
"Today we will have a new transfer student. Everyone should get along well!" The teacher told her students with a smile, but the students talked to each other noisily and did not listen to her.

[It really is a group of elementary school students, so noisy.]

Kusuo Saiki stood next to the podium quietly, made an ordinary self-introduction, and stepped down, without getting any attention during the whole process.

[However, this is exactly the effect I want. I am completely ordinary and no one pays attention to me.]

Sitting in the new seat and taking out the contents of the small schoolbag, Saiki did not feel that it was uncomfortable to be ignored but felt a little joy instead.

After all, to everyone Saiki is not a cute girl or a handsome boy. Saiki is just an ordinary passer-by with medium grades and a weak body. He has been in school for a month and no one has noticed him too much.

[Just follow this path through the ordinary life.]

It was another day of passing by the park on the way home after school.

"Hey, Deku, you play the villain that gets arrested by the hero!" It the arrogant and high-pitched voice that Saiki didn't like.

"Waaahh—Kacchan I don't wanna, I can't beat you guys!" Another panic-stricken voice sounded.

"Hahahaha, the villain doesn't need to beat the heroes, they are beaten by them!" Other children laughed.

[It has appeared, the daily bullying incident on campus.]

Saiki passed them without giving them a glance.

[If I was a real elementary school student, I might interfere, but it's a pity that now I am actually in the second year of high school.]

This kind of trouble may attract others' attention, so he decided he should not do it.

The second day.

"Aahhh, Kacchan it hurts! Don't use quirk on me!" The pitiful voice cried.

The third day.

"No, no, I can't do it! I can't climb that high!"  The panic-stricken voice said.

The fourth day.

"What?! No! Stop Kacchan, this thing is disgusting, it's smelly and sticky-aaahhh no !!" Once you hear it, you know what happened to just by the sound.

[I think I might need to change my way home.]

After the Nth time Saiki saw the curly-haired and the baby-faced boy with small freckles on his face being bullied, he seriously considered it.

[This person is so useless, he can't resist at all.]

Day N +1.

"No, no, Kacchan!" a crying voice said.

[Ah, here we go again.]

Hearing the voice in the park again, Saiki walked past.

"... If you keep going, I-I-I'll never forgive you!" Although his tone was soft, what he was saying was serious.

[... Oh my, today he refuted.]

Saiki, who didn't notice that he was hiding at all, quietly watched the development of things and was even kind of excitement in his heart.

The baby-faced boy stood in front of an unknown child, clutching the corner of his clothes in fright, shaking, but still firmly facing the other child in front of him.

"...You won't forgive me, huh Deku." The blonde-haired boy grinned, but his eyes were full of anger.

He clenched his fist in one hand and showed a spark of an explosion in the other, "... then try me!"

[Oh my, things are getting really bad.]

Saiki witnessed the whole process of the baby-faced boy being beaten.

As a result, the boy was betrayed by the one he protected in the end. After being protected by the babyface, the boy joined the bullying the babyface just because of a word from the blonde.

[Why protect someone like that.]

After he was done, the blonde boy didn't want to play the hero game anymore, so they left.

"Ow ... it hurts ..." The baby-faced boy sat on the ground in embarrassment, his body was not seriously injured but still had a large number of small wounds, he was a little sad, usually, they wouldn't leave wounds, it seems that Kacchan was really angry this time ...

The boy slowly got up, his body still in pain, his eyes were covered with tears again, his mother would be very worried if he goes back like this. He didn't know if Kacchan would accept his apology tomorrow.

A pack of tissues appeared in front of his eyes, slowly following the arm to look up he saw the pink-haired transfer student.

Midoriya stared at the boy of the same age before him. He was never popular among his peers. It should be said that no one except for Kaachan was willing to play with him ...

It has been a long time since he received any kindness from his classmates.

"... I-I'm quirkless!" Midoriya mustered up the courage to speak, fearing that the transfer student didn't know.

'? '

Saiki showed obvious confusion in his eyes.

'So?' He didn't understand why the babyface in front of him looked like he was waiting to be sentenced to death.

"S-so ... I'm different from everyone, I don't have any ability ..." Not expecting such a question to be asked, Midoriya explained in a panic.

