The 77. Disastrous Day

Bakugou looked at Kusuke showing a provoking grin: "...If you want to stop me, then come at me!"

He stepped into the room step by step. His steps were very light, like a vigilant cheetah.

"...Ah, I won't stop you."

Kusuke looked at him.

Bakugou: ?

His whole epic moment was pierced like a balloon, he froze in place.

"No matter who, when they see a miracle-like existence, they will have delusions. So this is a normal reaction of ordinary people."

Kusuke turned his head to look at the pink-haired boy in the monitor screen.

"Ah... I lost again~"

He said, but the cheerful tone made Bakugou get goosebumps all over his body.

——Is he a pervert?

The teenager's eyebrows twisted, he stepped forward, hitting the screen with a punch.

"Speak properly!"

The screen was easily smashed through, a trace of pity flashed on Kusuke's face.

"I meant..."

He finally decided to speak.

"I don't care about your thoughts at all and I'm not interested either."

"These will only be your own thoughts anyway, they can't affect others and they can't change anything."

Bakugou froze and turned his head slowly.

Kusuke sat on the soft chair and looked at him, still smiling, but his eyes were calm and he seemed to see through everything.

"All I care about is Kusuo. Other things don't matter."

"...But there is one thing I have to ask, do you really think that such a special person will take a look at someone like you?"


Seeing the last bomb exploding in space, Saiki was finally relieved.

[Now we are almost finished. I wonder how the others are doing.]

He returned to school again, stood on the roof and observed the situation of others with clairvoyance.

[Midoriya's group seemed to have completed their task...]

They were walking towards the place where everyone gathered before, looking like they barely survived.

[...but it looks like they had quite the hard time?]

He thought a little hesitantly, Midoriya was full of emotions as always and he could not see any changes, but the expressions of Jiro and Todoroki were very complicated, especially Todoroki, his handsome face was "ruined".

It's not that there was a wound on his face, but at the center of his face was a large black stain similar to ink on his face, even his fringe was covered.


Just like a siamese cat?

[...Well, there is no problem if they're not injured.]

Saiki looked away calmly, ignoring the extremely eye-catching black stain on Todoroki's face.

[Twenty minutes have passed, I wonder what happened to Bakugou.]

Saiki looked at the previous basement again with his memory and was stunned.

[......No one's there?]

The room was a full of wreckage of broken robots. It was not difficult to see what a fierce fight happened there, but the boy who was supposed to be the hostage was missing.

[Yare yare, he really is a troublesome person.]

Saiki was having a headache but wasn't that surprised.

——It's impossible for that person to obediently stay as a hostage and do nothing.

With speculation in mind, Saiki moved to the place where they gathered in an instant. Iida was the closest to him and most of his classmates have completed their task and are waiting here.

"Saiki-san, have you already completed your task?"

Iida was the first to spot Saiki. Although he knew the answer, he still asked in a responsible manner.


Saiki nodded and looked around.

In order to keep up with their team leader, the students of Iida's team used their fastest speed and currently they were collapsed on the ground.

Iida was also looking at Saiki.

He didn't know if it was his illusion. But his powerful classmate who always looked calm and collected, now seemed to be... a little tired?

"Saiki-san would you also like to take a break?"

Iida frowned slightly, worried.

Saiki shook his head indifferently.

[I just overused my superpowers, I just have to get some sleep tonight and I will recover tomorrow.]

Now he was more concerned about whether Bakugou found an opportunity to fight with his brother...

"We meet again, Kusuo~"

The familiar face was projected in the air.

The students lying around saw the teacher and stood back up, but Kusuke did not pay attention to them and looked at Saiki with a smile.

"What's the matter? You look like someone who got tired after going back and forth between the earth and space for thousands of times in 20 minutes."

[...Wow. How did you know? It's almost as if you were the cause.]

Saiki's face got darker.

Tsuyu on the other side blinked.

Tsuyu looked at him: "Go back and forth between the earth and space for thousands of times?"

Saiki replied calmly: 'It was just a joke.'

He didn't care whether the sharp girl believed his explanation or not. Saiki looked at the projection of Kusuke: 'All of your tasks have been completed. '

——The implication was that class should be dismissed. 

Kusuke: "Yeah yead, but there is something I have to return to you before then."

A secret passage opened from the ground and familiar figures came out.


Saiki looked at him and raised his eyebrow.

'You didn't fight? '

He thought that the result of the two together was either that Bakugou blew up all the robots of Kusuke or that Kusuke used his robots to beat Bakugou.

"...Why would you think we were going to fight?"

Walking out of the tunnel, Bakugou rolled his eyes at him.

[Isn't it obvious by the events at lunch?]

They obviously hated each other, but now it seems that between the two of them nothing ever happened.

Although he didn't know the reason for this change, but for him, this kind of result will make things a lot easier.

'Then what did you talk about?'

Intuition tells him that the minutes between the two alone are the key.

"I'm not telling you."

[...Well, everything is fine, as long as it doesn't involve me.]

Saiki looked away and decided not to ask again.

But his quiet appearance seemed to bother Bakugou again.

Bakugou lowered his tone and asked: "...You're not going to ask anymore?"

Saiki's face was full of question marks: '...Didn't you say that you won't tell me? '

Bakugou glared at him: "Can't you ask a few more times?!"

Saiki: ???

[Why do I have to ask more.]

