The 33. Disastrous Day

Because there are still lessons tomorrow, everyone in Class 1-A did not stay for too long. After having dinner in the restaurant, it was decided that it was about time to go back.

In the end, Hagakure's secretly brought wine was confiscated by the alert Iida after Kirishima took a sip and most of the cake made by Bakugou was wasted as a weapon.

Saiki and Midoriya were walking home together and the other party was excited to tell him the process of putting forward and operating this surprise party today.

"... and because only my thoughts can't be heard by Saiki-san, they sent me to hold Saiki-san occupied today," Midoriya explained, "When we saw some classmates several times, it really scared me ... "

Saiki walked slowly behind him, recalling that today he has been constantly seeing the classmates who should've actually avoided him.

[Well, if it wasn't for me being a little tired because of me not sleeping last night, I would have noticed it already.]

So Bakugou was the biggest help for this party.

It was not too late at this time, the sun was hanging on the horizon, as they were walking on the road, the shadows of the two were stretched very long.

Midoriya suddenly stopped.

Saiki raised his eyebrow, 'What's wrong? '

"... At that time, thank you Saiki-san for extending your hand to me."

Midoriya turned sideways to look at Saiki and sunset's glow casted a soft shadow on his face.

Midoriya's eyes looked staight at Saiki without evading.

'...... Ah, because I saw you guys every day, it got annoying.' Saiki recalled that after he appeared in front of Midoriya for the first time he sticked to him like glue afterwards.

"Hey, why would say something like that at a time like this..." , Midoriya who was already in his nostalgic feelings, instantly got out by Saiki's words and complained.

'It's the truth.' Saiki still said mercilessly.

"But at that time I really was deeply moved ..."

Midoriya looked down and continued to walk. "Saiki-san basically doesn't talk to other people, but will come to help me when I'm bullied by Kacchan ..." he murmured.

[I just handed some tissues.]

Saiki did not speak, while he followed behind Midoriya.

"After you helped me, I decided to be Saiki-san's friend for life!"

Midoriya clenched his fists in detemination.

[Please spare me.]

Saiki calmly looked at the firm back of Midoriya.

"... I was really shocked when I saw Saiki-san's ability!" Midoriya continued, "... Not even the main character of a comic would have such amazing abilities..."

"But in fact I have noticed Saiki-san's unusual abilities before ..." Midoriya turned his head to show a slightly sly smile.

[It's amazing, you would notice that.]

Saiki was silent.

However, Midoriya seemed to know his thoughts and complained: "Saiki-san, it is not good for you to hide something like this, it is only natural for others to see that something is wrong!"

"Look, when I was a kid, I met a villain but I was unscathed, I was hit by a vase that fell from the sky, but I didn't get hurt. Every time Kacchan bullied me, his stomach hurts. There are so many of them, all because of Saiki-san!! " Midoriya used his fingers to count and was also shocked by the numbers.

[Would ordinary people have so much trouble happen around them?]

Slightly glancing at his oblivious childhood friend in annoyance, Saiki felt that all his worries for all these years were because of him.

"Well, after discovering a lot of things, I will start thinking wildly ..." Midoriya scratched his head.

He lowered his eyes to look at some old gray marks on the roadside wall.

"... Why did Saiki-san have to hide it? Is there any reason? Why can't you discuss it with me? Do you think you can't trust me--"

'Midoriya.' Saiki interrupted him, 'What are you thinking?'

"--I know, I know ... So, I only think about it occasionally ..."

This is the first time he talked to Saiki with was a frustrated taste in his tone, when he realized, he got a little nervous, "But I ... I have always seen Saiki-san as my best friend ..."

"So, yesterday when I received a message from Saiki-san. I was really ... really happy!" Midoriya had a smile on his face and his eyes were sparkling, " Saiki-san actually cares about my feelings... "

"It feels like... I finally got a little closer to Saiki-san !!!"

Saiki didn't speak, he only looked his friend.

Then he raised his hand and patted the top of Midoriya's fluffy head.

'Come on, let's go home. ' He said in a plain tone as usual.

Midoriya smiled, showing his teeth, "Yeah!"

When the two had to part ways and said goodbye. Midoriya waved at Saiki vigorously and shouted: "See you tomorrow, Saiki-san! ... I had a great time today !!!"

Then he turned and ran home, perhaps it's because he solved his problems, he looked more easy going than before.

[So do you even remember what we were actually doing today.]

Saiki felt that the purpose of this trip was almost forgotten, he turned around and walked back home.

"Kusuo ~ Oh my what a coincidence to actually meet you at the door ~!" His father came wriggling towards him.

'I refuse.' Saiki, who knew what his father was thinking through his telepathy, simply refused.

"What? Don't do this ~ Kusuo ~" The father hugged his son while asking.

'Let go, you trash.'

