The 88. Disastrous Day

When Bakugou realized that Saiki was gone, the few students who were still in the hot springs had been sent off by Aizawa, who rushed over.

"Hey, did you see four-eyes?"

Impatiently stuffing his things in his bag and swinging it over his shoulder, Bakugou turned to ask Kirishima who was next to him.

Kirishima turned his head: "I have a name you know... I didn't see him, but Kaminari said that he saw Saiki and Todoroki leaving together."

He was standing at the door waiting for Kaminari, who hadn't come out yet. The two said they would go back and play games.


Frowning, Bakugou didn't understand how the two of them got together.

"Oh, right Bakugou, do you want to go back together to play later?"

Kirishima suddenly remembered and invited him.

Bakugou raised his head: "Huh?"

Kirishima pointed to the locker room: "Kaminari said he secretly brought poker cards, we can play later!"

"I'm not interested."

Rolling his eyes, Bakugou planned to find some water to drink, so he left first.

——Who knows how long Kaminari will take.

There were not that many small rooms for students to stay in, so everyone is in two big rooms where together.

Of course, this is also convenient for them to get to know each other better.

"Come, let's play cards!"

Kaminari excitedly took out a stack of poker from his bag.

"Kaminari, gambling is prohibited!!

The class rep Iida's glasses reflected the light his gaze sharp.


Kaminari's hand that was holding the cards shook, stunned.

"I'm just playing with them, it's not as serious..."

"No! If there is a first time then there will be a second time. As the class rep, I cannot allow this kind of thing..."

Iida closely stared at the poker in Kaminari's hands, as if it were not a just stack of innocent cards, but sinful poison.


Kaminari was completely speechless. He turned his head to look at Midoriya with a pleading look.

Touching his head, Mirodiya smiled awkwardly. Iida sometimes was a bit too upright. Before he also thought that the gaming hall was a bad place.

"Um... Iida, I think  you should occasionally relax a bit..."

He carefully persuaded, "And I believe that Kaminari will definitely not get addicted to gambling or something!"

Midoriya's words seemed to reassure Iida a little, but he was still a bit hesitant.

"But doing this kind of thing as students of UA... Sure enough, I still can't agree!"

Seeing Iida waver, Kaminari's eyes lit up and he immediately jumped up and showed some card tricks to Kirishima.

So when Bakugou returned, he saw a room full of demons.

Bakugou: "..."

Kaminari, Kirishima, Jiro and Ashido who came over to play cards were in a serious match right now, while everyone around looked at the lively circle, including Iida, who was staring at them intensively, although he didn't say anything, his face revealed disagreement if he found something wrong he would rush up to stop them.

Midoriya sat on the side with a complex expression, wondering if he did the right thing.

"Oh, Bakugou, you're back!"

Kirishima was the first who discovered Bakugou who came back alone, greeted him casually and threw a card out happily.

"My turn!!!"

Bakugou walked in with a cold face and went straight to the corner where Todoroki was sitting and quietly reading.

The handsome boy was not affected by the noise in this room while sitting alone in a corner, as if immersed in his own world, out of tune with the surroundings, but somehow also perfectly integrated.

Bakugou's eyes stared at him, the corners of his mouth moved and turned into an unpleasant arc.

"Do you know where four-eyes is?"

He went straight to the point.

Todoroki paused his hand that was about to turn a page and turned his head slightly: "He went out."

His voice is very calm, as if not aware of the aggressiveness of the other person.

His inexplicable anger calmed down a bit, Bakugou lifted his chin, finally able to speak properly: "...Where did he go so late at night?"

Without looking up, Todoroki answered.

"I don't know, you can go find him yourself."


Although he was annoyed that he didn't get the answer he wanted, Bakugou coulf see that Todoroki really didn't know where Saiki was.

After a pause, he reluctantly said, "...Thanks."

This one word was more powerful than all the previous questions.

Todoroko finally raised his head and looked at the classmate in front of his eyes: "...So someone like you can also thank someone, huh."

Suddenly, the corners of his mouth twitched fiercely, if such a provocative words were told to the Bakugou from before, he would have already punched him.

[——What the hell do you mean by that?!!]

Taking a deep breath to calm himself down a little bit, he turned his head and walked away, afraid he might beat up the person in front of him if he stayed for another second.


Not quite understanding why Bakugou suddenly looked like he was going to kill someone, Tororoki blinked.

——He just casually said what he thought...


After walking out of the hot spring Saiki said goodbye to Todoroki and walked off alone.

Their training camp was in an unknown mountain ditch surrounded by a forest.

This kind of place where there is no one else near him was always particularly relaxing—of course, his classmates didn't count.

Saiki, who was always surrounded by noisy thoughts, was almost so used to it, now he could even selectively ignore some peoples' strange thoughts.

[But I should occasionally be by myself for a while.]

Sitting at the place where they had dinner in the afternoon, Saiki was lying on the table with his head. If he didn't listen to the cheers and screams of everyone in the house, it was actually quite comfortable.

"...I was wondering where you would be, turns out you're here."

A familiar boy's hoarse voice sounded behind Saiki.

'It's really noisy inside.'

Saiki said rather weakly, keeping his face on his arms that were resting on the table.

The other slowly walked out of the shadows and was exposed to the light cast by the moonlight.

Bakugou put his hands in his pockets and walked over casually—as if he did not search several possible places before.

