The 18. Disastrous Day

UA High School's hero course, although they are all determined to become heroes, today everyone is equally annoyed by their daily normal lessons.

"It feels so ordinary ..."

Denki Kaminari complained while laying on his table. He had just finished the "energetic" English class of Present Mic and now he is brainwashed with his "Everybody head up!"

"Indeed, but it's also part of school ..."

Kyoka Jiro who was beside him propped up her body and barely lifted herself to stand up.

"You should hurry up. The next class will be on the next floor ..."

Denki Kaminari wanted to escape reality, so he grabbed his hair in frustration and wailed.

[Home economics class, I don't hate this course of making desserts that you can take away yourself.]

Saiki was on his way to the next classroom.

[Although I don't know why there is such a class in the morning, I still look forward to it.]

"Uhm ... everyone, please form groups of two- two or three people... then ... then please come to the front to collect the materials, what we are going to make today is pudding ..."

The teacher was shy and timid, wearing soft colored clothes and her voice was soft.

"Ooooohhhhhh~ tight aprons are the best!!!"

There was a strange voice of excitement behind Saiki.

[Your true nature has been exposed, no doubt, Minoru Mineta.]

Saiki took his clothes and gloves that he would use in class, feeling that his spiritual world was dirtied.

[But if I have to form a team, compared to other students who don't know the depth of cooking, I should ...]


Bakugou who was lazily leaning against the cooking table looked at him.

Saiki stood in front of Bakugou with his own things, his intentions self-evident.

Bakugou chuckled and said arrogantly, "If you want to team up you should beg me!"

'Please team up with me, Bakugou. '

Saiki asked without any hesitation.

"... Ah, um, okay."

Even if Bakugou is accustomed to Saiki sticking to himself as soon as he arrives in the cooking class, but he is still agitated by his quick answer.

"I got the material, Bakugou! ... Huh, this is, Saiki?"

With his striking red hair, Eijiro Kirishima came with material for two people and saw Saiki, who was standing beside Bakugou.

'Hello, Kirishima-san. '

Saiki nodded, not expecting that Bakugou could have other friends.

"I didn't expect that Bakugou could have other friends, what a surprise!"

Kirishima put down his things and smiled cheerfully.

[Hey, you actually said it out loud.]

Sure enough, when Bakugou heard this, he exploded.

"What do you mean with other friends ?! Four eyes obviously begged me to team up with him !!!"

"Huh? But if you two don't have a good relationship, he probably wouldn't come to Bakugou, right?"

Kirishima smiled, totally unaware of what exactly he said.


Bakugou was rarely silent for once, he did not make another sound again, but stood up and started wearing his gloves.

[At times like this you should deny the claims!]

Saiki stood beside him expressionlessly.

[I just came for your cooking skills. Who has a good relationship with you?]

"Say, Saiki is also a childhood friend of Bakugou, right? ... It must've been really hard!"

Kirishima came to Saiki and whispered him, glancing at Bakugou who was obediently wearing a hat.

'......It was okay. '[It was indeed really hard.]

Saiki began to pour the ingredients out into various vessels.

"But unlike Midoriya, Saiki and Bakugou can get along well ..."

Thinking of Midoriya trembling when he saw Bakugou exploding as soon as he saw him, Kirishima couldn't help wondering.

'...' [How do I know, the person is right next to you, so you go ask him.]

"Hey, dumb hair, what are you and four eyes murmuring about ?!"

Bakugou felt like someone was saying bad things behind his back, so he accusingly glared at the two.

"Well, of course, as new friends, we need to get to know each other!"

Kirishima put his arm around Saiki's shoulder, grinned, and showed a thumbs up towards Bakugou.

"Hah?! What do you mean to get to know each other! Hurry up and get ready to prepare the ingredients!" Bakugou put the cutting board on the table with an annoyed look.

Kirishima put down his hand resting on Saiki's shoulder, turned his head, and asked him, "What is he so angry about?"

'......'[How would I know!]

"Uhm ... everyone, I wrote the steps on the board ... this ... um, as long as you follow it ..."

The teacher's faint voice sounded, she was like a frightened rabbit, even though no one was causing trouble.

[So UA will also have such an introverted teacher, huh.]

