Monster Pt. 2

"He told me. Poor kid was upset so I talked to him. Told me to tell you guys. Said it'd be easier for everyone. The Press can't know, though." Natasha explained. The others just gaped at her.
"We gotta find this kid." Tony said, and the research begun.

The Next Day

Again, Peter sat on the roof, eating a churro. Natasha came up to him.
"Hello." Peter said politly. Natasha smilied and looked out at the city.
"So Peter, how would you like to meet the others?" Natasha asked, looking back at Peter. Peter looked at his watch and smilidd.
"Sure! But it has to be quickly." Peter said as they stood up.

At the Compound

"OI!" Natasha yelled at the Avengers. Everyone turned to look at her. Then they saw Peter.
"This is Peter Parker?" The Maximoff Twins asked. Peter nervously rubbed the back of his neck.
"Yup, that's me. Heh." The rest of the night went well. The Avengers got Peter's cell phone number(and vice versa) incase they needed Spider-man suddenly. At about 10:00 PM, Peter's phone dinged. He looked at it. All of a sudden, Peter's face went pale. Very pale. All the Avengers saw it along with the fear in his brown eyes.
"Crap!" He cried, shooting up and pulling his mask on.
"Gotta Run!" He yelled, hopped through an open window and swung off. All Avengers were concerned.

At The Parker House

"Where were you!" His Aunt screamed at Peter.
"I-I was at the library, Miss" He said timidly. She smashed an empty beer bottle on his head. The glass shattered going everywhere, his clothes, the floor. Blueish blood started seeping out of his head. He hissed in pain and clutched his head. Peter ran out of the apartment, thinking of places he could go. M.J was visiting family in Canada, Ned's family would get waaay too concerned. The only other place he could think of was.... Avengers Compound. He sighed and picked up his phone. He dialed the first number he saw. Natasha's.
"Peter? Are you okay?"

With the Avengers

Natasha's phone rang. She picked it up and looked at the caller ID. She frowned and answered, putting it on speaker-phone.
"Peter? Are you alright?" The Avengers waited.
"N-no. Can I c-come over to the C-compound?" Peter asked. It was clear something was up.
"Yeah, of course, Kiddo." Natasha said. Then the call ended. Natasha went outside to wait for Peter. a minute later, Peter can tripping into veiw. Natasha raised an eyebrow. Was the kid drunk or something? That was until she noticed the blue liquid on his head.
"Pete, what's on your head?" She asked. Peter looked Natasha dead in the eyes and said;
"Blood. My blood is blue." Natasha grabbed Peter's arm and rushed to the others.
"Bruce, Med Bay. Now."  She demanded. Bruce nodded and took Peter to the med bay.
"So what happened?" Scott asked.
"No idea. When I asked what was on his head, he just said that his blood was blue."
After a while, Bruce and Peter came back into the room.
"So, what happened?" Bucky asked.
"M-my aunt was mad that I wasn't home at the right time. She smashed a beer bottle off the side of my head." Peter mumbled, looking at the ground.
"Does that happen often?" Steve asked catiously.
"Y-yeah.... Quite a lot, actually..." Peter admits.

Aunt May was sent to jail, Peter was adopted by Natasha, and the Avengers became his big, disfunctional family. Ned was jelious, M.J wanted to meet Natasha. She got her wish. Ned and M.J hang out with Peter alot(still). Life is good.

A/N So... I've been wondering.... Do you want Joe back? He was on vacation, and really wants to come back to his job. He just wants to know if you want him back on the job.
