The 3. Disastrous Day

Noon has almost passed, but the number of people in the exhibition has not decreased but increased instead, especially around the platform in the center of the venue which was surrounded by layers of people.

[I want to go home quickly.]

Saiki glanced at the crowd with disdain.

"Ahhh, I'm really looking forward to it," Midoriya leaned his head next to Saiki excitedly and wanted to see what was going on on stage. "There were also matches yesterday, but only four people were drawn. I heard today there will be five of them!"

"Ladies and gentlemen!" Suddenly a voice passed through the hall, full of passion, "Welcome!!!"

"Oh, oh! It started, it started!"

[Yes, I can see it, so can you let me go?]

Saiki was paralysed since Midoriya was pulling his sleeve and waving his hands.

[Ah, this is really troublesome.]


A piece of paper was stuck on Saiki's face.

[Ok? what is this?]

【...More than 1000 coffee jelly to take home!!!...】

'Midoriya, this is the prize for this competition, right?'

Saiki held the leaflet in front of Midoriya.

"...Ah? Ah, yes.", Midoriya was startled by Saiki, he touched his head and answered with a little embarrassment, "But there are too many people, it's impossible to get drawn."

[Well, if it was a normal person, the probability should be very small.]

"——The last two lucky audience members are——"

[But for those with superpowers—]

"Numbers 189 and 203!"

[——It's a 100% probability!]

Midoriya froze. He repeatedly looked at the number in his hand, No. 189, then pulled and looked at Saiki's number, No. 203.

"......Is this real?"

'Yes, Midoriya.'

Saiki took the lead to walk on the stage, his back looking determined.

[For the 1000 servings of coffee jelly!]

The host took a total of 5 people. In addition to Midoriya and Saiki, there were two cute girls and...

[Ah, this world is too small.]

"Hah? Why are Deku and pink head here too?!", When Bakugou saw Saiki and Midoriya he was first stunned and then he exploded.

"Ka-Kacchan?!", Midoriya didn't expect to meet Bakugou here, he was still immersed in the joy of being drawn and waved his hands in panic, "This is because of, um..."

'So why are you here?' Saiki asked.

[Things are getting more troublesome.]

"Hah? Do you still need to ask?", Bakugou showed his fist and fiercely glared at the two, "Of course I'm here to win!"

[So, Midoriya and I cheated with superpowers and Bakugou actually got selected by himself...]

What a lucky guy.

[But speaking of my dedication to coffee jelly...]

[I will not lose to anyone.]

Saiki looked at Bakugou, for coffee jelly, he'll take it a little more seriously.

"Huh?..." Bakugou also noticed Saiki's changes and showed a provocative smile. "Finally, being serious huh, this guy."

"But the champion is going to be me!"

'No, the champion will be me.'

So after Midoriya returned to his senses, what he saw was his two classmates who looked at each other like they are about to start a war.

"Hmm? ...What happened?"

"Well! Round one will be a quiz!"

"The tagline is: As long as it's about All Might, I know everything!!!"

"With a total of 10 questions, the 4 audience members who got the most correct answers will proceed to the next round!"

Saiki evoked a small smile. 

[Yare Yare, it's easy to answer the questions. As long as you use telepathy, you can know the answer in the examiner's mind.]

"So, the first round, starts, now!"

"Question 1: Which of the following combat suits was All Might wearing during school?"

As the topic was projected on the big screen, the host asked questions with enthusiasm and at the same time thought to himself, [Do you really need to think, of course, it's B, this retro-inspired design, that All Might designed himself...]


Hearing the voice of the host, Saiki paused and felt that something was wrong, [But...]

"Wham—", there was a loud sound of someone hitting the button on the left side of Saiki and then there was an arrogant roar "What kind of question is this? The answer is C, of course! C!"

"Ohp? One audience member has already uttered the answer first, so is the answer to this question C? Let's see—" The host looked at Bakugou with a smile, but felt unfortunate in his heart, [What a confident child, but sadly you're wrong. The answer is B...]

"The correct answer is——
C!!! Let's congratulate this lucky guest to answer a question correctly first!" [What?!! It's really C! This is impossible. I was wrong?!!]

Saiki looked expressionless on the surface with the host having a congenial smile on his face. Congratulating Bakugou, but the host was mad inside, questioning himself.

[Please leave, you fake fan!]

Although the host was very unreliable, there was still his reliable classmate Bakugou on the left side of Saiki, so he finally passed the first level successfully, but Midoriya almost didn't make it because he often didn't push the button on time.

"Now moving on to the second round of this competition——"

"Fishing for goldfish!!"


