The 21. Disastrous Day

When Midoriya woke up, he was warmly greeted by the whole class, the bloody battle with Bakugou made everyone change their opinion of him.

After asking about the whereabouts of Bakugou and learning that he had left, Midoriya ran out in a hurry to catch up to him.

"... I'll become a hero that surpasses even you without you telling me!!!"

When Saiki arrived, he could only hear the roar of Bakugou and Midoriya explaining All Might something in a panic.

"... Um, we were, uh..."

Midoriya anxiously thought how to answer All Might.

"Hmm? I'm so curious, why don't you tell me in detail?" All Might put his hands on his ear and pretended not to hear him clearly.

"U-um a-actually..." Midoriya was even more nervous, so much so that he did not see that All Might was totally joking.

Speechless by All Might's bad hobbies, Saiki stepped forward to rescue Midoriya.

'Midoriya, let's go home together. I want to tell you something. '

Midoriya was a little puzzled, but he obediently said goodbye to All Might and followed him.

"Do you need something, Saiki-san?"

'Well, there is one thing ...'

All Might watched the backs of the two gradually walking away.

"What was that?"

Mina Ashido propped her head against the window looking down at the boys.

Ochaco Uraraka held her face in both her hands, her face serious, "The fated battle between men."

Mina Ashido: ?

Todoroki also planned to go home, when passing a window he inadvertently looked down, seeing a glimpse of green and pink hair.

[All Might is also there...]

At this time, Saiki had explained the problem to Midoriya.


Midoriya blocked his face with his arms and shook his head frantically, "No, no, are you serious, Saiki-san!"

'... No need for such a big reaction. ' Receiving the strange glances of pedestrians on the road, Saiki wanted to pretend not to know the person next to him.

"But, but ..." Midoriya was frightened and he moved stiffly. "If it's me ... there's no way, forget it ..." his weak tone was uncertain.

'Well, although I also feel that it's a bit ...... but... '

Saiki thought of what his mother repeatedly emphasized.

'In short, you just go back and ask ...... maybe there's still a chance. '

"That's what you're saying ..." Midoriya gripped the schoolbag strap tightly, "but the choice is not mine at all ..."

'Yes, you are just a messenger.' Saiki said directly.

"... So- so mean!" Midoriya cried with a sad face.

No matter how hesitant Midoriya was, the weekend still went as planned.

On Saturday night, at Saiki's house.

"Papa ~ Which of these two do you think is better?" Saiki's mother asked her husband while showing two similar dresses, she had stood in front of the mirror all night.

"Any of them is fine ~ No matter what you wear, mama is always the prettiest in my mind ~" His father, being the culprit who gives no effective suggestion at all and the cause of them still wasting their time, answered his wife.

"Oh my ~~ Me too, papa is the most handsome in my heart ~"

"Mama ~"

"Papa ~"

'That's enough! '

Sitting on the sofa Saiki crushed the handle of the teacup in annoyance.

'We'll be late if you delay any further. '

Today is April 20th, the birthday of Katsuki Bakugou.

In order to celebrate the birthday of their son and congratulate his childhood friends who grew up with him together for getting into their ideal school, Bakugou's parents decided to host a dinner at home tonight with the father personally cooking for them.

"What's the matter ~ With Kusuo's teleportation we will be there in no time~" His father put on his coat leisurely.

"Yeah, Kusuo ~ There is no need to worry at all ~" The same slow mother still didn't decide on tonight's dress then picked up two pairs of earrings and held them against the mirror.

'...' [It's not working anymore, they can't be saved, this idiotic couple.]

Saiki rolled his eyes secretly and decided not to try anymore.

It was said before that Bakugou and Midoriya were good friends from kindergarten. Although the relationship has become stiff now, Saiki gradually became familiar with the two after transferring to their primary school. The parents of the three also know each other. This gathering was an invitation from Bakugou's mother, so the other two's mothers must also go.

Finally, after Saiki's parents were ready, they did not arrive at the agreed time.

After ringing the doorbell, the one who came to open the door was Bakugou's father Masaru Bakugou.

"Katsuki was asking about you just now, you came at the perfect time."The father smiled gently and greeted the Saiki family.

"Sorry ~ Because Kusuo forgot to take something, it took a little time!" Kuniharu Saiki smiled while a bit embarrassed.

'......I'm very sorry. '

[For at least a month, I will not use my superpowers to help this lazy bastard again.]

"Oh no, I didn't mean to blame you." Masaru waved it off and gestured to Saiki, "... but the atmosphere between those two children is really not that good ..."

The Bakugou family is quite rich, as can be seen from the private small garden next to the house. At this time, this delicate small garden seems to be enveloped by a gloomy atmosphere. Even the original warm decoration can't make it any better.

In the center of this dark atmosphere were Midoriya and Bakugou sitting, the two were only separated by one seat.

[... how terrifying, I do not want to go over there.]

Saiki was silent and refused to walk towards them.

"Sorry that we're late ~" Unexpectedly Saiki Kurumi was the first to move and pulled her husband to sit down at the farthest distance from the two kids.


So now there was no other choice left, so Saiki could only walk toward the only empty seat.

"... Saiki-san, you're here ..." Midoriya's face was pale and his trembling voice had a hint of relief.

