The 8. Disastrous Day

[Sure enough, I can't rest assured.]

In the end, Midoriya didn't go home with Saiki, but after rejecting Saiki's invitation, he said that some questions that still needed to be answered by himself before leaving.

But Saiki was not reassured with Midoriya's trouble attracting physique, so he quietly followed him.

[Midoriya, looks really beat...]

Silently watching Midoriya laughing under the tunnel, Saiki was seriously thinking about the possibility of making him unconscious and taking him to the hospital for a checkup.

[Wait, this voice...]

Saiki squinted and looked down the manhole cover.

[A villain? The slimy type? Looks disgusting.]

Saiki was a bit disgusted with the appearance of the 'villain', but if he didn't interfere, Midoriya who was walking next to it will definitely meet the villain...

[Then please stay put for me obediently.]

The manhole cover jittered faster and faster as if something was about to burst out. Saiki used his telekinesis and instantly made the manhole cover tightly to the ground, that could not be pushed away.

The villain: ?

[This should do, now let me take a look for the nearest hero...]

Using his clairvoyance to explore his surroundings, Saiki froze, then the corner of the mouth evoked an unusual arc.

[Don't get too excited, Midoriya.]

In the next second, the ability to cover the manhole was revoked and something like a mixture of stinky water and mucus rose into the sky.

The villain: !

"Huh? ...A villain!?"

After hearing the noise, Midoriya looked at the villain that suddenly appeared in shock and turned stiff, unable to move.

"A medium-sized invisibility cloak!"

The enemy looked at Midoriya with bad intentions attacked him as soon as he turned to flee. The flowing liquid entangled Midoriya's body and a part of it was even roughly stuffed in his mouth.

"Relax, I'm just going to take over your body!"

[Oh, oh my...]

There was a moment of blankness on Saiki's face.

[I'm really sorry Midoriya, I didn't expect it to be a villain with such a heavy taste.]

With unspeakable guilt, Saiki apologized in his heart.

[But hold on, because...]

"It's all right now, young man!"

The words were familiar and there was a sense of salvation, Midoriya's eyes widened in disbelief.

The sturdy blonde man slowly walked out of the well, the tall figure stood in front of the light.

On his face was a triumphant smile. He was——

"Why, because I am here!"

[All Might!]

"Damn it!"

The villain looked at All Might angrily, being chased all the way here, he decided to attack first.

[How can I be defeated here——it's not over yet!!!]

[No, it's over.]

The invisible Saiki floated in the air and saw All Might punch the enemy defeating him.

[As expected of the No. 1 hero. Even for me, if I wanted to receive such an attack without injuries, I could only think of 6 ways.]

Seeing that All Might had put the villain in two empty bottles, Saiki felt a little relieved, but for insurance, he still used his superpower to help seal the mouth of the bottle.

[In this case, the enemy cannot escape without actively unscrewing the bottle cap from the outside.] 

No longer looking at Midoriya, who was still crying wildly because of All Might's signature, Saiki immediately teleported back to his bedroom.

[Next, my favorite murder mystery show is about to start.]


"Katsuki, didn't you grow up with Midoriya since you were young?"

Behind Bakugou, a boy was still thinking about what had just happened. Midoriya's sad expression that was holding back tears made him feel really guilty at the time.

"Yeah, weren't you going too far today?"

Another boy with slightly longer hair also echoed, still showing a hippie smile.

"Hmph, you should blame him for blocking my way."

After drinking the last sip of his drink, Bakugou exploded the can into scorched black directly.

[He's just a 'quirkless' freak but utterly talks about what it takes to be a hero...]

[Besides being 'quirkless', his physical strength wasn't strong either, he is a complete weakling!]

[Saying that he wants to at least try... What does that guy think a hero is?!]

The more he thought about it, the more angry he got, Bakugou kicked a plastic bottle with a terrible expression.

"Idiot who has been daydreaming like a child... he should just be a protected ordinary person like four-eyes..."

These obscure words were squeezed out and then he yelled to the two friends who fell behind, "Hey! Come on!"

"Wait, Katsuki, look the content of this bottle is weird!"