[Why are goldfish prepared at such a venue?]

[Doesn't it feel too casual to say that the event is fishing for goldfish?]

[Is it really not a summer festival now?]

Although he was voicing this in his mind, Saiki still obediently led the paper net to try to fish for goldfish, but——

[I'm not good at such a delicate activity.]

Looking at the pinched handle in his hand, Saiki was lost in thought.

[Because of my physical attribute, it is difficult for me to control my strength, just like when I throw a ball in dodge ball it's a really soft throw or it's a life-threatening throw that can kill instantly.]

Changing the net again, Saiki stared at the goldfish swimming flexibly under the water and seized the opportunity to quickly shovel it!——

"Ah, it hurts! What is this?" The host was watching the only girl left on the stage fishing for goldfish and suddenly received a heavy blow, "Hah? Who was it? Is someone trying to murder me?!" [It really hurts. If it wasn't for my defensive quirk, I would've died. Hey!]

[...I'm really sorry, but even if your quirk is not defensive, I wouldn't let you die.]

Realizing that something bad was happening, Saiki immediately collected the "weapon" and then looked at the dying goldfish with some guilt.

[...Well, rest in peace, little goldfish.]

With guilt, Saiki restored the time of the goldfish to the previous day and then put it back into the pool.

[It looks like I can only use my telepathy.]

Saiki observed some of the other contestants. The remaining girl did not seem to be very good at it, so now there were two of them. Midoriya has already caught 6 goldfish...

[So you're unexpectedly the dexterous type huh, Midoriya.]

Saiki was a little surprised in his heart and then turned his head.

"Hah? What is this damn goldfish jumping for?" Bakugou stared at the goldfish struggling on the floor . "Do you want me to kill you? Hah?"

[...Why can he argue with a fish in such a serious way?]

Saiki watched Bakugou who glared at the goldfish while his hands produced small explosions.

[Please, let it go, it's just an innocent goldfish.]

"Ka-Kacchan ?!" Midoriya followed Saiki's gaze and almost jumped up, "Don't do that, Kacchan! Your quirk will grill the fish!"

"I don't need you to tell me this kind of thing, Deku!" Bakugou looked at Midoriya with a vicious glare. "Who do you think you are?!"

"No, it's not like that, just..." Midoriya looked at the goldfish still struggling in the hands of Bakugou and decided to try again. "...Because if you don't put it in the water, it will really die."

"Hah? How could it die so quickly?!"

"But, but..."

"Shut up! If I say it won't then it won't!"


[Are you really not an elementary school student, Bakugou?]

When Midoriya tried to stop Bakugou, Saiki quickly picked up 5 goldfish with his abilities. Now he was leisurely standing and watching Bakugou saying that he would not die, but his body was very honest, he still put the goldfish back into the water.

Finally, the results of the second round were 4 goldfish by the unknown girl, 5 by Saiki, 6 by Midoriya and Bakugou. So the members moving to the third round were Saiki, Bakugou and Midoriya.

[......Really? As a girl, I lost at fishing goldfish to 3 men...], the unknown girl left with a skeptical expression.

[It doesn't matter, in fact you just lost to two men——if this can comfort you——although it seems to make no difference.]

Saiki pushed his glasses and watched the girl's beaten back.

"Finally, the long-awaited third round!"

"Actually, the three lucky viewers who are staying now will all receive the prizes provided by the organizers of this contest, but the most prized prize is only for the first place! Now then let us start——pick up your paintbrush and paint the beauty of All Might!"

[Ahhhh, finally there is a normal task.]

[So who is the one responsible for the second task? The style of the tasks is completely different.]

"By the way, we just contacted All Might himself, so the second task was a temporary change of style since All Might himself came up with this! His original words were——"

"Real heroes must coexist with power and care. Even the smallest goldfish must be treated with the gentlest attitude!"


Saiki stared at the suddenly excited Bakugou and Midoriya, who were almost moved to tears, especially the latter who was mumbling, "I actually did the task of All Might..."

[You're reaction is way too exaggerated, Midoriya.]

Not mentioning the impact of the sudden appearance of the word "All Might", the main rule of the third task was to invite some audience members to the stage and the three contestants on the stage will draw according to the description. The audience is then asked to identify what is drawn and the final ranking will be determined by the audience's votes.

[Although the rules may seem complicated and rigorous, it is actually an alternative version of you draw and the others guess.]

The host randomly selected an audience to come on stage and then started to answer questions separately.

When he arrived at Saiki's side, the host hugged a box and said this with a smile, "Okay, young boy, pick a theme of your own."


