The 84. Disastrous Day

'If it's things you need for the training camp, I'm afraid you won't find any at the Kamino Ward.'

Saiki was still trying his best to persuade Baku, even though they were almost there.

"You're so annoying, just give up already."

Bakugou walked in front of him with a stinky face and whispered this.

"I fucking want to go to the Kamino Ward do you have a problem with that?"

[The problem is quite big actually.]

Saiki followed behind him expressionlessly, thinking about whether it was better to go to Kamino with Bakugou or to change his original plan and go to Kiyashi.

[Since I have already rejected to go them, it would be too embarrassing to go and accidentally meet them now.]

So it's better to go to Kamino according to the plan with Bakugou.

"What do you want to buy?"

The Kamino Shopping District and Kiyashi Shopping District were in two different directions. Compared with the general design of Kiyashi's shopping mall, it is more like an ordinary commercial street.

The whole street was full of various shops and there are also many food stands.

Young students walked together in twos and threes, some of them just came out of the gaming hall and some just finished watching a movie.

And this place also happens to have the game store Saiki wanted to go to.

'I'll be going over there.'

He pointed to a shop that seemed inconspicuous compared to the surrounding bright shops.

Bakugou looked at it hesitantly: "This... is it still open?"

Compared with the exquisitely decorated doll shop next to it, the door of this shop looked run-down, with posters that were over ten years old on the glass.

[Of course, this shop is a treasure I discovered back in elementary school.0]

Saiki walked in without hesitation, Bakugou hesitated but soon followed after him.

"It's so deserted..."

It was exactly the same as its outer appearance. There was almost no one in the shop, only an old cat was lazily lying on the counter.

[Selling various old DVDs and games from decades ago in a bustling commercial street, when the packaging is also broken and old, of course, it will be deserted.]

Saiki walked past several containers with DVDs and came to the corner of the store with a small area.

[But in a sense, this is my favorite place.]

Because they sell old games that are not available on the market, except for some outdated screens, the content is just as interesting as other popular gamed and there are no minor problems such as glitching, which is perfect for him.

It can be seen that this store hasn't greeted guests for a long time, even if there were some, they probably have never been to such a remote corner.

The pile of discs in front of Saiki was covered with a thin layer of dust, without any fingerprint.

"Little Star Monsters?"

Bakugou weirdly said the name of the game at the top of the pile.

[What's wrong, is there a problem?]

Saiki also looked at it, as if Bakugou would not walk out of the store alive today if he said anything bad about his treasures.

Bakugou: "This is a game I played in kindergarten..."

[I really don't know if it's good for you already start playing video games when you're in kindergarten.]

Saiki picked up the disc with yellow childish dinosaurs and spaceships. He had also played this game before. Although there was no big problem with it, it was as childish as Bakugou said.

"For videogames, I recommend this... and this."

Looking through the pile, Bakugou chose two of them and handed them to Saiki.

[Seems like at times like this, you still have a bit of value, Bakugou.]

Saiki reached over and took it.

One had a cover similar to an easy mini-game and the other was a traditional demon vs warrior game.

[Then these two and... found it.]

It was a sequel to an escape room game he had bought before because in the end he found something under the bed but did not find out what it was and it didn't mention if the protagonist escaped or not, he was a bit bothered.

[This one should be able to reveal who the person was that locked the protagonist up.]

There were some small expectations in his heart, Saiki planned to go to the checkout after getting these things.

"《Who is it Ⅱ?》"

Bakugou looked at the game disc that he picked up and recognized it.

Saiki nodded, not panicking at all.

[Because according to the personality of Bakugou, it should not be possible for him to play this kind of boring escape game, even if he had played it, I can't hear his thoughts anyway.]

"Don't play the second part of this game."

Bakugou looked disgusted.

"The first part is ok, but the second part is just shit!"

Realizing that there was something wrong, a trace of terror flashed in Saiki's eyes.

"——In the ending the protagonist was locked up because he sleepwalked and flushed the key down his toilet!!!"

Bakugou's tone was full of anger and frustration.


Saiki was expressionless.

[I also want to pretend to sleepwalk and flush you into the toilet now.]


Bakugou didn't know why Saiki still took the game and looked a bit annoyed by him. (Saiki: Please properly reflect on your behavior.)

But he didn't look very unhappy, so the two went to the store selling training equipment as planned.

"I want to buy a pair of slightly heavier weights."

