The 5. Disastrous Day

The sun was shining outside the window. In the blue sky, a few white clouds projected a cool shadow on the ground.

[Summer vacation is almost over.]

Saiki stood in the shadow of a big tree, listening to the last cicada of the summer.

"Saiki-san, have you been waiting for a long time?" Izuku Midoriya saw Saiki and happily ran over. "The other students seem to be a while away."

'Because there is a place I had to go to, so I came here first.'

Saiki looked at Midoriya for a long time, his fluffy hair looked black, but the surface was slightly green in the sun, showing a dark green color.

Two days ago, when Saiki was enjoying his last days of his summer vacation at home, he received a message from the class president.

[Saiki-san, how is your practice after class?]

Yes, practice after class.

Originally, Aldera Junior High did not have such activities, but last year the principal went to an unknown place to exchange and study for a semester, then came back suddenly and announced that all students in this year's summer vacation need to carry out summer practice activities and the evaluation obtained is directly related to their enf credit. If you did not receive a grade, you may not be able to progress directly to high school.

[I really don't know where this principal learned this cruel system from.]

Saiki, who left the practice completely behind, finally joined the practice group organized by the president. Because everyone had no experience, he prepared several different locations and divided them into groups for members to choose freely.

Saiki decided to go to the practice closest to hus home so now he esd the teacher's assistant at the Hero Kindergarten.

Although it was the summer vacation, the kindergarten has dedicated teachers to stay behind to take care of the children who have just awakened their quirk and cannot control them yet.

Some children's awakened quirks have great lethality. If parents cannot work with their children all the time, it is easy for them to hurt themselves and the people around them because of their uncontrollable quirk. Therefore, the kindergarten deliberately ran summer interest classes, mainly to help children become familiar with their own quirk.

[I was in elementary school when I came here. I have not seen any kindergartens in this world. So I don't know what will be different.]

Saiki looked at the list of kindergarten notes in his hand.

"Hey~ It's the Hero Kindergarten, that brings back memories." Midoriya also saw the list in Saiki's hand.

'Speaking of it, Midoriya was from this kindergarten, right?'

Midoriya and Bakugou should both have been in this kindergarten.

"Yes, but I don't remember a lot of things and I heard that it was renovated before." Midoriya showed a big smiley face, his eyes bright, "I wobder what it looks like now..."

'Well, you'll know when you go.'

[Although I don't know why there is a bad  hunch that things won't go well today.]

By noon, the others of their group were finally here and the short-term study group organized a party to walk to the kindergarten.

"Wow, what a big door!"

"I think the environment looks great~"

"Hey, look at that kid, he looks super fluffy isn't he super cute?"

The group of people chattered and looked around excitedly.

"Wow, it really has changed a lot. It didn't feel like it was so big before and it didn't look so good...", Midoriya also looked around curiously.

Although it really looked good, Saiki still has a subtle bad hunch.

"Well, that's it. Please remember not to hurt the children!" The serious study committee instructed them once again and gave look at today's unusually silent Bakugou. He emphasized, "Whether it's physical or their feelings!"


Katsuki Bakugou is also one of those who chose to come to this kindergarten to practice.

[This is probably why I had the hunch that it will be difficult today.]

[What is the reason for Bakugou thinking he can take good care of children?]

[Will he really not get into a fight with them?]

Recalling that he can even have a fight with a fish, Saiki expressed great concern for the child taken care of him for today.

"Now, please come to me to get the number plate first and then go to the corresponding classroom to find the child holding the same thing as you!"

[A child with a rabbit hair clip in Class C]

Saiki and Midoriya, who held the plate for Class C, walked towards it to pick up their children.

[Hopefully, that child will be just as obedient as a rabbit...]

Saiki opened the door and stepped sideways.

A doll quickly swept across, hitting Midoriya who was behind Saiki before he could react.

"Yes! Right in the face!"

[It doesn't look like they will.]

He thought while supporting an unstable Midoriya.

"Ah... It hurts...", Midoriya covered his nose with tears in his eyes, "What... What was that, suddenly..."

"Hahaha~ That stupid guy got hit, quick run away! These idiots will infect us with their stupid germs!" A kid with a blindfold made a grimace at Midoriya, screaming and jumping off the table, leading the other children in the classroom to run around the room.

"Wait, wait! Are you Itsuki? Is that right?", Midoriya found the familiar blindfold on the child's face, who was yelling and running away, "Wait a minute, don't run around in the room! You might fall, it's dangerous..."

[Yare Yare, looks like it will be very tiring for you, Midoriya.]

Saiki looked at Midoriya sympathetically, who was submerged by the children, then he looked around and found the little girl sitting quietly by the window, wearing a rabbit hair clip.

'Hello, are you Yanagi-san? ' Saiki came to the little girl and asked politely.

The little girl looked up at him and nodded slightly, looking cold and alienated, "Are you the new one they sent?"


'New one?'

"Give up, I won't go back." Yanagi looked away from Saiki.

[Yare yare, I can't hear it.]

Saiki squatted down, held up Yanagi's face with both hands and stared straight into her eyes.

[......Wait! What is he doing?!! So close...]

[Okay, it's a female version of Kaidou Shun.]

Saiki lets go of her face and sighed.

[I already feel tired.]


