Wings Part 3

Peter and Natasha walked into the training room. Wanda and Pietro were still sparring. Natasha turned to her youngest son.
"So, what were they arguing about?" Natasha asked, raising an eyebrow at the twins.
"Something about if fruits could fight, which fruit would win. Wanda said a pineapple and Pietro said a grapefruit. I personally think a watermelon would win." Peter declared, shrugging.
"Really? A watermelon?" Natasha asked, crossing her arms.
"Yeah, they're big and probably would squash any other fruit." Peter stated, shrugging again.
"A banana would win." Natasha started. Peter raised an eyebrow.
"They're smaller, quicker and more agile. They'll move around better." Natasha informed, shrugging her shoulders. Wanda and Pietro turned to the spiders.
"You wanna go, Pete?" Pietro asked, walking to the side where Peter and Natasha stood.
"How about you, Mama?" Wanda asked, following Pietro. Both spiders black wings pressed against their backs and they prepared for tje sparing matches.
Natasha and Wanda walked to one side and Peter and Pietro went to the other.
Peter took Pietro down after about two minutes, Nat beating Wanda just moments before.
The four stood, grabbing their water bottles. They waited for a few minutes, and soon Natasha and Peter were sparing.
"Иди мама!(Go Mama!)" Wanda cheered from the side.
"Иди маленький брат!(Go little Brother!)" Pietro cheered, louder than Wanda.
The match went on for a few minutes, ending when Peter finally pinned Natasha down.
"Я выигрываю!(I win!)" Peter declared, standing up.
"Хорошая работа, мой маленький паук.(Good job, my little spider.)" Natasha congratulated, smiling proudly.
"I think bananas would win, though." Peter stated.
"Why?" Pietro asked, crossing his arms.
"Mama convinced me." Peter stated. Suddenly, Peter's hand flew up.

Flash stared in shock as Peter caught his in-coming punch. Flash stepped back, still in shock. The family of four turned to see Peter's class and Cynthia, who looled very paniced.
"I'm so sorry! I didn't know this room was ocuppied!" Cynthia said nervouslg, her hands shaking.
"It's fine, Cynthia. Wanda, how about you take her to the cool-down room." Natasha stated. Cynthia looked releaved to get a break.
"Oh, and if anyone gives you sh*t, tell them to come to me." Natasha added as Cynthia and Wanda were at the door. Cynthia nodded and walked out.
Peter smiled at his class, wings resting at his sides. The class just stared at him. The family just walked out, into the private elevator. Natasha told Friday to send up Midtown High's tour group up a new Guide, and to make sure no one left until the Guide was with them.

Let's just say everyone had mad respect for Peter after that day.
