The 86. Disastrous Day

The training camp officially started today.

Everyone came to the front of UA early in the morning to wait for the school bus to arrive.

They are all young teens full of energy and were extremely excited.

Even Todoroki showed his usual indifferent expression, packed his things properly and arrived early.

In addition to Class 1-A, there is also Class 1-B, who have not been seen for a long time, which meant...

"Girl!!! The girls of both classes together!!!"

Mineta shouted with excitement in his face and his eyes glowed with expectations.

"Still as perverted as ever..."

Yaoyorozu's eyes showed disgust.

"Everyone! Please line up in the seat order and hurry!"

When it comes to this kind of collective activity time, Iida, who was the class rep, was one of the most excited.

His expression was stiff and his body language was extraordinarily interesting. His two arms were so fast that it looked blurry, like a traffic policer and or a robot.

Midoriya seemed to have been approached by Monoma from Class 1-B, as Saiki got on the bus without looking back, not planning to save his childhood friend at all.

[That Monoma, once you get noticed by him, you can no longer live in peace.]

He found a seat in the last row and sat down.

[So you will have to deal with him yourself, Midoriya.]

Sitting in the last row has always been Saiki's habit, which stems from the pursuit of being low-key, even in such trivial matters.

But this time, he found that he might have made the wrong decision.

Things started to get out of control when Bakugou got into the bus with a stinky face. He scanned the bus and then walked to the seat beside Saiki without hesitation.

Immediately afterward his good buddy, Kirishima, got in. He also looked around and when he saw Saiki and Bakugou,  joy flashed on his face, then he moved to sit at the row in front of them with two or three steps.

Then there was Kaminari and Jiro. Jiro sat in the front row and Kaminari went to the back of the bus, which was the seats next to Saiki.

Ashido and Hagakure ran into the bus excitedly, but found that there were no two empty seats together except for next to Kirishima, so they sat down there.

So far, Saiki felt like he was surrounded by the most talkative students in his class.

Saiki: ...

After the whole class sat down, the bus headed towards the camp where they will be staying together.

Mr. Aizawa sat at the front next to the driver. Although he coldly reminded everyone not to be too noisy and that they will get off the car to rest after an hour, but the few people sitting in the last row didn't even care about what he was talking about.

"Hey, did you know? I was told that there will be a meteor shower tonight!"

Hagakure held up a magazine and shared it with Ashido excitedly.

"What~ Really?"

The two girls excitedly chatted.

Saiki heard a cold snort from the person next to him as if mocking their interests.

"Hey Bakugou, let's go out and play together when the training camp is over?"

Kirishima was also excited, turning his head and asking him this.

"Yeah! We haven't even gone out together to chill!"

Kaminari raised his hand in agreement.

Bakugou raised his head lazily: "What's there to play, don't you guys train at home?"

Kaminari: "Please, training also requires rest!"

Kirishima laughed and nodded: "Yeah, right, work and rest are both important! And Bakugou, you haven't you been to the gaming hall break the new record right?"

This made a lot of sense. Bakugou can, not play games, but he cannot tolerate his record being broken.

So he lifted his chin: "Where do you want to go play?"

He paused, and then added: "First of all, don't look for me to go to those troublesome places like amusement parks."

His tone was contemptuous.

[Why does someone like you who is still in high school, already look down on places where even adults are still going to.]

Saiki leisurely looked at the rapidly moving scenery outside the window and did not participate in the discussion around him.

"No, no!"

Kaminari shook his head.

"How about going to the gaming hall first and then to a karaoke!?"

His eyes glowed in excitement and he almost jumped out of his seat.


Bakugou hesitated, a bit unsure.

"Not bad!"Kirishima thought it was a good idea. "I haven't been to a karaoke since I came to UA~ It's been a long time!"

"Right, right!"

Kaminari smiled and gave Kirishima a thumbs up.


It could be seen that Bakugou was somewhat reluctant, but he agreed nonetheless.

[Speaking of which, I have never heard Bakugou sing before.]

Saiki's inner guess is that he has never shown it because he was not good at it.

[Well, but it doesn't matter. Now what I am more concerned about is that they hopefully don't count me in.]

He was expressionless, he hadn't been involved since the beginning of their discussion, his attitude should be clear.

"Then after we go singing? Should we go to eat?"

"I want to eat barbecue..."

"Oh! I happen to have a coupon for the barbecue restaurant that I often go to! It tastes amazing and the coupon is for four people so it's perfect!"

[For four people, you counted Mineta with you, ​​right?]

"Lucky~! And I've never heard Saiki sing... Do people who don't talk a lot really sing?"

[Are you discriminating against less talkative people and when did I say I would sing, in your dreams?]

"Hm, he might be a really bad singer!"

[No, even if I was, you wouldn't know because I won't go.]

But his determination was not able to be transmitted to the three people who talked to themselves until the end, because after mentioning the word singing, the topic was completely different.

In order to show his talent, Kaminari even offered to sing a song on the spot.

