The 42. Disastrous Day

When Saiki left from the restroom, it was almost time for the beginning of the afternoon match, so he directly went to the stadium. It's not that big of a deal if someone with superpowers like him misseda small meal ... at moost his mood would be worse.

When turning a corner someone ran into him, falling down after the impact.

Saiki: '... Taketa Nissho? '

"Saiki-kun!" His eyes lit up and his voice had a hint of joy.

Saiki watched the child get up from the ground, patting on his wrinkled clothes and his hair.

'What are you doing here?' Saiki asked.

"Ah ... I'm here to watch the sports festival! You were wearing your school uniform when we met so I guessed you would be competing! I was watching you the whole time, you were amazing!" Taketa Nissho showed a shy smile.

Saiki: ...

Saiki was a little late when he came to the stadium, after chatting with Taketa Nissho. The content of the third round has been announced. It's one-on-one matches.

Kaminari waved at Saiki excitedly: "Saiki, over here!"

The non-participants all sat at the designated positions of their class and waited. There was an empty seat next to Kaminari, far away from Bakugou. He sat next to the aisle and all the seats that circled around him were empty.

Saiki walked over and didn't see the familiar curly green hair anywhere: 'Is Midoriya up for the first round? '

Kaminari nodded: "Yeah, he's against that teammate of yours from the general department."

[Shinso? ]

His quirk is very advantageous compared to others, but as long as Midoriya does not speak, his physical strength can easily crush him.

Sure enough, although he gave in to his provocation at the beginning, Midoriya broke away from his control by nreaking his own fingers and then a sharp shoulder throw threw Shinso out of bounds.

The person sitting two seats away on the right side of Saiki seemed to hum.

Midoriya advanced to the next round at the cost of one finger. Although Shinso was defeated, his quirk and talent were seen by the audience. It is estimated that it is only a matter of time before he gets professional guidance.

Saiki now knows that he is up at the third round, his opponent is Kaminari, he was told he had to head to the waiting room before the second round began to prepare.

Kaminari looked a little nervous, but was also looking forward to it: "I didn't see your skills when we were at the USJ before. Now I can finally experience it for myself!"

[I may disappoint you, because now I am only allowed physical strengthening and telepathy. ]

These two abilities have no advantage over this Pikachu.

Saiki and Kaminari later went to the waiting room to wait for the end of the second game.

Compared with the first game with no exciting moments, the second round was more powerful, but while getting an excellent visual experience, the battle itself was only one-sided.

Saiki could hear the comforting words towards Ojiro like "Don't mind it" on the outside of the room.

Todoroki normally should not do such an excessively strong strike towards his opponents, Saiki guessed that he might have encountered something before the battle.

The door of the room was pushed open and the blonde-haired teenager strode in.

Saiki: ...

Looking at Bakugou quite alertly, Saiki didn't think he just came over for a friendly visit.

Bakugou pulled his chair and sat down at the opposite side of Saiki, showing no expression.

Because Todoroki had caused too much damage to the battlefield, it takes a while to completely clean it up, so Saiki could not go up for a while.

Like this the two were silently looking at eachother, it seemed that they were waiting to see who would speak first.

'So what are you doing here?' Saiki didn't around the bush.

"Come and watch you." Bakugou answered, his tone casual.

Saiki: '...? '

"If I don't watch you closely, you might surrender before the end of the first round, right?" Bakugou said, already seeing through Saiki's intentions.

Saiki had a serious expression and a serious tone: 'How can you think this way? This is not only disrespectful towards your classmate, but also disrespectful towards sportsmanship! '

Baakugou's expression twisted for a moment, as if to say that you fucking dare to talk to me about sportsmanship?

[At least I will try first and then look for opportunities to lose without a trace. ]

Saiki didn't feel guilty at all.

"You can't lose at a time like this!" Bakugou paused, then reluctantly said: "... we are in two big groups."

[So? ]

Saiki asked with his eyes.

[... So we won't go up against eachother without entering the finals!! ] Bakugiu grinded his teeth in secret.

-How nice of the person assigning the groups.

In an instant, the world was bright again, Saiki has never been so full of hope for life like now and even the air that just felt a little stuffy has been refreshed a lot.

But the false brotherhood must be maintained.

'That's such a shame.' No regret could be heard in his tone.

"It is a pity," Bakugou sneered. "So I decided to wait here, if you came back after losing ... hm."

Saiki: ...?

[Do you know who you are threatening, young man. ]

Just as Saiki was about to open his mouth, the cup on the table suddenly exploded, the water splashed across the table and flowed over the edge. Several pieces of glass flew over Bakugou's face.

Bakugou: ...

His expression froze: "... Are you so angry?"

He just threatened him casually, he didn't really want to start anything ... 

Saiki was also stunned, "No, I didn't..."

Although he was a little unhappy just now, it didn't get to this point.

Bakugou raised his eyebrows and looked at the mess on the table, unconvinced.

——Is it possible that this cup committed suicide?

Saiki: ... maybe.

Bakugou actually knew in his heart that Saiki didn't do this intentionally, but it would be silly to miss such a good opportunity.

He furrowed his eyebrows, stroking the place where his face was almost injured by the glass with a painful expression: "It hurts, that was really dangerous ... I almost got killed!"

Saiki: ?

The speed of him changing his face is really amazing.

Bakugou lowered his hand, rubbed his thumb against his index finger and evoked a sinister smile: "Compensation- for my mental health, after-care, medical costs ..."

Saiki: ...

Wait, where the simple tyrant who only knew about fighting, who did he learn such shameless behavior from ?!

Blinking, Saiki began hallucinating ... No, the lights in the room suddenly started blinking wildly!

"Hey, what are you doing?" Bakugou stood up nervously, looking up at the blinking lights.

But the moment he asked, the light bulb above his head burst suddenly, with a clear sound and the room was dark.


Saiki frowned slightly, looking at his hands, trying to get the light bulb back to one day ago.

After a small ray of light appeared, the light did not recover and the room was still dark.

Bakugou wanted to say something, but first he felt something hard.


His eyes looked down, he could barely see the outline of the object, there were a pile of things scattered on the table.

Bakugou: "... Those are?" His tone was a bit puzzled.

Saiki: ...

[Calm down, calm down first. ]

[Don't think of strange things. ]

Saiki took a deep breath, trying to calm down his inexplicable impulsive emotions.

"--Now, finally after a long pause!!!" Present Mic screamed out to the audience, "Lets welcome-the students of the third round !!"

[Not good. ]

It's my turn.
