The 73. Disastrous Day

Bakugou lowered his head to insert coins into the vending machine and his blurry face was reflected on the glass.

Saiki quietly sat on the bench beside him and waited.


Bakugou was holding two cans of soda, holding one towards Saiki.

Saiki took one of the cans, opened it and took a sip.

Bakugou sat beside him, but the soda was still untouched in his hand.

"...I have never heard that you have an older brother."

While casually saying that, Bakugou suddenly seemed to have a strong interest in the street lights not far away.

Saiki looked at him sideways: 'He has been in the UK and has been living there.'

After a pause, he added: 'He always talks like that, it's not just to you. '

Bakugou lifted his chin slightly, his eyes dark: "It can be seen that he must have had a miserable childhood."

Saiki: "..."

It seemed that he was the culprit of his miserable childhood, so Saiki wisely kept quiet.

Bakugou leaned back on the bench: "...Whatever, it's not like I would get hurt by his salty words."

Saiki didn't expect him to be so open-minded.

He was a little curious: 'But at that time, you didn't refute him.'

Obviously, he almost broke his chopsticks, but still refrained himself from exploding.

Bakugou sneered disdainfully: "If it was only two of us, he would have died 800 times!"

[So you were worried about the presence of my parents.]

There was a small smile that was hard to detect on Saiki's face.

[Well, it is a bit cute that he can also be so considerate.]

After taking another sip of the drink, Saiki caught sight of Bakugou suddenly sitting upright.


He turned to look at him.


Bakugou frowned and paused.

"That is not what I meant......"

Saiki: '?'

Saiki was confused and since he could not hear his thoughts, he really could not guess what Bakugou was thinking.

With a slight cough, Bakugou's eyes drifted away: "I mean I didn't want to really want to kill him..."

Annoyance lurked in his somewhat cautious tone.

[...why are you so cautious, Bakugou.]

Saiki put down his drink and looked at him.

'You didn't need to explain, I didn't think you would have.'

His voice was calm, but unexpectedly reassuring.


In response Bakugou just gave a slight hum, he relaxed slightly, looking up at the dark night sky.

The cool wind blew across his cheeks and his hair moved slightly brushing against his face.

"But there is one thing I have to say first."

The teenager's voice was very light as if it had come from afar.

But his tone was serious and stubborn.

"I don't agree with the shit you said this morning."


So it finally came.

The played with the can in his hand unconsciously.


Bakugou quickly interrupted him: "I know my own feelings very well!"

"I also know if I am having an illusion or not!"

Saiki: "..."

He was interrupted as soon as he opened his mouth and was stopped from what he was going to say next.

Accidentally using too much force on the hand, the can emitted a dying cry, but neither of the two people present was paying attention to it.

Bakugou's tone was serious.

"I will act according to my own feelings... whether you believe them or not."

"..." Saiki was a bit distressed.

[So he really will not accept such an explanation?]

But it wasn't surprising, according to the character of Bakugou, it is impossible for him to give up so easily.

[Yare yare, this will make things troublesome.]

Being distracted, the can in his hand was taken away, making Saiki look up in surprise.

The person next to him stood up, finished the drink and then used his explosion to blow up the can.


Bakugou threw out the cans into the trash accurately.

He looked back, his eyes fierce as if there was a burning spark.

"--watch me."

His words were direct with the arrogance and strength he always had.

Without speaking, Saiki just listened to Bakugou's thoughts.

[You are no longer allowed to avoid me.]

[You are no longer allowed to pretend everything is normal.]

[Watch me and take this relationship seriously.]

Saiki didn't know how to react for a moment, so he stayed silent.

Bakugou picked up his backpack and threw something towards Saiki.

"Take it."

The young man's voice was hoarse.

Saiki caught the thing that flew towards him and spread his palms, it was candy.

Saiki: "..."

It looked a little bit familiar.

[Giving me my own candy is something only you could do, Bakugou.]

A bit speechless in his heart, he stuffed it into his pocket.

Looking at his movements, Bakugou grinned, in a good mood.

"Then I'll head back now."

He turned away without waiting for Saiki's reaction.

This place was very close to Bakugou's house, so Bakugou didn't plan to let him walk him any further.

Sitting on the bench alone, he looked the distant sky that was stained with blue and black like splashed ink, in a daze.

Rubbing against the drink that belonged to Bakugou, that was forced into his hand, Saiki suddenly realized something.

[...Wait, did he just grab my drink and drink it?]

Saiki: "..."


When Saiki came to the school the next day, he wondered whether it was because of the failing of the Kusuke's program that there were a lot fewer people staring at him and calling him Sakura.

[Does a program really have such a strong influence?]

Saiki had some doubts.

Kusuke has always said that he has no quirk and has always acted accordingly.

If you ignore his high IQ, the eldest son of the Saiki family's oldest son was an ordinary man with no special abilities.