Saiki watched the teacher who while explained the task looked like she's about to die.

[But in the home economics class, nothing will happen, so the teacher can feel a bit relieved.]

"Then I'll cut some fruits first!"

Kirishima confidently picked up a kitchen knife and an apple.

[Although I haven't been in the kitchen at home, I should be okay after watching my mother make it.]

[No, I'm not okay at all.]

Saiki stared at Kirishima's moving hands closely, it's easy to cut themselves when using a  knife for the first time.

"Look at me !!!"

Kirishima pressed the apple on the chopping board and quickly slashed with the knife in his right hand.

[... Looks easy, there will probably be no problem?]

When Saiki found out that Kirishima was also using a  knife for the first time, Saiki couldn't help but feel a bit relieved.

[Like this, I can probably eat the freshly baked fruit pudding right after class.]

Thinking about it this way, he was a little bit happy.

"Wai- wait! Yaoyorozu-san, please don't use your quirk to create puddings directly!"

The teacher said with a flustered voice.

"Oh, I can't? I'm really sorry! It's because I have never done it ..."

A louder voice than the teacher sounded.

[That girl is called Momo Yaoyorozu. Her quirk is creation, it's also a convenient ability in various categories.]

[Looks like she just wanted to create a pudding directly. She's kinda like a living cheat.]

Saiki cracked two eggs into the bowl and started to stir. At this time, Bakugou had taken out the soft gelatine slices and put them aside for later use.

'Kirishima, have the apples and mangoes been cut? '

While cracking the eggs into the bowl, Saiki asked Kirishima, who was still cutting.

"... Um! Alright! ... probably."

Kirishima turned to face them with a brilliant smile, but there was some nervousness in his tone.

"——Hey shitty hair !!!! You didn't even peel the fruits or removed the seeds!!!"

Bakugou looked at the fruit cut by Kirishima with a disgusted look.

[...what a disaster, it looks slimy disgusting.]

He glanced at the fruit for a moment and decided not to look at it any longer.

"... Look, idiot! Peel the skin first ..."

"Oh ... oh! Amazing! ..."

Bakugou was probably ashamed to have someone that is in the same group make something so bad, so he taught Kirishima slowly while scolding and grumbling.

[Sure enough, following Bakugou in home economics class is the easiest way.]

Looking at this scene with relief, Saiki lowered the bowl in his hand and looked up at the instructions on the board.

"Really! This teacher is so irresponsible!"

"Huh ... Huh? Iida-san..."

It was the voice of Midoriya.

"What exactly is the right amount of sugar? What is the right amount? 10 grams? 50 grams? How can you make a delicious pudding without writing such a crucial thing ?!"

Saiki turned his head to look at the guy who sounds quite troublesome.

Iida complained, pointing to the steps on the board and complaining to Midoriya while his other hand was pushing his glasses up and down frantically as if he was really irritated.

"... No, maybe the pudding shouldn't be made too precisely..."

Midoriya said with a nervous smile on his face.

"Well, you should just add as much as you think is the right amount ..."

"It's okay, Iida-san!" The last person in their group is the cute short-haired girl, she clenched her fists and cheered. "Tsuyu's group seems to be doing well, we can go and learn from them! "

[Tsuyu ... I remember it's the frog girl with big eyes.]

Saiki looked at the group of Tsuyu Asui.

"Huh, this is ... the feast of darkness."

A classmate with a black head like an eagle looked at his work with satisfaction and Tsuyu had her head tilted aside while being speechless.

[... oh my.]

The unknown sticky substance in the bowl was suspiciously black. It seemed to still be emitting an unknown green gas when stirring it even a little, you could hear the sorrowful cries from the abyss of hell.

[It's really a dark cuisine, Tokoyami-san.]

Praying in silence for those who may eat the pudding later, Saiki refocused on his group.

Kirishima has just recovered from the aggressive teaching of Bakugou and is currently trying to do it himself.

"Let's see ... Bakugou said to curl the fingers inwards..."

[It's the fingers of the hand that holds the food, not the fingers that hold the kitchen knife!]

"Then ... well, anyway, just cut it-aaahhh!!! I cut my fingers !!!"

[? !! !! ]

Saiki quickly turned his head to look at Kirishima.