'The tissues, do you want it? '

Too lazy to listen to the explanation of the boy, Saiki already regretted his actions.

"... Yes! Thank you very much!"

Midoriya's eyes were shining and he took a deep breath. He looked like he had received some precious gift and bowed to him with gratitude.

[Why bow ...] Saiki finds it increasingly inconvenient not to hear some people's voices.

"Saiki-san is a transfer student who just came here, right? Do you live in this neighborhood? I saw you every day before ..." Midoriya wiped his wound and tears on his face with the tissues.

'Yeah, I live right around the corner. '

"Maybe we are neighbors." Midoriya's voice was full of anticipation.

"Oh, you know my name, right!" The expectation in the voice was quite intense.

[... I didn't really pay attention to it.]

'... Deku. " Saiki remembered what that durian head called him.

"... It's not Deku! My name is Izuku Midoriya. That's Kacchan's name for me. It means that I can't do anything ..." His voice gradually fell.

'... Then I'll call you Midoriya.' Saiki hesitated.

"You can just call me Izuku! I don't mind!" Midoriya said cheerfully.

"Can I call you Kusuo in exchange?" He asked with sparkling eyes.

'... No, Saiki is fine. '

[It reminds me of my bastard dad at home if you call me that.]

"Oh, sure Saiki-san is also good!" Although he was saying that, there was still obvious sadness in Midoriya's voice.


For a long time, Saiki was immersed in regret, because after that, Midoriya completely stuck to himself.

"Saiki-san, let's have lunch together!" Midoriya stood in front of Saiki with lunch.

"No, I ..." Saiki tried to refuse.

"I had always wanted to have lunch with friends before. It's so nice ~" Midoriya smiled, his eyes full of longing.


So again, Saiki failed to firmly refuse.

"Hey, Katsuki, it seems that Midoriya found a new friend recently!"

In the stairwell, a child with orange hair told the durian head next to him this.

"Huh? That quirkless loser ?!" Bakugou said disdainfully.

"It's true! It was that transfer student. I also saw them having lunch together and going home together!"

Someone added.

"... that stupid Deku ..." Bakugou squeezed his fist with a dark face. "...let's teach them a lesson."

Saiki squatted by the wall around the corner, listening to the conversation from the opposite side.

[Yare yare, how scary.]

After discussing with the group, they nodded tacitly and acted.

"Hey, Saiki!" ​​The orange-haired boy found Saiki in the corridor and talked to him. "Where are you going after this?" He just wanted to delay his time.

Saiki saw through his attempt easily but stopped in coordination.

'Classroom. '

"Then let's go together!" The orange-haired boy didn't give Saiki a chance to answer, swinging his arm over, but missing.


He looked at his arm in disbelief and at Saiki, who was walking in front of him. Huh? He could swear that Saiki was just next to him.

But the child did not think too much and then ran forward two steps to drag Saiki with him.

Successfully delaying Saiki's time to the classroom, the orange-haired boy stepped behind with a smile, naturally letting Saiki open the door.


Saiki, who has heard the noisy voice behind the door, was silent. They really are primary school students, these tricks are so childish ...

He opened the door calmly and a square object with dust fell down towards his forehead.

Calmly using his ability to slow down the falling speed of the eraser, Saiki reached out and quickly pulled the orange-haired boy watching him.

"..." The orange-haired boy looked at his classmates dumbfounded and didn't understand how he was suddenly in front of the door.

Saiki only then passed the orange-haired boy and walked into the classroom without haste.

Bakugou glared at Saiki fiercely.

Since then, Saiki has experienced several pranks, all of which are directed by Bakugou to his followers.

[This child is hopeless.]

Saiki wiped off the graffiti on his book again. Yes, they used a pencil instead of a pen.

[Even their bullying is on such a low-level, is he the king of being childish?]

Saiki, deeply suspicious of the position of the boss, changed his mind this evening.

... he was locked in the sports storage room.

[Wait, isn't this something that would only happen in junior high, are the group of kids so bold now?]

He pushed the door as hard as he could, but it didn't budge at all, it seemed that it was locked from the outside.