Saiki opened looked at the notes inside the box.

[Let's choose a simple one.]

[Eating beef, doing laundry, dancing ballet...]

[Having no toilet paper in the bathroom?...]

There are black lines hanging on Saiki's head. What are these themes?

In the end, he chose the most normal possible [doing homework].

"Ah, by the way, all questions must be presented in the image of All Might. Without All Might, it is considered unqualified."


Saiki froze and looked at the note in his hand.

[All Might, 2 meters and 255 kilograms in weight, as a beautiful muscular man who needs to sit at home and do his homework.]


After all three got their respective questions, they had 10 minutes to draw. Saiki took a few strokes on the paper with a pen and then focused on using [Thoughtography] to imagine that All Might was writing at home  of Midoriya.


[No, this way I can't concentrate at all.]


One of the superpowers of Saiki is the ability to make landscapes and creatures appear on paper using only imagination. But the time limit is he must be focused on this matter for a minute, without the slightest different thought.

Saiki tried a few more times before finally letting All Might begin with the homework.

[It's a difficult subject.]

[It's not easy to think about it for 1 minute.]

When the time was up, the host collected the drawings of the three and put them on the projection for the chosen audience to identify.

"Now the first drawing, everyone!"

It was a stick figure, drawn in a few strokes, outlining a rough shape. Although it wad not very detailed, it can be seen that All Might iwa lifting weights and drawn with his two iconic hairstreaks and bulging muscles on his body.

[This was probably drawn by Midoriya. The characteristics are great.]

Sure enough, the audience quickly uttered the keyword "exercise the body", so Midoriya's drawing ended successfully.

"Next is the second drawing—"

This drawing had a lot more details than the previous one. It can be seen that the person had a good foundation. In the middle of the picture was also All Might, but he was wearing a suit, tightly attached to his body, sitting on a seemingly domineering chair, showing s thumbs up with his right hand and revealing his teeth with a smile.

[Is he truly an all-rounded genius? The drawing is surprisingly good. Looking at this picture it should express success or something?]

Saiki was also a bit confused about what this picture wanted to express and simply listened to the thoughts of Bakugou.

[...No, Bakugou, I think no one would be able to guess that.]

It's really unexpected that the keyword of Bakugou is...

"Isn't it obvious? Hey!", Finally, after the audience timed out and did not say the correct answer, Bakugou broke out. He stared at the audience with cannibalistic eyes, "The office worker who likes to sit! Isn't it shown properly?!!! "

[...So even though the elements have been shown, they haven't thought about thar at all.]

As someone who was also confused by the drawing of Bakugou, Saiki kept his opinion.

"Finally, the third audience member——Oh! Those are really amazing art skills!", The host exclaimed as Saiki's drawing was projected.

[Of course. The power will map the original image in his mind on the paper, so it looks like it was printed by a computer, just—]

"Well? Don't you think this All Might's expression is strange?"

"Yes, and this is way too detailed, you can see that the answer to the first question is wrong in the exercise book."

"Ah, I have the same pajamas as this picture!"

"Huh? Really?"

[...Yes, all kinds of details that I didn't realize but did exist will be mapped together.]

[...I feel sorry for Midoriya.]

Midoriya found that the drawing was his own bedroom and instantly turned pale. He turned his head stiffly and looked at Saiki tearfully: "Sai-Saiki-san... this, this..."

With some guilt, Saiki turned his head relentlessly, ignoring Midoriya's gaze.

"Very good! It's finally time to announce the ranking!"

"Because no one could guess Mr. Bakugou's painting, he is automatically reduced to the third prize!"

"Damn it !! Why don't these idiots go to the ophthalmology department for a check-up!"

"And after voting, the second place is our Mr. Midoriya!"

"Ah... Ah! Yes! Thank you very much!"

"Finally, No. 1 where everyone agreed on, Mr. Saiki!"

[Yes, Yes, I know. Hurry up and award the prize.]

"So congratulations to Mr. Kusuo Saiki for winning our grand prize today——the student-time training notes provided by All Might himself!"


Saiki's face was blank, his eyes stared at the handwritten notebook tucked into his hand and the self-portrait of all Might on the cover that showed his big white teeth and raising his thumb.

[Wait, what about the coffee jelly?!!]

[1,000 servings?!!]

Saiki quickly turned to look at Midoriya, 'Speak, explain, Izuku Midoriya.'

"That's great... All Might's handwritten notebook...", Midoriya looked at the notebook in Saiki's hand with an envious look. "They didn't have it yesterday. It must have been given after contacting All Might today......"

