New Kid

Harley was the new kid at Midtown. He had transfered there so he could talk to his boyfriend Peter more.
Almost everyone liked Harley. Why? He didn't know, but wanna hear the story of his first day? Too bad, Ima tell ya anyway.

Harley walked into Midtown on a Monday morning. he headed to the office, checked in, all that new kid stuff. He went to his asigned locker and made it through the packed halls to his class.
He sat down as the bell rang, and spotted Peter across the room. Peter smiled before turning to the teacher as the tardy bell rang.
The teacher stood up.
"Before we start the lesson, we have a new student. Mr. Keener recently transfered from Rose Hill." The teacher said, pointing at Harley. Harley waved as the class turned to him. The Teacher started the lesson.
As he walked through the halls to his second class, he heard whispers about him. Things like 'I first saw his like an hour ago, but I have a massive crush on him' from both genders.
At lunch, he tried to find Peter and his friends, but he was surrounded by a group of girls before he could do that.
"OMG you're so cute!" Was screamed at Harley, and all the girls surrounding him started writing down their numbers.
"Uh, I'm gay..." Harley said akwardly, trying to be as polite as possible. The girls walked away, pouting. He was then surrounded by a group of boys, also writing down their numbers.
"I have a boyfriend already." Harley said, trying to get away from the boys. Well, apparently those boys didn't care, as they continued to throw their numbers at him.
Peter watched this with Ned and MJ, laughing as quietly as possible. After about 5 minutes of this, MJ turned to Peter.
"Alright, go save him."
Peter stood and pushed his way through the boys and grabbed Harley's hand. The boys protested but Peter led his boyfriend to his table.
"He said he already has a boyfriend, Parker!" Some kid suddenly yelled out. Peter turned to the direction the voice came from.
"Yeah, I'm that boyfriend." He deadpanned. The boys backed away immediately when they saw Peter glare at them.
As Harley and Peter sat down, Ned and MJ chuckled.
"What?" Peter asked, starting to eat.
"You two are gonna be the center of the gossip for awhile." MJ said, picking her book up.
"And everyone will probably try to tear apart your relationship, seeing as half the school likes Harley." Ned added.

A/N This is short because I randomly had this idea. I was like
"I need Peter to just deadpan something to his whole school. What could it b-PARLEY!" So here we are!