The man in front of him clenched his teeth, obviously trying to suppress his anger, while viciously glaring at him

Although Saiki didn't know why Bakugou was angered by him this time, but if he didn't calm him down now, more trouble may occur, so Saiki humbly asked: 'What did you talk about? '

"I won't tell you!!"


With a blank face, Saiki felt that he might have fallen into an endless loop.

"--Well, although some students aren't back yet, all the bomb have been completely removed, congratulations to everyone for successfully saving the campus~"

Kusuke began to summarize today's events, while the students present were listening carefully.

"So, today's class ends here, the final exam is coming, so everyone should prepare~"

Right after, the projection disappeared.

Everyone who was waiting for their review: ...???

He just left like that?!

What about our performance today?  Was it insufficient? What needs to be improved?

[Don't expect anything from a person like him.]

No longer irritated by Bakugou, Saiki looked at Iida who froze in shock.

[A teacher or something, I'm pretty sure it's just an excuse for studying my superpowers.]

When Midoriya's and Yaoyorozu's groups finally arrived, Saiki and the others were just planning to go back.

"What? It's already over..."

A trace of confusion flashed on Midoriya's face as if he didn't understand why a teacher would leave the class before all his students arrived.

"Wait, that paint-like thing on that Todoroki-san's face..."

He pointed to the huge area on his face, worried.

'He's fine. '

Saiki reached out and wiped it, Todoroki's face returned to it's original state.

'...So, how did this happen?'

He was a little curious, this kind of thing didn't look like it would appear randomly.

"... It's Mr. Saiki's toy gun."

Jiro explained, sounding helpless.

'...Toy gun? '

This time Saiki froze.

"Uh yeah, it looked very realistic! We were almost deceived..."

Midoriya was a little depressed. At that time, he really thought that his classmate was going to be killed by their new teacher and his heart almost stopped beating.


With just one sentence all the students around him seemed to remember it too.

[And I was wondering why the bombs on their side didn't explode... so they were fake?!]

[So in the end only the bombs I removed were real ones?]

"But I never expected that Saiki-san would say such words to get us more excited... Hey, Saiki-san, what's wrong?!"

'It's nothing.'

[I just suddenly wanted to go beat that guy underground.]


Iida once again looked at him with anxious eyes and insisted.

"I think you should go and see Recovery Girl!"

'...There's no need, I will just go home and sleep.'

[Thank you for your concern, but I am afraid that Recovery girl can't really help.]

Saiki felt that the entire world suddenly turned magical, just like Kirishima who was walking towards him right now, his face was all twisted.

——Wait, it really looks twisted?!

'...Do you need something, Kirishima-san? '

Saiki looked at Kirishima, who was laughing and suspected that the people he met today were not normal.

"Ahahaha, Saiki, what a coincidence!"

Kirishima wrapped his arm around Saiki's shoulders and patted his back vigorously.

[If I remember things correctly, we are not that close, so can you please let me go first.]

Saiki was taken away from Midoriya's group, because Kirishima showed a hearty smile and told them, "I want to ask Saiki something for a second."

'What's the matter?'

When reaching a place far away from everyone, Saiki broke free from Kirishima.

"Please Saiki-sama!!! This is my only request!!"

[If you want to ask about Yaororozu-san's underwear or Tsuyu-san's panties, I will take you to see the stars.]

Saiki crossed his arms, his face indifferent.

Kirishima raised his hands and clasped them over his head, to show his sincerity.

"Please study with me!!!"

Saiki: ...?

[Mineta, you should from your fellow classmates.]

'My grades are not very good.'

Saiki didn't lie, his grades were indeed in the middle compared to the top students.

"Yes! But you just have to sit there!"

Kirishima clenched his fists, his face full of ambition.


Saiki was a bit confused.

But soon Kirishima's voice answered his doubts.


(...please agree, please agree, please agree-- why did he suddenly stop talking. Is he listening to my thoughts right now? Could it be that the fact that Bakugou threatened me not to say that he threatened me that he won't help me study if Saiki doesn't show up has been revealed?!)

Saiki: "..."

[Yes, you have been exposed.]

[And can you please think with punctuations, it will be hard for the readers to understand you.]

Carefully raising his head, Kirishima's face finally changed from being twisted to desperate.

[...Hello, is Saiki listening ... Can you pretend you didn't hear that...]

Someone who always pursued to be manly fell under the final exam.

"Saiki... Save this child QAQ ..."

[I don't have a child and don't use 'QAQ' on me, it's disgusting.]

Saiki closed his eyes.

"Really really! It won't take up much of your time!" Kirishima was still trying to convince Saiki, "We will just go to the cafe for about an hour after school, with air conditioning, pretty waitresses, Shonen Jump and free coffee jelly... "

'Okay, deal! '

"And if you get tired and I will massage you... hah?"

Kirishima looked up at him with a stunned expression, he did not expect him to agree so simply.

'When will it start?'

Unfortunately, Saiki did not intend to answer his questions and simply asked when it was.

"It will start tomorrow..."

Kirishima was still in a daze.

He agreed just like that?

He looked at Saiki's back as he walked away, thinking.

Did the conditions move him...


Suddenly punching in the palm of his hand, Kirishima realized the reason, his eyes full of excitement and his back seemed to be burning.

——He knew that no man did not love Shonen Jump!!
