The 63. Disastrous Day

'Why do you I have to wear the woman's clothes when I got the better card? '

Saiki asked, thinking that the poker in his hand is pretty was sharp and threatening for a second.

The photographer blinked and looked at him innocently: "Because it looks better."

'Aren't they both the same! '

"No ... yours is of color, just like a girl ... bright and shining!!"

[Not all girls wear a lot of colors.]

Saiki's face was dark, but he couldn't change anything since he didn't set the rules.

Mr. Shot: "And think about it, what it would look like if you let this guy with a bunch of muscles wear the woman's clothes!"

[If it's just muscles, I can make myself have as much as I want too!]

Bakugou snickered, "Just accept reality."

He leaned against the light stand next to him, looking a little excited.

Saiki: "..."

Although he was very unhappy, he did draw the card himself.

-Even with cheating.

So Saiki could only accept it in the end and walked into the room where his clothes were placed.

According to Mr. Shot, there are 3 sets of clothes, which will all be presentes this afternoon.

When Saiki arrived at the dressing room, he saw clothes that were obviously hanging on the wall.

One set was a traditional yukata, with pink and white as the main colors and hand-embroidered petals.

The second set was a kimono that was light blue and had a large area of a ​​red maple painted on the corner of the garment.

These two sets had the length that reached the ankles, but the third set was a short one. It looked like it was from an anime where it is often worn by the arrogant characters with a bigger cup size.

[Yare yare, should I say that it was fortunate that it was me who got the woman's clothing?]

If it really was Bakugou who came to wear these clothes ... it would really be a little unimaginable.

——Since he isn't a gentle and elegant person at all.

Because Saiki had seen his mother wear it before, he was already familiar with the structure of the kimono. After wearing it in a matter of seconde, he opened the door and went straight out.

Bakugou was already done changing, there was not a lot of varietsy in the man's kimono. The main product for this advertisement were the ones for women.

As Mr. Shot is testing the light and the lights flashed, he finally notices Saiki.

"Oh, so you've already changed!"

He looked excited.

Saiki nodded.

Because Kuriko also wears a school uniform skirt, he doesn't feel weird like ordinary men would have because the sudden emptyness between their legs.

[So gender doesn't really affect me.]

Unlike Saiki's calmness, Bakugou's heart almost skipped a beat.

Trying to aver his gaze, Bakugou turned around and pretended to look at his phone.

It was strange, it's not like he hasn't seen Saiki dressed up as a girl before.

Even when he faced Kuriko before, he wasn't really fazed , since it was just his childhood friend turning into a girl.

And this novelty also disappeared after finding that Qi Mu's feelings did not change at all.

But he didn't know why, now that he saw Saiki in his normal state who is supposed to be familiar, appear in female clothers... he can't look away.

Looking back unconsciously, Bakkugou quickly turned his head back and coughed.

"Hey kid over there, come here!"

As he adjusted the equipment, he shouted at Bakugou who was in a daze.

Saiki stood in front of the blank curtain, holding a prop of a sword that was half his height.

The makeup artist just gave him some slight adjustments to make him look more feminine, he also took off his glasses for this reason, which made him close his eyes the whole time, fearing that he might accidentally turn her into stone.

[Can this kind of thing really be used as a weapon?]

He waved it casually and unexpectedly found it quite nice to move.

He was almost half an otaku since he basically reads and plays games at home during his free time.

It's just that he likes the strange unpopular games that no one plays. So he doesn't really know much about the Loli's with katanas, which are popular with the large number of otakus, so he naturally didn't get what's so cute about it.

"... I didn't expect you to look so good in women's clothing."

Saiki raised his head, Bakuhao slowly walked towards him, his expression natural.

'Why, have you forgotten that I am your girlfriend, Bakugou? '

Bakugou rolled his eyes: "Thanks to you, I was scolded by the old lady!"

[Is it because she thought you were cheating?]

Bakugou grinned, but Saiki didn't want to take the blame.

'Obviously it was your own proposal. '

Bakugou couldn't retort.

This was just like picking up a rock to throw it at him but ending up dropping it on his own feet.

