The 79. Disastrous Day

"Okay, let's end here for today!"

All Might took another a blow from Midoriya.

"You're already pretty good, Young Midoriya!"

But Midoriya didn't look tired at all.

"I need to work harder, All Might!"

All Might patted his shoulder and turned to the teenager sitting in the air who was reading: "Young Saiki, you can start now!"

Saiki leisurely turned a page and looked up at Midoriya.

'So we'll continue today? '

The teenager with freckles on his face was full of energy: "Yes please, Saiki-san!"

Landing on the ground, Saiki lowered the book in his hand.

'I'm still against this, you don't have to do this.'

Midoriya insisted: "I'm completely fine, let's please continue!"

[Yes, although there will be no harm done, you are still way too impatient, Midoriya.]

Saiki was a little helpless: 'Then today you will only use my arms.'


Although somewhat unwilling, Midoriya still reluctantly accepted it after seeing Saiki's firm attitude.

'Let's begin.'

Putting the book aside, Saiki stepped forward and simply stood in place.

"...Okay, I'll start now!"

Midoriya gradually got excited, waiting for Saiki.

Saiki nodded slightly.

This was his fourth day of helping Midoriya with his special training.

Because he was frightened by his reckless battle during the Sports Festival, Saiki suggested to help Midoriya master his quirk.

All Might and Midoriya certainly had no problems with that, but right after the Sports Festival, the internships followed, which was why this has been dragged for so long.

Finally, during the studying and practicing period for the final exam, his special training was finally put on his schedule.

With the situation of Midoriya, Saiki thought of many gentle methods.

For example, first using dreams to make him get to know and properly experience his quirk in his body and then master it through repeated training in real life.

But his method was rejected by Midoriya.

This teenager with many ideas has put forward a more efficient method by himself—testing the power of One For All directly in reality.

"If Saiki-san reverts my state back," the curly-haired young boy's face was really serious. "I would be like I have a new chance."

At that time, Saiki didn't really understand the specific meaning of his words, if he reverted the state of his body a day back, wouldn't it be equivalent to him not training at all.

But Midoriya thought about that already.

"Me mastering One For All is not about my physical fitness."

The teenager raised his fist.

"There is no way for me to improve with my current body that can't accept the full power of One For All."

"So, what I lack is control!" He looked up, "control over the amount of power I can use!"

"From receiving One For All to the present, I have only used this quirk a few times."

"And others like Kacchan have been using them since their childhood..."

Midoriya seemed to have made a decision, his voice trembling slightly, but still firm.

"No matter if breaking my two arms or my ten fingers, if one time is not enough, I can still try... As long as Saiki-san restores my body to its original state!"

[...What stupid things are you talking in such a determined tone, Midoriya.]

Saiki looked at the young man who trembled slightly in front of him, with a painful look on his face.

'Enough, let's stop here today. '

He raised his hand to stop Midoriya who wanted to continue.

Midoriya froze for a moment and put down his purple fingers.

"Huh?... But I can still..."

'No.' Saiki didn't let him finish, 'You're in pain.'

Eyebrows furrowed, lips pale... he couldn't even lift my arms.

[You're just forcing yourself now.]

"It's okay, I can endure it!"

Midoriya tried to prove himself to Saiki, but began to stagger right after taking one step.


He teleported next to him and caught him before he fell, Saiki blankly looked at All Might.

Saiki: You. Do something about this child.

All Might: ...

"Cough, Young Midoriya!"

Under Saiki's pressuring gaze, All Might cleared his throat and persuaded him.

"Don't be so impatient... your method is too extreme."

In fact, he expressed strong opposition when this method was first proposed, but in the end, he agreed under the persistence of Midoriya.

He didn't know what to say... Seeing him work so hard... It always made others also get excited.

But it really was too much.


Midoriya gritted his teeth, holding his arms, his eyes dimmed.

"Didn't All Might also say that..."

——There was not a lot of time left.

All For One was still alive and was clearly planning something with Shigaraki.

Although they did not appear at the Hero Killer incident in Hosu City, but the Nomus or Stain's words all indicated their involvement.

Now that All Might had passed this quirk to himself, the activities of the No. 1 Hero were all supported by the remaining power in his body... so if he didn't master it quickly...


Saiki suddenly opened his mouth, interrupting his thoughts and looking serious.

'...It'll be fine, relax.'

[What a terrible expression.]

The baby-faced boy's mouth that always showed a smile was now in a thin line and his brows were unconsciously furrowed.

[Is it about that All For One?]

Saiki didn't know what they had talked about before, but something that would make Midoriya show this expression, that wasn't the threat of getting expelled of Mr. Aizawa, could only be the league of villains.

[Well, although I'm not really interested in participating in these battles.]

Saiki easily restored the broken body of the teenager and thought.

[But rest assured, if those people want to disturb my daily campus life, I will not allow it.]