"So you went here alone?"

Saiki turned his head slightly and looked at him.

The young man walked into the moonlight little by little, a breeze blew slightly lifting his clothing corner and moved the grass beneath his feet that was extending into the boundless forest.

Under the moonlight, the golden short hair moved up and down, reflecting a soft scattered light.

His eyes didn't show its usual fierceness and the strong contrasting red reflected the bright white light of the moon, which made one cannot help but hold their breath.


After being quiet for a while, Saiki suddenly spoke up.


The teenager raised his head slightly, his jaw tense as if he was alert.

'I never asked, but what exactly do you like about me '

This unexpected question left the teenager a little stunned.

But soon, he reacted, acting a bit more arrogant.

"What's so good about asking this kind of question?"

Rolling his eyes, Bakugou walked in front of Saiki and sat down, resting his chin on his palm.

[Because you never said it and it all happened too suddenly.]

Saiki's face was expressionless, his eyes silently following Bakugou's movement.

But the teenager who never cared about anything was extremely determined this time. No matter how Saiki looked at him to urge him to say it, he kept his mouth shut.

[If you act like this it will make me feel that someone has put a spell on you.]

Since in his impression of this imposing tyrant, he was not a person who would like someone—you could also say that the word 'like' would never have anything to do with him.

Perhaps he was uncomfortable with Saiki's indifferent gaze, Bakugou soon turned his head away: "So, you answer me first."

He didn't plan to answer anything without getting the answer he wanted first.

'...Today's moon is really round.'

After a little silence, Saiki skipped this topic naturally.


Feeling the vein on his forehead was about to pop, Bakugou grinded his teeth fiercely, wanting to grab the man in front of him, who was always avoiding things, by the collar and shaking him fiercely.

"Yeah, round and bright."

With a sneer, he said this with unhidden sarcasm in his tone.

"I heard that there would be a meteor shower, but I don't think we will be able to see it."


Saiki froze and then looking up, his gaze strange.

'...You also wanted to watch that meteor shower?'

[——Is this fucking about the meteor shower right now?!]

Roaring this inwardly, Bakugou didn't show his frustration and even showed a fake smile: "Yeah, I really—wanted to see it, what a pity."

[——But what I want to see even more is what you are thinking in you head.]


Seemingly not expecting such a direct answer, Saiki was silent again.

"And I heard that this meteor shower was very rare, especially suitable for lovers to watch together!"

Intentionally imitating the look and tone of Ashido, Bakugou saw Saiki's stunned expression and felt a bit better in his heart.

[—Hmph, who let you pull the topic to the stars and the moon.]

'... You know a meteor shower is just a pile of ugly stones.'

Unconsciously pursing his lips, Saiki seemed completely unable to understand Bakugou's interest in them.

"Hah, what the hell do you know."

Bakugou looked at Saiki, who had completely believed the bullshit he had just said and grinned, feeling a sense of victory.

"A meteor shower is just like a symbol, those idiots in those dramas always have that kind of thing."

'Drama... So it's like that, I understand.'

Saiki straightened up his back and his face showed understanding.


The smile in his eyes disappeared, Bakugou was at a loss.


[——What did you understand... that you've been fooled?]

Blinking, he now realized that Saiki didn't seem to have been looking at himself this whole time, at most he just stared at somewhere behind him.

"...Hey, look at me."

Frowning, this small detail that he just discovered made Bakugou's mood become extremely bad.

The person on the opposite side didn't move, his eyes out of focus as if he was daydreaming.

The pink hair on both sides of his cheeks floated slightly and then Saiki suddenly said: 'In fact, I have been thinking about your question for a long time.'


Bakugou didn't realize what question he was talking about, but the annoyance in his heart just now had already been left behind.

'Because I'm someone who has superpowers, not even mentioning love, even if it's normal feelings or emotions, they're already hard for me to feel or have.'

Saiki said these words in his head many times already. Sometimes he was complaining about it and sometimes he was introducing this fact, but this was the first time he said this to someone.

Bakugou listened to him carefully while placing his hands on the table.

'So, my answer to these situations would always be no.'

Once he decided to face it, Saiki would simply and directly reject without any hesitation.

'I can hear someones' thoughts at any time, anywhere, it will let me know the deepest and darkest thoughts in a person's heart. '

'Someone's appearance doesn't matter, because I can only see a skeleton.'

'There is no way for me to express emotions such as surprise or happiness, so even if I became a couple with somebody, there would be no sweetness or happiness between us.'

Slightly tilting his head, Saiki's eyes met Bakugou'S for the first time tonight. His purple pupils seemed to see through his soul and his calm voice seemed to come from far away.

'I'm sorry, I can't respond to your feelings Bakugou.'

Although he has been rejected many times and there have been experiences where his feelings were not taken into consideration at all.

But at this time, when Saiki's last word fell and there was only a rustling sound of wind and leaves around him, Bakugou still felt a sense of powerlessness.

——All his efforts and persistence were like this wind, trying to shake the tree for its leaves but ending up in vain.

In this silence, he watched Saiki politely nod at him, standing up in the moonlight and leaving.

As calm and collected as he usually was.


Another strong wind came blowing, bringing the unique earthy and grassy air from the forest.

Something brushed over Bakugou's cheek and landed on his hand.

It was a leaf that had just fallen from the tree, it was intact, dark green, its veins were clear and still full of vitality.