"What a mess, didn't you use your quirk? !!! Go to the teacher and change the kitchen knife yourself, you idiot!"

Bakugou snarled giving him a punch on the head.

"... but the moment I cut it, I really thought my finger was going to get cut off ..."

Kirishima grievously picked up the ruined knife and went to the teacher.


Eijiro Kirishima, his quirk is hardening.

A scary man who destroyed a kitchen knife while cooking.

After being assured that no fingers got cut off, Saiki mixed the milk and eggs together.

"Since you have to do the pudding yourself, there is nothing you can do!" Yaoyorozu said not too far away. "Todoroki-san please help me by cracking the eggs into the bowl!"


The classmate called Shoto Todoroki hesitated but agreed in the end, looking at the eggs in his hands he had a quite troubled expression on his face.

[Let's ... use a knife.]

He glanced at the other group and seemed to be inspired by someone. He held the egg in one hand, picked up the kitchen knife with the other hand and cut down.

[stop! ]

"Classmate! The egg ...What are you doing! ..."

Someone with a transparent body stopped him, one could only see the movement of the school uniform. Toru Hagakure just wanted to take the beaten eggs from Todoroki and saw that he was holding a kitchen knife and preparing to chop down.

"... cutting eggs ... I think."

Todoroki said with some uncertainty, it seemed that there was some force stopping himself just now ... was it an illusion?

[What's wrong on with this class.]

Saiki, who has been secretly stopping chaos for no less than 5 times, has become more vigorous with his mixing, while also gnashing his teeth.

[There's no normal person here at all!]

"I have read somewhere that an electric shock can ensure that the ingredients are good?"

Kyoka Jiro said uncertainly as he looked at the bowl with the film over it in his hands.

"Huh? Really, my quirk is electrification!"

Denki Kaminari was eager to try it, which was also shown by the crackling in his hands.

[Like I already said, stop!]

"No, no, Kaminari-san! There are microwave ovens here, your quirk will cause an explosion!"

The teacher discovered Kaminari, who was about to move under the influence of Saiki's telepathy and appeared in time to stop him.

"Hey! Four eyes, what are you doing ?!"

Bakugou's impatient voice got Saiki's attention.

When Saiki was distracted, Bakugou had completed all the steps perfectly and now after about 15 minutes, he was done.

[Compared to other's, you're really dazzling, Bakugou.]

After the teacher's evaluation, the group with the highest score really was Saiki's group.

It is worth mentioning that the second-ranked team with Rikido Sato also did a good job, but the other two in the group weren't that good so the pudding looked a little weird.

Both Bakugou and the manly Kirishima didn't like desserts and there was nobody for them to give it to, so the puddings made in their group were now all in Saiki's stomach.

[It's the taste of happiness.]

Saiki closed his eyes and felt the nice texture in his mouth.

"Hey, four eyes."

Bakugou stopped Saiki.

Because they were left behind, only the two of them were around.

'? '

Seeing that he had just contributed such a delicious pudding, Saiki turned his face back, with doubt in his eyes, waiting for him to keep talking.

"this weekend......"

He hesitated to speak, a flash of uneasiness flashed in Bakugou's eyes.

[Yare yare, what with is this development.]

Saiki swallowed the pudding in his mouth and looked blankly at the increasingly more awkward Bakugou.

[ Let's retreat before he says anything.]

'If nothing is wrong, I'll go first. '

"... What I wanted to say is, stay at home this weekend and don't run around!!"

Seeing that Saiki was about to leave, Bakugou grabbed him and roared fiercely, even though his ears were all red.

[That old hag said that I have to compensate him after finding out about the previous incident ... Damn, it wasn't even my fault, that this bastard had to cry!!!]

[... I didn't want to cry either, I didn't even cry at all!]

Saiki was devastated, he didn't expect that the thing that happened such a long time ago was still relevant now, it really felt like lifting a stone to let it hit his own feet.

[But ... I remember my mother said something about that before ...]

"... So the old hag asked you to come to my house with your family this weekend-hey! Are you even listening ?!"

Bakugou looked at Saiki who had a look of distraction and shouted angrily.

'Yes, I got it, I'll go. '

Saiki pushed away Bakugou's face which was distorted by anger and said calmly.

[Well, it's probably because of that thing.]