[If it is an ordinary child, it would probably leave a psychological trauma after spending the night in such a place.]

Saiki was unhappy.

[This is a bit too much.]

He used clairvoyance to find the location of Bakugou. Sure enough, he was in that small park surrounded by a group of children. The orange-haired boy was also there looking all smug and proud of himself.

[So you're the one who did it.]

Seeing who the culprit was just from looking at their expression. Saiki teleported to the small park in an instant, hiding, ready to teach this group of little bastards a lesson.

"—Hah? What did you say you did ?!" It was the voice of Bakugou, but it didn't sound so happy.

Saiki's froze, realizing that things didn't seem to be as he thought.

"That nasty pink hair--I locked him in the sports storage room!" The orange-haired boy said with a smuírk, "The sports teacher has already returned home and no one will go back until tomorrow morning!"

"Yeah! I can finally see that stupid pink hair get scared..." Someone echoed excitedly.

"—Are you guys stupid !?" Bakugou roared.

He punched the orange-haired boy, who was the initiator, down on the ground and looked at him angrily. "I just asked you to give him a warning, but I didn't say that you should keep him in the sports storage room for one night !!"

After he finished speaking, he glanced at the sky that was already a bit dark, not caring about the shocked faces of the others who saw the orange-haired boy being beaten, he turned and ran to the school.

[... So he didn't instruct them to do it?]

This made Saiki a little surprised. He thought that Bakugou had finally upgraded his bullying methods. But it seemed that his followers just did it themselves.

[Oh right, now that he is back in the sports storage room, I have to go back too, right?]


Suddenly discovering this cruel fact, Saiki sighed and moved back to his previous place instantly.

It didn't take long for a sound to come from the door, there was also a violent voice.

[His inner activities are quite interesting.]

Saiki sat on the mat quietly and waited for the tyrant to open the door, but found that he did not show up after struggling to push away what was in front of the door, instead Bakugou just threw a rock against the door signaling him that he could get out.

Once again surprised by the unexpectedly different Bakugou, Saiki pushed the door of the warehouse which opened it easily.

[My opinion od you slightly changed, Bakugou.]

Perhaps it was due to the guilt of Saiki getting imprisoned. In the next few days, he was no longer bullied, but no one dared to talk to him--- so he was basically ignored and left out.

[It's better to say that this situation happens to be what I actually want.]

Saiki was even a little satisfied with the situation of being ignored by the whole class, but some people did not think so, such as Midoriya, he felt that this was worse than being bullied.

"... So if you guys have to vent your anger, you should just come at me!" There was the voice of Green Valley, "Can you stop treating Saiki-san like that!"


Saiki noticed the commotion and his feelings were a little complicated.

[Even though I stopped getting bullied, he is saying things like that ...]

[Sure enough, you really are a fool, Midoriya.]

Unsurprisingly, Midoriya's courage didn't get everyone's kind treatment. After being laughed at, he returned to his seat.


[I didn't even say anything.]

Saiki looked at his soft curls and put his head on his arm.

After school, Midoriya unusually didn't come to find him, Saiki slowly packed up his things.

"——Saiki! Not good!" Suddenly a child stopped Saiki and said in a panic, "Midoriya ... Midoriya was taken by a villain!"


'... oh no, let 's call the police.' Saiki cooperatively played along.

The child was obviously panicked, he didn't want to make things so big, "N-no, the villain is weak, you don't have to call a hero!"

'... Then, let 's go to the teacher.' Saiki continued.

"No, no! That enemy is a criminal, the teacher can't fight it!"

'... but it 's useless for you to call me.' Saiki was speechless.

"It's okay! That villain is injured, as long as we all fight together, we can win!" The child said with confidence.


[So this is the level of lying of elementary school students.]

Saiki, who was originally planning to teach these little jerks a lesson all at once, went with him as if he had been deceived by his lies.

The two went further and further away and entered a mountainous area with a "No Entry" sign.

They have gone very deep and can't see the others at all.

[Aren't they afraid of getting lost if they do bad things in this place?]

Saiki after turning for the nth time silently thought.

"It's here! It's here!" The child finally stopped and in front of him was a huge cave.