"Just one minute! One minute is enough! Doesn't Kusuo want dad to be able to watch the TV show completely ?! Cruel! How cruel!" Kuniharu Saiki shouted heartbroken.

'Hey, shut up! Others will hear you!' Saiki picked up his father who was lying on the ground, with a dark face.

"Then go buy mother's milk please!" His father stood up obediently and pulled out a handful of change from his pocket. "The usual that brand! ~"

Then with a snap, the door closed tightly in front of Saiki's eyes.

[This bastard ...]

Squeezing the money that was forced into his hand, saiki felt that a vein was about to pop.

Although for him, going to a convenience store to buy a box of milk is only a matter of him teleporting, the gap between doing this voluntary and being forced to is still very big.

If other people treat him this way, he may have been cursed them long ago, but the person who fell in front of him now is his father, what can he do--of course choose to forgive him.

With a sigh, Saiki teleported to a convenience store that he often went to. Fortunately, it was open 24 hours, otherwise most supermarkets are now closed.

When he came to the freezer, Saiki searched for the milk that his mother normally buys.

[Found it.]

This kind of fresh milk is usually sold out at night, but now there is still a box left.

When he reached out to take it, he saw that another hand was also reaching towards it.


He was the first to touch the milk packaging, Saiki picked it up and the other hand touched the empty space helplessly.

"Ah, it's gone ..." A sad voice muttered.

Saiki turned his head to the side and saw a boy wearing a junior high school uniform, who was quite short.

At this moment the boy was looking at the last bottle of milk in Saiki's hands, with longing in his eyes.

[I won't give it to you, I got it first.]

Saiki quickly put the milk in his hand into the shopping basket. Although the child looked like he wanted it, it was troublesome for him to deal with his mother too.

"It's a pity, I almost got it..." Seeing that Saiki didn't hesitate at all, the child's black eyes dimmed a little, as he said this to himself.

[This is mine even if it was only a short distance away. Give up.]

Saiki did not speak, pretending not to hear and decided to check out the coffee jelly next to it.

"It took me a long time to find it ..."

Saiki passed the shelf.

"It seems that it's only sold here ..."

Saiki looked up and compared the price of the coffee jellies.

"I really enjoyed it when I had it once before ..."

Saiki decided to wait for a discount day before buying any.

"What should I do now?"

Saiki finally couldn't stand the kid's voice that followed him around.

When he walked to the child who was still mumbling, Saiki vigorously put the carton of milk back into the freezer, making the whole fridge shake.

"... Huh, don't you want it?" The child was suprised by Saiki's sudden movement and then looked at him with his eyes wide open.

[Yes, you win, take it away!]

Saiki nodded blankly, turned around and picked up another milk that his mother had drunk to prepare for checkout.

"Ah, um, thank you very much!" The child picked up the milk brightly, chasing behind Saiki, "Do you also live near here ... feels like I haven't seen you before?"

'I don't go out often.' Bringing the milk to the cashier and checking it out, Saiki only answered shortly, feeling tired.

"Is that so... my name is Taketa Nissho... I live at" He introduced himself nervously.

'No need to say that when introducing yourself.' Saiki interrupted him,' don't just tell anyone your address. '

[Do the current junior high school students not even know this basic common sense?]

"But you just gave me the milk you're a good person ..." The boy whispered.

[Why can someone who gave one milk be called a good person now.]

Saiki, who didn't know why he was in an even worse mood, took milk and prepared to leave.

"Thank you for your visit!" The cashier said politely, and then turned to the young boy.

"Ah ... um." Taketa Nissho, who was looking at Saiki's back, looked back. Reached into his pocket with some panic, but touched an empty space.

"Ah, it's gone ..."

Saiki stopped.

"I clearly put it in here before ... when did it fall out ..." He searched all his pockets, but still didn't find anything.

"Could your step aside and search? There are people waiting in line behind ..." the cashier apologetically said and the boy, who looked very honest, was even more flustered.

'--I'll pay it for him. '

Sighing, Saiki turned around again.

"Thank you for your visit--"

The door of the convenience store closed behind them.

[Why would I use the coffee jelly money to pay for this kid.]

Saiki still couldn't figure out what he thought just now.

[Wasn't it good to just walk away?]

Feeling even more depressed, Saiki said nothing on the way back.

"Um!" Finally, when Saiki was almost home, the young boy spoke, looking a little embarrassed.

"... Thank you very much ..."

[I have heard enough of these words today.]

Saiki looked calm on the surface.

'It's nothing. '

It's really nothing, it's just a missing coffee jelly, nothing at all.

"No, please at least tell me your name ..." Taketa Nissho said weakly.

'Kusuo Saiki. '

Saiki has arrived at his house, he nodded towards the boy and then entered the house.

"Kusuo Saiki ..." The child whispered his name, showed a small smile and was a little happy in his heart.

"What a kind person ..."