Since Saiki came from another world and he knew that there were no such extraordinary abilities called quirks in his original world.

After coming here, his parents did not show any signs of having a quirk.

But he was not so sure about his brother.

When Saiki crossed over, he was in elementary school. At that time, Kusuke had already left home and lived in England. That he had no quirk was what he heard from the thoughts of the people around him.

[If you think about it, having a quirk but hiding it sounds like something that guy would do.]

"G-good morning Mr. Saiki!"

[What are you thinking, no matter what, I wouldn't become a teacher...]

Suddenly, Saiki realized that things were not simple.

Turning his head, it turned out that the 'Mr. Saiki' was not himself.

Kusuke laughed: "Good morning, did you have seaweed soup for breakfast?"

The girl who came to say hello was shocked, she blushed, her eyes were full of admiration: "Yes! How did Mr. Saiki know..."

Kusuke's smiled: "Because there is seaweed stuck on your teeth."

The girl: "..."

Did he really just say that directly?

Kusuke: "Don't be so nervous, I was just kidding~"

The girl was relieved and comforted herself. How could Mr. Saiki who is so gentle say something so rude.

Well, it must've been an illusion.

She cheered up again and pretended to complain: "Mr. Saiki, this kind of joke is not funny at all..."

Kusuke interrupted her: "Actually, the joke was that I wasn't kidding~"

"There is really seaweed, on your front teeth."

He added seriously.


The girl was stiff all over.

——This person is the worse!!

[Yes, he's such a bad person. Quickly recognize his true nature.]

Although Saiki didn't know why his brother, who is specifically here to teach class 1-A, was so popular throughout the school, this did not affect Saiki's desire to let the students see through his true nature.

"Kusuo, good morning~"

Kusuke was quite surprised to find Saiki next to him.

[No, the moment I saw you, it was already a bad morning.]

Saiki looked away, pretending not to hear anything.

However, it didn't help much, Kusuke had long been accustomed to him acting as if he was a stranger.

"I will teach your class today, I really look forward to it~"

[I did not want to know these bad news at all.]

Saiki felt that his campus life would become even more difficult.

"Because of this, I specifically asked the little mouse for a larger venue!"

Perhaps he was recalling his elaborate arrangement, Kusuke looked very happy, with small flowers all over his background.

Saiki: "..."

[This afternoon... I should ask if I can leave early.]


After finally getting rid of Kusuke, Saiki arrived to his classroom.

"Sakura-chan, good morning~~"

Kaminari smiled brightly as soon as he saw Saiki stepping into the classroom.

[Why are you still using this name?]

Saiki had a dark face, he thought that at least his classmates were over it, but now it seems that there will still be some that are more persistent.

"Sakura-chan, good morning~"


Looking back with a bad expression, Saiki would like to know who besides Kaminari had not given up this stupid name...

'What are you thinking, Tsuyu-san? '

Saiki did not expect that the most calm and normal Tsuyu Asui would be the person calling him that.

She stuck out her tongue and smiled: "Because the name feels very cute ribbit~"

[This is not about whether it's cute or not!]

"And it's very suitable for Saiki-kun, pink, very quiet and gentle..."

Uraraka held her face with both hands and looked a bit dreamy.

[No matter how you think about it, it is impossible to connect it with me!]

Saiki thought of himself as an ordinary male high school student. He can be called "four eyes", "weakling", "nerd".

——But "Sakura-chan" is definitely not a nickname for a normal male high school student!!

While Saiki intended to reject this name with a firm and strict attitude, Kirishima suddenly shouted excitedly from the front of the classroom.

"Bakugou, you are finally back!"

In an instant, the eyes of the class turned towards the door.

"Shut up, so noisy."

The teenager walked in with a stinky face, he had the attitude of "Don't mess with me right now, I really want to hit someone."

"Is it my illusion ribbit..."

Tsuyu whispered her tone a little uncertain.

Iida looked over in doubt: "What's wrong, Tsuyu-san?"

"Just call me Tsu~"

She blinked and replied softly: "...I somehow feel that Bakugou-chan has changed a bit."


Saiki heard her words and looked up.

Bakugou who was held by both Kirishima and Kaminari, had explosions in his hand, but miraculously did not use them directly.

"Bakugou, you usually look fierce and evil. But in the video you were pretty handsome!!"

Kaminari grinned and grabbed Bakugou's arm, not afraid to be beaten.

"It was really unexpected!"

"——Let me go! What video are you talking about!!!"

As if finally unable to bear them, a crack appeared on Bakugou's face and his hands instantly made explosions while he roared.

Iida: ...

Saiki: ...

[Isn't he just the same as before?]

Tsuyu tried to explain: "No, although it's very subtle, but..."

"Get away! ...Hah? What are you looking at Deku?!"

"No, no... just, um, welcome back Kacchan..."

"Who wants your welcome?! When did we get that close!"