'... Didn't you say there was a villain?' Saiki asked deliberately.

"It's inside there!" The child shouted with a smile, "Hey---- we're here !!!"

Hearing the voice, several children walked out of the cave. It was the group that followed Bakugou, but the leader was replaced by the orange-haired boy.

The boys came out of the darkness with serious faces, they looked a little like ducks wobbling in a line. When they walked to the cave, they all took a posture that they thought was cool and looked at Saiki coldly.


Watching these little jerks show off the villain's stance in movies, Saiki could hardly hold in his laugh.

[Oh no, do you want to make me laugh?]

"Kusuo Saiki, you are now completely under our control!" The orange-haired boy said, "If you want to live, kneel down and beg for mercy!"

"——And then eat our poop!!" The child next to him added that he seemed to have deep love towards poop.

"Yeah, you have to eat it!" The orange-haired boy repeated seriously.


Sure enough, elementary school students of this age have an obsession poop.

Saiki stood still on the spot and did not respond. This made the orange-haired boy annoyed and felt that he was being provoked.

"Everyone, tie him up!" He commanded.

Soon his little followers behind him came out with a rope and slowly came over surrounding Saiki.

[Hey, where did you get this dangerous thing from?]

Saiki looked at the fierce faces of several children silently.

[Don't glare, it isn't even half as scary as Bakugou's.]

"--Let him go!!" Midoriya shouted from behind him, there was also the shocked Bakugou who came with him.

[... Everyone is here.]

Saiki had given up struggling and watched the show.

"What did you do with Saiki-san !?" Midoriya looked at Saiki's inexpressible expression and became even more angry.

The children exchanged glances, some were scared of the angry Bakugou.

"W-we just wanted to teach him a lesson!" The orange-haired boy realized that he was the boss now and said with courage.

"Huh?" Bakugou came forward with a dark face, his hands crackling.

"Didn't I teach you what teaching someone a lesson means? Hah-?!"

His face was twisted, staring at these apparent followers of his.

"Ka-Katsuki, you are not our head anymore!" A child said unwillingly, his voice trembling.

"Yeah! We are following Koki now!" Another child added.

The orange-haired boy was named. Although he was very afraid of Bakugou, he still stood tall and pretended to be confident. "Bakugou, you have lost everyone's support, now I am the one who is wanted!!"

[They actually have internal disputes.]

Saiki glanced at Bakugou sympathetically, who was placed in front of everyone, he was slightly trembling with his head down.

"... what are you thinking?" Bakugou whispered, he stepped forward, raised his head, and showed a twisted smile on his face.

"Don't joke around, who wants your support !?" His tone was arrogant.

"It was only my dictatorship from the beginning!!!!!!"

Bakugou laughed and emitting explosions threateningly in his hand.

[... how can you say such shameless words so straightforwardly.]

Saiki was almost amazed.

The children seemed to have been completely blinded by the logic of them before, they completely lost their momentum and looked at each other.

"He's right ..."

"Katsuki has never asked about our opinion for anything ..."

"Sure enough, only someone like that suitable for the head, handsome and cool!"

Several children whispered together and finally found that the former boss way cooler, so they walked to Bakugou obediently and waited for instructions.

"Huh, so you guys aren't that stupid!" Bakugou seemed to care less about them, but his proud ego went all up to the sky.

"Saiki-san, are you okay ..."

Taking advantage of the dispute there, Midoriya sneaked to Saiki and asked quietly.

Saiki nodded to signal that he was okay, but soon his attention was drawn over there.

[This drama is so wonderful, the person who betrayed will be betrayed eventually, Bravo!]

At this time the dispute also came to an end, the followers tied up the orange-haired boy by Bakugou's command and then they prepared to go home.

"--I was wondering where the annoying noise came from, it turned out to be a group of children ..." A cold voice came from the dark cave.

[Oh no, I was too focused on watching the show, I didn't notice the person inside.]

Saiki took a step forward, subconsciously blocking Midoriya.

The voice sounded something like scales gliding over the ground of fallen leaves and dead branches.

"Child, come here." The bewitching voice said.

Several children stared at the hole blankly, stopped their movements, and staggered toward the darkness.

