The 15. Disastrous Day

'No, thank you. '

[How naive, you thought you could buy me with a little coffee jelly.]

Saiki followed Aizawa into the principal's office and sat on the sofa opposite to Principal Nezu and All Might.

"Really? Such a shame, it was really difficult for me to get-" Principal Nezu didn't care about Saiki's rejection, smiled, and put the small cup with coffee jelly on the table.

[It's just a coffee jelly, I can buy one later if I want.]

Saiki firmly expressed his judgment in his heart.

"After all, that sweet freak only makes desserts for others every three months ..."

'... Three- three months, don't tell me you mean the ultimate pastry chef Sweet Dessert'

"Oh? Saiki-san also knows him ... Well, he is not a famous hero after all, so I am a bit surprised." Principal Nezu looked at Saiki in surprise, then moved his tail in a good mood, "Yeah. It happened that Lunch Rush has a good relationship with him, so I asked him to let him make one. "

[What a sinister mouse, actually seducing me with Sweet Dessert's coffee jelly.]

[But am I someone who can be bought with some coffee jelly?]


'Thank you for the meal. '

[Yes, I am.]

Saiki carefully lifted the coffee jelly, which seemed to be sacred to him and gently scooped it into his mouth.

Feeling the mellow aroma of coffee mixed with the refreshing jelly texture in his mouth. It has a touch of sweetness but isn't too much. It is like hiding in a coffee shop on a boring summer day and enjoying the sun, feeling the warmth touch ones face.

[This is probably heaven.]

Saiki reluctantly swallowed the last bit of coffee jelly and decided to retain a little respect for the sly principal.

'So, is there something you need from me? '

Watching the three silently waiting for himself to finish the coffee jelly and not saying anything. Saiki felt that if he did not ask actively, the atmosphere might have been silent for a while.

"It's nothing. It is my responsibility as the principal to care about the students." Principal Nezu hurriedly took a sip of tea without giving a clear answer.

'Is it. '

'The school here is very beautiful, the lessons are very reasonable, the classmates are very friendly and the teacher is very responsible. I like UA very much. So, thank you for the meal, I'll take my leave now. '

Saiki quickly said a lot of complimenting words, put down the empty plate in his hand, and wanted to leave.

"Pfff--wait, Young Saiki!" All Might, who had been silent the whole time, spit out his hot tea and hurriedly called Saiki, "Wait, uh, um ... "But after Saiki stopped, he didn't know what to say for a moment.

"Well, first, nice to meet you, I'm All Might--"

'I know. '[It's not like we really met for the first time.]

"Oh, right, of course, we warned you to come here today because ..."

No words were found and All Might glanced at Aizawa sitting next to him.

"... Actually, as a teacher of UA High School, you should know the situation of your students," Aizawa said, speaking lazily with a low tone. "It is also the same reason why I let students in the class take a quirk assessment test today. "

"That's right." Principal Nezu put down his teacup, jumped off the high stool carefully, climbed onto the sofa where Saiki was sitting, and sat next to Aizawa. "As an educator, the most important thing is to be responsible for the students. So that when we train our students, we need to know where their limits are, so we can adjust our education policy. "

"But Young Saiki did not do his best either in the entrance examination or in today's quirk assessment test," All Might straightened his back, showing a big smile. " I'm sure there must be a reason! "

'No, I'm working really hard. '

[Working hard to control myself.]

Saiki sat on the sofa obediently, always feeling that there was something wrong with the appearance of being surrounded by three people.

[What is this, a trial court?]

"There is no need to be so nervous. We just want to have a comprehensive understanding of you so that we can train you systematically in the future."

The headmaster smiled and continued.

'Well, you know, I've changed the quirk I registered before. '

Saiki said quietly.

The three nodded and motioned him to continue.

'In fact, it was actually a quirk that I suddenly awakened not long ago. Because I was not skilled in using it, I lost control during the entrance exam and because I couldn't use it freely, I chose not to use my quirk at all when the quirk assessment takes place. '

Saiki explained half of the truth and looked quite calm on the surface.

"But you're already 15 years old, suddenly awakening a thing such as a quirk, really is a little unbelievable." Principal Nezu looked at Saiki, not fully trusting his words.

Saiki quietly thought, well, as long as he believes the beginning, explaining the things afterward will be a lot easier.

'Sudden awakening of a quirk is not something without a precedent. I can only say that I am a bit luckier than ordinary people. '

[Actually, I'm more unlucky than the average person.]

"Really, did you ever see someone else suddenly awaken his quirk?" Principal Nezu looked a little curious and asked kindly.