Bakugou described to the clerk, they should be easy to carry and travel with.

Something like weights was not difficult to find in this world where all the may yearn to be heroes. Soon, the two were led to a cabinet.

"This is our newly introduced XX brand wrist weight bands. It has a quirk bonus. It can adjust appropriately when using your quirk to reduce the burden."

The clerk smiled and introduced the product to them softly.

"I have used this brand before, it will be broke in less than a week."

Bakugou was expressionless.

"...Maybe you bought the unimproved version before. At that time, many customers talk about this problem, so the manufacturer improved it... But if you don't want this brand, I personally recommend this one."

It can be seen that the other party was experienced in this kind of field, so the clerk changed his attitude and began to take him more seriously.

But Bakugou's attention was not here. He was attracted by a wristband beside him.

"Is this also a weight band?"

The clerk looked at the product and showed a realizing look.

"Yes, we received this new batch of goods just recently, but because of the high physical requirements, we have not sold any of them yet."

"How high is it?"

Hearing this, a spark of interest that had been just a little bit of interest flashed in his eyes.

"Let's put it this way," the clerk took out a tester and placed it next to the wristband, which showed an amazing number. "This wristband is divided into eight levels. If you can unlock the first seven, your arm strength might just be close to All Might's."

Bakugou raised his eyebrow: "What about the eighth level?"

The clerk withdrew the tester, revealing a somewhat smug smile: "For now, including the heroes who tested the product, they have failed to meet the requirements for unlocking the eighth level."

This was a bit unexpected, Bakugou asked: "Not even All Might?"

The clerk shrugged: "He is the only hero who they failed to get to test, so what I just said is just hypothesis... If it's All Might, he might really be able to unlock the eighth level! He is the No. 1 hero after all!"

Moving his line of sight back to the wristband, Bakugou has already left behind the product that the clerk just wanted to introduce.

"I want two pairs of this."

His tone was firm.

"...This, I'm afraid you can't."

The clerk hesitated.


Bakugou looked at him threateningly.

"Because this product's performance is too poor, the manufacturer has decided to recall it all, someone will come to collect it later."

The clerk was also very helpless, there was no problem with the production, but it is because the requirements for the users were too high, it has not even been sold once.

"Although it is said that as long as someone can unlock the eighth level, it will continue to be sold... but who else can achieve that except All Might?"

Bakugou frowned and just wanted to say something but was interrupted by the noise from the other side of the shop.

"—He-Hey? Am I hallucinating? It really is a child?"

"Oh god, it's true! I didn't expect anyone to pass this challenge on the last day!"

The other two clerks in the store were discussing something with excitement and were very loud.

Bakugou turned his head: "Challenge?"

The clerk was a bit lost: "The store manager did it to prevent the product from being recalled... as long as someone can unlock the eighth level, all products of this brand will be given to them for free..."

He immediately realized something and exclaimed: "What?! Someone really succeeded in the challenge?!"

He didn't know why, but Bakugou thought this it was a bit strange.

[How can the power of All Might be compared with it when it's possible that someone random can unlock the last level, it's not like it's that guy... wait, Saiki?]

Suddenly he paused and found that the teenager who had come in with him had long disappeared.

Bakugou: "..."

[No way.]


Saiki was very regretful right now.

Just now, because he was not interested in the fitness equipment Bakugou wanted to buy, he just sat on the chair at the door of the store and waited for someone to come out.

Just then, he saw a wristband and a poster on the door.

[As long as the eighth level is unlocked, there will be a surprise prize!]

[It's just a small way for the store to promote anyway.]

Thinking about it indifferently, he planned to try it out, because he saw the small printing under the surprise prize, opportunity to order a dish from Sweet Dessert.

[Last time I ate the dessert made by him from the white mouse.]

The taste was very good, but it is so rare that most people can't even get in touch with this strange foodie.

[Well, I am quite confident in terms of strength.]

While there was no one around, Saiki quietly picked it up.

As soon as you put it on his wrist, the wristband automatically activated and tightly wrapped itself around it and a small screen was displayed for operating it.

[The eighth level mentioned on the poster... Let's try it out first.]

He tapped on the touch screen and adjusted it to level one.

In an instant the originally light wristband was covered with a strong force, it felt just like-

[My wrist being held by Midoriya.]

Saiki expressionlessly increased his level to four.

[...Being pulled by Mr. Aizawa's capturing weapon.]