One of the two picked up the plastic bottle kicked by Bakugou, shook it and revealed a mischievous smile, slowly unscrewing the bottle cap.

"What could it be..."

"Oh~ maybe it's poop from the sewer!"

Getting annoyed, Bakugou ignored them and turned around to leave.

"...Aaahh!!! It's a villain!!!"


He heard the screams and quickly turned his head, his pupils contracted sharply as he saw the sludge-like villain bursting out of the plastic bottle instantly.

"It's an invisibility cloak with an excellent quirk!"


[Yare yare, it's about to begin.]

Saiki had no expression on the surface. When in fact, he was sitting in front of the TV with great anticipation, holding an unsealed coffee jelly in his hand.

[In this episode they will reveal the killer. Is it the wife or the grandpa?]

"——An emergency notice will be inserted now!"

Waiting for the end of the advertisement, Saiki froze and watched the urgent news broadcast suddenly.

"A slime villain appeared in the commercial street. At this time, a young man with an explosive quirk was taken. The explosions caused a fire at the scene. Because the heroes on the scene do not have a suitable quirk, the scene is quite tense right now! We advise viewers not to go to the commercial street to avoid causing any casualties. In addition, please ask the heroes with suitable quirks to see the broadcast and immediately go to the rescue! I repeat... "

[Slime villain? Explosive quirk?]

Looking at the familiar explosion head in the picture, Saiki's face turned dark.

[Hey, where did you come from, Bakugou?]

It was time for the show, but the emergency notice is still playing in a loop. It seemed that it will not be shown until the matter was resolved.

Saiki dropped the coffee jelly, thinking that he also had a certain responsibility and instantly teleported to the roof of a commercial building.

[Yare yare, how tense you yare, heroes.]

Saiki looked around and found that the scene was indeed chaotic.

Bakugou was almost completely engulfed by the villain, he could only see him from the gap that he was still struggling, but he was pulled back by the villain every time he was about to get out.

The smoke and flames caused by the explosion were a bit blinding.

There were many implicated innocent people trapped in the stores nearby. Kamui Woods held a few victims with his branches carefully through the sea of ​​fire, which seemed to be very restricting. Some heroes were helping to extinguish the fire, but the efficiency waws too low, it is not comparable to the speed of the flame spreading and Mount Lady couldn't enter because of the small space, so she could only watch outside.

[Well, let's help Bakugou first.]

Saiki picked up a small stone from the top of the building, then threw it in the direction of the villain.

The stone that left his hand, brought wind pressure to penetrate the villain's head quickly and smashed a small pit into the ground.

"...Gasp! Cough!"

The villain's attacked head deformed in an instant so that Bakugou's face was completely exposed, making him finally be able to breathe. Although there were some doubts about where the attack came from, Bakugou was only surprised for a second, seized the opportunity to launch a powerful explosion at the enemy and successfully broke away from most of his body.

[He's doing pretty good.]

Glancing at Bakugou, Saiki was slightly impressed by his quick reaction. Saiki then turned his attention to the surrounding buildings. Putting Bakugou aside, it is also important to control the expanding fire at the scene.

[The flames are too scattered to extinguish at once.]

Watching the water flow constantly from both hands, the hero like a fire hydrant was confined to one place to extinguish the fire, Saiki snapped his fingers and the sky was instantly covered by dark clouds.

[Then I should use a heavy rain.]

"Huh? This is... raindrops?"

"Wait! Why so suddenly?!"

"Really? ...Wow! It's raining really heavily!"

At first, it was only a few drops perceived by a few people. After a few seconds, heavy rain poured over everyone's heads. The flames gradually extinguished. Soon, the entire fire was distinguished.

"...Although I don't know why it suddenly rained, it really helped a lot!" There were no hindrances for Kamui Woods anymore, so he used his quirk in the rain, spreading out dozens of branches, from various destroyed shops. Several people were rescued.

"It really rained in time..." Death Arms looked at the dark clouds that suddenly gathered in the sky, he was a little puzzled, but the current situation did not allow him to think long, "Now there is only that slippery enemy!"

"Damn it!"

