The 34. Disastrous Day

The attack on UA High by the villains has attracted the attention of a lot of media.

It was said that the villains went to UA with the purpose of killing All Might. Eventually, with the teachers and students fighting hard, 72 villains were captured, but the leader was not captured and until now there were no news of his traces...

"So who put those photos out?" Midnight lazily leaned on a soft chair in the office and looked at the news that recently caused a strong discussion in dissatisfication.

"We obviously didn't do anything whe we arrived, doesn't this make us look like a fool ..."

The door of the office was suddenly pushed open.

Aizawa walked in with an unhappy face holding the lesson plan in his hand and then froze when he reached his desk.

He reached out and picked up a pink fluffy cat plushie on his desk and frowned in disgust.

"Hey, Midnight, your things are on my desk!" 

"Huh?" The soft plushie smashed into Midnight's face. She took it off and then also showed a disgusted expression.

"I wouldn't like this kind of girly stuff ..." She lifted her proud chest as she said this.

"I remember that this was already there before I came inside the office." Cementoss recalled.

"--Ah, I know ..." Present Mic spoke up with a sandwich in his mouth. "... It seems that the students in your class came here early in the morning ..." He struggled to speak as he swallowed the food in his mouth.

"Students in my class?" Aizawa looked at the mess on the table.

He reluctantly set aside a free space with his hand and put down the folder.

Then he grabbed a few things.

"What are these ..." he muttered.

"Cat snacks, cat brushes, coupons, books, cakes ..." They were all wrapped up and placed there.

"How considerate your students are ~" Midnight curiously looked over and said this with some envy, "I'm pretty sure they're expressing their gratitude!"

"... with these?" Aizawa was speechless.

"Huh? Don't you want it, this cake is quite expensive ..." As he said this, Present Mic reached out his hand eagerly.


The sharp corner of the folder was less than 1 cm away from his hand.

"!" Present Mic was shocked and withdrew his quickly hand.

"If you want it just say so, don't be so violent ..." He complained softly.

"Hmph." Aizawa pulled his drawer and shoved everything on the table into it.

"I'm leaving, class will start soon."

Class 1-A was noisily talking amongst each other and didn't even hear the bell.

Iida stood behind the podium to remind everyone that class had started.

[Today's class meeting should also be held by Mr. Aizawa.]

Saikiu randomly took a pen to write on his notebook.

[After all, his previous injuries have recovered.]

Sure enough, after a while, Aizawa pushed the door open and was greeted with the bright eyes of his students.


Being stared at by dozens of expecting eyes, even the usual indifferent him was a bit uncomfortable.

"... I accept the gifts ..." In the end he muttered this.

"--But it's better to do more exercises if you have the time to buy stuff!" 


Everyone in Class 1-A was very happy to hear Mr. Aizawa received their gifts and smiled happily.

Aizawa looked at these now completely relaxed students and showed a smile.

"Are you relaxed now? Because you survived the villain's attack and you got on the news?"

In an instant, the whole class got nervous by his dangerous tone.

"But I'm telling you, the battle is not over !!!" Aizawa suddenly raised his voice.

Most were suprised and can't believe their ears.

What ... are the villains ...

"UA High's, most high-profile sports festival, is coming soon!"

Instantly, the whole class exploded in excitement and the long scream of Kirishima was the most obvious.

[UA High's Sports Festival ...]

Saiki was deep in thought, even those like him who don't pay much attention to the news of heroes, know how famous UA's sports festival is in Japan.

Overall, this was a grand event that replaced the original Olympic Games in his original world and attracted the attention of the whole country and even the world.

[But the school was just attacked. Is it okay to hold this kind of event now?]

Someone in the class asked the same question.

"It is precisely because the discussion about the villain's attack has been receiving a lot of attention, UA has to hold a sports festival to show it's security defense." Aizawa explained.

[It is true that at this time, you need to stand up to protect your reputation.]

Saiki put his hands on the desk and looked out the window.

[But it always feels like something will happen.]

His instincts will always be particularly effective in such bad moments.

[... So he really shouldn't participate such a troublesome thing like the sports festival.]

With a sigh, Saiki decided to go to Mr. Aizawa after class.

After the class meeting was over, there were still a few minutes before lunch time. Saiki wanted to solve the problem first, so he went to the teacher's office.

"Eh? Aizawa is not here right now." Present Mic looked up at Saiki. "He left just now."

'Is that so? Thank you for telling me.' Politely saying thank you, Saiki closed the door of the office.

[So he left ... then let's go to All Might.]

After all, the No. 1 Hero is also his teacher, Saiki walked in the other direction.

A boy with purple hair walked towards his direction. Saiki didn't know how much hairspray was used, but all his hair stood up perfectly.

[If it is not his good looking face, with this hairstyle he would definitily be beaten up when walking on the street.]

When they passed each other, Saiki avoided the other's seemingly accidental trip that almost made them bump shoulders.

[... But as far as the first impression is concerned, even if he looks handsome, he still fails.]

Ignoring the strange look of the other party, Saiki quickened his pace..

"Hey, are you from class 1-A of the hero course?"

Not intending to answer, Saiki now just wants to get away of him quickly.

"... So the students of the hero course are so arrogant now?" 

Saiki still ignored his provocative words.

"You just bumped into me, don't you plan to apologize?" Unfortunately, the other party didn't seem to intend to let him go like this.

Seemingly realizing that this person would not give up without a reply, Saiki stopped.

'I didn't bump into you.' More accurately, the two did not come into contact at all.


There was a glimmer of light in the eyes of the purple-haired boy.

"No matter who you are ... apologize to me." He spoke lazily, with a firm tone in his voice.