Somewhat depressed, he approached Saiki and smoothly took the sword in his hand.

"This kind of sword is not held that way."

He changed the way of holding the handle and waved it casually, looking quite professional.

Saiki was a little surprised.

"... What's with that look?!"

Uncomfortable with Saiki staring at him like that, Bakugou threw the sword back, with a bit of annoyance.

Saiki said this honestly: 'No, because you usually just swing things directly ...'

So he didn't expect him to know so much about swords.

Bakugou exploded: "Hah? This is common sense, common sense! Anyone would know how to wield it?"

Saiki who didn't know: I think your common sense is a bit weird.

[Saiki finally knew the feelings of Kaminar.]

——The kind of annoyance of having an "all-round genius" as a friend.

"The theme of this set is love and hate, the sword is the key, Saiki holds the blade and Bakugou holds the handle of the sword, then you two will look at each other!"

Mr. SHot gestured to the two and then explained how they should pose.

According to the instructions, Saiki held the blade in his hand in between of the twoand Bauhao held the handle, then the two looked at each other. Making it look like Bakugou was about to stab Saiki but Saiki stopped the blade with his hand.

Saiki: "..."

Bakuo: "..."

So stupid.

Bakugou's lips twitched, like he wanted to laugh but held back.

There was still no expression on Saiki's face, but his eyes seemed even more dull.

[Like a fool.]

"No! No!"

Mr. Shot turned to the camera and looked at the two.

"It's about a complicated relationship, it is necessary to reflect the feelings of love for the other person but also the despair of killing her! The key is the struggle! It is not like a mother who is having a tugging war with her son!!"

[But we just followed the instructions you said.]

Saiki thought, trying to understand the abstract description of his.

Bakugou was a little stiff, staring straight at Saiki.

Saiki's face was still indifferen, not noticing Bakugou's piercing gaze.

"Bakugou!!! You have to show the struggle of killing someone you love!!!"

As expected, Bakugou was criticized.

The atmosphere around became worse, Bakugou tried to adjust his facial expressions, but it only made him looke even more terrible.


Mr. Shot was going crazy. He suspectes that the child was deliberately torturing him.

"Shut up!"

Bakugou also turned his head and shoutes, he was already in a bad mood because he was forced to do this kind of thing. Now he even had to make that kind of disgusting expression ...

"It's not like I'm not going to be a professional model!!"

Saiki sighed.

[Whatever, let's just hurry up and go back.]

He grabbed the sword a little harder, pulled Bakugou's attention back and said.

"Imagine the plot of an anime, I am are already dying ..."

"Who the fuck is dying?!" Bakugou was instantly confused.

'... you were forced to kill your lover for some reason and you have already stabbed her, but before killing her completely you begin to hesitate. '

After finishing the story setting, Saiki looked at Bakugou with some expectation, hoping that he would understand.

But instead he showed a scornful face.

"I'm not that stupid!"


"Why would I kill someone I love?!"

He snorted.

Saiki began to have a headache: 'This is only part of a story ...'

No matter what the reason was, Bakugou interrupted him: "Killing their lover for no matter what reason..."

"--is just stupid and selfish, only a coward would do that!"

Bakugou said in a determined tone.

With the confidence that came out of nowhere.


Saiki's annoyance was miraculously dispelled by this sentence, leaving only helplessness.

[Yare yare, this really is something Bakugou would say.]

Saiki felt that what Bakugou said made sense, but they still had to finish the shoot.

Looking back, he just wanted to ask if there was any other way this could be done, but found that the other was holding a camera and taking a bunch of oictures and his mouth was still muttering something to himself.

Saiki: "..."

What happened, making a living person crazy like this?

"Turn your head! Don't look at me !!"

When Saiki's eyes met the camera, he started shouting.

Reflexively turning his head quickly, Saiki saw Bakugou also standing still not daring to move.

They don't know why he suddenly had inspiration for shooting again. But Saiki and Bakugou didn't dare to move at all and kept their stiff state for ten minutes.

"Okay, let's take a break!"

He finally let them go and sat down to see the photos.