'Stop, it's a villain!' Saiki shouted at them.

But the children continued to walk as if they didn't hear him.

"... I think this should be a snake-like quirk." Midoriya's voice behind sounded. "Generally, people with this type of quirk will have the effect of mind control." The knowledge that he is usually interested in learning was now coming to use.

'... Is that so.' Saiki took a deep breath and stepped forward to drag some children back and throw them in front of Bakugou and Midoriya. 'Tie them together with a rope. '

"Hah, don't order me around ..."

While Bakugou was pissed by his order. He still obediently tied them with the rope in his hands. Even though four eyes doesn't look as strong as he is, but he makes people unconsciously want to do what he says.

"Little boy, if you get in the way, the next one will be you ..." The cold voice moved closer he could even hear the rubbing between his scales.

'If I'm not wrong, you're injured and not lightly. '

Saiki said, smelling the bloody smell in the air.

"..." The voice paused for a moment, then sneered. "Your talented, boy, how about following me, I can teach you how to use your talent to satisfy yourself."

[Thank you for the offer, but don't need it. The greatest wish of me is living an ordinary life.]

Saiki ruthlessly rejected the enemy's invitation in his heart.

"--What are you whispering you hiding coward ?! Come out !!!" Bakugou shouted impatiently.

[Fool, you will irritate him.]

Saiki was helpless for a second, then quickly backed up, blocking them.

"Saiki-san, we should find a chance to run first. It is absolutely impossible for us to beat him ..." Midoriya said trembling, his legs giving out because of fear.

"What are you talking about, Deku ?!" Bakugou couldn't stand his frightened appearance and said with gritted teeth, "Of course we're going head-on !!"

"But ..." Midoriya didn't feel that they had any chance of winning head-on.

'Bakugou is right, Midoriya. ' Saiki said, his eyes were fixed on the dark cave, 'the snake-like person's speed is very fast, it is difficult for us to escape and there are a few people his under control, we can't take them away if we want to run we would have to leave them here. '

Midoriya understood Saiki's words and said nothing. Indeed, these students who were tied together could not be taken with them together to escape. If they left them here, this villain would ...

There was a creepy laugh from the cave.

"... You guys are really interesting." The villain exposed to the sun little by little, long and tangled hair, clothes that hadn't been changed in a few days, and wounds on the snake's belly that were still bleeding.

Perhaps it was a little sensitive to the exposure to the sun. The thick snake tail patted the ground anxiously, causing the wound in the abdomen to burst and more blood gushed out again, but the enemy did not care, his cold eyes looked at Bakugou greedily.

"And you, an excellent and lethal quirk, it looks ... really delicious." The snake extended quickly and retracted itself.

Bakugou took a step back in disgust. The villain's eyes made him feel like he was licked by something cold and wet, which was disgusting.

"Now, you two, come here." He said softöy

At once, Bakugou felt that his body was out of control, he struggled a bit but quickly walked forward under the voice of the villain.

From the corner of his eyes he saw Midoriya next standing stiffly as he approached the villain, he got a bit scared.

[No ... I can't resist ...]

[Am I going to be killed ... I have not even become a hero yet...]

He moved his fingers unwillingly, trying to regain control of his limbs and break away from the villain's control, but found that he could not feel his fingers at all.

Suddenly something caught his back collar, forcing him to stop and then he heard it, a cold voice ringing in his ears.

'I know you still have consciousness, thank you for today. '

Then there was a vigorous force, not waiting for Bakugou to react to who was talking or what he meant, he was spinning and he only felt something hard hit his body.

"Damn, it hurts ..." Finding that he could move suddenly, he barely got up and in front of him was Midoriya who was also getting up from the ground.

[Wait, just now-] Bakugou suddenly reacted and turned to look at the villain's direction, but suddenly everything turned black and he fainted.

"Do you want to sacrifice yourself to protect your friends?" Seeing Saiki stun his friends, the villain twisted and smiled, "How touching."

Saiki took care of Bakugou and Midoriya, turned his head, and looked at the villain with bright eyes.

'Now only the two of us are conscious. '


The villain flicked its tail, a little puzzled.

'Do you know what that means.' Saiki slowly approached the enemy.