'No, it's not this, Midoriya.', Saiki's face has visibly darkened. 'What about the coffee jelly? That flyer.'

Maybe Saiki's eyes were too scary. Midoriya finally understood him. He looked at Bakugou. "Ah, that, it's a consolation prize for the third place."

Bakugou looked at the stack of dessert coupons in disgust, "Tch, who would eat so much sweet and unhealthy stuff..."

[Bakugou, what an enviable man.]

The desire in Saiki's eyes has almost materialized.

He thought about it for a moment, holding the notebook in his hand, he walked towards Bakugou, 'Bakugou, let's change our prizes.'

Bakugou froze for a moment, then looked at Saiki, his expression distorted, his whole person was about to explode, "Hah? What are you talking about? You pink four-eyed freak !!"

[What are you doing?!! Are you pitying me? Or even came here and took the first place to show off?!!!!]

[Bakugou, your heart is really dark.] Saiki watched the violent Bakugou and decided to go along with him. 'These are All Might's training notes. My quirk is telepathy, so it's more useful for you.'

Bakugou seemed to calm down a bit. He looked at Saiki suspiciously and gave a disdainful smirk. "You should keep this to yourself, it might make you a little stronger."

[...This is bad, I can't hit him, the dessert coupons are still in his hand.]

Saiki looked at the dessert coupons in his hand again, 'No, I'm born with no muscles, so these notes are less wasteful if I gave them to you.'

Bakugou was ready to leave. He didn't change with him even after listening to Saiki. He looked at him strangely and then showed a stern expression, "Your little pet Deku, doesn't he want it?"

"Even if I have no such thing, I will beat you next time, just you wait!"

After Bakugou spoke, he arrogantly patted his hand on Saiki's face, turned and left.

[Saying so much just for this thing, this guy who likes to eat sweets can't be a woman now can he...]

'Bakugou...', Saiki catches a thick stack of dessert coupons sliding down his face.

[Although he doesn't look like a good person, he actually is a good guy.]

[But who said that men are not allowed to like sweets.]

"Ah, Saiki-san, are you ready to leave?", Midoriya just went to find the host and then saw Saiki holding two prizes, "Huh? Isn't this the prize of Kacchan, how come you have it?"

'No, it's nothing, I just owe him one now.', Saiki stuffed the dessert coupon into his pocket, holding the notebook in his other hand, 'Midoriya, let's head back.'

"? ...Yeah!", Midoriya suddenly seemed happy and didn't bother about the coupon, "Hey, Saiki-san, listen to me..."

[Ah, is it starting again?]

Saiki and Midoriya walked side by side, one listening to the other.

It was going to be dark soon, when it's time to separate at the station, Saiki gave All Might's training notebook to Midoriya.

"Oh my, is Kusuo already back?" His mother, Saiki Kurumi, wore an apron and happily greeted him. "Did you get along well with your friend?"

"Hah? What?" His father, Saiki Kuniharu rolled out of the living room and shook his wives shoulders vigorously. "Did Kusuo actually go out with friends? That Kusuo? Who is so cold-blooded that he looked at his Dad licking shoes and would not help? Does Kusuo even have friends?"

[For real? Is it a girl, Kusuo? Is it a cute and gentle girl??!!] Saiki Kuniharu kept suggesting in his heart, his eyes brightened.

'Don't come near me, you filthy grown-up' Saiki pushed away his father's distorted face expressionlessly.

"Hey~ Don't do this, papa", Saiki Kurumi hugged him with a happy face, "It's Izuku who came to look for Kusuo before~"

"——Huh, so it's a boy, really how useless are you Kusuo? " the atmosphere around Saiki Kuniharu was dim. "But it's no surprise. How could he have a girl as a friend like this..."

'Hey, you said that out loud.', Saiki said indifferently

"Papa~ What girl are you talking about?" Saiki Kurumi held a kitchen knife in her hand and looked at the father kindly.

"No, no, it's not like that!" He turned around and his whole person shrank. "Listen, listen to me explain, Mama! Don't you love me the most, Mama?!"

"Oh my, is Papa blaming me for hearing it wrong?"

"No, no! The knife in Mama's hand is too dangerous, so why not-aaaaahh! Help! Kusuo!!!"

[Yeah, isn't this self-serving, father.]

Saiki went into the kitchen and poured a glass of water. He watched his father flee from his mother in a good mood.

[After all, today really is another disastrous day.]

Putting his hand into his pocket he came across something of a certain thickness.

[...Well, although the results are not that bad.]

Saiki looked at the dessert coupons in his hand and his lips twitched slightly.