Bakugou was relieved and released the poor sword in a hurry, shaking his sore arm.

Saiki didn't feel much, just doubted that the photos taken in such a silly pose in front of the white curtain would really work.

Obviously, not only he thought so, Bakugou also raised the same question, his tone was not very positive.

Mr. Shot just glared at them again, shouting at him to come over and see for himself.

The two then walked over and sat down beside him.

Only then did Saiki discover that the photos had other mysteries.

In the camera, the background was not the studio they are in right now, but two very different locations that were twisted together.

Taking the long sword in his hand as the dividing line, half of the background were old streetscapes from the more traditional eras and the other half were modern tall buildings that they are familiar with.

Bakugou: "Were these edites already?"

Mr. Shot seemed to be satisfied with his reaction, he laughed: "This is my quirk!"

He pointed to the big guy next to him, with a tone of pride that he couldn't hide: "With my darling!"

Saiki knew that the quirk of him should be related to something with photos, no wonder he came to be a photographer.

He turned his gaze back to the photo again.

How to say ... this did not fit the original story they were going for.

Bakugou held the sword in his hand, his joints were a little red. His eyes were unabashedly questioning and provocative.

Although Saiki was still calm, he didn't know whether it was a problem of the angle. In the face of the arrogance of Bakugou, he didn't show the slightest suppression.

It's better to say that they looked like two youngsters, one was like fire, flamboyant and wild and the other was like water, with wisdom and calmness.

"......wait a second?"

Suddenly, Mr. Shot discovered something was wrong. He stared at the photo carefully for a few seconds. He then turned his head to look at Saiki, his expression strange.

"What's with your glasses and hairpins ?!"

Saiki: "..."

[Oh my, have I been found out?]

Since they were taking pictures, it is inevitable that the glasses and suppressors will be noticed, so Saiki used his abilities to make them ignore the existence of these two things throughout the day.

Mr. Shot frowned: "Have you been wearing these the whole time?"

His tone is full of disgust.

Saiki nodded honestly.

Mr. Shot immediately took a deep breath, as if suppressing something, then grit his teeth: "Take them off immediately!!!"

——He looked exactly like Bakugou.


'These things cannot be taken off. '

Bakugou also looked over with some curiosity. Although he knew that these things he wore were suppressing his powers, he hadn't specifically understood them yet.

He suggested: "Can't you just take them of for a minute?"

Saiki shook his head quickly.

[No, it is better not to challenge my self-restraint.]

If he accidentally thought about something in his mind, the profession everyone is passionate about after today may not be a hero anymore but a model ...

Mr. Shot seemed to remember Best Jeanist's words, he frowned but said nothing.

After a while, he walked out the door and said something to the assistant waiting outside, then came in with two things.

"Here." He handed something to Saiki.

It's a pair of gold-rimmed glasses and ...

"Flowers?" Bakugou sneered.

"It's a flower crown!" Mr. Shot glared at him angrily. "At least it can cover it a little bit."

Saiki took the things and turned it around.

He could change his glasses, as long as it was something it covered his eyes his petrification would not be triggered.

Carefully hiding the suppressors in the flower crown, Saiki turned back and looked at Bakugou.

'Is it all right? '

The teenager took off his funny green glasses, his amethyst like purple eyes looked at him like a purple sunrise.

The delicate flower crown stuck between the pink curls, it did not make him look more feminine, but broke the person's usual indifference and added a little tenderness to it.

Bakugou's adam's apple moved, looking at the teenager in front of him, his fist tightened and loosened again.

"'s ugly."

His voice was a little hoarse and his tone was rude.

Saiki was speechless.

[I didn't ask if you looked good, I just asked if I hid the suppressors properly.]

He didn't know why Bakugou was acting strange again, but Saiki just turned his head and asked Mr. Shot again and got a thumbs up.

After confirming that there was no problem, Saiki turned back to the shoot.

Bakugou still stood there without moving, as if in a daze.

"Hey, let's hurry and get this over with!"

Mr. Shot patted his shoulder hurriedly and walked over.

Lowering his head, Bakugou was silent for a while.

"... yeah..."