"...What class would be in such a place..."

Bakugou followed the note with the instruction to go the pool behind the school building, "Isn't this just an ordinary pool."

"Big brother, are you today's teacher?" A soft voice sounded, full of curiosity.

Bakugou lowered his head and saw his "little child" with his eyes wide open against the wall of the pool.


The child heard the a bit hesitant sound of Bakugou and angrily puffed his cheeks. "I'm not a goldfish, but a koi that brings good luck!"

Bakugou snorted and sat directly beside the pool. "Whatever, are you Hirose?"

"I am~ What's your name?" Hirose Tachibana propped himself up a little while holding the edge of the pool, his tail flapping against the water as he smiled brightly.

"Katsuki Bakugou."




[Oh no, the atmosphere is super awkward.]

[Should I say something?]

Saiki hesitated a little but broke the silence.

'Who did you mean before?'

[There should ve no problem starting from the topic that the other party is interested in.]

"They are them." The concise answer left no trace of new information at all.

'...' So who are they?

'Then does Yanagi want to go out to play? '

Saiki tried again.

"No, my friend will come to me in a moment."


The atmosphere fell into an awkward silence again.

[Is it so difficult to deal with kids nowadays?]


"Hey, big brother~ Hirose doesn't want to practice his water ball anymore~ Hirose wants to go out and play~"

Under the sun, by the pool, the little boy shook the chubby fishtail and pleaded the teenager sitting in the shades.

"Hah? You can't even control a small water ball. Aren't you embarrassed to say that you are a fish-shaped alien that can't even control water?" Bakugou was too lazy to raise his eyelids and mocked him mercilessly.

"Huh? But what if Hirose wants to go to Yanagi?" Hirose put his head on the shore and muttered dissatisfied, "Big brother is also completely ignoring Hirose~ Hmph~ "

"Stupid fish are happy to swim in the water by chasing their own tail aren't they?" Bakugou squinted his eyes lazily and continued a brutal and personal attack on a four-year-old boy.



Is he finally quiet?

Bakugou opened his eyes slightly and wanted to see why he suddenly didn't talk anymore...


"Hey! What are you crying for?! Hey-l——don't cry!"

The summer sun was slightly dazzling. The little boy in the pool pitifully grabbed the edge of the pool, biting his lip, he wasn't talking, but crying silently, he looked like he was being bullied.

"Hey, hey, I told you to stop crying, I didn't do anything!!!"

Bakugou lost his temper with the tears that Hirose produced after his words and stood up angrily from the ground, "I got it! We'll go find that Yanaga okay?"

"It's Yanagi!"

Hirose Tachibana immediately stopped his tears and showed a big smile.

"You..." Bakugou's face turned dark instantly.

"Big brother I remembered what you said very clearly——You can't even control a small water ball. Aren't you embarrassed to say that you are a fish-shaped alien that can't even control water? "

"...You get out and let's leave."

"Oh~ Hirose doesn't have legs to walk. So big brother has to to carry me ~" Hirose raised his innocent face and stretched out his small hands.

"...Hmph, little jerk, I'll blow you up."


In the Class C classroom.

Unlike Itsuki who was busy running away and causing trouble for Midoriya, the atmosphere around Yanagi and Saiki was quiet and terrible.

From the moment Saiki came into the room, Yanagi was sitting by the window and looking out, without changing her posture.

[She is way too quiet for a 4-year-old.]

Saiki, who was also sitting by the window, watched the sun slowly going down.

[And where is your best friend? Is there really such a person?]

Suddenly she seemed to see something, her eyes lit up. She climbed up the table, kneeled on it, opened the window, and shouted happily to the outside, "My dear friend, you are finally here!"

[Are they finally here?]

A little curious, Saiki also got up and stood behind Yanagi, poking his head out.

[Hold the child properly, Bakugou!]

Not far away, Bakugou walked over here, holding a few clothes in one hand and carrying his backpack in the other, in the bag was a cute little boy... fish?

"Yanagi-chan l~~ I'm here~~" The little merman waved his hand out of the backpack, his eyes narrowed with a smile.

"Is this wicked little brat looking for you?" Bakugou's crimson eyes looked at the sun that had crossed the window impatiently and ran towards him.

"You jerk!" Aoi Yanagi ran to Bakugou in two steps, carefully taking the backpack with Hirose and looked at Bakugou angrily. "What did you do to my best friend?"

"Hah? " Bakugou looked straight at Saiki. "You should thank me for bringing him over."

[Sure enough, here it is, the trouble.]

Saiki looked at Bakugou and had an idea in his heart.

'Is it okay for this child to leave the water like this?'

"Who cares about him, he can't die anyway."

Bakugou bypassed the two children and walked to Saiki.

Holding the window frame next to Saiki's ear with one hand and holding his collar with the other, he pulled him towards himself, Bakugou looked down at Saiki's eyes hidden behind the glasses and grinned a little ironically, "Is there nothing else you want to say?"

'No, not at all.'

Even when he felt the closeness of Bakugou's oppression, Saiki's expression remained unchanged.

"Is that so?......"

"Then let's have a fight after today, four-eyed freak!" Bakugou loosened Saiki's collar and made several explosions in his hand, his eyes flashed with excitement, "Use your strange quirk!"

[Ah... There it is.]
