The 58. Disastrous Day

[What are you thinking, Bakugou?]


Bakugou was again tied to the chair, feeling that he had never been free in this office.

Saiki quietly sat beside him, with his head of curly hair.

[Attacking others in the office of Best Jeanist. Do you think your treatment is not bed enough already?]

Best Jeanist sat down behind his desk holding a cup of tea—no one knew how he drank through his high collar.

"Since we have already made some progress--"

He gave Bakugou a glance, with the now perfectly straight hair that was reflected in the light: "even though some of the change is not that significant ..."

In an instant the neat beige hair exploded back to it's original state.

He stared at Best Jeanist, just as alert as a cat that was staring at the bath water.

The hairdresser re-summoned "Miru-chan" and it swallowed Bakugou's head in one bite.

"... but there are at least some minor changes."

Raising his eyebrow, there was an unsatisfied look on his face, "Next I will announce your specific tasks for tomorrow."

[Is it finally here, the daily activities of a hero?]

Saiki blinked, he had forgotten his ultimate goal since he entered this office, now his internship has finally started.


Bakugou was spit out again, his hair was back to it's neat state, his face dark.

But when he heard the words of the No. 4 Hero, he grinned in excitement and even ignored his new hair style.

"... Is it finally possible to fight?"

In his voice is almost uncontrollable excitement, just like a villain that was finally free.

[No, I'm afraid we won't do the things you're expecting, Bakugou.]

Saiki didn't believe that normal hero activities would be arranged by those who said they would change them.

He also didn't think that he will let Bakugou do whatever he wanted.

"Because of the different problems of the two of you, tomorrow's tasks will be done separately."

As he said that he gave Bakugou a meaningful look.

"Katsuki Bakugou will be following me the whole time and I only have one request----follow my every command!"

Bakugou frowned, but didn't say anything.

As long as he can participate in the daily patrol, he wasn't afraid that there would be no opportunity for him to fight.

——Even Best Jeanist cannot look at him at every moment.

He thought quite optimistically, maybe this internship will not be that bad.

However, one day later, Bakugou recalled his mindset and realized how naive he was.

——He was still too young.

"... As for you, Kusuo Saiki." Best Jeanist shifted his target, "Your mission is more special."

Saiki had a bad hunch, generally this "special" represents all kinds of troubles that will be encountered next.

Without directly explaining the task, the be hero suddenly pulled the topic.

"Do you know why I said I want you to be like Katsuki Bakugou?"

[I don't know and I don't want to know.]

'Because there are a lot of excellent qualities that I can learn from him. '

Thanks to him sitting next to Iida, now he could say obvious lies like this without changing his expression.


It seems that he was shocked by his answer since Best Jeanist did not speak for two seconds.

"... Be more specific."

[Sorry, I can't find anything.]

Although he was thinking that, Saiki still played along: 'Bakugou's strong will to face his opponents without backing out, always seeing victory's perseverance and his unwavering detemination are my goals to learn. '

Not everything he said was made up.

Bakugou does have some glamourous moments, although most of the time he is an asshole and an arrogant bastard — it is undeniable that he is strong and doesn't give up.

After Saiki finished talking, Bakugou was stunned, as if he didn't expect that one day he could actually hear a compliment from him.

It was probably because he was too surprised, his face showed a complicated expression that was a mix of being moved and disgusted.

Saiki: ...

Best Jeanist coughed: "Well ... your thought is quite reasonable."

"But what's more is that I want you to learn his style of behavior."

[What style of behavior, shamefully pledging that he will get first place in front of the country?]

Saiki's face was blank.

"For example, he can pledge getting first place in front of national TV without batting an eye."

[Are you serious!]

Saiki felt like he was almost petrified.

[What the hell is he going to do, is he going to make me vow to be the No. 1 Hero in front of everyone.]

He decided that if that was the case, he would simply think about making Best Jeanist forget that he had ever appeared in front of him.

"So, your first task is to overcome your obstacles."

Saiki: ?

[What obstacles.]

Best Jeanist pulled out a piece of paper.

"As a hero, you should always care about the living conditions of the residents."

Saiki took the paper, which showed the financial state of a coffee shop in the last month.

[Oh my, how stubborn the manager is, to lose so much money and still not closing.]

"You have seen the shops current situation, this is your task----to help the coffee shop come back to life!"

Saiki: ...

[Wait, is this what you need to do to become a hero?!]

——Aren't the categories hero take care of too many!

Saiki: 'I haven't studied anything in this area, maybe I can't help. '

He tried to get away.

[Furthermore, why do I go to help a cafe that is running out of business?]

Best Jeanist spread his arms: "I believe that one of the top students of UA would be able to do such a small thing."

[Even the top students wouldn't go to a cafe!]

Bakugou leaned his head over, after he found out it was full of bills, he leaned back in his chair.

"Huh, how boring."

Saiki just ignored him, thinking.

[Well, I can think of 1378 methods just to help him increase the amount of customers, but there should be only 876 methods to keep the businedd prosperous for a long time.]

-Indeed, it is a piece of cake for someone like him who has superpowers to improve the cafe's business.

Best Jeanist went on to say, "Similarly, there is also a small request for you."

Saiki looked up.

"You have to rely on yourelf to attract customers, so you cannot cheat with superpowers."

Saiki: ...

[What are you talking about, I don't understand.]

But Best Jeanist didn't say more, waving his hand: "Someone will take you there tomorrow morning."

Then the two hairdressers opened the door and made a gesture of invitation, with a clear intention of seeing off the guests.

Forced to accept his task, Saiki returned to the staff dormitory, next door was Bakugou's room.

The shock this afternoon was too great and both of them don't know what is waiting for them tomorrow.

After they chatted and good night to each other, they went back to their rooms.
