, but was immediately banned ...

He went over to Midoriya's private chat.

Coffee Jelly: Midoriya, what was Todoroki just talking about?

The No. 1 All Might Fan: ... I don't know. [nervous_laugh.GIF]

Coffee jelly: ... really?

The No. 1 All Might Fan: [nodding.GIF] It was probably autocorrect or something ...

Coffee jelly:... Is that so.

Saiki put down his mobile phone and felt that there must be something wrong. After all, Todoroki doesn't seem to be a person who sends the wrong message.

But when he thought about it again, it didn't matter to him what he did anyway. Now he is having a headache about how to deal with a certain grumpy durian head ...

'Ugh. '

Sighing deeply.

{My classmate is a God}

1.3 Million volts: @ The No. 1 All Might Fan, how was it, did he find out?

The No. 1 All Might fan: I should have covered it up ...

Knowledge is power: @soba noodles, I was really taken aback, Todoroki-san!

Soba noodles: ... Sorry, I forgot ...

King explosion murder: Are you an idiot?!!

I am the class rep: @soba noodles, it's all right Todoroki-san, let's just proceed as planned!

I am the class rep: @ ALL, everyone, be careful tomorrow!!

No one can see me: @ The No. 1 All Might Fan, Midoriya-san should also pay attention!

The No. 1 All Might Fan: Got it! I will do my best!

Real men should be able to harden: @ King explosion Murder, let's go to the gaming hall tomorrow, I just heard that your record was broken last time!

King explosion murder: What?!! Which bastard did it!! I'll kill him!!

[King explosion murder has been banned by the administrator for 15 minutes]

I am the class rep: You're too rude Bakugou!! Also Kirishima!! Going to something like a gaming hall cannot be forgiven!

Real men should be able to harden: Yes, sir! I guarantee to stop Bakugou, we will not go there again!

The Dark Lord: [goody two-shoes.GIF]

1.3 Million volts: [goody two-shoes.GIF]

Waking up in boobs: [goody two-shoes.GIF]


{Things about the boys in my class}

Rocking earphones: [audio]

No one can see me: AAAAAHHH!!!

Ribbit: I didn't expect Bakugou to have such an awkward side.

Light as a feather: Yeah ... and his "'s different."!

Light as a feather: Isn't it a little cute when you think about it?

Slimy acid: No!!! Childhood friends for the win!!

Light as a feather: But it's no good, Bakugou's attitude towards Midoriya ...

Slimy acid: They can have a love-hate relationship!!!

Knowledge is power: Speaking of love ...

Knowledge is power: [picture]

No one can see me: I am dead.

Slimy acid: I am dead.

Rocking earphones: I remember that Ojiro was sitting with Saiki though?

Light as a feather: yes!! But then Todoroki approached him and asked to change seats!!! They were chatting until they got off the bus!!!

Ribbit: When the two were fighting against each other before ...

No one can see me: no no no no!!

No one can see me: The scene of the last blow of the two made me ascend to heaven!!!

No one can see me: Todoroki wrapped his arm around his waist so naturally!! And Saiki didn't resist at all!! I'll show you the pose!!

No one can see me: [picture] It's just a rough sketch!

Rocking earphones: Sigh, Bakugou should learn from him.

Slimy acid: Sigh, Bakugou should learn from him.

Knowledge is power: Sigh, Bakugou should learn from him.

Ribbit: ... So no one is going to talk about Midoriya?

Ribbit: Obviously he is the person who has the most contact with Saiki ...

Light as a feather: How to say it ... it feels like ...

Light as a feather: [Son, dad loves you.GIF]

Rocking earphones: Agree.

No one can see me: yes.

Knowledge is power: It just looks like he wants to protect him ...

Slimy acid: Just looking at Midoriya's pure eyes ... makes me feel sinful ... [sweating.GIF]

Light as a feather: +1

Knowledge is power: +1


Saiki didn't know that in their small 21-person class, they actually divided into three group chats and two of them did not include him.

At this time he was walking towards the park by himself, preparing to solve the trouble of someone who explodes at any second.