He began to wonder if this thing would be here because it was useless, so it was put out as a challenge here.

[But if Sweet Dessert's ordering opportunity was used to sell this kind of stuff... don't tell me this has been designed by the owner's son or something.]

Regardless of whether it was designed by the owner's son, Saiki raised the level to eight in one breath.


[Hm, how shall I explain, this subtle feeling.]

He opened his eyes and felt it carefully.

[It probably feels like being patted on the shoulder by All Might.]

——So this product cannot be sold because it is too useless.

With this thought in his heart, Saiki walked to the front desk with the wristband on his hand to receive the prize.

'Hello, may I ask if I unlocked the eighth level, can I directly receive my price here? '

He stretched his wrists over and let the young lady at the front desk clearly see the unlocked numbers above.


The lady at the front desk who smiled and looked up froze with a smile.

[...Holy shit, All Might!!!!]

Saiki: ???

[Wake up, I am not All Might.]

But without giving Saiki a chance to respond, the young woman almost screamed with a voice crack.

"Someone has cleared the level!!! The eighth level!!!"

In an instant, Saiki felt that the gaze of the entire store was brought together.

[...Wait, isn't this a useless product that everyone can pass through?]

But it was too late to realize now, a crowd surrounded him and looked at him in amazement and awe.

Saiki: "..."

[Is it too late to say that this is a misunderstanding.]


When Bakugou and the clerk walked to the front desk, the onlookers had been cleared a lot.

But the pink-haired youth was still being looked at from everywhere and there was a trace of lifelessness flashing on his expressionless face.

"...It really is you."

Bakugou was speechless.

This person always says that he causes trouble-obviously he also causes just as much trouble!

'Don't even mention it.'

With a chuckle, Bakugou took a step to the side, covering the person behind him and blocking those annoying gazes.

[Forget it, at least I got the invitation ticket for the next dinner party of Sweet Dessert... and the waiting number.]

Saiki looked at the thin two sheets of paper in his hand and tried to comfort himself.

'Have you bought what you wanted?'

He looked up and asked Bakugou.

Bakugou's eyes strangely looked at the bag of things around him: "These are the prizes?"

Saiki turned his head to look around and nodded indifferently: 'Do you want it? ...It does not seem to have any use to me.'

From the thoughts of the crowd watching just now, he has learned that it was not easy to unlock the eighth level and no one could do it in the store-but with this kind of strength the weights, felt like he was just being patted on the shoulder by All Might

Saiki: There isn't even someone I can beat.

Bakugou: ...

Although there was nothing wrong with Saiki's words and he indeed did not need these, but Bakugou was still pissed.

"No need."

Gritting his teeth and squeezing a twisted smile, he turned his head and let the surprised clerk take two sets of the model he just selected.

Saiki: '?'

[They are obviously the same things, why would he get another one.]

Bakugou: Smile.GIF

Even if Saiki couldn't understand him, Bakugou carried his two big bags of things and didn't plan to say a word.

After buying their things and going home, Saiki only now realized that he didn't pay for his games.

Bakugou: "...Are you stupid."

Saiki: 'You obviously didn't realize either.'

[So what right do you have to call me stupid.]

Bakugou originally wanted to go with him, but Saiki said that he was too obstructive to walk with while he was holding so many things, so he sat on a bench in the middle of the commercial street and waited.

Despite his angry face, Bakugou still stayed obediently.

After returning to the shop, he found the owner who was asleep behind the counter.

[You can't blame me for forgetting to pay hen you're hiding in such a place.]

At that time, he originally wanted to pay, but it was completely forgotten after he heard Balugou's words.

After waking up the owner to explain what had happened, the owner was calmer than him. After counting the money, he went back to sleep.

Concerned about the owner's bills, Saiki returned but did not see Bakugou who was supposed to be sitting there.

[...In such a short time... Don't tell me you encountered another villain again?]

Whenever he ran around, Saiki always felt that something bad will happen.

Somewhat helpless, Saiki started to search around with clairvoyance while walking.

But there were way too many people here, even he couldn't tell the location of Bakugou at once.

Suddenly, while passing by an alley a familiar and strange sound sounded, Saiki took two steps backward and this time he heard it more clearly.

"...Don't move, Bakugou, wait!..."

Todoroki's voice unusually sounded quite hectic.

"Damn it...No, it's too tight! I can't move at all!!"

Bakugou growled out loud, annoyed.

Saiki: ...

[What's going on with this development.]