The enemy had arrogance on his face. He said, "That means you will be eaten by me."

'No.' Saiki grinned, "This means I can do anything to you."

Before the villain reacted, Saiki moved, using his telekinesis he made his body float up and fall heavily, giving the villain no chance to resist.

"Wait! Wait, wait ..." The villain was dizzy from falling, he finally stopped to give him the opportunity to say a few words, he was grabbed and his tail and swung around and slammed down again hitting the ground with a bang.

"Ack... I-I surren- ..." The enemy raised his trembling hand, but Saiki pretended not to see it. He swung his arm and threw him. The enemy was thrown a few hundred meters into the sky and fell down again. At last, the enemy couldn't bear it any longer and fainted.

'Well, it looks like my other superpowers haven't changed much except for my telepathy. '

In fact, Saiki was planning to find a chance to test his superpowers to see if something was wrong after he entered this world. This unlucky villain just hit the muzzle, so Saiki was unwilling to let him go.

After the experiment, he had a new understanding of his abilities and the world's resistance level. Saiki knotted the enemy in a good mood and moved to the entrance of the police station with teleportation while invisible.

"Sir ..." The young intern police officer who was just about to leave was surprised by the villain who suddenly appeared that seemed like a corpse and hurried back again, "Someone sent a threatening doll to the police station !!"

"Hah? What the hell are you talking about!" The tall and handsome police officer impatiently followed the screaming little intern and came to the door, "... What is this?"

"Probably ... a corpse?" The intern carefully probed from behind.

Suddenly the villain snake's tail moved, it was better to say that it twitched.

"Agh!!" The intern flinched back.

"Coward." The police officer sneered mockingly and found out what that tangled up thing was.

He took out the phone and called.

"Hey, Mumi Police Department, is the snake-like person you traced through injured on the left abdomen ..."

Saiki looked at the villain's corpse and saw that they will deal with it, so he returned with satisfaction, ready to clean up the mess in this place.

Midoriya was sent back to his bedroom, the dirt on his body got cleaned up and then Saiki altered his memories and made him have a dream of becoming All Might's student.

Bakugou was thrown on his bed, also altering his memories so that he at least won't have nightmares.

His followers were thrown in front of the door of their bedroom.

And the orange-haired on was thrown in front of the door of his house.

Saiki, who could finally return home, was exhausted and sitting on the sofa.

"Oh my, why is Kusuo so down?" His mother looked at Saiki, "Would you like me to call some classmates to come over to play?"

'... No!! '

In Midoriya's bedroom.

The room full of All Might showed him with his white teeth watching the restless Midoriya sleeping on the bed.

Midoriya laughed in his sleep.

"Hehe ... detro ... t ... smash ..."

In Bakugou's bedroom.

A simple dark blue blanket revealed a fluffy head of Bakugou who still had baby fat on his face. Right now, his eyes were closed and his brows furrowed.

The dream was cold and dark, with the sound of water flowing and reptiles sliding.

The humid air made him very uncomfortable, with a smelly wind blowing across his face, making people sick.

He walked forward uncontrollably. Although he was afraid and wanted to stop, he could not feel his legs. He only knew that he might be walking towards a big mouth and his heart was full of despair and helplessness.

[Thank you for today. ]

The calm voice was like a refreshing wind, blowing away the sticky presence in the darkness, letting him feel the warmth of the sun again as if his body was no longer damp and the dry clothes were very comfortable.

Something turned in front of him and Bakugou stretched out his hand to grab it, leaving a few pale pink hair strands in his palm.

Brows gradually soothed, Bakugou fell into a deep sleep.


Hello, I am the author of this fanfic shyaholicc!  ( ' ▽ ' )ノ
I know you guys are excited about the next chapter, so I decided to publish this extra first to get you a little worked up!
(I'm sorry please don't kill me ◑.◑ )

Anyway, I just wanted to thank you for your support with your votes and comments. Especially the comments! They make me really motivated and they are hilarious!

Even though I know some already gave me their feedback on this fanfiction. I would still love to hear what you guys think of this and maybe you could even give me some tips or some constructive criticism!

Thank you for reading this note!