'It's better to think about your final exam rather than these weird things that you don't belong within a normal high school student's worries.'

Sure enough, Midoriya was easily fooled.

"I am studying hard!"

The teenager pouted, the fluffy curls on his head bouncing with his movement.

'Yes, Yes.'

Saiki gave an extremely perfunctory response.

Midoriya: "..."

"Speaking of which, Young Saiki."

All Might, who had run out of time and changed back to his normal state, suddenly remembered something.

"Did the principal talk to you about your final exam?"

Saiki blinked: 'No.'

[These days I have been busy hiding from Bakugou, helping Kirishima, hiding from Bakugou, helping Midoriya with his special training and hiding from Bakugou. I had no time to focus on other things.]

All Might suggested: "Then it's better to talk to him about it tomorrow. It seems that your final exam's content has already been decided."

Saiki raised an eyebrow, a little surprised.

[I originally thought that it would still take some time, but it looks like it has already been decided.]

To be honest, he had also thought about what his final exam will look like in the past few days, but he had no clue, because he couldn't think of anything that could test his superpowers.

"Huh? Saiki-san's final exam?"

Midoriya's voice approached, a little curious.

"In what form will it be?"

"--You're not allowed to stop! Keep running!!!"

The rolled-up sheets in All Might's hand knocked on his head.


Midoriya's shrank his head back and continued his physical training today.

'I understand, I'll go talk to the principal tomorrow.'

Saiki nodded, he was also curious about what that little mouse with that smart brain came up with.

All Might smiled, patted Saiki's shoulder with his big hand and turned to face Midoriya.

"Hurry up, Young Midoriya! This is not enough, do you want to fight with 5% of your strength the whole time?!!!"

Midoriya: ... QAQ

Saiki: ...

How scary.


After Midoriya finished today's training, the sky was already completely dark.

He walked home with heavy steps, bitterly thinking if he should go to a convenience store to buy some food.

"Hey, Deku."

The familiar, cold and fierce voice sounded from behind him.

Midoriya froze.


It's an illusion, it's an illusion, it's an illusion, it can't be Kacchan, he can't appear here ...

Convincing himself, he raised his foot again to continue to walk forward.


The muffled sound of a fist hitting the wall caused him to retract his foot at the speed of light.

"Did you not to hear me?"

Turning around, his childhood friend's kind smile looked like a fierce ghost who came to seek for revenge under the street light.

"...What a coincidence, Kacchan."

Midoriya smiled weakly, feeling that his heart rate was a bit unhealthy.

Bakugou smiled, but his eyes looked ready to kill.

"It's already so late, where did you go?"

Gulping nervously, Midoriya muttered: "That... Where I went to should be none of Kacchan's..."

"Of course it's none of my business where you went!"

Bakugou interrupted and went straight to the point.

"What I want to know is where Saiki went to!"


Were they exposed?

Midoriya took a deep breath and firmly said: "I promised Saiki, I will never say it!"

Although he was a little nervous in his heart, he made up his mind, even if he had to fight Kacchan today, he would not betray his friend.


Bakugou was silent for a while and then suddenly laughed, his whole aura becoming even more terrifying.

"So, he really was with you during that time?"

Midoriya: "..."

So you didn't you know?!!

After realizing that, he seemed to have exposed it himself just now.

"No, no, I just know where Saiki went to..."

He quickly changed his words to try to rescue him, his face sincere.

"...We were not together!"

Bakugou was expressionless, making it unable to tell if he believed him or not.

Midoriya looked at him anxiously.

"...So, he would rather train for the final exam with you than be with me?"

In the end, the blonde-haired boy said such words lightly, his normally arrogant face was now hidden in the shadow of his bangs.

Midoriya was stunned, eagerly denying: "No, it's not like that! Saiki-san's special training for me is not because..."

"--So he is really helping you with your fucking special training?!!!"

His shout interrupted Midoriya's words, Bakugou raised his head, his originally handsome facial features were now twisted by his anger.

Midoriya: "..."


Stomping on the ground and walking towards Midoriya, Bakugou was now like a lion that has been irritated.

"How long have you been training? Where was it? When did it start?"

Taking steps back, every time Bakugou asked a question, Midoriya flinched.

"I, I, I don't know anything!!!"

He finally dropped this sentence and fled into his house.

"Don't run! Come out and tell me the truth!!! Deku!!!"

Bakugou roaring was still hovering downstairs, as Midoriya quickly escaped into his bedroom and locked the door, patting his chest in shock.

[The angry Kacchan is way too scary. Fortunately, mother is not at home today...]


He collapsed on his bed and sighed, very frustrated.

[——Would Saiki-san forgive me if I got on my knees?]

Small extra:

Midoriya: What should I do? Saiki-san will hate me! QAQ

Bakugou: Fuck! I knew it!!!

Saiki who didn't know what had happened: I wonder what will the final exam be like...