Saiki and Iida turned their heads.

Tsuyu: "...It probably was an illusion."

How disappointing.


"...Class has started, go back to your seats."

The door of the classroom was opened and Aizawa slowly walked in.

He looked at a durian head and said, "Bakugou, come see me after class."


Bakugou kicked his feet on the desk.

"Speaking of which, why did Bakugou not come yesterday?"

In the back row of the classroom, Yaoyorozu wondered, a bit puzzled.

"Mr. Aizawa said he wasn't feeling well."

Hagakure turned around and whispered.

Yaoyorozu got worried: "Did he get injured while on his internship?"

Hagakure: "I don't know... but if Bakugou got injured ... Then Best Jeanist's agency seems very dangerous!"

Yaoyorozu: "Is it dangerous? Danger also means opportunity! Bakugou may have decided to go to the challenge himself because he knew this!"

[No, this is a pure misunderstanding.]

[And you have forgotten that we have obviously met at the TV station.]

Bakugou's reason for not coming to school was that he spent three seconds thinking about, which was definitely in line with the development of the matter and the problem he would probably face when others heard it.

[Well, although it's a little embarrassing to mention...]

His eyes flickered for a moment, Saiki decided to wait and if Bakugou came back with an expression ready to murder someone he would just run.

Mr. Aizawa emphasized the approach of the final exam for the two classmates who were absent yesterday and announced that Saiki's final exam will be conducted separately.

The classmates had no comment, they were just curious about what his final exam would be like.

Mina Ashido raised her hand to ask questions but Mr. Aizawa didn't give a proper answer.

Saiki recalled what the Principal Nezu said before, he had every reason to suspect that his exam content hadn't even been prepared by the teachers themselves.


After class, Bakugou went to the teacher's office with a stinky face.

Present Mic was not surprised to see him in the office.

"I knew you will come here sooner or later! Cool boy~"

The smiling blond man walked towards him from his seat.

"Hmm... let me guess... Did you break the rules? Explode someone else's shop? Or scare innocent children to tears?"

Bakugou: "..."

Fuck, I didn't cause them to cry.

Aizawa waved his hand lazily, shooing him away.

"I heard from Saiki why you didn't come yesterday..."

Hearing his name, Bakugou froze and then he stood up straight, obviously more serious.

Thinking of the problem Aizawa didn't know how to start, so he did not raise his head and missed this obvious change.

The dark-haired man hesitated for a moment: "...How are you feeling now?"


Bakugou froze.

Because he only realized now, that he didn't know what reason Saiki came up with.

Because of his silence, Aizawa looked up at him without urging him.

In order to not let his reaction seem too strange, Bakugou replied somewhat vaguely.

"......Not bad."

As for in which aspect... Sorry, he didn't know.

Aizawa nodded: "Will it affect the final exam?"


Bakugou was a bit confused.

There was still time before the final exam. What reason did Saiki find in order to make Aizawa feel that his exam will be affected?

Perhaps he saw his uncertainty, Aizawa put down the sheets in his hand and looked up at him.

"Bakugou, if you have any questions, you can come to me. Even if you want postpone the exam because you don't feel well, the results will not be affected."



Bakugou was a bit frightened.

Mr. Aizawa, who was always cold and indifferent and threatens to let them get expelled every day, was currently asking him if he was okay and gently persuading him to postpone the exam.

Bakugou: Sweaty-GIF

Thinking about whether he was already a young man in the eyes of his teacher, Bakugou asked him hesitantly, "What did four... Saiki tell you?"

Aizawa paused, with a strange expression on his face: "...Do you want me to say it here?"

Bakugou: ...

Is it already impossible to discuss in public?!

"Yes... if it's convenient."

Aizawa's attitude made Bakugou even more cautious and even a bit curious.

What kind of reason did Saiki come up with to make Mr. Aizawa so worried?

"...He said that you ate too many spicy things at Best Jeanist's, so... cough, you know, your old problem reoccurred."

Bakugou: "...????????"

His face was full of question marks, greatly confused.


I know?

Why didn't he know of this old problem?

It may have been since it has already been said, so there was nothing to hide, Aizawa's tone got a little harsher.

"Although your taste in food is personal, since your problem has already occurred, it is still necessary to restrain yourself!"

Bakugou: "..."

His face gradually turned pale.


He finally understood.

Why did Aizawa take care of his situation so much?

Because in his eyes,

His poor student ...

——has a diarrhea problem.

Angry Bakugou:... At that moment, I already found a place to hide the body.

small extra:

Angry Bakugou: I'm going to kill him.

Questioning Bakugou: Do I have bad taste?

Lazy Bakugou: I should deal with it, I could always file a divorce.

Indifferent Bakugou: Wake up, you haven't even successfully pursued him yet.

Sneering Bakugou: It's not like you could beat him once you catch him anyway.
