The 47. Disastrous Day

When Saiki and Midoriya returned to their classmates, Bakugou's battle had already started. The battle was him against Kirishima, both of them were rampant and fought fiercely.

[Yare yare, such youthful young men.]

Saiki was sitting on his seat, next to him was Todoroki, who sat down after.

Todoroki suddenly started talking, while still looking at the fight: "You seem to pay extra attention to Bakugou."

Saiki glanced at him: 'You pay the same attention to Midoriya. '

Midoriya: ... [confused.GIF]

Todoroki was not led away by him: "That's not the same."

Saiki: It's the same in every aspect.

There was a short silence.

"Before ..." Todoroki didn't go further into it and started a new topic, "it was a pity."

[Before ... Is it about All Might's class? ]

Saiki blinked and recalled their fight.

'The results were still good.' He concluded.

Todoroki didn't speak anymore, he only stared at the match between Bakugou and Kirishima.

On the right is the voice of Midoriya's enthusiastic analysis, on the left are the entangled thoughts of Todoroki.

Saiki finally couldn't stand it and said: 'The next round is our battle. '

"Yeah." But at times like this, Todoroki's answer was short and direct.

Saiki: ...

'I will be a little more serious.' He said, ' but it's up to you to use your left side. '

Todoroki froze, then turned to look at Saiki: "... Won't you persuade me?"

[Why should I persuade you. ]

——Seems like the mindset of handsome people are all relatively strange.

[After all his quirk is not that important, no matter if he used one side or both it wouldn't really change anything. ]

After being influenced by Midoriya, Todoroki still didn't know whether his persistence for all this time was right or wrong—And this is not something that can be clearly thought through in a short time.

"... I understand now." He lowered his gaze.

Although their relationship in private is good (?), in the battle Bakugou still showed no mercy, caught a mistake made by Kirishima and easily won.

"Let's go." Todoroki got up.

Saiki walked through the familiar passage again.

Why am I so weird today ...

There was a trace of irritation in his heart and a deep crack appeared in the wall around him.

[Calm down. ]

He frowned slightly and raised his hand revert the time of the wall, feeling that his mood swings were a bit unusual today.

[Come to think of it when was the last time I ate? ]

Suddenly a person appeared in front of him.

His breath was uneven and the tight-fitting sportswear was attached to his body to outline the perfect muscle lines: "... what are you thinking about?"

[What a shitty expression. ]

Saiki: 'I didn't think about anything. '

[Who has a shitty expression? ]

Bakugou snorted, raised his hand to caressed the back of his neck and then passed Saiki: "I'm waiting for you at the finals." He said with a lazy voice.

[If I could, I wouldn't to meet you in the finals. ]

Saiki looked straight ahead, and sincerely hoped that his mother would be satisfied soon. So that he can surrender before facing Bakugou.

By the time Saiki arrived, Todoroki was already waiting on the field, his eyes of different colors staring at him motionlessly.

"The cold-faced male with a dual quirk Shoto Todoroki versus the one who looks very ordinary but it is not ordinary Kusuo Saiki, who has finally arrived !!!!"

[Who is not ordinary? ]

[Don't give people such a strange description. ]

Saiki had some black lines on his face. Present Mic's introduction is really hard to understand.

[But if you want a high profile ...]

While he was still thinking, the game had already begun and ice spread under Saiki's feet and the cold air enveloped the audience in an instant.

Easily jumping up to escape, Saiki was deep in thoughts.

——After all, he has been pursuing to keep a low profile, suddenly his headache became worse.

[Speaking of Todoroki, his attacks are very high-profile. ]

Turning in mid-air, Saiki noticed the iceberg made by Todoroki. Something of the level like this, he could do easily. But before the sports festival began, he had promised to only use the registered quirks, so he can't break his promise.

[I should try to extend the time as much as possible, so mother can see me 'struggling'. ]

Thick ice shards struck down from the sky and Saiki broke all of them with one punch.

"--What amazing power !!" Present Mic's commentary was filled with shock. "Kusuo Saiki who has never showed off his strength can destroy the hard ice with his bare hands!"

But the ice shards were just a decoy, the real attack was hiding behind it.

[Yare yare, I thought it would be easier if I kept my distance.]

Somehow helpless Saiki paid attention not to injure Todoroki who was suddenly so close.

In just a few seconds, Todoroki attacked him more than ten times, while Saiki avoided them all and slowly, the two backed off to the edge of the bounds.

"The scene right now is delicate, very delicate!" Present Mic said pretending to have a headache.

[That's too much, Mr. Mic. ]

That s right, Saiki did hold the idea of ​​ending the game as he did last time, but Todoroki is not Iida. After Saiki's old tricks were reapplied, he braked urgently and used an ice wall to avoid getting out of bounds.

"The same moves are useless!" It seemed that he felt underestimated and he pursed his lips.

