We're Leaving

Natasha sat upright in her bed, quietly sobbing. It was the middle of the night, and Natasha was torn.
Torn between the ones who made her life worth living, and the ones who made it bright. She curled in on herself, starting to shake.
Tony Stark.
Tony f*cking Stark.
He just wanted to destroy every spider's happiness, didn't he. Natasha wiped her eyes, glaring at the wall. slowly, she drifted of into a dreamless sleep.
The next moring, both spiders woke up at the crack of dawn, both preparing for something.
Natasha walked out of her room a few minutes later. She greeted Peter, who had red, puffy eyes.
Natasha smiled sadly at the spiderling, handing him a peice of toast.
When Tony walked in, Natasha glared while Peter shrunk back. Natasha put a hand on Peter's shoulder breifly before walking out.
Immediatly, she was back in the kitchen. She glared at Tony, heading straight to Peter.
The boy was cradling his throbing cheek, sobbing quietly.
"Shhh..." Natasha soothed the boy, hugging him. She pulled back quickly as Peter started to cry louder.
"Это нормально. Тебя там нет Ты со мной в башне. (It's okay. You aren't there. You're with me in the tower.)" Natasha soothed, paying no attention to the others who had flooded into the room.
Slowly, Natasha got Peter to calm down. The spiders stood and headed to get their things.
"You can't kick Peter out. We are leaving of our own accord." Natasha said, slapping Stark as the Spiders walked out.

A/N Sorry this is so short! I've had so many ideas and not enough brain juice, so these next one-shots are gonna be short.