'......Yeah.' [So you still came.]

On the other side of the dining table was the laughter of adults and on this side was the silence of the boys.

Bakugou turned his head away from them, leaving Saiki the back of his head, seeming to have made up his mind to ignore his childhood friends.

Originally, he wouldn't want to bother him, but thinking that it was Bakugou's birthday, after all,  Saiki hesitated but picked up the glass on the table and touched Bakugou's glass, saying "Happy Birthday".

There was no response as expected, the suffocating silence surrounded the three.

Midoriya wanted to communicate with Saiki, but unfortunately, he was too scared by the atmosphere. So he only dared to watch Saiki drink his drink.

Fortunately, this awkward atmosphere didn't last long. Bakugou's dad brought out the big meal from the kitchen and filled the table, which looked very good.

After having a toast and wishing Bakugou a happy birthday, everyone began to enjoy the food.

[It's good.]

Saiki tried all the dishes on the table and found that cooking really is hereditary and the craftsmanship of Bakugou's father is comparable to the restaurants outside.

After three rounds of drinking and filling up their stomachs, the adults on the table chatted amongst each other.

The three mothers haven't seen each other for a long time and now they are talking about their son's recent rebellious sides.

"...... That brat Katsuki, normally you wouldn't see him like that, but one day he suddenly ran over to ask me what to do if he made a friend cry hahahaha ......"

Mitsuki Bakugou laughed and spilled her son's little secrets.

[Bakugou, I didn't know you were such a person.]

Saiki raised his cup and took a sip, subtly gazing at Bakugou's neck which gradually became pink.

"Oh my? Really !? I thought that that child wouldn't care about this kind of thing ..." Kurumi Saiki covered her mouth in surprise, "Was it a girl?"

"No, no!" Mitsuki Bakugou waved her arm, "It was Saiki-kun, it was probably a little fight between friends, but this guy totally cared !! He was troubled by it for several days ......"

Saiki choked on his drink.

This time, Midoriya subtly looked at Saiki and Saiki could almost practically read his complicated mental activities from his face.

Saiki coughed, feeling a little awkward, took a tissue and wiped the water on his hand. Hearing a snort from next to him.

"No way---That Saiki-kun can cry?" Inko Midoriya asked in disbelief. "Such a calm and reliable child ... I thought that only my Izuku would still cry at this age! "

"... !!!" Unexpectedly getting criticized by his own mother, Midoriya's face turned red and he wished to bury himself in a hole and never appear again.

[Now it's fine, no one can escape.]

Saiki's heart was strangely balanced after all three were shot by the mothers and returned to his calm self.

The two fathers also held wine glasses and had a friendly conversation between men.

"... Right?! When the son grows up he's no fun anymore!" Kuniharu Saiki also complained.

"Katsuki has never been cute even as a little kid ..." Masaru Bakugou looked a bit red as soon as he drank the wine.

"Sure enough, a daughter is way better~~ I want a daughter who softly calls me "Daddy"!!"

Kuniharu Saiki has completely fallen into his own fantasy and skillfully pleaded Saiki.

"Kusuo~ Kusuo~ Kusuo~~ Become a girl and let daddy experience the feeling of raising a daughter ~~~"

'How do you want to die. '

Saiki asked him with a calm tone.


Bakugou, who had not interacted in anyone's conversation, suddenly stood up and walked back to the house in silence.

Midoriya saw Bakugou's movement, hesitated, and followed after him.

[... they won't get into a fight...  right?]

Watching the movements of the two with clairvoyance, Saiki is ready to knock people out the moment war may start.

However, unexpectedly, Bakugou did not react to Midoriya when he met him. Instead, he asked a question. Although his tone was not very good, the difference in his attitude was so great that Midoriya was so terrified that he came back.

"... Saiki-san, did Bakugou really get that affected by his loss?" Midoriya sat down next to Saiki and asked anxiously.

'......Maybe. ' Saiki can not answer him properly, since Bakugou's thoughts are really chaotic right now, making him have a headache.

After a long time, the dinner was coming to an end.

Besides Midoriyas mother and his mother, all the other adults have fallen from too much alcohol, although today is the birthday of Bakugou, these parents had the most fun.

"Sorry ... Izuku-kun, my stupid son has always troubled you ..." Mitsuki Bakugou hugged Midoriya tightly and murmured.

"No, no ... don't apologize ..." Midoriya was helplessly supporting Bakugou's mother.

"Do not worry about her ......" Kuniharu Saiki who was similarly leaning against Masaru Bakugou waved his hand.

"She is just too happy ...... for someone like Katsuki to have such good friends like you and Saiki-kun......"

Midoriya smiled awkwardly but was not sure whether Bakugou regarded him as a friend.

"Ignore that brats pretentious look ...... as his mother, I know ......" Mitsuki Bakugou buried her head into Midoriya shoulders, saying vaguely.

Midoriya heard her words and froze.

[It's almost over. Are you really not going to show up?]

Instead of looking at the chaotic scene of Midoriya entangled by adults, Saiki entered the quiet house.

[You're the protagonist of the party after all.]

Stopping outside Bakugou's room, Saiki knocked on the door.

"... Who is it?" Bakugou's hoarse exhausted voice could be heard.

'It's me. ' Saiki's very recognizable cool voice answered.