Being swallowed up again when he was about to escape again, Bakugou was exhausted. This villain had no real body and will be restored after being broken up. In contrast, using his quirk for a long time exceeds his limit. Now his arms were trembling slightly and it was even difficult to lift them.

[Will it end just like this...]

[Is there really no way...]

Bakugou's mouth and nose were covered with mud, listening to the villain's proud laugh in his ears, his eyes flashed with intense unwillingness and anger.

[——How could I give up so easily!!!]

Raising his trembling hands again, that were long out of strength, he still desperately resisted, he was exhausted, but his palms still issued an explosion that cannot be ignored.

[Although everyone says that you are a genius with no one in your way, Bakugou.]

Saiki stood on the top of the building, tossing a can in his hand.

[You're actually just a stubborn guy and I don't hate it.]

Tossing the can lightly, the cans flew out at twice the speed and targeted the villain directly, who engulfed Bakugou.

[Wait! ——that is?!!]

Suddenly a small figure rushed out of the crowd, "I don't know why I rushed out, but my body moved on its own." Midoriya thought while running towards Bakugou.


Saiki dangerously retracted the cans that he threw out, staring blankly at Midoriya who was in tears but still trying to free Bakugou.

[Is that your determination to become a hero.]

Putting down the empty can in his hand, Saiki sat down on the fence, not planning to interfere again.

[Let me see it, little hero.]

"...Because... you looked like you were asking for help..."

In the face of Bakugou's question, Izuku Midoriya opened his mouth wide, revealing an ugly smile.


Bakugou opened his eyes wide, but soon stared at Midoriya more vigorously and snarled in a low voice.

"......Shut up!!"

The villain was hit by such a small junior high school student with a schoolbag and raised a hand in anger to attack Midoriya.

"I almost got out, don't interfere with me!!!"

Midoriya looked at the villain's hand that was getting closer and closer but felt that a sensation of fear swept over his whole body, leaving him unable to move.


The fumes from the impact made it impossible to see what was happening.

"All, All Might..."

Midoriya fell to the ground, trembling while looking at All Might in front of him.

"I really am pathetic..."

"Even though I admonished you, I wasn't putting what I said into practice..."

All Might turned to his side, blocking the enemy's attack with one hand and raising his fist high with the other.

"Pros are always risking their lives!!"

His muscles swelled and a punch full of strength was smashed into the enemy with a whirlwind visible to the naked eye.


Like the slow-motion of a movie, the mud was torn apart by the power of this fist and even the thought of resistance was too late to rise.

The airflow formed by the fist swept up, straight into the clouds, breaking up the dark clouds that came together, exposing the clear sky and bright sunlight.

"Hey, hey, hey..."

"He actually changed the weather with just one punch?!"

"Amazing! As expected of All Might!!!"

The crowd watched All Might in shock, who stood in the sun with his right arm raised and began cheering frantically.

[A really scary man.]

Saiki on the rooftop witnessed the whole process of the incident and he did not miss All Might's unsteady step back.

[Especially with such a serious injury on his body.]

All Might was no longer as strong and indestructible as it looked and the wound on his left abdomen, along with the entire liver and half of the respiratory organs missing, was invisible to others.

[His body is torn and ragged like this...]

Sighing, Saiki stood up.

[Well, this is none of my business, I should go back.]


As the sun went down, Midoriya, who just listened to Bakugou, was on the way home.

[What Kacchan say was true... I didn't do anything in the end and didn't help with anything either...]

With his head down, the whole atmosphere around him turned gloomy.

"I am here!!"

Around the corner, a sturdy figure suddenly appeared.

"All, All Might!? Why are you here?"

Midoriya was taken aback by the sudden appearance of the No. 1 Hero.


The heartily laughing hero suddenly spit out a burst of blood and then "Poof!" Turned into a thin zombie-like man in the smoke.


All Might coughed weakly, adjusted his breathing and looked at Midoriya seriously.

"Boy, I'm here to thank you and correct myself."

"And come up with a plan."

At the end of the setting sun, the blonde man was thin, but in Midoriya's eyes which were wet with tears, he was taller than ever.