[I just tried it. ]

Saiki stopped to pick up a few pieces of ice.


Seeing his movements, as if remembering something, he quickly fell back and a thick ice wall rose in front of him.

[This is also useless. ]

The broken ice flew out of his hand and the seemingly soft force actually implied damage, penetrating the high wall with an unbelievable momentu  and scratched across Todoroki's cheek leaving a trace of blood.

Todoroki opened his eyes wide as he watched the ice closely drift pass himself.

[... That was dangerous. ]

Originally, I just wanted to break the ice layer. I didn't expect the strength of the shot to be so heavy. Fortunately, he changed the direction at the last second.

[It's getting harder to control. ]

But no matter why, the main goal now is to end the game, now he is no longer able to continue like this.

Todoroki was still standing in place, ice spread from under his feet, looking like he was thinking or waiting.

'Are you still not going to use your left side, Todoroki?' Saiki slowly approached him.

His eyes flickered, but didn't speak, ice spikes appeared and flew towards him wanting to stop Saiki's movement.

Slightly turning sideways to avoid the oncoming icicles, Saiki walked on the smooth ice surface without any problem.

'Something like this won't stop me.' He calmly said.

He gritted his teeth and a slightly struggling look appeared on his always expressionless face.

"Todoroki-san- Come on-!!!"

Suddenly a powerful shout came from the audience,.

[! ]

Hearing the familiar voice, Saiki looked towards the source. Midoriya's hands were placed around his mouth, his expression was anxious, but his eyes were full of determination.

[Midoriya ...]

Before Saiki could even wonder when Midoriya and Todoroki were so close, something interrupted him.

[? ! ]

There was a sudden burst of fire in front of him.

Behind the broken ice wall, the blaze of flames around his left body fluttered in the air with the wind, hot and bright.

He exhaled slowly and extended his left hand to Saiki.


Sensing that his momentum was very different from the one just now, Saiki froze, turning his attention back to the arena and looked at the young man surrounded by fire in front of him.

[Yare yare, even his expression is completely different. ]

Now that his opponent was serious, he can no longer act perfunctoryly.

Saiki lowered his body, hitting the ground with a hard punch, extending from his point of force to the feet of Todoroku, the cement burst and the rocks rose.

Stepping on the protruding stone, he rushed towards Qimu, the flames around him moved like a fire snake.

[It's about time to end things.]

Saiki reached out and gently inserted his fiingers into the concrete floor, using cleverness to pull out the whole piece.

"What's up with this development?" Present Mic yelled watching Saiki's movements, with some doubt, "Kusuo Saiki grabbed a cement plate that is at least as tall as a grown up person!"

[I promised not to directly attack the body after all. ]

Saiki easily threw the seemingly heavy block of cement up, turned in the air and kicked it. The cement board blasted away at an alarming speed with wind pressure.

A clear iceberg rose from the ground, trying to obstruct the cement board, but the original hard ice layer was easily cut like tofu, his left hand quickly released a fire, slowing the speed of the it.

Saiki jumped forward two steps and stepped on the cement board gently. The cement ignored the blockade and unscientificly moved even faster, pushing the unprepared boy a dozen meters away.

"--This is!" Present Mic widened his eyes in disbelief in the broadcast room. "Did you see that ?!" His voice couldn't hide his excitement.

"Quick and aprupt fighting!-This is Kusuo Saiki's style!!"

"Shoto Todoroki is out of bounds!!!"

Saiki: ... what style?

But after Present Mic announced the results, Todoroki still didn't recover from his shock. He stayed in place, and the flames on his left body hadn't gone out.

It's over ...?

Suddenly, he understood some of Iida's depression, which made him feel helpless. He clearly figured out that he wanted to have a hearty battle with no regrets. But before it could even begin, the end of the game was announced.

-Todoroki felt wronged.

[Forgive me, Todoroki-san. ]

Saiki looked away slightly, not looking at the accusing gaze of Todoroki.

[This is for a far greater benefit. ]

Walking down to the lounge, Saiki did not plan to return to the audience, he is up next anyway.


He sat on his seat and reacted realized something.

—— After the next battle the sports festival ends, so that means ...

[Won't I be the champion if I win the next round?! ]

Saiki's originally relaxed expression froze completely.

[No no no, impossible. ]

He sat upright, sternly, as if facing a terrible enemy.

-It is impossible for him to win the championships, over his dead body.

Although he has entered the top two now, there is still a chance to admit defeat if his cruel mother finally was satisfied!

Recalling the strange feeling on the field just now, Saiki took out his phone and quickly tyoped a text message.


He got an answer back in seconds.

[You were trying your best Kusuo! Keep trying your best at the finals~]

[PS: Don't try to withdraw~ You know the consequences~]

Saiki: ... how evil

Sighing, Saiki put down his phone.

Saiki: I wonder how many times I've said this... I wanna die.