However, things didn't go as he expected. The pink haired boy's expressionless face in front of him showed a little ridicule and then turned away without looking back.

Hitoshi Shinso: "...?"

His face was dumbfounded. What happened? Did his quirk not work at that moment?

[Of course not.]

Saiki, who had gone far away, thought in his heart.

The student who just blocked the way just now is from the General Department, with a very strong quirk in a sense, but because of the of the entrance exam, he was forced down---These are all the things Saiki learned from his thoughts in just a few minutes.

[If Bakugou was also able to have such a habit of thinking of the reasons for your emotional changes at any time, it would be great.]

Bakugou is the kind of person who says something completely different from what he thinks, the complete opposite of Shinso.

As for the reason why the quirk of Shinso didn't work, the reason is very simple---Saiki didn't speak, the telepathic sound transmission directly affects the brain, of course, it will not be considered to have a role with his quirk.

Not long after the encounter with Shinso, Saiki arrived at All Might's office.

Because of the secret with his quirk, All Might did not share the office with other teachers, but the principal specially made a lounge on the same floor for him to use.

"——Young Midoriya, you must know that the people who aspire to be the best and the people who are willing to be mediocre, the slight difference in their ideals will have a huge impact in the future!" sound.

"Knock, knock!" Saiki knocked on the door.

"... Please come in!" Something seemed to happen inside and after a while All Might answered.

Saiki pushed the door and walked in. Sure enough, there was All Might and also Midoriya sitting in front of him.

"... Oh, it's Young Saiki!" It seemed that he was relieved, All Might changed from his muscular state to his skeleton state.

"..." [So his form is also controllable?]

With some speechlessness, Saiki walked straight towards All Might.

'I'm not participating in the sports festival. '

"...?!!!" Midoriya just took a sip of tea and choked, "Cough cough-what did you say, Saiki-san?"

'I said, I don't want to participate in the sports festival.'

"Young Saiki, why?" All Might was also surprised, but didn't react as exaggerated as Midoriya, it would be better to say that he had already known.

'... It's troublesome. '

"Just because of this ?!" Midoriya looked even more in disbelief.

There are of course many reasons. He doesn't like the attention by so many people, he doesn't have the desire to win the championship ... etc., but there was no need to list them one by one.

"Although I can understand your feelings, but no, Young Saiki!" All Might shook his head. "Students of the hero course are obligated to participate."

'... but if I participate, won't there be no meaning for first place?' Saiki wasn't overly cofident, he just stated facts.

"Well, the teachers have also considered this problem ..." All Might patted his pockets and pulled out a piece of paper. "This is the principal's request."

Saiki took the white paper that had the signature and seal of President Nezu at the end.

[You cannot use any abilities other than the registered ones.]

[You cannot use direct physical attacks on other students.]

[You can't take the initiative to admit defeat when you can win.]

[You can't cause immeasurable damage to the opponent's pride.]

'... the first few are fine, but what's with the last one?' Saiki pointed to the last request.

"This ... presumably means that you can't ridicule them after your opponent loses ..." All Might said, touching his chin uncertainly.

"And after your opponent has worked very hard but lost, don't act like nothing happened as you crush them!!" Midoriya raised his hand, looking extremely serious, as if he had a deep understanding of this.

Saiki: ?

'I have never done such a thing.' He calmly stated.

"... Look, that's the exact expression !!!" Midoriya pointed at Saiki and looked at All Might in frustration. "He used to have this expression before and beat everyone in the class!!! "

Saiki: ...

'So this requirement means that while participating in the sports festival, I have to ensure the physical and mental health of my opponent and I can't give up. I have to make effort to complete every game on the surface?' He concluded.

"Well, that's about it." All Might said with a laugh.

'--Do joke with me!' The sudden raise of his voice was rare since he rarely had significant mood swings.

He approached All Might with a dangerous gaze, shaking the evil white paper frantically in his hand.

'Is this kind of thing used to torture me? '

"Ca-calm down, Young Saiki!" All Might felt cold and was sweating, as he waved his hands, watching the dark man who was constantly a dark aura.

'I can not calm down!' 

'Where is that bastard of a mouse? " He had the posture as if things had to be settled.

"That um ... actually, the principal went out to visit friends this morning and probably will not come back until the opening of the sports festival ..." All Might smiled, finally knowing why the principal moved so quickly when he went out.

'Just give me a specific location and I can find it.' There seemed to be a sneer on his face as he threateningly looked at All Might.

"No, the principal didn't tell anyone ..." All Might's voice was shaking. "And he asked me to share a message..."

Getting glanced at coldly, All Might regretted taking the job.

"He said, Saiki-kun, this is a obligated course of the school. If you don't complete it, you can't graduate ..."


Saiki let go with an emotionless face and reverted the time of the door back a day.

"Gulp ..." 

'Is that so, since it's a required course, there's no other way.' Saiki seemed to have figured it out and said calmly.

'Excuse me, I've disturbed your lunch break.' He nodded to the two who were still dumbfounded, closed the door and left.

"... Saiki-san, will he be okay?" Midoriya looked at the closed door worriedly.

"Probably, he should be ..." All Might took a sip of the tea, "Well, for Young Saiki, it is also very good to participate in such group activities!"

He didn't know why this young boy is obviously very strong, but he has always refused this kind of thing.

"Yeah." Midoriya sat down and suddenly remembered something.

"But just as you just said ... Saiki should belong to those who are willing to be mediocre ... will it really be okay?"

"..." All Might didn't know what to answer for a moment, he touched his chin. "Well, he has gone beyond that range ..."

Recalling Saiki's strength, Midoriya agreed, "That's true ..."