His singing wasn't even that bad, but it was called "like the sound of construction work" by Jiro.

In Saiki's opinion, it sounded pretty good. After all, the pitch was there and it can be heard that Kainari worked hard on the melody, but the result was not that satisfactory.

Thes the bus stopped.

After everyone got out of the bus, Mr. Aizawa coaxed Saiki, who wanted to stay on the bus, to take a break and breathe the fresh air.

[If you really just gave us a break, you wouldn't care if I'm on the bus or outside.]

Saiki stood outside with the crowd, watching the "Pussy Cats" who suddenly jumped out to introduce themselves, already guessing what was about to happen.

Sure enough, without waiting for everyone to relax from the excitement of the training camp, the brutal training had already begun.

Before lunchtime, they needed to cross half of the forest to the distant camp with beasts on the way to stop them.

[So, who said it's a good place for everyone to have fun together.]

Saiki's face was emotionless as he looked at how everyone was thrown down by the blonde-haired cat and closed his eyes.

[Oh well, I shall go to the finish line and wait for you.]

Leisurely walking behind the bus where he couldn't be seen, he finally realized the convenience of his superpower exposure—at least times like this he could pretend that he had been thrown down and then directly teleport to the woods near the meeting place.

"Where do you want to go?"

An eerie voice came from behind him.

Saiki: "..."

There was the familiar sense of quietness and a capturing weapon tied around his body.

Silently turning his head, Mr. Aizawa tugged at his own restraint belt with a sinister smile.

Saiki: '...I just wanted to use the restroom.'

He was extremely sincere.

A red light flashed in his eyes, Aizawa kept using his quirk with his hair fluttering up, while pulling Saiki to the edge of the cliff and reached out.

"It's okay, I believe this kind of trivial thing can't hinder someone with superpowers."

Saiki: ???

His body followed Aizawa's movement and fell. He adjusted his posture in the air to use his superpowers but found that Aizawa was still looking at himself.

[Yare yare, do you want to watch your students splatter into pieces?]

Fortunately, when Saiki was about to cause hundreds of millions of points of damage to the earth, Aizawa looked away.

Carefully floating in the air and landing on the ground, Saiki's heart still remained calm.

[There is no difference between the bottom and the top of the cliff, as long as it he teleported somewhere where the pussy cats cannot see him, it's fine.]

He stood up straight and patted the dust on his clothes.

"Hey, are you all going to watch this lazy classmate get there before you and rest?"

At the top, Aizawa's sounded and was insidiously provoking the relationship between Saiki and the other students in Class 1-A.

[It's useless.]

Saiki was not nervous at all, as for why...

[This is a class where all of them are determined to be a hero that helps others. So they wouldn't care if I arrive a little earlier.]


The sound of something tearing sounded, like tape.

Saiki turned his head around and was tied up before he could even respond.


'What are you doing, Bakugou?'

Bakugou was holding the tape provided by Sero and was seriously wrapping it around his forearm, with Saiki's wrist connected at the other end.

"This is to prevent you from getting away."

After he wrapped it well, he felt uneasy again and tightened a little more and then he patted it with satisfaction.

Saiki: "..."

[I have to say that I'm starting to question your IQ Bakugou.]

He looked at the piece of tape that could be easily torn apart on his wrist, what made him think that this kind of thing could bind himself.

"Of course this thing won't bind you."

As if knowing what Saiki was thinking, Bakugou's eyes showed a bit of disgust.

"I'm just showing an attitude if you dare to run away, then don't fucking think of ever living in peace again!"

With that, he showed a miserable grin.

Saiki: "..."

He blankly stared at the kind and lovely little angels of the past who now turned their heads and pretended to see  nothing.

[Enough is enough, I have seen through the true natures' of you guys.]

He followed the big troop without any expression and punched a huge mud beast that came to stop him, the huge body collapsed instantly and a heavy wailing was issued.

[The thought that everyone is going to be a hero after graduation...]

-This society will probably go down.

Although these "beasts" were easy to deal with to Saiki, it was definitely impossible to rely on him alone. Even if Saiki could, the others in Class 1-A wouldn't even not allow it.

"Don't get in the way you icy-hot bastard!!!"

Dragging Saiki with the tape on his hand, Bakugou didn't plan to be considerate towards him and kept attacking the beasts with his explosions.

[So, isn't this tape more of a hindrance?]

Saiki kept up with the rhythm of Bakugou and resolved other mud beasts around him.

"It's you who shouldn't get in my way!"

Todoroki didn't give in, as coldness spread from him and breathed out a breath of cold air.

Saiki: "..."

Forced to survive in the confrontation between two people, he now even had the urge to knock everyone out and transport them to their destination together.

Once again to avoiding another accidental attack from his own classmate, the seemingly fragile tape still did not break after such a violent movement.

[Is this the real training for me in this forest?]

Watching the ice explode in front of him, the birds and the green figure shuttled through the continuous chaotic scene, he realized something.

[This is probably a test of patience.]