'Well, I haven't seen news or anything, but I have the same case right next to me. ' Saiki recalled that Midoriya who had suddenly acquired a quirk, ' Izuku Midoriya had been called quirkless before, but it seems that he suddenly awakened his quirk some time ago. '

"Is that so? That's not surprising ..." Principal Nezu said with a smile, jumping off the sofa again, holding up his teacup, and taking a sip.

[Finally fooled them.]

Saiki sighed secretly.

"--That you would come up with such an excuse."

Principal Nezu put the teacup back onto the table, the clear sound would make any nervous person flinch.

"It's not good to deceive the teachers like this, Saiki-kun." The principal looked at Saiki with a sad look. "Because Midoriya-kun did not suddenly awaken a quirk. If you wanted to say it, it is probably inheritance."

[what? ...]

[Is that so, no wonder he had special training with All Might before ...]

With that explanation of the principal, Saiki instantly linked all the doubts in the past. Although he didn't know the course of the matter, he probably is already close to the truth.


[... How stubborn, Mr. Principal.]

'No, what I said is true. '

When it comes to playing innocent, Saiki would not be afraid of anyone.

'Furthermore, I just thought that he's in the same situation as me. It seems that this is not the case. What a pity. '

'I woke up all of a sudden to have this ability and it really scared me. '

"Ah ~ Is that so, so you could suddenly talk to animals when you woke up one day?"

'Yes, so I also ...'

Suddenly, Saiki realized something was wrong.

"Oh my, I'm sorry, because I think I heard that Saiki's quirk was not being able to communicate with animals ~ I was curious for a second ~"

[... This bastard teacher.]

'That ... it's a telepathic quirk. '

That statement is indeed true.

"Ah, indeed, if that's the case awakening another quirk might be more reasonable ..."

Principal Nezu looked distressed.

"It looks like we don't have any decisive evidence anymore ..."

[Yes, so give up.]

"But I still believe in my judgment. You didn't tell the truth, or at least part of it was concealed."

[Well, but there indeed is part of the truth.]

"So, I regret to inform you, Saiki-kun, if you can't give us a reasonable explanation, you will be expelled from UA forever."

[... Oh my.]

Saiki has become a dead fisheye. He really did not expect that the dignified principal od UA would do such a shameless threat.

"Of course, personally, I admire Saiki-kun very much and I hope Saiki-kun can continue to study at our school."

"But before that, I am still a principal and I also need to be responsible for the teachers and students of the whole school. So I couldn't let a student who deliberately hides the truth because of an unknown motive stay in this school. Especially someone with the power to easily destroy half a small town. "

Principal Nezu put down the teacup in his hand, walked to Saiki, and looked into his eyes seriously, his short body was less than one meter, but his momentum did not lose to anyone.

"Saiki-kun, we trust you, so we have been giving you the opportunity, to tell the truth since we entered the door, but please also trust us a little and trust UA."

Behind the principal, All Might and Aizawa also stood up together, looking at Saiki seriously.

"Although I don't know if there is anything inexplicable, young Saiki." All Might said carefully and incredibly softly, "but I swear in the name of the No.1 Hero, today's dialogue, without your consent, will only stay with the four of us! "

"... Even though I don't want such troublesome students," Aizawa muttered in a low tone. "But I also swear, as your class teacher, that what happens here will not be known by a fifth person... "


[... So if anyone can read my mind as casually as I can, you also have to take responsibility together, dumb heroes.]

Saiki looked at the three men standing in front of him and was a little speechless.

[What is this, suddenly making this become so formal.]

[There clearly is no problem with accepting my explanation just now.]

[Isn't this a foul ...]

[... But perhaps it is this belief that has always made UA a highly sought after institution of higher learning.]

'I got it, I'll tell you the truth ...'

Saiki finally stood up and gave up, looking back at them with the same serious attitude.

'This is something I've been trying to get rid of. '

'But in fact, I'm already used to their existence. '

'Because of them, I have lost a lot of things normal people don't even realize was there, happiness, surprise, nervousness, fear ...'

'The emotions that these normal people experience every day are very precious to me. '

'But because of them, I will also see beautiful sceneries that others can't see in their lives, experience some things that others might find strange and spend time every day in solving the troubles caused by themselves or being involved in troubles caused by others. '

'So it's hard to define my preferences for them and there is no secret behind me hiding my strength, I just do it because I don't like trouble. '

'But now that you've said all that, I guess it's okay to tell you. '

Saiki began to float, crossing his legs, he sat in the air.

'My name is Saiki Kusuo and I have psychic superpowers. '
